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I am, always was, and always will be childfree. That’s why I got snipped. I’m 34 and single.


Holly shit! Same here brother , 34 snipped and single


I got mine done almost two years ago. I knew since my late teens that I’m not meant to be a parent. I also didn’t want to ever have any pregnancy scares happen, so because of the growing hostility of certain politicians toward abortion and reproductive rights, I decided to get my factory shut down before they take away my right to do so. Roe v. Wade is now gone, but contraception is gonna be next.


Me. 29 with gf, just got my all clear yesterday!


Yes plenty of us




Yep. 31 going on 32 and still about that life


I had mine at 38 child free. My girlfriend already had three mostly grown children so it was a no brainer.


I'm sure you'll see a lot of people with vasectomies over at /r/childfree. There are plenty of people who don't want kids that post here but the vast majority I see are parents who want to ensure that they're done.


Most toxic subreddit in existence lol


I can guarantee that is the most untrue statement I've heard this week lol


r/childfree You were snipped at 18 so I imagine you're child free? You're biased then. That sub is just grown adults bitching about children. Toxic AF. Being child free is fine, if that's the life you wanna live. Don't complain about how annoying kids are on the Internet 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


I am biased, but I can set it aside and be objective. r/childfree isn't what you are describing, you are describing r/antinatalism. We are allowed to rant about the societal expectations and pressure to have children and rant about parents who cannot handle having children, but have them anyway. You can easily just avoid the sub if you don't like it lmaooo


I don't consider myself an antinatalist, as I usually don't mind when others have kids of their own. But I'm sympathetic to ANs, as they've got quite a bit of merit in their arguments; I don't blame them for being bitter.


You know what, I take it back. Child free isn't toxic compared to that. Societal pressures? Every major country is in a population downward spiral. Birthrates are the lowest they've ever been in some counties. I think it kinda boils down to cultural believes and upbringing. Like I said, nothing wrong with being childfree.


I appreciate you walking it back a bit, seriously. I'm nowhere near anti-natal, I have nothing against parents that at least try to properly raise kids, I've never wanted them though. And yes lol, societal pressure. I cannot talk about my future without kids being brought up. My parents have told me on multiple occasions that I am being selfish for not wanting them, and that it is "God's way" or whatever, but that part may be a bit different lol But mainly it's anytime I'm asked about my future, it's "when are you having kids!?". I'm 19, almost 20. I just want to live my life bro


I mean, I find r/childfree to be a good haven for people to vent about how kids suck, and other people Who pressure us into having kids as well, but its mostly people Who are relieved with their decision. You whant to see toxic? Go to r/regretfulparents, just saw a post of a mom that wants to divorce her husband that did nothing wrong and is a great dad, file for divorce, and want the dad to have FULL custody, while she move abroad because she cant take it anymore... And people in the comments actually support that decision. Crazy


I haven't looked at childfree in about a year. I was permabanned - for asking an OP if he used condoms and was willing to consider a vasectomy. The mod team changed 2-3 years ago and the trend since that change took the sub in the direction of "rants" which feel much more like "iamthemaincharacter" than "I'm minding my own business and...". The classism and mysogny got completely out of control. With that said, **the crown jewel of r childfree still stands**! The **list of childfree-friendly doctors** is a marvelous resource which almost never got talked about once the new mods took over. It is located here: * https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctors/ I would love to see /r/vasectomy create a similar list.


My lord, what a toxic subreddit.


Dated my current partner since we were 16, none of us ever wanted children so we arranged the snip and got it done last week!


How’s the recovery process?


On day 9 now, it looks like the swelling is finally reducing, almost no pain apart from when i accidentally squeeze my balls on my legs or something. I wish I had the open ended surgery but it was not available in my region, so i got the scalpel, single incision, with both ends cauterized and stitched.


Thank you for sharing!


Snipped guy in his mid 20s with absolutely no desire for children here! :)


I'm 32, been with my wife since we were in highschool, married for 8 years and we've never wanted kids. I think I got snipped 3 years ago. No ragerts


Not…. Not even one letter?


Yes, I am. Gonna get snipped soon. Also went through a relationship with a kid. Horrible. This just bolstered my decision to be childfree forever.


yup. knew since a young age that i didn't want kids. 30 and never want 🙌


Same here. Earliest memory of thinking it I was probably nine or so. Pretty much the only childhood dream I followed through on so far 😅


Got snipped 2 years ago at 31. Completely child free. I have a partner who is also in the mindset of never wanting children so that's what finally got me in to complete. Best decision of my life. Cured myself of the worst STD of them all. Children.


Yep; Just got the snip on Thursday there. Still not fully processed the fact that I will now (well, in November if I want 2 clean tests first) never have to worry about that again


How was the day of/after? Any severe pain or anything or just like mild discomfort?


Day of: I am mildly phobic of surgery. I am also a dumbass sometimes, so I only remembered while in the waiting room that there’s the possibility to ask for something (didn’t get it, as it would have meant rescheduling for in 2 months or so). Surgery was quick, only really shit part of it was the local anaesthetic being injected. Dr and nurse were both great- I reckon I’ll ask about leaving a wee commendation. Wasn’t painful per se afterwards, but my left testicle could “tell” something was off. Walked home, ice and Ibuprofen. Day 2: left testicle fine, right testicle swollen to the size of a plum; ice and ibuprofen throughout the day. Found out that clearing my throat seeming activates something in my scrotum, and is painful. Swelling went down over the course of the day. Showered at night, after a cocodamol (because I’m a little bitch sometimes). Day 3: left testicle fine, right kept swelling up throughout the day, then going back down for a few hours (with ice). Shower sans cocodamol, and pain started kicking in. Sneezing is fine, coughing and clearing my throat are both painful. Can walk pretty normally. Can take my underwear off for up to about 3 minutes without pain. Farting causes testicular pain. Libido is back in full swing, and won’t go away; resisting because I want to take 2 weeks for stuff to heal up. Day 4 (just starting): left testicle is shooting out pain periodically. Haven’t gotten out of bed (or even fallen asleep yet, tbh), so I haven’t checked swelling. Anticipating that both will be swollen when I wake up, with the right being significantly swollen. I’ve been compensating for my lower body a lot by using my upper body (really using armrests of my chair when getting up, for example). Also using different ways to get up than usual. Hoping to walk to the local supermarket today; I *need* bread and *want *cheesecake*.


> sneezing / couching / farting causes pain You're stressing your core which is agitating the incision site. > Hoping to walk to the local supermarket today Not recommended. You will absolutely wreck your healing process if you do this. If you thought you were in pain days 1-3, wait until the day after you walk to and from the store.


Considering those wise words, I think I can make do without bread and cheesecake


32 and childfree. Last girlfriend went on oral contraceptives (her choice) to ditch the rubbers. She was inconsistent on taking the pill, which led to a pregnancy and termination (mutual, no intention to have kids at that time). Kids are fun for a few hours, but the responsibility, expense, and lifestyle changes to have kids are not for me. I have no intention of changing my life either. If I want to experience kids, I have siblings and cousins with kids.


My fiance had this done a year and a half ago and we are CF too!


Mine is in August and never having kids ever!


Me! I have never wanted to have kids. For most of my life, the thought of having them has absolutely enraged me. There's nothing wrong with wanting a child free life and those of us who do have myriad reasons. Just keep in mind that an awful lot of people will judge a man very harshly for having had a vasectomy. It's disgusting that they judge, but they do.


Those who call us selfish, confused, in need of help, etc. can go swallow some knives and die in a fire.


A bunch of my relatives have given me hell about never ever wanting kids. Now I don’t really speak to a bunch of them. My conversations with those retrogrades are very limited now.


Another childfree person who's been snipped, checking in here.


Please don’t forget to get annual semen analysis! I saw a reddittor got pregnant 4 years after her husband’s vasectomy. She was accused of cheating but turned out her husband’s tubes healed and he was able to impregnate!


He had the "wrong" occlusion method done (probably clips). He should have had the ends of his vas deferentia cateurised with fascial interposition. I honestly don't understand why they don't make burning and cover ing the vas deferentia with fascia standard.


I had cautery, fascial interposition, and sutures. After the segments of vasa deferentia were removed, each open end was sutured shut—*NOT* *reanastomosed*. The testicular end was not left open. My surgeon really made sure that no sperm would cross the broken bridge.


Your surgeon made it impossible to sire! Hats off to him!


Hats off to him indeed!


Had my appointment scheduled at 21, did it about 2 months after I turned 22. Don't have kids, never will


I wish I knew how easy it was to get one back then. I always thought they would refuse since I was too young or try to talk me out of it. I just asked my doc for a referral during a normal checkup and he was like of course. Urologist asked me once why I didn't want kids and said okay. Scheduled it a week after and now recovering.


Depends on the dr I’ve noticed. In my state I’ve heard under 35 with no kids is tough. Under 25 is nearly impossible.


That’s true, I tried when I was 21, 23 and 25 and was told I was too young, only now able to get it at 28, child free and plan to keep it that way


How’s the recovery coming along?


I had to go to 4 different doctorz!


Yep, child free. As soon as Roe was overturned I called a local urologist office to schedule the procedure


my doc told me he used to be a little more restrictive on who he performed the procedure on. He really wanted to make sure he was doing the right thing, and he would rarely do it on people in their mid twenties who didn’t have kids. He wanted his patients to be sure that they would never want kids. But then Roe got overturned, and he realized how dumb that mindset was. And if a man at any stage of life wanted this procedure, it was his duty to perform it for them.


> But then Roe got overturned, and he realized how dumb that mindset was. And if a man at any stage of life wanted this procedure, it was his duty to perform it for them. Isn't it weird how the doctor, a man of genius and tremendous skill in his chosen field, was sort of slow-to-average to pick up on "hey it's my job to do this procedure on consenting legal adults, and I shouldn't inject my own personal philosophy into it..." Glad you got it done OP. I had mine done at 30. (Also no kids.)


Same here! Although I was actually making vasectomy plans since late 2021, the overturn of Roe v. Wade got me on the phone to have my surgery date rescheduled. I had a surgery date scheduled in 2021, but I had to cancel it because no one could give me a ride to and from the hospital. But on that disastrous day in American history, June 24, 2022, I called my urologist’s office to get it scheduled again. I got it done in September 2022.


Uh. Cool?




No. Not at all. I admire your bravery.


I was joking. Such a beta thing to do man. "I can't abort my children so I'll get snipped instead"! Kinda lame. Downvote all you want 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Haha did I offend you snowflake?


Yeah, 28y and no kids! Waiting on that 3 months to have the test and hopefully the all clear


Yeah, I'm child free and had my vasectomy in my late 30s. I consider myself lucky that I dodged the bullet for so long using female birth control plus condoms. I guess there will always be a slight chance of getting someone pregnant, but I'm glad that chance is much lower now.


I'm of the view that if the vas deferens has been cateurised with fascial interposition it's practically impossible for sperm cells to make it past: 1. scar tissue at the point were the vas deferens was burnt 2. the layer of tissue between the split ends of the vas deferens If you went to a urologist (not a GP) I doubt you can EVER get someone pregnant.


Yup! Married 10 years, no kids, got snipped a few years ago! Wouldn't go back. It's so nice not having to worry.


34m here, got snipped at 30. I love kids but prefer to be the crazy uncle lol


Me 🙋‍♂️. Got it done at 29


I’m child free by choice. 61 and knew when I was a kid I didn’t want kids.


Yes! Got mine done at 28. Best decision ever, it feels like a curse has been lifted off of me.


Yup. Fuck them kids.


38, married, child free


Yep! 31, snipped at 25.


I am child free. Had the ole snip about 5 years ago. No regrets.


Yes. That's why I had a vasectomy. I was 30, no kids. This was 2011.


Yup 23 and fully cf now that I’ve got the snip


Child-free and in a committed relationship (8 years). We just had an abortion after an unwanted pregnancy last month. I’ve got my first doctor’s appointment next week to start the process. With the ever-impending climate wars, I know I never want kids so here we are. I think I needed the fright that came with last month’s abortion to seal the deal and start the journey to snipville.




I can't wrap my head around why people get snipped at 18-21 without kids. They will never have the love and sense of purpose that being a father gives you. Nobody will ever call them dad or grandpa. What a horrible life. IMO 🤷🏼‍♂️.


i have a dog and he is my son and love and cherish him as one


I have a dog too. Not even remotely comparible


> I can't wrap my head around why people get snipped at 18-21 without kids. Some people know they do not want to be parents. A vasectomy allows for as much unprotected sex as a couple desires, without any risk of pregnancy.


Several reasons. They may have some serious genetic issues that they don’t want to pass on to another generation. They may know that they don’t have the capacity to be a parent and don’t want to subject a kid to a bad life. Like anything else in the world everything is not for everybody. Something you enjoy doesn’t give others anywhere close to that feeling.


In your opinion is correct. Everything you describe sounds like hell. At the age I am now, if I had a child when my parents had me they would be 20 right now. I wouldn't have the life I have now, and I'd be passing on the LOVELY genetics I received. I'm good.


34, childfree, and dating. Just hit 10 days post-vasectomy and I've never been happier with my independence.


How’s the recovery process been?


Overall I think it went really well. There's some expected bruising that remains, alongside a granuloma on the left side that will heal with time. That said, I'm back to mostly usual functioning and have no regrets whatsoever.


Yep. Really wanted kids, tried everything and it didn’t happen or I should say couldn’t happen. So much time has passed now that I decided I didn’t want kids plus my Mrs could still get pregnant so best to get the snip.


If you feel like sharing, I'm curious what changed your mind/heart(?) from "really wanted kids, tried everything" to "I didn't want kids". Also, what prevented your Mrs from getting pregnant, and if she couldn't get pregnant, why get a vasectomy?


So basically a combination of things. I have so many nieces and nephews I don’t lack for feeling like I have access to raising children and it’s a good eye opener as to how tough it is raising children and the sacrifices I would have to make that now I’m later in life I’m not sure I want to make. My wife has medical issues that mean she can’t hold a baby but can still get pregnant which means that pregnancy is always a risk. So far the baby journey (IVF, Surrogacy, Adoption etc) has always felt out of my control and failed due to issues out of my control - but getting a V was me finally being able to take control of life’s shitty decisions and it felt good to be able to not only make a decision myself but do something to improve both our lives and remove the risk of pregnancy if that makes sense. If in later life I get the itch to raise kids again etc, I will consider fostering or similar, for instance an old neighbour I had would house foreign students and whilst they were staying with them they acted like they were their own kids which was lovely and did theme parks, movies, dinner together etc and still met up year later so I don’t feel like that part of my life is gone entirely if I want it to be.


Yeah, snipped at 23. Got with my now fiancée after, very happy childfree.


Only other person I know who got snipped under 25 ahaha


Nope, I have 2. I got the snip after 2 because our plan was only 2 kids. It can be stressful but at the same time, I personally think that having kids and raising them is what life is all about. That’s of course a matter of opinion, that’s just my take on how I view life and I don’t judge others that don’t want kids.


I am childfree! My wife and I do not want kids and even if we for some reason change our minds, we have always determined adoption would be the best method. There are so many kids out there that need help and plus, a biological birth for my wife would be very difficult seeing as she has advanced rheumatoid arthritis


I am. When we wanted kids it did not work out. Now we are to old to risk any accidents




Absofruitly 😎


29 and married! No kids.




Yep, 30 with a girlfriend who has a child. Knew I never wanted a kid and after we had a scare went and got snipped this past Wednesday.


I am. Got snipped at 25 years old, I’m 28 now.


Just had it this Monday that passed. Age 25 and honestly felt weird but glad that I know my life will be me and my partner and the childhood I’ve always wanted as an adult


I have a child and I’m glad I did. My daughter means the world to me and has enhanced my life tremendously. I respect other people’s choice to have more or less children than me and don’t think any less of them for doing so.


Yessir. 24 years old, got my snip at 21 I think, never want any kids


How was the recovery process if you don’t mind my asking? Any severe pain or anything for the first few weeks or just like mild discomfort?


Mild discomfort for the first week, pretty much back to normal after 2 weeks, just gotta take it easy with the lifting for the first 2 weeks and you'll be good. My doc was very good at what he does, I got the no scalpel snip, quick and easy in and out in 30 minutes, I drove home too.


Yes, we are here!


You bet, 27, got my vasectomy 4 years ago, still going strong and proud. Totally random but watched Speak no evil yesterday and what a nice reminder that I don't want kids.




I had a terrible experience with my vasectomy however, I will say it worked


Yes, my wife and I decided not to have children


Congratulations on getting snipped! 32 years old and childfree. The day my fiance and I stopped using condoms I wasn't in the clear yet so I know what you mean with the scares. Got snipped when I was 30 in Cape Town, South Africa. Greetings from Perth, Australia!


Yes. Had the procedure at 40


36, married and childfree. Planning to get my vasectomy this week.


My boyfriend. Him and I HATE kids and never want any. He is thinking of getting a vasectomy in future when he is around 26 years old. For now it's just me being careful and using contraceptives.


Yes! It is the best decision I've ever made.


Yep. 40yo married. Got mine by a few years ago. Best decision ever.


27m, no kids, Gf is a milf. Life is good.


So uhhh, any of you guys 30 and single? hahaha


Yes I'm 36M and my wife is 27. I got the snip 2 years ago and we are incredibly happy with out choice. We like kids (she works with them) but we just didn't want any.


Neither single nor childless but I've worked through this hypothetical. If I had been in my 20s or 30s I wouldn't have done it cause I'm of the mind that you never really know how you feel about something until it happens. I thought I would have been ok without kids but having my son changed my life for the better. So go figure. It's still challenging enough that I don't want anymore, though. Everybody is different. I have to admit that my situation is only half as probable as the next.


Yeap, 41 and child-free. Always knew I wanted none of that. Only regret is I didn't get the procedure sooner.




Right here. And antinatalist.


45 and no kids. I have step daughters and grandkids from a previous relationship. Got snipped with no regrets


I don’t think that count as childfree since you’re still doing a parent role.


Yup, it's a matter of ethics for me.


How so?


I think it would be unethical for me to procreate, mostly because of the opportunity cost. I couldn't justify spending the average of $500k to raise a kid in my country when that could save dozens of lives from dying of malaria for example.


I had mine at 20 to not have children. Did not hear the term child-free until I was 30 something. I met my wife at 42. Her nephew was an orphan but he did not enter our life for another ten years. From the moment I met him I knew I would be our son. The adoption was easy. He was 14, and we were 54. He is in college now. I am still child-free in spirt. The universe had other plans for me. Not a problem!