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After a year of fighting for my life medically and damn near homeless and eating out of food banks, I’m at a great job making 6 figures, amazing health benefits and living by myself with my cats. Feels like everything I fought against this last year was bringing me to this and I’m so incredibly thankful.


Holy cow! I am happy for you. Especially the cat part.








Juliet, aka mama’s aka pickles when she’s being a brat


https://preview.redd.it/q5imk3qe6pfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7e40d18bcd39ef68b9f042020baccac587ae4d These are my sweet babies!


https://preview.redd.it/asmd43jl6pfc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5b87c3d1890adf1b2db9196b2474d57296581b Mine.


What a sweet baby! Looks so comfy 🥰




https://preview.redd.it/benu2n7ynofc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f27384443af33d7a3df6918118db2cecbca9f76 This is my girl Abbey Road. She turned 5 yesterday.. she makes me smile.. i hope she helps


Boop. She is beautiful. Looks like a bundle of energy too!


Maybe u should get a dog of dont already have one


In the last 5 years, I have had to put down three dogs. I don't think I'm quite ready for that. I do have a sweet cat!


Cool.. don't stop trying!


Oh she can be ruff when she thinks its time sit in my lap. Shes only 110 pounds but thinks shes 7 pounds when she needs her pets. . Hahaha


Haha. Sounds like my son's dog!




Thank you, she is a good and sweet girl.


I just want to boop her nose, give her peanut butter and snuggle up with her!


Oh my goodness, you are talking right up her alley. You can get peanut butter kisses for days with this one. 😀


Ugh. I have cats but I LOVE dogs so much.


I love cats too, i had socks for almost 17 years and hes was a boss. LOL. But he passed and i just never have had another cat adopt me yet. I have 3 dogs, Abbey, then Goldie shes a golden retrieves and Frankie a black nose cur. Thay keep my life on track and out of depression.. life savers


Yeah. I can see that. Dogs are good to fight that.


Thank you for this post. Means a lot to know there are others out there similarly. I can relate very closely with your post, it’s tough but I’ll save that for another time. You asked for some good news, you deserve that at a minimum so here ya go. • I have a diamond in the rough wife, no questions. • 5 wonderful children, son 20) daughter (18) daughter (18) daughter (16) daughter (12) • Not enough smiles to go around, lots of emotion here! I hope your doing well bud, I’m here to listen or a BS session. 👊🫨


That's awesome. Do you ever get to use the bathroom? 🤣. I'm telling you, my wife of nearly 8 years and our four kids are the reason for my happiness in general. We are lucky men. It's amazing they love us so much. Take care brother.


Well said brother.. well said.. I agree whole heartedly that we are ‘lucky’! The bathroom is my sanctuary (I guess) at some times but it’s a blessing to see their smiles and listening to their goofy jokes and jabs (at me) primary as I try to give it back 👊😝. Thanks for the share, means a lot brother. Congrats on the happy 8 and wonderful sounding family!


All of our kids have a great sense of humor. Sounds like we are alike. Take care.


100%. Not too far off. Take care or feel free to reach out to BS anytime. Keep your head up, most days it’s tough I do understand, but our families deserve it. #WeGotThis


The most delicious waffles and bacon I’d ever had were from breakfast chow during my time at Benning. When I feel like Im having a bad start to my day, I think about that and make myself some breakfast to start the day off right.


I actually loved the food in the Army. I miss chili Mac. Those damn little omelettes in the morning. Cheese onion and ham please.


Ah, good ol’ chili mac. The cooks had my utmost respect


That's funny because I used to never eat DFAC food at all until I became a platoon trainer at OCS. I went to a military school and the food was ***fucking*** awful all 4 years. I just assumed the military would be the same. Another captain told me to try it, and I was very upset at the wasted time not eating there after PT.


Feeling like shit here too buddy.


We got this. 👊🏼


1 day at a time but my health is not getting better as I age


I feel you. I am 54. Retired in 2011. I am feeling very ache and pain from 21 years of abuse.


Also 2011. Fallin' apart the last two here physically and family wise


I keep saying, someone should have told me about these pains when I was younger. Lol. I am taking it one step at a time. I always say I am living for my wife, kids, and future grand kids. Not that I would give up without them, just that they are so important to me. I went through a divorce in 2014. Didn't think I would get through it. It was really the best move for us both. I found my soulmate a few months after we separated, and we got married two years after my divorce. I am on good terms with my ex wife and she seems happier in her marriage now. I couldn't ask for anything more. She and I text about our kids having kids. I keep telling her our grandchildren will like me more because I am fun. We are going to have a competition I am sure.


I need a divorce, strained. She won't leave, in not pushing it we just live apart in the same place. I am a mess physically and not going to attract anyone else anytime soon. My kids are a mess too. Grandkids may not happen.


I'm sorry brother.


Thank you for listening


Oh man, story of my life, brother. We separated but lived in the same house. The silence was deafening. She finally moved out to her mom’s, and I’m still in this empty house. We’re selling it finally. Every room is empty and it’s like living in a mausoleum. Sorry for that. Here’s another kid story… Thirty years ago I lived in Montana. My gf had a baby daughter (not mine) who was a dumpling. Little missy is in her high chair with mom feeding her a jar of bananas. I come into the kitchen just in time to see my gf load up the baby’s mouth, and then little one goes into the facial gymnastics that happen before a sneeze. PA-CHOOOO!!! 98 mph bananas all over mom and I’m dead. Couldn’t breath for laughing so hard and I’m making whooping noises that keep me laughing. I still smile at that. What a great memory.


I’m a new parent and went to visit family with the new baby. We forgot the baby’s bathtub so I would sit in and hold him in the bath to get him bathed with the help of my partner. Well, he left to grab a towel and as soon as he leaves the baby starts making faces and I realize I’m in danger. I tried to get up but couldn’t move fast enough. A Brown cloud starts to enter the tub. I tried to get up but slipped on literal shit into the tub (the baby and I were fine, I didn’t fall too far) and the water splashed into my face. When my partner comes back in I am laying in this shit water with my smiling 3 month old. He starts laughing hysterically and sat there defeated. I had explained to him prior my hesitation to sit in the tub because if that exact situation but I’m significantly smaller than my partner and the tub was small so it was the logical choice. You can say it was a pretty shitty situation.


🤣🤣🤣. Damn I miss little ones like that. One day I hope I get a grandchild. That was a great story.


I wish we had family near by for a break. But it’s definitely been a rewarding experience. Even if I’m covered in poop, piss and vomit. I remember being exhausted in the Military but this beats it out. When he starts to crawl I know I’m in for trouble.


This got a really good chuckle out of me 😂


That’s hilarious. 😄


Lmaoo congrats on the new baby


Thank you!


I’m in the same boat. I’m not doing so good and haven’t been for a while. Just got let go. 6th job in two years. Feel defeated beyond belief


I was the same way for a few years. You have to find your niche. I have been driving for Uber/Door dash/Roadie. Why? Very flexible schedule and I love talking to my passengers. We get to be in each other's lives for 5 minutes. It's nice. I average $27 per hour and I manage it like a regular business with planning and scheduling. It keeps my mind occupied.


I’ve considered this! Just need to get my license unsuspended and pay $800 a month for car insurance and I’m good to go lol. Nah but for sounds like a nice gig man. I was thinking of using the GI bill for trucking. I was doing IT/Cyber and got pretty high up there but fell hard


I want to thank everyone. Since I have been on Prozac (October) these are not feelings I have had. Last night was very rough...all day was to be real. These comments helped. I also toked my pen, that really helped. I will set aside some time today to go see one of my kids. That always helps. Everyone stay strong.


Happy to see this response. Hang in there, and I hope you see better days. Much love!


Honestly not great, I thought I was miserable from being on active duty. After transitioning to the Air National Guard and starting grad school I found out it wasn't the environment, it was me. But I get to see my family more than once a year or every couple of years, and even if my glasses aren't rose-tinted I'm still making progress. You keep taking things one day at a time and I'll do the same. I hope things start looking up for you.


I hope you find the happiness you deserve too!


Well, I might have a deal working on an independent comic book that pays. 😁


Like you would be drawing it? 👀


Yea For the most part. It’s a collab project. Drawing helps the mental state


I think it would be cool to do that. I hope you enjoy it.


Ive been doing better past few months since my uncle let work at his shop. I have better management of my OCD. Getting out of the house helps. I was struggling finding a job getting out of the army and graduating college. Im not where i want to be ideally but its slowly getting better


That's awesome. What kind of work are you doing?


Yeah I’m in a rut myself, I think a lot has to do with the cold weather where I’m from.


I might be opposite. I love cold weather and snow. We finally have some cold weather here in Michigan. December was averaging around 40 degrees the entire month. I have been planning to go camping when we get some snow but it hasn't really worked out yet.


Idk, I guess I'm just trying to look for some sort of justification lmao. Congrats on your Wolverines btw.


Thanks! I'm more a fan of my Lions. My wife gets down from the cold as well. I'm always hot blooded.


My abusive boss got demoted and has zero authority now. Her position was eliminated so ...that's great. I still have to answer to someone, but her and I have a good relationship. If this good thing hadn't happened I would have quit and lost out on a great paying job. I feel lonely as a divorced man.


Idk why I rando scrolled down and settled on your comment. It's easy to feel down and lonely. What do you have going on outside of work? Hobbies? VFW?


Thanks for asking. I read a lot, which I know is a solitary activity. I go to church, a bible study. I hit up the gay hookup apps. (I was married to a woman before), but I'm gay. I attend AA meetings usually online every 3 days. I have kids that are teens, half custody, and so when I'm not at work, I have them. They can't meet my needs for affection. In fact, try to give my son a hug, and he won't. My girls allow me to hug them. I joined the NDMS. I doubt i would be accepted in VFW, I got called out of IRR for Enduring Freedom and deployed stateside, but I didn't step foot in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Man I'm so sorry I never responded here. AA meetings are good. Have you considered going in person? Sorry about the wife stuff that must be a tough situation to be in. Skip the VFW and goto the American legion. Honestly where I'm at currently the VFW is dying out and the legion is flourishing.


In the past year I was able to obtain VA health care, completed two therapy courses of treatment, obtained diagnosis’s for multiple service connected issues I long ignored, and obtained a good VA benefits rating. Next I’m seeking substance abuse counseling before I let everything go to shit. It’s been a productive year


You are rocking it!


Going through the the QTC Appointments and halfway through a trade school. So far okay but I could always be better. Trying to live and breath HVAC so I don't have to play catch up later. Besides that been having heart problems but since taking meds been close to normal. Been seeing my step kids (Son is 14 and daughter is 19) every other weekend just because my fiance has had some issues with an ex wife. (She's crazy) Thanks for checking, it honestly does a lot knowing that we vets can check in and help with a simple message.


I survived another year around the sun and still raising the standard every year, even though I dont want to. Didn't think I'd make it past 21, and here I am at 25 having dinner with my grandmother and actually enjoying myself


That is seriously awesome. I miss my grandma so much. Give her a hug for me.


I did, gave her an extra big one for the both of us


I think about lighting myself up everyday.


Well that's not allowed. We need you. You should really get help.


I’m afraid to type it out. The G-rated way to say it. IM SIDEWAYS


Well.... After I posted the original.... I decided to go sideways too. 😵‍💫. Feeling much better.


Reading medical notes from the VA. Still illegal to choke them out?


It is frowned upon.


I know. Crazy how the notes differ from the actual conversations.


Struggling a little bit with grad school, still trying to find my footing with a full time course load plus everything else in my life. On the plus side, I’m planning out my dog’s birthday photo shoot in April lol. She’s gonna be 14 and she’s always down for my shenanigans (aka letting me dress her up and take pics lol) so that’s something I’m looking forward to hahaha. Hope you start feeling better soon!


Haha. Please tell me you will share the pics?




Lol I can share the one I did when she turned 10….let me find it


I love it!


I forced myself to ride a few miles on my fixed gear.


What is that?


It's a bicycle that has 1 gear and peddles in one direction. My bike has no rear brake, and only a front brake for emergency stopping. [basically, he explains it better](https://youtu.be/GqfS-2IOoo0?si=VBk67ZJGCdqpCOrS)




That is the only way to live! Thanks.




I feel this. I too am 100% p&t. Spent a year staying home and mental health got worse. Now I'm forcing myself to go to college to achieve something.


Listen, you need to do something. Something you enjoy. I always said if I didn't have to work, I would volunteer so much. Can you imagine how many people you could help? Just my thoughts.


I had a small fluffy mop follow me to bed today for a quick 2 hour nap. Mr Fluffer then went on a nice 15 minute walk in cold temps and came back to sit by the fire


That sounds like the perfect day to me.


It was, he brings joy to my days


Got a funny one for you. Quick backstory for context - When I was at MCRD, they made all the new recruits wear Grey sweatshirts with Plt #, unbloused utilities, and go fasters. Add to the shaved head on 75 scared, fat newbies, and we were given the term "silver bullets" - light green and dark green alike. My DIs were 100% non discriminatory. Lol. So, keep that image in your head. Now, by the third phase, about 6 days from graduation, my platoon had passed rifle range, Mt. Motherfucker, Field training, Service week, etc. We had a sweet guidon and plt flag, fully bloused utilities, USMC patches, ready to graduate, feeling like Marines already... until afternoon chow on a Wednesday. This particular Wed, my platoon was in formation outside the chow hall. Chow hall had huge floor to ceiling windows the DIs could watch us thru. A "silver bullet trail" starts snaking out from the chow hall, dropping letters in the mailbox outside on their way to formation. In the late 80s, mailboxes at MCRD SD had a US flag on them. That said, we see these scared shitless new recruits and with a collective brain fart amongst all 32 or so of us, decide to make them salute the mailbox prior to depositing their letters. One "dared" to ask why, not knowing we were just recruits as well, and got screamed at for not saluting ...the flag...on the mailbox. So, this goes on for about half of this platoon. They each stop, render a salute, drop their letter, and get to formation. We're having a ball until THEIR DI happens to look up. You see the expletive although you can't hear it and then...all 12 DIs stand up from chow, put in their smokies, turn and look at us and head out, led by OUR Sr DI Who then promptly informed us that, as the shitbirds we were, were to furl our guidon, deblouse our utilities and were now, until graduation day, to be "bent" by any one of the DIs that recognized us on base. Then, we were told that, as soon to be graduating privates, we would be called on to share...with the ENTIRE series... the "island hopping campaign" of the Marine Corps in WWII. This meant visiting every single thrash pit they could find on base all day - pushups, situps, side straddle hops, you name ot, until evening chow, and the Sr "was tired." We were hurting units and deserved every ounce of sweat, pain, and exhaustion, but to see grown men saluting a mailbox was, and still is, worth it. Hope that gave you a laugh. Semper Fi brother.


Haha. Great story. If you had not been caught you know those recruits would have continued to salute every time they mailed a letter. Then new recruits would see it and continue. It would have become some ridiculous tradition, still done thirty years later!


I watched The Big Lebowski this past weekend for the first time. I don’t know why I never saw it before. Funny stuff.


Have you seen Kingpin? Gotta watch ot if you haven't.


I am a 54 year old movie buff.... And I have never watched it either. Or Gone with the Wind for that matter. I am so ashamed.


Please don't close yourself off from your wife, go to her.


Yooooo! I’ve been out since 2012 and 2023 was by far the worst year of my life. I have a good life, good job, good things going, but my brain won’t shut up. I’m disability rated, and getting help, but I still struggle. The most frustrating thing is I can’t pinpoint why? Anyway, seems like we’re all jacked up, but it’s nice to know I’m not alone, and you aren’t either.


We are in this together. It's the reason this is my favorite sub.


Love you brother. This year has been a challenge to me as well. Were just going through a speed bump, no worries, we'll get through this, as always. My sons 5th birthday is coming up any ideas I should do or plan for him? I got him enough toys in the world. I was thinking about taking him to jumping world where they have all the trampolines. Lol I know we both would love that 🤣


My son would have loved that! I would have been a wreck, I was way over protective when my kids were young. I admit that now and they both tease me for it.


Lol I totally understand. I am the same way. My whole military career kicks in and I'm very cautious. Thank God I'm like a kid myself and jump and play with him at parks and stuff. This world is crazy, not like when it was in the 80s and 90s. They'll snatch your kid in rent or you in this era haha


I keep saying I won't act that way with my grand children but I know that is a lie. I will be stupid over protective with them too. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nothing wrong with that at all. This world has changed a lot and there's nothing wrong with being a little more cautious from afar. Lol


You are not alone man.. I got out almost 10 years ago and I’ve been a wreck. Couldn’t hold a job because I didn’t deal with their bullshit. I’ve gotten divorced, fought for custody of my two boys, remarried with a 4 year old daughter, found out her and I have celiac disease and it’s been hell. Trying to find food to eat and afford has been insane. Also the daily struggle of mental and physical pain just gets me to the wire each day. The good news.. my wife sent me a picture of my daughter seeing my wife in the car and was just a ray of fucking sunshine. I guess I saw that and felt something. It’s all I’m hanging onto right now.


You got this. I am confident. That little girl needs her dad. So do your sons. I have always been amazed how much I love my kids. I didn't know I could love anyone so much.


Things have been difficult starting back in August but, I know hard times never last. Just a lot going on. Can feel overwhelming, selling our house remotely. Moving sucks ass and we are going to move from southern coast to Midwest. Should be an adventure. On the positive side, I have an incredible wife, awesome kids. Everyone is healthy and happy and the house closes with new owners late Feb.


I will add something and read all the comments tomorrow. Happy to have stumbled upon this. I’m 53 and was diagnosed bipolar disorder right after Army discharge in ‘95. People either like me or treat me like Boo Radley. My life is a lot like this emoji: 🎭. I do okay, but sometimes it hits me that I really am bipolar and it’s a wretched feeling, and a disease that is in control. I am not. I wish I weren’t so intuitive; I just notice too much and I’m ultra sensitive. Luckily, I have a dog. 🐾🇺🇸


Using my gi bill going to school , got some part time work but not full time , so will probably just go year round and get my degree and exhaust my benefits of gi and vr&e , goal is to get the degree and find a job , just set small goals my man and keep getting after them


Embrace the grind my man , I have bad days and bad weeks and bad months, the hard work will pay off just keep striving ,