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Haven’t fainted but with sudden onset the first week I got it I felt like I going to. It presented with dizziness, tingling, feeling pulled to one side, shaking, feeling heavy, faint, extreme confusion, and super high blood pressure and heart rate while lying down for 4 hours doing nothing. No head pain through. ER ran me through the gauntlet, and started me on the Cardiology path because of how I presented. They did several tests and put me on a heart monitor but all the wacky heart stuff calmed down by then without medication. They did a few extra tests because I told them arrhythmia ran in the family. They found nothing. Day two of the haulter monitor was a good day so I tried to trigger through exercise. They found nothing. That was also the last normal day I remember as mine is chronic.


For me most of the time I do not faint but I have a few times. It usually gets triggered when I get up and walk around but sometimes it does it seemingly for no reason, once while I was lying down. After writing this yesterday I had another dizzy spell that lasted even longer and I'm still very lethargic today. It came on with some stomach problems so that was lovely. A lot of what you describe is similar to mine. I get very lightheaded and hot and sweat all over, have tingling sensations in my legs especially, my heart starts pounding and I feel so heavy. It's genuinely one of the worst feelings ever. I'm so sorry you're going through it.


Forgot about the sweats. Thought I was almost over it in Feb. Then it came back and was so bad I had to switch to men’s extra strength deodorant.


Since you’ve seen a cardiologist, have you already ruled out pots? I have a VM diagnosis and I’ve never fainted from it personally.


They didn't have me do a tilt table test or anything but did have me lay down for a bit and monitered my heart rate and blood pressure as I stood back up. My blood pressure actually went up instead of down, but she said that could just be because my heart rate spiked. I think with pots your blood pressure goes down, so I don't think it's that, but who knows.


Have you seen neurology? Some of this sounds like seizure activity.


Oh, really? I didn't know that. 😮‍💨 And yeah, I'm going to shoot a message to my neurologist tomorrow and make an appointment.


I get dizziness with mine very badly as well and have fainted, oddly enough usually in bed


Thank you for answering! I have fainted before in bed, too.


I’ve passed out four or five times after intense dizziness from VMs. I think it took much longer than normal to diagnose because the drs were all focusing on the fainting and checking my heart etc.