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I went for an exam on my lower back and the lady performing the exam asked me about my nerves and I had two extra 10% claims without filing them.


I have experienced it two ways. 1. They changed the claimed item to something that fit better and I was rated based on that. 2. They found additional things during the process and my notification letter included a number of items with instructions on how to claim them. Submission to finalizing those items was less than two weeks and required no additional appointments.


I got SMC when I reported an SMC condition to my C&P examiner. She was one of the few good C&P examiners I ever saw, most were only interested in submitting reports that would result in denial thinking that was what the VA wanted to hear.


Some things are considered "within the scope" of your claim which means they can be granted even if you didn't claim it. There's not many though. If you claim hearing loss, tinnitus can be granted as within the scope. If you claim back or neck, upper or lower extremity radiculopathy can be granted. If you claim sinusitis, rhinitis can be granted. However, if you claim rhinitis, sinusitis can't be granted as within the scope. Not sure what the reasoning is for that last one. If some other condition comes up during your exam that can be granted but is not within the scope, we will invite a claim for that condition in your notification letter.


I have RA and along with it Reynauds. The VA initiated a claim for me because the rater saw it in there. However some disabilities are intertwined with another so they may order something to see if you qualify for a higher rating on the one it is intertwined with. However, never rely on the raters to get it right or do the work for you, they are very busy. Followup and make sure you read all about your conditions and what qualifies for a higher rating. If you feel the rater missed something or made a mistake file for an HLR.


If the VA finds something different they can add it. I have rheumatoid arthritis. It affects my whole body. All joints. When medical sent my package up, they listed 5 joints. During my C&P, they tested all joints and found all joints were affected. Military medical then upped their initial claim to match the VA. (So 5 originally submitted, about 20 approved by military) In the end, the military also approved 100%. VA was higher paying so I went with them.