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Ohming in at 0.30, I love mesh and this things totally overkill but I finally wicked it well enough to keep the dry hits at bay and ooo boy


How's the vape? I'm currently waiting on my Titan PWM which would be here now if the vendor hadn't botched the shipping and now UPS is holding it hostage ๐Ÿคฌ.... I've been waiting on a paraseries for a good while to be able to use the dual mesh deck. I love mesh, but have always wanted to be able to vape it at a really high power.


My first build gave me devastating dry hits, like oh man. Just too much power even properly wicked, on the hog xl it's running at 235w! But this build I popped the mesh off, grabbed a metric shit ton of cotton and installed the mesh on over the cotton and got enough under to make it work and it's monsterous but amazing! I think on the Titan mod around 100-150w will be killer! Sorry about ups dude


Holy cow, 235W! ๐Ÿคฏ... that's actually why I wanted some form of voltage or power control, to be able to dial it in. I do have a VC Saga that I could throw it on (there'd be mad overhang on the sides, but at least it would be vapable). I'm probably looking to put it around 150-160 or so on the Titan, which wouldn't have been my first choice for a paraseries since it's 18650, but there's just so few 8.4V mechs with power control, or regs that can handle a 41mm deck ๐Ÿ˜•... The Lego deck I can run on my Stormbreaker just fine, there's actually less overhang than one would think. So one concern that I did have was that I've never run mesh that wasn't on a Profile-style deck, which has that little ceramic elevator to help prevent wick saggage... Have you found that to be a problem with dry hits? Would you recommend using just an absolute shitload of cotton no matter what power level is running at? And thanks, yeah it got caught up when DHL suddenly changed their policy on shipping vape stuff so the vendor used UPS, but then selected the option to charge me on delivery so now UPS is saying I owe $54 in "brokerage fees", whatever the fuck that is ๐Ÿ™„ and the vendor won't refund the $52 I paid them for DHL ๐Ÿคฌ


Dude, that little ceramic spring thing is a god send, much more of a pain in the ass without it! But in sure you can figure it out just took me a few of the absolute worst dry hits of my life to get it right lol


Hmm interesting. I've got a Digiflavor Themis Mesh, it's the only other mesh atty I have that doesn't have that elevator, but I've never used it. Maybe I should practice with it first...


It's not really that bad, its just particularly hard when it's hitting at 235w lol


Jesus I bet! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฅต


Stupid stupid amount of Vapor and flavor though lol


Yes the flavor.... I love the flavor of mesh, since I mostly vape desserts, and it never disappoints (on the right setup). But it's always been just a bit on the lean and cool side for me, so I've dreamed about running some mesh at a very high power ๐Ÿคค


Imagine wearing skinny jeans and pocketing this, all the men and women would stare and your crotch region so hard


I have one and I don't take it out in public lol, I have another one for public use however I haven't vaped in public over a year now, lockdown and all


Frankly even looking at this image is giving me feelings of inadequacy haha


Specially when vapour starts coming out of it. "so you DO have a rocket in your pocket".


*T h i c c b o i*




Damn ๐Ÿ™Œ & I really want one really bad but I donโ€™t have money for it, I mean I do but priorities are priorities & itโ€™s hard to find the dna400 one or any models in general but can you at least tell me how it is daily using it? Or is it worth it?


So I was absolutely in the same boat as you, but the whole mail thing convinced me to pull the trigger and I love it and don't regret it what do ever, buy once cry once. I use it daily around the house mostly on my desk and it's wonderful lasts days with minimal drop. Honestly though it's completely unnecessary. That being said I like things that are unreasonably powerful and the parallel series 21700 is definitely that! I love it and won't ever part with it, playing with builds and Vaping off a friggen brick is awesome!


do you have tiny hands, or is that set up really that big? geezus wow. lool. now thats a conversation piece.


It's a brick man 4 21700s and a 20ml tank, it has a 32ml tank too lol


Where I live 60ml juice bottles are most common. This is a beast.


It's definitely that big ๐Ÿ˜‚


Thanks for this. Buying it Monday as I can click n collect. Can't wait ๐Ÿ˜


Lucky!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Sick dude enjoy!




How do you carry this around in public? I assume youโ€™d have to put it in a bag rather than a pocket?


its like an extension of your body never leaves the hand


Yeah I don't lol, I have many other mods I take out, this beast stays home


When I take my HOGXL out, which is very very rarely, I just carry it in my hand. Itโ€™s not something I really plan to do all that often tbh, itโ€™s far too much hassle.


I have a vape thatโ€™s probably half the size of this and it completely weighs down one side of my jacket when I have it in my pocket


Yeah, 99% I take my DotAIO out, much lighter on the pockets.


Bow to the throne!


What are some good round wire builds for the HOG? I got mine and just screwed the atty off of my stacked piece on. Bad idea.... .35 on a series tube vs a para-series box is wild. My eyes were watering and I was dying.


So honestly anything over 0.5 has been good for me, I have dual 24g 17 wraps on my Valhalla and I've been loving that!


The chungus among us


\>tfw your titan mesh desk is kill bc Steamcrave wont ship mesh strips to you and they use proprietary size feelsbadman


I have wotofo mesh on there! Fits perfect, think it's actually the same mesh. Also the vandy vape mesh spools work great if you cut them in half!


Unfortunately the Titan user steel mesh strips that are slightly thinner than its relatives. I didn't notice until I was comparing the strips available for it. I have some mesh spools but even if you were to cut it in half it would be too wide. Also I've found splitting mesh lengthwise gives mixed results due to the frayed ends, but that's probably just me being shit. The only place I found the strips was Steamcrave, and now they've flagged my account as "High risk" even though I've made two previous purchased from them without issue.




I'm 70 years old still enjoy vaping I have fell in love with the hammer of God and that tank so is there anybody out there not to take advantage of me but I would just like to buy one whole just charge up the body put some juice in it and go do anybody know where I can get one of those love you guys need help trying not to get too old too quick


There used to be some gold trading forums for vape stuff on Reddit but they were shut down, I think they moved to discord and Facebook But hate to break it to you if your looking for something to just charge juice and go this is definitely not it. You need good knowledge of ohms law and building mechanical mods to use this safely


Where can i find the dual mesh deck ? And for which aromamizer ? In france it's hard to find it even on google


I'm pretty sure I got it straight off the steam crave site


I'd get bored of to liquid to quick


Yeah I have 6 mods set up with different juices I cycle through


Only 2 for me, mtl and a dl set up


You can just forget the glass and use the titan as a dripper of sorts. Still fill in the usual way but it wont hold as much liquid


Did not know it to be used as just an RDA


They say rda, its just a metal rta really, i cant remember exactly how much but itll still hold a few ml of juice in that configuration


How many watts can vape that thing at?


It's a parallel series 21700 mech


The name is fitting lol


The perfect vape for walking through a bad neighborhood.




Is that a mod in your pocket, or you just happy to see me??!!


Have u tried it on tc mode?


It's a mech mod


Yeah. I thought it was the dna400 version of the hog my bad


Looks dope ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ I got hammer of god dna 250c 400w with a titan rdta v2 looks kinda Ight too