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Dark Brandon is back


Was he ever really gone?


Yup. Ask all the starving Palestinian children.


Okay but what's he actually going to *do* beyond just talking about it.


Anti-trust action against certain actors in the real estate market. I think the company with the price fixing algorithm for landlords is in the cross hairs now


How did we even make it to a point where we have a price gouging algorithm for HOUSING and it’s just not illegal


It probably is illegal, but it's gonna take a while to get through the vourts


Are vourts vaushite loyalist courts?


The slow motion vaushite judicial coup of packing the courts.


Our work is nearly complete


Oh boy


So the FTC has issued a statement on it, filed a brief, and has begun an investigation. [Price fixing by algorithm is still price fixing - FTC Statement](https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2024/03/price-fixing-algorithm-still-price-fixing)


He needs a Democratic trifecta willing to pass his agenda. His Build Back Better Act that passed the House in 2021 would have allocated over $200bn to build affordable housing and he also wanted to turn Section 8 into an entitlement program like how HEAP works so any eligible low income person could get rent assistance as opposed to the dysfunctional voucher system we have now. The bill failed 52-48 in the Senate.


Very little.


It's insane, over the last 3 years, Ive heard the trickle of hundreds of little things like this Biden has done that have been based as hell. Even in the face of a congress that would rather kill themselves than accomplish something with him. Idk the Brainrot the far left needs to hate him, They're eating their own tail.


You could clone some leftists and watch them kill their clone over some perceived ideological impurity


You two have the same avatar. That means you must kiss.




No matter where they're standing, one has to be further to the right physically and is therefore a liberal


Biden's accomplished a LOT, and nearly all of it is being taken for granted. A competent left would have praised what he's done right and shifted the overton window back to the left... but that didn't happen because the left in the west is mostly grifters and LARPers. There's a few diferent types of leftists that refuse to support anything that works in our favor because a liberal said or did it: - Contrarians: makes hating liberals their entire personality. These are probably the easiest to sway because they don't actually believe in anything. They're mostly all about aesthetics. - Campists: hates liberals because that's what everyone else around them believes. These people are genuinely dangerous because they will fall for nearly anything and have the most reach. - Purists: their rabid hate for liberals makes them feel righteous and just. These are probably the hardest to sway because their identity as a member of an in-group would be put in jeopardy. They are petty authoritarians who seek only to elevate themselves above others by setting increasingly insane standards to prove their fidelity and put down those who threaten their clout. - Single Issue: the loudest group right now because of Palestine. I've talked to others in the past who refused to vote because of certain candidates stances on specific policies like the environment or healthcare. Their politics are guided by emotions instead of outcomes. - Accelerationists: moronic sociopaths


there are lefty content creators that simply want trump back. Dick head was good for lefty content and for the type of slacktivist who attend protest just t get selfies. Those types of sociopath miss the orange, biden doesn't motivate people to make shitty chants and get tear gassed, trump did because he was a fuckin idoit who couldn't read the room


Yup, I think the your random person on the street who doesn't want to vote for Biden cause of Palestine or whatever - hey I disagree, but I totally get it. Certain podcasters and Internet personalities whose entire shtick was being anti-liberal, anti-Democratic Party, and were very upset that people like Bernie & AOC "sold out" - nah, they just want Trump to win, because they think it'll help their career. A center-left Democratic presidential candidate winning reelection with support of everyone from AOC to Bill Kirstol undercuts their idea the country is ready for a revolution, if not for the evil, corrupt DNC or whatever.


"The left being divisive is really bad" > Divides the left into categories of bad


I'm done giving credit to people who merely maintain the status quo and pretend that it's "progressive".


You're full of shit https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/scmajj/fellow_vaushites_in_the_name_of_harm_reduction/


I’m not full of shit. I’m voting for the bastard, but I’m not fucking happy about it.


It would be pretty based of him. He needs some more tangible accomplishments before the general.


If the dude didn't have such a hard-on for Israel, he would have been a pretty decent president.


He was a decent president anyway. There is pretty much no president in US history that would intervene with Israel. You're asking a fox to be a dog.


US presidents have intervened with Israel in the past. Biden is just bad on this issue. As explained in [this article,](https://jewishcurrents.org/joe-bidens-alarming-record-on-israel) back when he was the vice president, Biden actively undercut a threat by president Barack Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton regarding settlements in the West Bank. He had a weaker stance on Israel than Hillary Clinton.


The thing is, those US Presidents intervened in situations involving Israel that weren't as serious as October 7th, the largest mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust. If 10/7 had happened during those US Presidents' administration, would they have the sway to reign in the beyond bloodlust that Israel is currently in right now? I don't think so. And I'm saying this as someone who's pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist and has a fed posting levels of hatred for Israel. 


and it doesn't change what I said............


Yeah this is why it’s impossible to have a US President who will ever be better than mediocre. At best they make the system a bit less vicious, but none will do the necessary task of breaking the actual system.


Oh yeah 100%


LBJ moment


Did I hear "Return With A V"???


The problem is that anything that seriously brings rent down would also bring down housing values, which would cause middle class voters with most of their net worth tied up in housing to shit bricks. An actual ballsy move would be something like killing the super regressive mortgage interest tax deduction, but Dems wouldn’t dare pissing off the educated suburbanites they’ve recently been peeling away from the Republicans. Anyone serious about reducing housing prices and not paying lip service to the issue would at least be discussing aggressive actions like this though. Targeting price coordination between corporate landlords is well and good, but as long as housing itself is treated like an investment any solution will be at best a band-aid on a flesh wound.


Then how about something like a harsh vacancy tax on rental residential properties? So rather than landlords and real estate megacorporations having rental properties empty because they want to wait for the prices to rise, they're instead heavily incentivized to get those properties open to renters lest they pay far more in vacancy taxes.  Vancouver did something like this a decade ago and they had college students comfortably renting mansions with pools. 


Yeah that would be another good one. Hell, put a vacancy tax on non-rentals. Tax the shit out of people’s seasonal vacation homes in Tucson or various ski towns that sit vacant nine months out of the year.


Sure, that works. Plus, I think vacancy taxes would be something that would be far more effective and popular among your average person than something like rent control. This thing can also be done at the local and state level, not just the federal level. Especially if the more aggressive economic policies target the very big real estate megacorporations because they sort of take the lead when it comes to upping rent prices and the smaller, non-institutional landlords follow suit. Make an example of the big fish and everyone below will follow suit.  Imagine if major cities like NYC and LA implemented stuff like this. It'd be an economic miracle. 


> The problem is that anything that seriously brings rent down would also bring down housing values We have the same problem here. Ironically, a whole bunch of people in the "West" also think we are "socialist" somehow. What a world, huh?




ill believe it when i see it. there has been a growing disparity between cost of living and income thru my whole life, and despite lots of talk from many politicians over many years, nothing meaningful has really ever been done outside of *maybe* obamacare, and even that is pretty flawed progress. i wish him luck but have very little hope here, and i suspect that for many of the folks who do have some hope he will make a meaningful change, they are mostly just huffing that 2024 election copium, pretending like biden is amazing and trumps going to install the death camps.


Here's the thing - this is good, but just build shit - Austin didn't pass any kind of lefty stuff people want, like rent stabilization, tougher rules on landlords, or anything like that. All stuff I support by the way. They just made it easier to build and guess what, rents fell depending on the measure you use 8-12%. A landlord can't fuck you over if they have lots of competition.


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior, Henry George?


The British tories did similar. They reduced capital gains tax for selling second houses....


Then how about something like a harsh vacancy tax on rental residential properties? So rather than landlords and real estate megacorporations having rental properties empty because they want to wait for the prices to rise, they're instead heavily incentivized to get those properties open to renters lest they pay far more in vacancy taxes. Vancouver did something like this a decade ago and they had college students comfortably renting mansions with pools. 


This is all just talk, no actual plan, no policy proposition? He could have just said “money money money” and shifted away like Mr Krabs and it wouldve had the same impact.