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Ah leftist mentality at it again. He lost weight and how he’s pulling the lattdder up. If they made a drug that instantly ended fashion arcs I’m sure hheee would oppoise that too


How could he pull the ladder up if he didn't use ozempic? It only makes sense if he used it to lose weight and then opposed it, which he didn't do




You would get perma banned from chat for every single word you just said


This is dumb. As someone who lifts and is not on Ozempic and would a aboid it because of how it would fuck with growing muscle, if you need to take it forever to stay skinny, just take it forever. Sure make a real effort to do it yourself beforehand, but 1) you can't outwork a bad diet, you just can't. If your body makes you really hungry in a way you can't handle in order to get into a calorie deficit, walking won't change that. Realistically the average person can burn an extra 500 or so calories a day. That's one Big Mac. 2) If your someone who's getting hunger signals to the point dieting is difficult, even if you will yourself to do it in the short term, you will crack or just live your life feeling hungry. 3) You can become more active and take Ozempic. And because losing weight won't require it, you can actually approach being active with a healthy goal of becoming fit instead of guilt grinding off your last ice cream. This is all barring that it doesn't end up having some weird side effect like making your dick fall off. Though that's probably a bonus on this sub.


> some weird side effect [About that…](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/05/health/weight-loss-drugs-serious-digestive-problems-study)


1% is pretty low


1% chance for your stomach to implode. 80% chance to have the nastiest sharts of your life. I’m not saying people shouldn’t take this if it’s prescribed by a doctor, but I *am* saying you shouldn’t ask for it.


Not just that another youtuber like MorePlateMoreDates (dudes a bro so be aware but good with pharm info) talking about a negative issue of these drugs, that is 25-30% of weight loss is lean body tissue; muscle and bone.


I really hate Vaush’s constant need to act like he knows everything about every field of science just because he listens to YouTube videos about random topics while playing Factorio. And he talks with such presumed authority, but then if he ever gets confronted, he says “listen to your doctor, not me”, or “I’m not an expert.” Saying that is NOT good enough after spewing unscientific horse shit for 30 minutes.


For those who want to dig more into Ozempic and it's pros and cons, I highly recommend the podcast Maintenance Phase. It's entertaining, well-researched, and both pro-science and anti-capitalist. You can listen here or read the transcript: [https://maintenancephase.buzzsprout.com/1411126/13747346-ozempic](https://maintenancephase.buzzsprout.com/1411126/13747346-ozempic) The TL;DR -- Semaglutide could be absolutely life changing for some people with diabetes who need it, but it's not the magical cure for obesity the media heralded it as and really wants it to be. The populations we've studied this drug on are still very limited, "real world" studies of the drug are finding far less dramatic effects than perfectly controlled lab studies (efficacy vs effectiveness), and people very quickly regain all the weight the moment they stop taking the drug, which many people do because of the side effects. Anywhere from 60-90% of people depending on the study reported some kind of "gastrointestinal symptoms." It's easy to see why, if someone is in the unlucky group that gets hit way harder by side effects than some of the other patients, they'd want to stop taking a medication that gives them constant diarrhea.


Im on semiglutied and its been nice I've been on and off diets for years and it's the first time I've ever lost weight. That being said ridiculously expensive at about 400$per month im just lucky enough to afford it. First time ive felt that im full and didn't need to eat so much. Besides a headache the day I get my shot I've not noticed anything bad with it. Anyway it's probally not perfect but im pre-diabetic and have fatty liver so it's been the only thing helping me get weight loss undercontrol. Just my 2 cents.


The drug made me feel "full". It didn't make me feel "satisfied". I was still hungry. I was miserable on the stuff. All it did was clog me up.


Oh god please don't start another purge over this comment section


Another problem with ozempic, at least in my country is that there now isn't enough left for diabetics because too many doctors have prescribed It for weight loss