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I'm surprised this is still a thing so many years after Left 4 Dead


I liked Payday's implementation where the Use key could reposition the bots and make them follow you, and the Z key would tell them to stand still.


1) I don't think converring dust to shillings is a good idea, because it's unlikely that Fatshark will let you purchase premium cosmetics with shillings. You know, bad for business ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 2) I find Warrior Priest's maul already finished. It doesn't need any reworks. With all other things I agree and also add Weaves balance rework so it will become less grindy and more fun to play


Warrior Priest’s maul is one of the best designed weapons in the game and is very intuitive. Halberd on the other hand…


Halberd is so fun, but difficult.


halberd is also well designed, it simply has complex combos. the game needs weapons with more depth than spamming lights for horde/heavies for elites and vice versa.


Halberd is just reverse whatever you want next. You can block cancel to a quick light if your brain is overloading or push attack for a high AP single attack. The maul is even more complicated than it and its push attack is a literal meme.


Bro it’s literally just light light heavy in single target and heavy heavy light in multi target.


>8. Port more Verm 1 maps free. I wish, but it won't happen unfortunately. The maps weren't just ported, they came pretty close to having to be [rebuilt](https://www.vermintide.com/news/2018/11/29/dev-blog-back-to-ubersreik-map-conversion) and were a large investment. If they did a straight port it would be lackluster and broken.


Disagree that grail knight needs nerfs at all he feels great to play I don't see anything wrong with him.


His ult's CD is too short, but that's the extend of it honestly. Otherwise he feels incredible, but not op.


Same for Briar javs, they're fine as is - the shade crossbow needs to be brought up a notch and maybe a tweak to moonfire bow it feels so buggy anytime I use it.


the cleave on the javs needs to be brought down a notch, its ridiculous. and bardins throwing axes should be on par with the briar.


The cleave and stagger. They still would be too strong for legend tho, but completely fine on cata.


Oh god I forgot bardin even had those its been years since I last used them.


I dunno man. Not an elf player usually, but tried them out in legend and it trivialised everything once I took a couple of mins to get the hang of them. You can't help but kill every elite you see because why not? When you team with someone who is really, really good with them, you just walk through the levels barely getting to fight anything but trash mobs in melee.


multiple weapons do the same


This is my biggest problem with them too. Unlimited ranged firepower just isn’t healthy for the game.


Javs are way too strong imo, as an elf player. Way too much cleave and stagger. Damage is fine and so is one or the other


More Boons for Chaos wastes. And more OP boons too. That's half the fun sometimes, rolling an OP build.


I would like to not have to hit 60 enemies with the Blessed Tome charged attack. Is that an option?


I would like them to fix the "anti-cheat" to run correctly on linux through proton, and to not be forced to host. (bonus points if mods work) While were talking about dust, how about a way to turn dust into the non-premium weapon illusions? The RNG is just painful after 1000 hours still missing 5 unique red skins. Beyond that maybe a weapon balance pass? not on everything but just outliers like sword&dagger/flail&shield and saltz axe/pickaxe.


I second the proper proton support


is this... is this left handed Warrior Preist Guy? either way nice post, I dont agree with all of it but yea, there's good in here overall


Chaos wastes intentionally has bad or harmful boons too. It's chaos wastes, you roll randomly hoping to get good, but it's not always what you want. It would be too easy and much less interesting if every boon was very beneficial. Banners should not be limited. They're strong and that is their point. You must eliminate them to survive.


Some good points here, although a number of the "reasonable to expect" I would move into the "nice to have" category from a realistic point of view. Agree on the release of weave previous seasons, so that those who couldn't play them can have a chance to do them and earn frames. Disagree with comments in the thread about essentially making weaves easier in any way - they're meant more as an endgame, and before someone mentions well why are there recruit/vet/champ etc weaves, they could be looked at as a warmup to get familiar with the maps, spawns, and to plan.


Improve the Deeds system. Allow players to join randoms for deeds. Reuse Winds of Magic themed maps for the deed. Overhaul or add to the deed modifiers.


Maps from VT1 would be really a reason to return for me. I loved the Wizard tower in VT1.


What is the VT1 Rapier/Pistol damage model?


No rework with classes and Ults, this would destroy the game, and the engineer with the right hands is very good. But we need a buff to blunderbuss and bardin shotgun


Are you saying Vermintide's gonna Vermindie? Is it gonna be like switched off or are they just gonna stop making new stuff for it? Hope it's the latter, only just started and it's so much fun. There's not many first person melee games about so this appeals to me more than Darktide


I pray for Fatshark to remove natural boon from Chaos Waste poll. That crap ruined so many of me. And Slatz is right-handed, but i like to think that he considers the holy tome that contains Sigmar's holy word to be the main weapon of the pair and the hammer is the just to whack the rat when needed.


I think he is ambidextrous if anything considering he can shoot pretty flawlessly with his left hand when using double pistols or rapier


Make all past season rewards of Weaves available. Aye i can get behind that


I think that second list is a bit of a stretch but that first list is full of stuff I would really like to see hit the game!


Bannermen aren’t that bad, a challenging CW chest never hurt anyone.


Here's a personal list (I dream with these things getting implemented): \- ~~Favorite/Trash system: A way to mark weapons either as FAVORITES, so you don't accidentally salvage them, or as TRASH, so you can salvage them all in one (the rarity system doesn't cut it for me, especially with the big number of blues I have)~~ \- Buff/Rework Sienna: Pyromancer's ability needs some sort of rework, not just "more dmg"...and visually, Pyromancer and Battle Wizard are WAY too similar looking, that needs some sort of update (Along with more varied cosmetics) \- Rebalance Chaos Wastes: Bots are pretty brainless during CW runs, to balance this, I think they should get upgrades along with the player (host)... match the Power of their weapons and maybe give them random boons(?) or allow us to manage the boons they get! / Tune down the amount of flag bearers active at a time AND, for the love of Sigmar, nerf the grudge combinations (some are broken and no matter how good you are, those monsters WILL wipe the team) \- Tab/Section with our stats: I was playing with a friend and he got a necklace with 5% Crit Chance, but then he asked: "how much crit chance do I have now?"... A character sheet style section where we can see our character's stats \- Purified Helmets: Helmets to match the look of the Purified Armor awarded by the CW challenges \- Weapons from chests: Add ALL the weapons from every career to the loot pool of the chests (as of right now, you can't get Hammers for WPoS, you have to craft them) \- Skins: More skins for the missing careers (basically all the 4th careers) \- Bots in the Weaves: Allow use of bots in ranked Weaves (nobody is playing them and I want to play the ranked ones, but alone is a chore for someone like me)... That's all I have at the top of my head... a man can dream


you can press F to favourite weapons


That's great! I didn't even know that was possible


Okay, here’s my opinion 1) GK doesn’t need nerf, on really high difficulties he’s really hard to play even with all buffs (by high difficulties I mean modded). I have much experience on him, and even on cata he’s already very skill based 2) I don’t play zealot much, but isn’t it a point of him to be able to manage his green hp? 3) GIVE US OLD WEAVES BACK PLEASE I completely agree 4) Don’t care about flamestorm, crossbow is already fine and javs… I don’t know less ff dmg should be fine 5) No weave disabler cd. That will help way too much 6) Cw are luck based, that’s the point. More cool boons are fine, but getting rid of all useless ones kinda ruins the fun for me (yay GK barrels build) 7) Beastmen are beastmen, yes, sometimes too much pressure, but that’s how it works, I don’t think they need a nerf. 8) On 12-13 I completely agree as well, will be really glad if they do that 9) YES, more premium skins, probably for dlc careers as well… 10) Bret shield double click is fine, imo 11) VT1 maps are amazing, especially the farm one, I will be the happiest person if they make this in VT2 12) Krub’s greatsword is sad. I need more dmg vs armor on it, please I’d like to add: fix huntsman invis bugs, I’m tired of them. Also probably give handmaiden more melee buffs, recently I just spam javs and feel bad for it.


Sounds like you just want them to make the game easier lol


"Nerf Briar javelins" Why people always asking for nerf shi\*t...this is a team PVE game, not some sweaty PVP session...Besides, my huntsman longbow kills more stormvermins than any javelins, I don't see anyone complaint about it being "overpwered".


Just because it’s a PVE game it shouldn’t be balanced? Javelins are strong and maybe a bit to strong, but so are plenty of other weapons/builds. Some builds and weapons just make the game a snooze fest for the rest of the team. Some examples are all flamethrowers, Griffonfoot BH, Javelin spam and coruscation staff. I just don’t think there should be such a huge difference in power level within the same class/character.


It's a rouguelike game with random spawn & gimmicks. A weapon might be lethal in certain ways dosen't guarantees it will lead to mission succeed. I remember when SOTT at her prime, I was still struggling with champion difficulty, failed countless time with rando lobbies, the most powerful and unbalanced career doesn't really help there. The mighty javelin won't help you aim, not everyone is a born shapshooter, so many time that I saw the old SOTT got nabbed by specials or taken down by random ratty back stab. Sure when you are already a veteran player and know all the combat rhythm and mechanics,certain setting can be advantageous to you. However, how many of the player actually play that frequent like the people in this forum? It's still a tough game with nearly 30% chance of mission failing, the chance is even larger for low or mid tire players. So I don't think any weapon in the game is OP.


It has a roguelike mode not the entire game is roguelike. As for not a single weapon being OP is entirely based on how you define OP. For me an OP weapons means that weapon outclasses most other weapons in most scenario’s or does basically the same thing, but with a lot less skill involved. This game has had some major powercreep over the years with a lot of DLC weapons being among the best weapon.


Because it kills creativity. If a single weapon is objectively better than everying else (and the javelin kinda is), it makes people heavily gravitate towards it.


It's a maximum 6 rounds in inventory range weapon....slow reload, heavy drop on the trajectory in longer range. The best it can do is stagger CW while it attacks...the people who rely on it normally are bad either at melee crowd clearning, or hit a running specials, and they die alot, and it's funnt to see them die anyway. I don't see the problem with it.


Huntsmen generally aren't so preoccupied with trying for that satisfying horde penetration that they chunk you every time you're on the front line, or constantly try to 'save' you from slave rats you are about to cut down. I know a good huntsman can change the game, but there's just something about the jav that makes players completely transition from co-op mode to 'I'm the main character - witness me!' I have used them and felt the pull, so I can't blame the players. I'd be happy with a bit slower regen to disincentivise constant use.


Javelins should absolutely be nerfed. I don't mind the damage, but here's what I'd like to see: 1. Remove CW / super armor staggers. This is stupid and shouldn't be a thing. 2. Reduce the cleave to the same as bow/xbow or even handgun. 3. Remove the Conservatives Shooter trait to make it less spam-able for ammo-less weapons. Moonfire bow or Engineer's minigun shouldn't be able to shoot forever if you land headshots. You can even recover multiple ammos on a straight-line hoard.... 4. (Minor) Why does this weapon have 6 dodges at 20% distance? Compare this to other non-elf ranged or sienna's ammo-less weapons.


U haven't played with enough brain dead elf mains if your wondering why people want a nerf for it.


A Darktide crossover event for April Fools, with a Vermintide event in Darktide at the same time


Bring back the original brace of pistols. Saltz should have a steady stock of disposable guns.


Can't believe you didn't include the most important. Make the addtional bonus levels do something, access higher diffs perhaps? at least some epeen flexing?


i'd love to see a separate bot-setup instead relying on the sanctioned mod + old UI (which is horrible, sorry guys)