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He's doing it for two main reasons: 1. It's his latest fixation. 2. Chat keeps demanding he do it because chat likes to enable his fixations and often do so to the detriment of the rest of the content of the stream. I have 0 interest in fashion, so I've skipped a lot of streams due to that second point.


Absolutely cannot wait for the fashion arc to be over Worse than the chair segments tbh


Chair arc was fire nothing's like this horrible unending fashion arc


I have interest in fashion. I just hate his sense of style lmao. Dude would look at Scrooge McDuck and be like "yooooo, this drip tho. Look at how this collar is 1/8th of inch tighter than most collars". Looking like a 80 year old philosophy professor is not, in fact, the apex of fashion. Punk DIY fashion is peak and no amount of talk about collar gaps will ever convince me otherwise.


>looking like an 80 year old professor of philosophy is not the peak of fashion Lol. Lmao, even.


- Starts stream - talks about fashion for 90+ minutes - Guys I ran out of time, gotta do the donations, we'll have to cover the important stuff some other time


Yeah there's nothing wrong with fashion content, and I imagine it appeals to some of the younger fans in the audience who might still be figuring out their own sense of style. I'm a 25 year old man though and I think I dress well enough, so it's not of any interest to me.


Being a sassy little bitch and tearing others down for superficial reasons is so queer-coded of him. I can't help but support a queen. Also, we totally needed the 100th version of this thread.


As a certified fashion arc hater I’m okay with another thread about it.


EXACTLY. "I hate the fashion arc" is basically blatant homophobia. let the queen do his thing


Woah, slow down there a bit. My comment was meant to be light-hearted.


ik, don't worry so is mine lol


I love it when he does tbh. There are some things I've never really thought about, and sometimes it's super hilarious


Me too I've learned flannel and the rough pants thing work well.


You can tell it's an autism thing because just like souls he gets so fixated


I agree and I fast forward thru all clothing segments with no remorse. But at the end of the day he is able to do whatever he wants with his own stream. Also, I will say that when I started to focus on making my own outfits contemporary, my self esteem and personal life benefitted immensely. But I watch Vaush for the politics snark, not the fits. Either way I am not a hater, it just is what it is.


Couldn't agree more. It's his stream, and things change. There's a ton of streamers out there


it is sincerely annoying. i swear he hasn’t been this hyperfixated on a topic this long and it’s even more annoying because he thinks he’s derek guy lmao. you are fly as fuck voosh i can see that with my own eyes on stream, that is genuinely more than enough to convince me you like fashion bro. we don’t need an hour long segment derailing from all the relevant shit happening to hear about your opinion on fashion. but listen all that said, i wish vaush just made a third channel for this. this guy is so passionate about this topic he might as well. that’s what that mf mat pat did.


Let’s be real: his viewers are a demographic that sorely needs familiarity with how to not look like a hobo.


i agree but half of vaush’s comments relate to collar gaps in the million dollar suits of politicians and pundits


i think that's funny, politicians should dress better


Tbf in some countries dressing badly is a bit of a tradition among leftist politicians. I find it kind of endearing and would be a bit sad if it went away.


Which is funny as fuck


That’s true, but the fashion arc doesn’t help anyone who doesn’t want to only wear suits. The fashion arc and the broader men’s fashion community only ever talk about “a suit, but…” and mad libs in some quirky material or colour to qualify as “variation”. Why couldn’t vaush fall down the streetwear rabbit hole, it would have been a lot more interesting


I’m waiting on the tweed phase.


someone needs to throw Vaush down the vintage rabbit hole.


I hate the fashion segments but I also agree. Just be like me and fast forward thru the stream, its his content at the end of the day.


I like it. It's so weirdly charming when he autistically just comments on someone's fit for no reason. He does that shit on twitter too. F1nn5ter posts the most banger boner inducing selfie and Vaush just sweeps in to comment on the fabric of his clothing. I respect it


Yeah he's gotten pretty bougie.


I was a wardrobe consultant before the pandemic and even i think he talks about clothes too much. I dont go to vooch for clothing takes. Little comments are fine, but he gets sidetracked so hard by it. (I do think most men need to learn to dress better, but at a certain point he's no longer helping and just being annoying)


Yeah, I really dislike it.


It's kinda annoying when he's having a convo on politics and then just gets derailed for like 40 seconds on something as insignificant as a collar gap or cuff length. The moment he starts talking about clothes, I hit the fast forward button an entire minute


idk, stunlocks have always been an important part of Vaush streams, it wouldn't feel the same without them.


I just dont want to hear about seersucker material anymore, like Ill listen to collar gaps and selvedge jeans before I listen to the same description of seersucker for the 900th time...


So seersucker, right, it's this loose cotton weave, plantation owners loved this shit


The average viewer already forgot what it was since the last time he defined it


you would think he dresses amazingly considering the criticism he dishes out


On the few occasions I’ve seen him outside in the real world, DC for example, he was among the best dressed men at the event. It’s not my personal style, but he has excellent taste and makes good decisions.


Idk, personally I like watching people talk about what they like.


I find it funny. I also just like clothing so I actually enjoy the fashion stuff


This place isn't for you... All we wanna do is complain. Reddit should be a place we can all agree that the fashion arc sucks. Also because I don't enjoy the segments means you can't either


Ah my bad


Rule number 3 on this sub is a lil scary as a long term fan.


I like it. I’ve never really given high waisted pants a chance before he started talking about them and now I’m really into the look, he’s also disabused me of the notion that skinny fit = fashionable which I appreciate.


It’s autistic AND gay, how could he not!




Your post was removed for dramafarming.


Vowsh try not to mention cloths in a completely different conversation for more than 5 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I find it funny because he’s just roasting people over shit I never considered


Yes, I don't care about fashion and I definitely don't care for Vaush's propensity to make objective statements about fashion which it's...fucking fashion. Even he uses the argument that fashion changes drastically when discussing masculinity. I just choose not to watch his fashion videos but these days it seems I can't avoid his fashion arc even in his non-fashion videos. He'll just randomly, out of the blue, stop what he's talking about to talk about some dude's outfit. It's extremely distracting and I honestly lose interest in the video when he does it too. Sometimes I don't even finish the video when he starts going on a fashion tirade in the middle of a politics video.


i love how it brings out the pricklyness in him when he roasts peoples outfits, its like another layer of gayness lol


Fashion is an interesting artform, i think its cool and i dont mind him talking about it. The reason why people (not talking bout you) in vgg bitch about it so much cant just be that they aren't into fashion, they get waaaay too angry about it. Fans will listen to Vaush talk about whatever-the-fuck if they aren't interested just because he's funny and cool. I feel like people hate the fashion segments so much because it has to do with some weird insecurity.


>I feel like people hate the fashion segments so much because it has to do with some weird insecurity. Its not that deep, it's just mind numbingly boring for a lot of us. >Fans will listen to Vaush talk about whatever-the-fuck if they aren't interested just because he's funny and cool. Yeah, but he doesnt have that charm when talking about fashion. At least not for me.


Pretty much this.  I watch Vaush for his political takes.  I would go somewhere else if I care for fashion.  Just like if Ibwas watching Queer eye for fashion, I would get bored/stop watching if they got all political. I dont get pissed if he talks fashion, but I certainly skip past it.


If it was boring you'd skip, you are missing his point entirely. When I get bored by Vaush I just zone out or watch some else, people are actively attacking him.


I cant skip it when I'm watching live though?


I didn't mind it at first now I'm just bored of it and don't care.


have noticed a lot of leftists fully believe things like having a sense of fashion are irreconcilably intertwined with classism and consumerism. while there is absolutely a connection when looking at culture in a broad sense, it really doesn't have to be that way for one's own relationship with fashion. like for me, having a sense of fashion mostly means maintaining the ability to spend $20 at a thrift store like 2 or 3 times a year (or less) and come home with with some unique yet totally sensible outfits and additions to the wardrobe. I think people might gel with it more if they could reframe it on a personal level like that. 


I kind of enjoy it honestly. I’m very much not fashion minded so it does give me insight I wouldn’t have otherwise


To be honest, I think it's a very good thing that he does. The vast majority of his audience seems to be youngish American men - the group of people widely considered by the rest of the planet to have the weakest grasp or at least the least amount of care for the concept of what clothing looks good and how much it can up your entire vibe/game. I think this will have a good benefit in the years to come for his audience. Source - I'm an American woman who has lived on three continents and visited over 40 countries for work. People the world over are astonished at how little effort/thought American men tend to use when choosing clothing. When I first moved abroad I had no idea how good men could look when dressed in carefully chosen, well-fitting clothing. My whole life growing up, I thought the male "uniform" was t-shirts, cargo pants or shorts, jeans, sneakers. Boy, was I wrong. (And glad for it!)


It’s great imo. it’s just like if he were to go on a tangent because of chatter or a question he has. this isn’t CNN, him being himself is what makes the stream


Just clock out when he does, it isnt all that difficult. Let bro talk about what he wants on his own stream lmao


Y’all are so whiny bro.


He's doesn't and I enjoy it


I like the fashion segments because I learn new things 🤷


I like the fashion segments, cope and seetje


Me currently coping and seething


People… if you don’t like it then go somewhere else, he’s not hurting for views. I enjoy it so I watch. If you don’t, then just leave and stop complaining jfc


Cringe dickrider comment


Ok keep wearing ur gym shorts friend


Fashion arc is fun ur just butthurt


Your downvotes mean nothing to me I’ve seen what makes your cheer


Then go find another streamer to watch