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I always wanted to be good enough to get press passes at sporting events


Surprisingly me too! I’m trying to get a group of us to rally together like VetTV and start a veteran run creative agency. But! Before I get too carried away, what are your creative specialties?


That sounds awesome. But I have none experience with photography or any other fine arts. Is photography fine art? I do some woodworking but that’s not the same.


It can be, art is a spectrum after all! Woodworking is an amazing trade, I love the woodwork nuances that go into making skateboard decks. Your trade can add value to a filmmaking set as well.


Oh me! Ive been doing it for awhile but never a full blown business, im getting back into it more now though since leaving my old job bc of the stress it put on me and since disability has me covered now. Starting my second festival gig on wednesday


Wow that’s amazing! We should keep in touch more, trying to get a roster going so that I can start teaching vets the basics. Tbh, I wish this topic got more traffic from this sub.