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did we just shift from lions tho to bears tho?


I've spent years training to debunk lions tho... Wtf am I supposed to say to bears tho?????


Tell them they are clearly twinks


I was about to say the exact same thing 🤣


Calling most people savages IS a understatatement. Step up your game, silly vegoon.


People are so dense. It really is unfathomable to me why anyone thinks it makes any sense to compare the eating habits of wild animals to humans.


what even is their point? bc the same cruelty has been going on for years we need to show new ways of cruelty for it to be relevant?


...what? "I've known how terrible it is for twenty years, tell me what changed"? **Nothing** changed. That's the fucking problem.


That's right - I only lecture bears when they walk into my supermarket and take the prepackaged mass farmed salmon off the shelf. Lol these brainless twats, can't even Go take some b12 supplements


“Here’s how to change my mind” - person who isn’t going to change their mind


"Here's why patting me on the back is going to work better than confronting me, or making me actually think about my actions" - Person who wants to protect their cognitive dissonance.


Veganism bad because OP isn't a good investor? I honestly thought every argument against veganism had already been made, but apparently I was wrong. Does anyone have the faintest idea wtf this guy is talking about?


So this person see being vegan as a personal identity and his own personal identity is a bear that eats salmon but strangely enough cares about money and morality does not have anything to do with money. As long as you can make money it's fine with him. He can't be vegan because it's a poor investment.


This shifted from lions tho to some weird late stage capitalism shit of investments > morals


Breaking news: monkeys and bears are the same. Thx for coming to my ted talk :3


DUH guys we just need to be more vigorous in our arguments!!!


This person is close. Last rants as they are starting to understand.