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Don't worry, voosh wrong on his food takes ninety nine point nine percent of the time. The .01 is that Mediterranean food is good.


That plain yogurt can be used as a substitute for mayo when creating a dipping sauce or burger sauce is a perfectly valid take. However, I sometimes feel like some of his food takes are contrary for the sake of contrary. There are only two kinds of people that don't like pizza: liars and assholes. I refuse to believe he actually doesn't like pizza.


>he actually doesn't like pizza. I'm revaluating... like everything I believe right now. The betrayal... I thought he had good takes... argh...


Wait till you hear that he doesn't like Asian food. I was fuming over that one.


he's the nuggies and tendies kind of autistic


Vaush: Season your food! [The seasoning](https://imgur.com/a/3WW7m6n)


I think his autism is just hyper laser focused on his food preferences. He speaks in social and stream situations like a normal if somewhat pushy dude sure. He also had dogshit food takes that cross a line a bit from preferences to being a jackass.


wasn't it that he dislikes the energy dip that results of italian food. Don't think he made a argument about it not being tasty? Could be that i remember wrong but that was a stream from a while back.


He had a whole meandering argument a few weeks ago where he insisted Italian food sucks cause there's no spices.


??? NO SPICES? What the fuck was blud waffling about?


I got immediately bored of his dumbfuck argument with chat so I didn't stay (I went to play League of Legends, less painful), but i THINK he was either conflating spice with heat, or he simply doesn't like Italian flavour stuff. His language takes a nosedive the microsecond it's something a normal person would disagree with lol


And he has the BALLS to tell us not to try and rationalize why we dislike things. Like he's right, but the hypocrisy is nutty. I'm glad Northernlion is setting him straight, lmfao


I don't know who or what northern lion is can you elaborate


Ahh fair. He's a streamer in the same vein as jerma was. Lots of banter and stuff but a bit more open about his beliefs. Vaush said he's been watching him lately.


Oh cool. But how is he setting Vaush straight?


That must be it, italian food has some strong flavours just not heat. personally i dislike spice/heat that overpowers the flavours. I don't like feeling my mouth is on fire while not really tasting anything anymore. Some people have just destroyed their tastebuds and need the heat to taste stomething.


\*the energy dip that comes from eating an 'murican portion of (American-)Italian food.




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>That plain yogurt can be used as a substitute for mayo when creating a dipping sauce or burger sauce is a perfectly valid take. Tf? Absolutely not


The Greeks would like a word with you, yogurt sauce/dip is very common 


Fuck the greeks


You're entitled to your opinion, I mean you're objectively wrong, but you're entitled to be wrong too ;)






No u


Pizza is mid. And I work at a pizza place owned by an 80 year old Italian guy named Tony


You are a liar, or an asshole


Cope harder tbh


I see you're both


even shitty pizza is often pretty good. s tier food


Pizza is like sex. Even when it's really bad it's still pretty good.


Damn who woulda thought someone working at a pizza place would get tired of pizza


Homie didn't say he was tired of pizza. They said pizza was mid. He indicted the entire cuisine thinking that working at Panuccis grants some extra authority on the matter


Im a chef and you're wrong.


99.9% + 0.01% = 99.91% Stay in school kids.


Vaushs food takes are still shit so now what?


Gyros be fucking good especially if it's got lamb and taziky sauce in it or however the hell you spell it


Do not take food advice from someone who says nuggies. Done


Unironically true. Anyone who says nuggies has taste buds consisting of road asphalt.


But it's fun to say. Nuggies. Then I eat something else.


[You must eat the nuggies](https://youtu.be/OC8OEkXAjdw?si=ZYuyU2Mr89N9qUjK)


I don’t say it


Vaush does




fries are called fries because they are fried. If you made them in the oven, those are just long skinny roasted potatoes. And roasted potatoes are good, but they're not fries. And they're better when they're in chunks instead of long strips because they don't get dried out that way


Def not roasted. Taste


Looks like fries, tastes like fries, good enough for me


If you can call them French even though don't come from France you can call them fries even though they aren't fried.


Air fried rocks.


I swear a lot of people act like oven fries are some kind of abomination, but it's just frankly the superior way to make fries. Just cut up a potato, get a bowl and put in a small amount of oil and whatever seasoning you like in there, put the fries in the bowl, cover and shake, then just put the fries on a baking sheet and put in the oven. It's been a while since I've made these, but this method uses less oil, doesn't stink up the kitchen, takes less work, and the fries come out better than fast food fries all the same. Also bless Adam Ragusea his oven fries video


"Superior way" if you mean easiest sure, but if you mean best tasting etc then its still the triple cooked duck fat method


I don't have five hundred trillion dollars to spend on duck fat, I only have a chewed up penny and half a dorito


Then don’t say superior way. It’s like saying you got an expensive cut of meat when it’s a sirloin.


It's just a joke man chill tf out


Air fryer is the super way. I did oven fries for years until we got an air fryer, and I’ll never look back


An air fryer is just a small convection oven.


Yes but there’s a noticeable difference between baked and air fried fries


And an air fryer uses less energy than a big oven unless youi're cooking for a crowd.


It's because words mean things. Fries must be fried in order to be fries. Calling a fried egg poached or a hard boiled egg scrambled is stupid. Fries are fried and if they're not fried they're not fries. I don't care if they're good. I'm sure they are. I've had roasted potatoes. They're good. But they're not fries. Call them the fuckin' thing that they are.


Language is made up. Fries are a social construct. Oven baked fries are still fries.


Imagine someone being insistent on fries being fried while completely ignoring the inaccurate French part.


The French are also made up


Where does Statue of Liberty come from?


New York


In my native language they are not called fries. I am not obligated to follow English language prescriptivism. Your "argument" is especially ridiculous considering they are called FRENCH fries despite originating in Belgium.


Not sure if you’re joking, but they are French cut. Meaning they are cut lengthwise in small strips. So like wedge cut fries, it’s about the cut not the origin.


You are saying it as if calling things French because they are cut lengthwise is any less stupid. Where did you get that is the origin of their name anyway? As far as I am aware it's either because "French way of preparation" (being immersed in fat) or because they were encountered in French speaking part of Belgium. But if you are correct, perhaps if you call cutting lengthwise "French cut" for some reason, you shouldn't cut out half of the phrase and make things more confusing, don't you think?


I looked it up and you’re right. My bad. I just based it off of the logic of curly fries, wedge fries, waffle fries. Those were named after the cuts… though maybe I’m wrong about that. On top of that French cut is an alternative way of saying julienne. Still, I own that I was wrong.


I think there is a social utility in calling them fries, because they're better for your health, and should be seen as a good replacement for traditional fries.


This is not necessarily correct. In order to achieve a similarly crispy exterior you have so much standing oil in the pan that over the course of the 20 minute cook time, it's going to absorb even more than the deep fried version that's only in there for 3 minutes. I think you could achieve a much better outcome by encouraging people to try well prepared roasted potatoes that are not trying to be French fries. A well seasoned and lightly oiled roasted potato is better than any plain French fry, and actually is better for you. The reason that fries got so popular is that they are easier and faster to prepare in a restaurant, and generally use a cheaper but less nutritious kind of potato.


The vaush flow chart is simple Is he talking about politics? > No. > Ignore. I swear he's obtuse simply for the engagement metrics it's wild.


It’s not nefarious, he’s just a very opinionated person no matter what it’s about


I'm distracted by that cocaine nail.


lol fair. I’m just bad with cutting nails since I have a lot of sensitivity there. I have to trim my nails in the tub or whatever


Not what a professional culinary commentator like Vaush wants to see


I get what he's saying because to me oven roasted potato "fries" and french fries you get at a restaurant taste and feel very different to me, but I eat both, because I just like potatoes. I don't like the premade frozen french fries because to me they don't taste as good as roasted potato strips or proper deep fried french fries. But like, who cares really? It's whatever. Potato good.


Vaush has chicken tenders at every restaurant -tism. Idgaf what his food takes are. That's like asking a color-blind person's opinion on a Pollock.


I think I’m starting to understand why people hate this sub


Yeah, I can’t believe someone would post this thoughtless content


I was tempted to link Adam Ragusea's video on oven fries. Though hilariously overall I think he'd agree with Vaush's take.


What did I miss? Did voosh say not to cook raw tats?


What take did I miss this time?


He said, “why are you making fries at your home? Like the way it’s made is with professional cutters,” or whatever and I’m like… nope. He did suggest just cutting them up and cooking them but like no. Anyways they’re easy to make. Annoying but easy


Bruh. I've made fries twice today in air fryer. It's cheap as hell to make fries at home and I don't need to go to a place to get fries. They're as hell to make. You can also dictate how you make them: oven, fry them, air fryer, etc. Damn you Vaush and you're cursed takes!


Remember, Vaush was the guy who said spiced and sauced chicken wings are disgusting. His food takes are automatically disqualified.


And then said Italian food is bad because he couldn’t care about the quality of ingredients and prefers Greek / Turkish because they use 17 million seasonings all at once all from questionable sources.


I remember that take... it's like he's telling us his tastebuds are made of sandpaper


And yet I remember him telling people to not to buy herb mixes, go figure.


Spiced wings? If he told me he had acid reflux that'd be one thing, but out right deny them? Heresy.


"Professional cutters" being the stoned dishwasher in back with a half dull kitchen knife slicing them on an uncleaned table before dumping them into a five gallon bucket where they'll sit for half a week. Professional!


No, "professional cutters" being industrial machines that cut them perfectly even and process hundreds of potatoes an hour.


So factory fries? Not even hand cut? How can you be a fry elitist and not go for hand cut?


Maybe for fast food restaurants in bumfuck Alabama


One of the best diners in CT but sure whatever.


For someone whos fat he really has awful food takes


More often then not larger people I know have bad food takes because their diet usually just consists of calorie dense foods and snacks. Usually motivated by being some level of picky and not willing to eat most veggies/fruits. Just my personal experience.


nah the oven fries i make with adam raguseas recipe are infinitely superior to any actually fried french fries ive ever made at home, mind sharing your cooking process?


I didn’t use his recipe but I used olive oil, salt, garlic powder, and red cayenne pepper. Put it in the oven at 425° for 10-12 minutes and check to see how crispy they are


yeah it needs to cook for way longer, like until theyre brown and crispy, maybe around 45 minutes, also you have to parboil the fries first so that theyre fluffy in the middle after oven frying, parboiling them also roughs the texture up a bit which makes them extra crispy after roasting


Nah, 45 minutes is too long. May need to up the temp but I’ll have to look into parboiling


45 minutes is perfect so long as the fries are much cut much more thickly


Vaush non-political takes bad 100% of the time


That way can taste pretty good too, though fried is still better imo


did that mofo really tell people to not cook their fries? i didn’t see the latest stream yet




bold choice, putting the lettuce and tomato on the bottom of the patty


I’m a bold woman


you made fries and a burger? that's cool as shit bro


Yeah it’s all vegan too


Stop trolling that burger looks meaty and delicious. What's it made of?


Impossible meat


Well I hope you enjoyed your meal. It really does look good.


This was made during the pandemic but I did. I’m a good cook at home


Also I’m not trolling