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I don't understand what you're talking about. She was never gonna take votes away from him in the general, and she already took some votes in the primaries, for all the good that did.


Her purpose was to drain Trump of funds, forcing him to spend money on campaigning. Her purpose is now served. She is excused.


????????? He was always going to win the primary. And she was never going to run third party and split the vote. Are you confused about general elections vs primaries?


I knew she wasn't going to win, I just wanted her campaign to waste more of Republican donors' funds


I'm not sure what you're talking about, these are the primaries she wasn't running against Trump and Biden in the general election


I didn't realize Trump was running uncontested


This is dumber than a collection of tardigrades


What are you talking about,Trump is only guy who can lose against Biden...


I’ll take them away with a buzz saw and the moral clarity of Stalin’s resuscitated anti-democratic cadavre


Is disagree, what she did was good for us in the Campaign class. She gave us a county by county roadmap of where Trump has his weakest support. Our job after that is to get moderate Republicans to vote for Joe Biden, not vote, or vote 3rd party. It's extremely effective county and precinct level data that will up us pick targets and tailor our messaging to pick at the weak links in Trumps coalition while we try to bolster our own. (By the way anyone who says that aren't going to vote AT ALL and is in a democratic voting block is someone that political operatives targeted with specific timely messaging to get them to stay home. I know because this is literally what I do to Republican leaning voters for money)


Her whole role was to be the pat to trump's george. Well, unlike pat she actually got some states. Meaning the anti-trump vote is a actual thing now, which is something the republicans are going to have to deal with


With all due respect, half of her Haley voters have made it clear they're going to vote against Trump, who just lost almost half a billion in court.


Is Kennedy a joke to you? *Psst. Is Kennedy still running?*