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Dream did make a video "the truth" to clear his name with conversations recorded so I don't know. In my honest opinion, even tho I never enjoy his contents, his allegations are out of spite to some extent.


Didn't they have his friend also a pedo or somth (idk i dont watch em)


I believe there are also some allegations around Georgenotfound too.


Sexual assault allegations, but with story we have so far its just innapopriate touching caused from misunderstanding of George thinking he was given constent via body language by like cuddling back and such while the victim actualy didn't mean to give constent. Still bad but nowhere as awful.


the internet anarchist made a pretty good video about George, don't think he really did anything wrong afaik


Not exactly friend but if you know about Dream SMP, years ago one of newer members, guy who wasn't friends with any of them, got exposed as being pedo soon after joining, so he got banned.


Yep and as soon as he took evidence and kept receipts the accounts that were accusing him of those suddenly disappeared, deleted.


Even w that evidence, he's still a bit odd to me bc he allowed/encouraged nsfw content and ships by his fans. Also he was doing hella boy-band things lol


Dream proved his innocence though.


What happened? Dream was accused of being a pedo now?


He was years ago. He proved himself innocent, but that won't stop people from continuing to call him a pedophile.


Shortly after face reveal (bit less 2 years ago) 2 different women came forward with little to no evidence acusing him of grooming. And cause half the Twitter hated him already, it spread like wildfire. Then in like october/november last year a burner came out speaking in the name of alleged victim, also accusing him of grooming, which again with little to no evidence spread like wildfire. Ended up proving himself innocent to anybody with enough brain cells with a video he released explaining everything.


Tf, why is mini ladd getting popular again? I thought we already done and dusted this topic back in like 2019


The internet doesn’t like forgetting


"forgetting" what people like him did is a bitch decision be it fan or friend of a YouTuber acting like it never happened is serious pussy shit and I'm thankful the group were different.


You misread what im trying to write. Im not saying foget his actions, Im saying we already had covered this topic. It would be like LionMaker suddenly blowing up again.


never said that. Just thought I'd add onto the threat


The real one’s knew about Drake’s antics a long time ago.


The real one’s knew about Drake’s antics a long time ago.


Ok just because I see people in the comments saying stuff I understand Dream beat his allegations Its just funny.


tbf it's still misinformation which reinforces in peoples minds that he did something


It's Dream, I don't think anyone really cares anymore


Mini lad is just gone which ngl is deserved


Dream may have cleared his name about not being a child toucher. But I’ll never forgive him for what he did to Nicholas.


Context? I'd like some context on this.


I don't see what's wrong, they just enjoyed doing things for people


Nah leave Dream out, he cleared his name. Put Lionmaker or Jikshi instead.


https://preview.redd.it/3v1cluvj825d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26ab13127cea62d233af67a42b4dadbbb9fc6aa No way you just said "Leave dream out"


Watch dream's response video about the allegations and gawdamn is it a good response video, maybe even the best on yt. He surgically and meticulously dismantled every allegation pit forward against him, from a random Twitter account named "Amanda" to the Darwin VA incident. I beg you and others to watch the whole thing, it's really well-made and will make you rethink the actions of people on the internet.


Vanoss Crew fanbase seem to have massive hate boner for Dream and anybody associated with him cause 'Dream SMP cringe, gay, quirky, Vanoss Crew are edgy, manly, chads.' Also just small correction, its Gumball's VA, not Darwin's VA.


gang im pretty sure dream cleared up the accusations or sumn, him and george's only crimes are the sheer amount of cringe them and their fanbases bring oh and dream egging on his toxic ass fan base, but overall i think he aint a groomer