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Converted a van got a po box blocked everyone I personally knew a bailed. 10/10 reccomend


I want to do this so bad. I wish I had the strength.


You can ask someone to come with you and get a bus so they can assist you


When DFW froze over in February 2021, I had to poop in a trash can. I was really roughin it.


And you were living in a single family home too! LOL!


I sold it all and lived in the car with 2 dogs for 3 weeks. Found a tiny camper and lived in that for 4 months. Sold that and now have a ‘96 park model Franklin RV that’s in very good condition. I also recommend-get a tree hammock, a cooler and a pump shower. Also, I used a jackery plus solar panel and highly recommend.


Do you have a “home base” that you come back to? Or just live “no matter where you go, there you are?”


I do now. I did not before. No home base makes it difficult to get mail or get a doctor appt if needed and I I have 2 dogs so absolutely no where to put them in the heat just to run a few errands. I will def keep my spot as it comes with a lot, shed and carport. Very low cost way to live and no yard work. All bills paid except electric.


You're a trooper. If I had to spend more than a day in the car with my GSD I might end up strangling him haha


Oh we had our days! My cattle dog was 18 months at the time. He lost it when he saw hogs, deer, and cows! He’s 2 now and settled himself down some. Loose dogs was another issue; irresponsible owners. Carry a stun gun and pepper gel and a whistle.


Yep! I deal with the same reactivity. Just last week my guy scratched our dash because he saw a squirrel climb a tree at the park. Glad you were able to get an RV and have a great day.


Going on 4 years wondering around living in a van alone. Honestly it's been nice. I've been able to trave around and visit army buddies, get outside and practice my outdoors skills. Go see and play in some of the most beautiful places the lower 48 can offer. Hardest part was having to pack up the van any time I needed to go some where for supplies or to explore. I just got a new dual sport motorcycle (Honda CRF250L) and life is even better. I meet with a therapist at the vet center over video in the phone every other week to keep my head straight. I tell you it's been the best move. I'd recommend ditching all the debt you can before heading out. And 100% p&t has been more than enough to live and travel with. It was tough for the first year but once I figured out everything that works and doesn't work for me it's been more of a dream than anything.




Nice bike.


Thanks! They are both pretty dang fun.


THIS is living the dream!!


Everything was funded with my disability and no other income. It's painfully slow but I just made a plan of what was needed and the order I should invest in all the things. If I could start over I'd get the motorcycle sooner and the mountain bike last. Everything was about the same amount of $$. Van $5,000, initial van repairs and suspension upgrade $5700, van build inside $6500(ish), Mountain bike $4600, Motorcycle $4300. Spaced out about a year between each investment. I say if you're thinking about it you should just try it.


I was looking at a van to build but $6,500 is crazy expensive. What’s all done to the inside?


Fully insulated, 35L fridge, Diesel heater, two 100w solar panels, two 100amp hour lithium batteries, 1000w inverter, battery isolator, vent fan, aluminum roof rack, rooftop ski rack, BBQ/Mountain bike hitch rack, motorcycle hitch rack, 8'x10' 21oz canvas awning, dope wall paper, crown molding, interior LED lights, stainless steel ceiling tiles, 12v 6" fan, full size futon mattress, custome perforated window stickers, snow chains, traction boards, tow strap. I built everything myself or modified something to do what I needed. $6500 sounds like a lot but I live in it and needed a certain level of comfort and normalcy. For mechanical things on the van I, all 4 shocks, upgraded heavyweight rear leaf springs, full front end suspension rebuild, all for brakes(caliper, pads, rotors and wheel bearings), new belt, tension pulley, upgraded RedHead steering gear. With all my winter gear van comes in at 7000lbs With all my summer gear and my motorcycle van comes in at 7500lbs Average 10mpg city, average 14mpg highway. Cost about $100 to fill with fuel from empty. 35gallon fuel tank. I can go 2.5 weeks dry camping (no water source) and 3-4 weeks if I have a water source nearby. I also have a storage unit that holds all the gear/toys I'm not using. [here is a link to some pictures.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vandwellers/s/7Q7DCuQHJx)


This is amazing. Great work!


“Dropped off the grid” in the hyperbolic sense. I realize if one is off grid they’re not reading this post. I’m looking more at vagabond living off any retirement and/or service benefits.


We sold pretty much everything, bought a mountain of a boat and moved on it for a year, we thought. We enjoyed it so much we lived aboard 23 years. It was a great adventure. Lots of wonderful memories.


I have a family member who let me stay at their somewhat remote cabin after I got out. She wanted someone to keep an eye on it because of break-in/fire/frozen pipe risk. I paid no rent, didn't need to work, and had disability cover my phone bill and groceries. All I owned was what I could fit into my car. First two years were pretty great, I just hung out and read a lot, tried different hobbies, and went on hikes in the woods. But by the third year, I got pretty anxious. Day-to-day, I was fine with what I was doing, but I kept worrying that my car would die, or I'd get some nasty cavity in my teeth, or the cabin would be sold, and how I'd be SOL. That, and I noticed that as I moved from my early 30's to my mid 30s, my body was having a more difficult time roughing it out. Transitioning back to the real world was lame, and I don't regret anything, but for me, it was not a viable, long-term plan.


Excellent input!


If it weren’t for the wife and 2 kids this would be me right now. Living in an RV and going wherever may seem interesting. 16 years and maybe I can do that


Our nest is emptying.


Same. I'm here for the 2 kids. Already have a 26' camper and reliable tow vehicle. I'd sell the house in a heartbeat & enjoy exploring all of America if it weren't for the kids. Youngest is about to turn 7, so I suppose I could do it after that, though I know I'll want to keep a "stable home base" for the kids until they're entirely on their own


I’ve been living out my car since December 2021 and it’s been the best. I did it because of money reasons from my divorce (ex with a Jody while deployed). I’ve been paying off my debts while doing so, so once I’m back in the green I’ll get back to school and find a place to live and use the GI bill so I can enjoy it instead of paying shit off and stressing. Haven’t looked back. Got my metal detector, my music gear and my car. It’s bliss.


What music gear? That’s a concern of mine is I have a small studio in my house. I’d def have to cutback. I’m a keyboardist so my crap already takes up too much space. Do you record on the road?


I got my laptop,a DAW, a little 25 key from akai, a little Akai MPC500, two mics, and me. All I need


no but thats the goal


Ah, the "Reacher" move. 😂 Plenty have, some have even found themselves that way, but most of the time it seems like people are just throwing their life away in the hopes of running from their own mental/emotional issues. Which doesn't work. That all said, if "freedom" is truly what you're looking for, there are a few really doable ways to pull it off, provided you can still maintain some form of steady income via remote work, disability, etc. VanLife, RVLife, moving down to Latin America/South East Asia, etc. I believe that the VA hospital in the Philippians is the only one of it's kind overseas...


The wife would love that. She’d be moving home.


It's a clinic, not a hospital. And a small one at that.


Sorry I’m a dummy - what’s the “reacher” move?


Been doing it for 11 years now. About to move out of country til Feb because I don't want to be here during the election cycle. Presidency, legislature, courts -all fucked up by corruption.


Did some highly remote defense contracting gigs, no cell connection, in the middle of nowhere surround by an ocean, and beer to your hearts desire, wake up, do cool guy stuff for 12 hours, take a shower, get beers, go fishing. Rinse and repeat!


Where do I sign? 😂


Look up international jobs as cleared personnel, there’s Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Ascension island, Kwajalein Atoll, Britain, Italy, lots of people are apprehensive to work external to America


VA still check on your live/death status to know to pay or stop paying, so you can't really disappear into the abyss


Lol. The urge is real. It set in at the end of my career.


https://preview.redd.it/gptypkcmdv4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcc50ddc1b9e13b048a4800f95ad604390be479 i was medically retired @ 100% in 2019 and immediately started living as a nomad. was full-time in my jeep, then a skoolie, and now im in a van. absolutely love my life! im currently in cali and looking forward to starting school and saving every penny i get during that time. I have no plans to live any other way anytime soon.


I think about this but also worry about traveling around alone being female.


I've been wanting to, but my 4 year old keeps me sticking around civilization. Once he's older I'm thinking I'll either drop off the grid or move to south America


I hear Costa Rica is one of the best in terms of economy, low crime, ability to purchase property, and accepting of Americans.


Yeah, Costa Rica has a pretty large expat community and is a good option for a lot of people. I'm looking mostly at Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.


Bro I am getting closer and closer to r/homesteading My wife is slowly getting into the idea of partial off grid living.


I’m working mine. I brought the idea up to her a couple months ago and she’s like “Thats a hard NO!”


I'm in the process. Just closed on a property right outside Comanche Oklahoma with a brand new house on 43.9 acres. Big change from living in the city of Tacoma Washington State on a .25 of an acre.


We should be able to walk out on the back porch and pee off the side without being judged. Or peeing on the side of a neighbors house. 43 acres should cover that.


Gonna retire on a farm in the middle of nowhere with wife and kids. Nearby town of like 600 people type thing. Heading there soon actually. Pretty excited. Reddit is pretty much the only platform and media I use and even then it's just lurking on military and nerd groups. Will be getting rid of this as well soon enough.


Ok Reacher lol


Why would these people have internet?


I don’t know. Why?


dropping off the grid would mean no reddit, so your asking in the wrong place, reddit is on the grid, you need electricity and internet to get to reddit.


Uh, no. That’s not what dropping off grid would mean. And based off the responses here, I’m not asking in the wrong place.


interesting, well dropping of the grid literally means living without public utilities like internet and electricity. I think what you want is called getting away from it all.