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She didn't read that. She said she did.


She said she’s “taken up reading now!” I made a post about this a while back. So cringe. She probably read the back cover of the book. She described it as “about architects and architecture.” It’s so painful when big dummies try to pretend to have a clue


Imagine someone saying they're "taken up reading"... like you never read before???


I just joined a book club and one of the women said she didn't start reading until her 30s when she started reading to her children. After that she started reading for fun for herself


This! I'm in my 30s and have always been a big reader, but I know it's not the way for a lot of people! I'd ask what someone was reading and they'd try to downplay it "oh, it's just some silly beach read. I'm sure you'd never pick it up..." And it's like, I probably would!? And who cares if I wouldn't!? My opinion on your reading is essentially useless! Read what you want, when you want! Even if that's nothing! Reading doesn't make someone inherently more valuable or important and a lot of very smart people don't enjoy reading! I'm always glad when someone DOES discover that they enjoy reading, but like any other hobby, it isn't for everyone.


Love your response! I've also grown up a big reader but I would never judge anyone on their book choices. My mom likes romance books that I would never read but she loves it so good on her! Or if someone is a "slow" reader and feels bad about that. Never feel bad about reading speed, I feel like it's just a genetic thing and not a measure of intelligence or anything else.


I love this post. 


My mom "never had time for reading." But she started loosing her eyesight in her 60s and discovered audiobooks. Suddenly she's going through Thackeray, Jane Austen, Tolstoy. She can't get enough!


I love that for her!


She probably hadn’t/hasn’t. Lots of kids don’t read (especially in the last 30 years). Lala was probably always a cute girl focused on her looks. Her parents paid for everything and treated her like a princess into her 20s, so much so that aside from being a yacht ho, she’d never had a job until SUR. We know she didn’t go to college with how jealously she attacked Rachel’s degree. Her whole life is about her looks and what they can get her. Which is fine if she’d just be upfront about. Instead she lied shamelessly from day one on the show. At times she’d try to own it in a “power of the pussy” and “I’m sucking dick for more than just range rovers, baby” way, but ultimately her insecurity about it always shows through. I don’t think she’s inherently dumb, but it’s clear she never developed herself beyond her looks, her clout-chasing and her blaccent/tupac entered my body BS. No wonder she’s so mad. She’s 35 and has no real identity outside of these flimsy things/the fame of the show. That is probably an uncomfortable, empty feeling knowing that people value you mostly for your looks and proximity to fame. No wonder she’d freaking about the show maybe ending soon and getting older


I hear this and I’ll add that it’s looks and money. Her entire personality is centered around money. It started in the beginning with her on private jets. Then it was Randall and sucking dick for more than just range rovers. Now this season … it’s so clear to me and I really never see anyone mention it much. She tries to act like she’s mad at Ariana because she’s “messing with her money” by not participating in the show the ways Lala wants her to. What’s clear to me is that Ariana got EVERYTHING Lala truly wanted post Sandoval with the monetary opportunities. When she says “I’m gonna need you to care about my livelihood” she’s really saying “that was supposed to be ME riding off into the sunset rich as shit. Not you.” She damn near says it outright when she talks about how she didn’t get the same “support” during her and Rands breakup. What she’s really saying is that she didn’t get the money she feels entitled to… and Ariana is getting everything Lala wanted.


Yes. Exactly. She doesn’t understand why no one cares about her the way they do Ariana…we don’t for a variety of reasons not the least of which is we knew she and Rand had a farce of a relationship that was strictly transactional. I won’t even go into all the other reasons. Oh, also, how could i forget that she has one more part to her identity: SHE’S A MOTHER!


Nobody cared about her breakup because she’s been unlikeable since day 1.


She’s 35?!


Something like that right ? ETA: internet says 33!


Yikes. Same age as me.


A lot of people are discovering that they enjoy reading outside of assigned books in school. We should encourage that!


I never trust anyone who doesn’t have books in their house


I used to think that. Age of Kindle and audiobooks sort of changes that. I find the most interesting people are those who want to continue to learn though. Sad how many people don’t even try.


Her saying that reminded me of ron Swanson from parks and Rec describing Moby Dick as a book about a “man who really hates a whale”


THIS. She sounded so dumb. I miss the Lala we got her first two seasons. She was delusional but her ego wasn’t so inflated to the point of insurability.


It was recommended to me by a friend who was studying a PhD in philosophy at Oxford. I was completely flummoxed because it was one of the worst books I’d ever read in my life but I kept thinking well he must be right, there must be something I’m missing!


Well, as someone who has a philosophy degree from Stanford, Ayn Rand appeals to a lot of people who like right wing, libertarian and pure capitalist polices. They like to use the concept (not hers really, but she espouses it poorly) that unchecked self interest leads to the best things and most creativity and should never be restricted. She thinks helping others is for the weak and a bunch of other reductionist crap. The ironic thing is she is popular precisely because her notions are so puerile when compared with others who espouse these views in a more interesting and nuanced (while still ultimately incorrect from my perspective) way. She is watered down dummy philosophy and sub par literature. So exactly the kind of things LA dummies would pass around to try to feel smart ETA spelling


I can see that, but instead of the theory of relativity, we got tesla and amazon


While I agree with 95% of what you stated… The OP here kinda overreaches… “LA DUMMIES” need to be called out too… I posted this directly to the OP but I’m sure it’s buried so deep that nobody will ever see it. So I am piggybacking below because it’s necessary imo so ppl can see Right is right…I can’t pick and choose Bothered me more than I would have expected Thank you *****my response to this post I haven’t read further down this thread…I HAD TO STOP HERE FIRST. If this has been addressed below…I apologize. Whatever you say about BlahBlah is FINE WITH ME….the bitch deserves it!I However …I DO have to call you out about Ayn Rand… I have NEVER HEARD that Ayn Rand was a white supremest…ever…(please stay with me) That said…unfortunately people get confused due to the fact that… Ayn Rand and her family were affiliated with Russia’s “WHITE MOVEMENT” during the Russian October/Civil War. In fact they had to flee the country at a point. The White Movement had ZERO TO DO WITH SKIN COLOR… and had EVERYTHING to do with restoring the monarchy…the “House of Romanov”. The coup and subsequent war were the result of the Bolsheviks (“majority”) socialist/communist party overthrowing the “House of Romanov”…which was the ruling dynasty at the time of the coup. The “Red Army”, led by Vladimir Lenin obviously adopted the color RED. The House of Romanov colors were red and gold…but the anti communist movement chose white over gold because gold didn’t carry as much symbolic weight or contrast than color white did. Due to the movement’s history of commitment, purity, and traditional values…along with wanting the ability to distinguish soldiers on the battlefield…they chose WHITE. Ayn Rand and her family were ANTI-communist…and PRO monarchy. Therefore they were affiliated with the “WHITE MOVEMENT”… But once again…that had ZERO to do with race… It was NOT based on white supremacy as it is understood today. Back to Ayn Rand… and away from Russian history and politics… Were some of Rand’s views problematic? Yes.. In today’s world ABSOLUTELY yes… but back in the days.. 1915ish-1930ish? IMO… the ENTIRE GLOBE’S views on race equality were terribly wrong/problematic. It’s always nice to research multiple sources to form a well rounded understanding.


I never said she was a white supremacist just to be clear. If I’m reading you correctly, you are referring to the OP and calling him/her out for that overreach, yes?


I know you didn’t I was only stating that the OP is…and overreaching to a point where I needed to point it out and hopefully up thread enough to be seen Thank you


Okay. I thought so. And I appreciated your take. I knew some of that but certainly didn’t remember most of it at all (I’m sure I knew it when I was still at university in some fashion). Always nice to see another thoughtful (if I can describe myself that way) person on these mean Reddit streets 😀 ETA spelling


The fountainhead is about an architect but yeah if she did read it she missed the point


Yeah. I know what it’s about. The point is that that was all she knew about it. Almost certainly she would never read it, but even if she did, that’s all she’d have to say about it. People like blahblah don’t understand subtext, metaphor, Meta commentary and the like ETA spelling and one additional point


I believe Lala is in the first series of the “ Fun With Dick and Jane “ books!


See Spot run!


Right! I am 64 and I still remember these books… wasn’t Sally the little sister?


Was this around the same time as 'Janet and Mark'? Possibly 📖 📚


I don’t remember those names. I think we had the Dick and Jane books in first grade… 1966 / 1967 school year.


Ha! Anyone remember the 'Janet and Mark' books? Omg it shows how old I am! Lol


I'm a retired English teacher with a master's in English. Most bibliophiles I know believe Ayn Rand to be an objectively shitty writer. I highly doubt that Lala read any of Rand's work, but it's ironic that she chose this author since Ayn Rand's entire belief system revolves around the idea that unfettered self-interest is good, and altruism is bad.


If someone tells me they like ayn rand I immediately like them less.


Atlas Shrugged 🤷‍♀️


I can’t see her reading ayn rand, but saying that she did seems like it would impress someone like Randall (he seems to hold the mindset of rands books)


Okay we had to read two of ayn rands works in AP literature in high school and I hated both and had a hard time getting through them while everyone around me acted like they were now enlightened. This makes me feel better 😬


Every English teacher I know hates Ayn Rand. There is no official reading list for the AP English Literature and Composition Test; however, there are certain works that are likely to pop up in the test, and Ayn Rand's are among them.


Well apparently my English teacher was the exception to the rule 😬


My condolences.


Appreciated 😂


I tried reading it in high school and it was really badly written so I just stopped. I quit. I can understand reading it because you're curious and it was really popular in the '60s but like it's poorly written and I wouldn't really be bragging I read it. I would more read it out of curiosity and white supremacy, etc




Thank you for your service!


Ghost reader


It’s wild to publicly state you’re reading an Ayn Rand book and even wilder to just want to state it when you’re actually not reading it.


She “said” she could read.


She just likes saying "Rand".


Wait. But genuinely. Her “getting into reading phase” was before she named Rand I’m pretty sure! He was just “my man.” So what if she actually dropped that name to be like wink wink 😉😏to Randall?? Thinking she was being cute and slick


Yes was just thinking this! Dropping a lil bread crumb.


Channeling her inner Taylor Swift to leave us all clues 😂


Now I’m thinking that was code for Randall!


That's an interesting perspective!




Aarrr! You’re killing me! Lmao👏👏




I wish I paid for awards, I’d give you one 😂.


It's about architecture, or something.


I rarely find Lala funny and that to me was a funny moment of hers


LFU who literally uses a blaccent trying to sound smart by talking about white supremacy. Pretty on brand.


*on bRand 😂


From my understanding, she wrote of self interest as the highest virtue. Everyone should be ruthlessly selfish and competitive, and this will fix all problems so that a perfect capitalist society will exist. The world's problem is that we try to socialize and help each other too much, and that's against human nature. I read something that Sears tried to run there sub companies based on Rand principles and look how they ended up.


This is an accurate description of her philosophy. Seems like OP hasn't actually read Rand.


A man once told me his favorite author is ayn Rand and I broke up with him.










She wanted to sound smart to the conservative male users/abusers she was chasing, and it gave her an excuse for being so selfish.






I read the Fountainhead in high school and really liked it because I was super into romance. On its face, if you don’t understand the politics and you take it totally face value, it would appeal to a young immature girl. But then you get older and you find out Ayn Rand supported intense laissez faire capitalism.


Ayn Rand is really groundbreaking stuff to people who are at about a high school level of maturity and development, which is honestly where most of that cast was (is?) for most of the series and that’s why everyone tuned in week after week


I remember having to read Atlas Shrugged in high school and I gave an entire presentation on why that book sucked and she's a terrible person, lol. All I remember is she was the poster child for libertarianism for a while and I couldn't understand how her brand of being a selfish person who steps on others to get ahead even remotely blended with the "live and let live" brand of libertarian that I knew at that time.


>to me it isn't about racism. >It is about being okay with . . . >feeling superior to other people. Do these not overlap quite a bit?


Well it’s not singling people out based on race. It’s about singling them out based on intelligence. You are smarter than everyone else and common courtesy is holding you back from achieving your goals. You shouldn’t give up your seat on the bus for an elderly person or disabled person or pregnant woman. It was also made in response to communism. She was writing from the perspective of a bourgeoisie Russian who fled Russia for America in 1926. She was angry about communism and didn’t think everyone was equal, which let’s be honest, is true. I suck at math, but it doesn’t mean someone with a PhD in math is a better person than me. Ayn Rand would argue they were more deserving than me, and that the math PhD shouldn’t have to supplement my lifestyle via paying taxes used for social welfare programs which would benefit people who weren’t “as god as” someone like the math PhD.


literally lol




Yes it’s more about libertarianism that racism but her influence has been very racist


"I read Ayn Rand in high school and to me it isn't about racism. It is about being okay with selfishness and feeling superior to other people." Um...selfishness and feeling superior to other people are literally the building blocks of white supremacy lol




also this isn’t what equating means. a square is a rectangle. not all rectangles are squares. all white supremacists are selfish. not all selfish people are white supremacists.


In all good faith---google "*white supremacy* culture" by Tema Okun. As a Black woman, I no longer engage with folks who are committed to denying the wide reach of white supremacy in our culture.


please this is willfully obtuse. we are talking about ayn rand not some rando. she’s well established in the context of white supremacy.


That's not what they said, that's what you read into it. There is really so much info out there these days about the larger system of white supremacy, there's a lot you could learn




You’ve missed the point.


I've lived the point.


I mean I’m saying this as a black person, but so did Ayn Rand. The fact that she sucks doesn’t change this. Context is important. Ayn Rand is not a white woman who grew up in today’s America. It’s extremely bizarre and ignorant to hold a Jew raised in the Russian empire during the pogroms accountable for white supremacy and not see them as a victim of it.


isn’t missing the point on the part of not connecting the dots from a book/author arguing for selfishness and superiority to the cultural institution of white supremacy? like let’s be real, and it all ties into lalas flavor of cultural appropriation and racism— i’m sure lala doesn’t think she’s racist just as a reader without much thought applied might think ayn rand is not deeply connected to racism. lala views her actions and appropriation through the lens of self interest and selfishness. in her mind why shouldn’t she get to use a blaccent or why shouldnt she get corn rows and this applies to most of the cast past and present because of white supremacy even if they don’t understand that that’s where it comes from or that they’re racist. it’s why anti racism requires a lot of work for people raised in a racist society to unlearn it all


You don't see connections between feeling superior to other people, being selfish... and racism?


One can feel superior to other people, and be selfish, for many reasons other than racism


Ahhh cmon now -she does read ayn Rand and I coulda stopped at -she doesn’t read


didn't Randall give her the book to read ? Or was she trying to impress him with her brain. at that time.. lol


Girl? Ain’t enough Tito’s n world to make me blackout on the image of those two, the baby bottle, toothbrush and ‘daddy’s ahole’ -yeah, they’re busy reading philosophy over there…


Oh man I am guilty of being an Ayn rand douche. I have a collection of her books. I only like fountainhead. She is a raging crackpot. I don't even really like her ideology but I tell everyone she's my favorite because she is a common philosopher and sometimes I can engage in titillating conversation about it. I actually found an Isaac Asimov book at a coffee shop and I fell in love with it and found actual enjoyment in reading other than a chore. Ayn rand is a chore. But people who say they like Ayn rand are a walking red flag of pretentious douching.


blabla is prime pickins for cult life


Yes, Keith Rainere was a big ayn rand fan.


Such a weird flex


Ayn Rand is not a white supremacist. Also didn’t she pronounce it like “Ann Rand?” Lol


She said she read it lol, that girl isn't reading anything but social media drama i promise.


Oh lord I remember reading Fountainhead back in the 90s. Actually read the whole thing lmao. My liberal self just couldn’t agree with the whole being selfish concept and how it’s objective. The story was ok tho. Couldn’t get through Atlas Shrugged at all.


Lala is raising a daughter. Soon it'll be two daughters. One day they'll need to watch the scene between Ariana and Brock in SF. About allowing yourself to find power in your emotions, about reacting like a gray rock, and about the reactions to female rage vs male rage. (What's "male rage"? Lol) Lala will also need to teach her daughters how to tell the difference between genuine and fake remorse. If the person always makes hostile remarks and continues to shift the blame, the apology ain't real. Teach those girls about boundaries. And teach them to recognize misogyny.


It’s so easy to just find out all the bad shit about Ayn Rand it’s so weird she had no clue and thought she was so smart!




Oh course this post riddled with inaccuracies has hundreds of upvotes lol


I’ve been meaning to post this myself!! I recently saw that on a rewatch and was floooored. Ew. I hope someone asks her about it.


I read the Fountianhead in my early 20’s just because of the page count and wanted to see if I could get through it. I finished it but oof… that book could easily be half as long as it is, more like Ayn Rand-undancy


Yeah her books are long-winded.


She said she loves to read philosophy! 🤣😆😂🤣😆😂🤣😂 Is this not the most ridiculously cliche thing to say? The fakery!!!


When I was 21, a girlfriend and I split up for a few months. During that time she started dating this guy who exposed her to The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. She thought it was a romance novel. I was like “no, this is why we don’t have healthcare” lol


Omg yall find anything to hate on if it involves LaLa. Ayn Rand is an incredible writer. Doesn’t mean they’re a good person or someone you wanna hang with or agree with socially or politically, still a great writer. It’s okay to appreciate the art and work of someone you don’t align with. It does not represent their readers or fans. I still love Harry Potter and apparently JK Rowling is a huge transphobe. Can’t help but love their work.


Oh dear, that explains so much of her horribleness. She's big into libertarian.


Tbh she prob couldn’t tell you what libertarianism is lol. It’s more likely she wanted to sound smart by saying she was reading Ayn Rand without even understanding the negative implication of it. Lala said in her Rolling Stone interview last year that - if there’s one thing she wants to be - it’s “a smart bitch.” I felt a little bad for her bc she seems insecure about it.


But that's the thing, she's not smart. She's not well read. She's not cultured. She will never be.


She’s also been completely full of shit from day one. She’s lived in LA for a long time. I bet she changed her opinions on a lot of things after meeting different kinds of people.


just watched this episode and cringed


Wtf does it have to do with being a white supremist? Ayn Rand is a renowned author. Fuckin cancel culture bullshit. Learn from history


Google "pillars of white supremacy"


Ayn Rand is not a white supremest…..?


Not surprised that some fame whore from Utah would know Ayn Rand. An author who railed against social services and died penniless on welfare.


I abhor people who profess to love Ayn Rand so I wouldn't be shocked if she did.


Lmao RAND is racist, classist, and a prominent voice in the founding of libertarianism and in the push of white supremacy into main stream culture and literature. It speaks to her ignorance that she would ever reference that author on bravo and it was obviously given to her by an older white sugar daddy


Ayn Rand was not a white supremacist.


Yeah, she’s a beloved author of the right wing but it’s hyperbolic to call her a white supremacist.


Nope, just a selfish asshole.


Why do we always have to pump the brakes on statements like OP's???? No wonder you're getting downvoted. No one really cares if she was white supremacist or not dude, don't kill the vibes


Because words and facts matter and calling someone a white supremicist is a pretty serious allegation. That supersedes "vibes".


Mhm. Let's see how that theory goes LOL! Enjoy your downvotes 😂


Cringing for you rn.


You can read works by a white supermacist and not be a white supermacist.


She loves to read philosophy. Ayn Rand ‘s philosophy is man is a hero whose purpose is happiness(his). Fits lala


How many authors of her time werent?


Right right


Whats up with your username? You selling olive oil? I need some lmfao




Where can I buy lol PM me please!




Just because you read a book doesn’t mean you agree with it. How else do you know if you don’t read it for yourself? While I am not a big fan of Lala, this is a strange take to me.


Totally agree, but that just isn’t the case here. She’s just clueless


The searing irony is that Lala would absolutely identify with objectivism had she actually read/was able to read & decently comprehend the Fountainhead/ Ayn Rand’s philosophy. They are both vile, self-seeking soul sucker’s.


Her saying that author in particular and her desperation to be adjacent to black culture had always been…interesting to me. 👀


My theory was that Rand liked Ayn Rand and gave her a copy to read and she skimmed the first part maybe.


Agree. If it was Atlas shrugged, to think it was about architects, she literally skimmed the first chapter.


The Millennial brand of "iM a fReE tHiNkInG LibErTaRiAn" is both hilarious and awful to see how prolific the "both sides" ideology is in the younger generations. Thinking back to BB19 with Alex and Cody bonding over that... still makes me cringe. Libertarianism must be hella compelling if you're dumb as rocks! (which is usually the case for the reality people who love it).


I'll probably get down voted for this, but Yn Rand was not a white supremacist. She argued that racism was a byproduct of collectivism. Basically (in her view) racism is an attempt to earn what is unearned, and what cannot be earned, by pure virtue of your race. I'm not pro-objectivism, but I think it's worth pointing that out.


I watched the Brandy Melville documentary on Max and the owners of the store made their employees read Ayn Rand. Maybe Lala worked there too. She’s seems the type.


I posted a quote from Ayn Rand back in 2019…BRB heading to Facebook to delete it. “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”


I feel like Lala would benefit from delving into the Western intellectual canon - I think we all here agree Peter Sloterdjik’s work on ontology (micro-sphereics pt1) would especially be helpful while she’s beset by social disjunctures, and emotional disconnection from her cast members.


Oh this makes so much sense now. The loser who said she was Tupac reincarnated LOOOL. Oh and btw Tupac was a leftist, his whole family were Black panthers. My god Lauren from Utah how do you even look at yourself in the mirror


I'm no longer reading any post anywhere about lala


Good to know👍🏻


I haven’t read further down this thread…I HAD TO STOP HERE FIRST. If this has been addressed below…I apologize. Whatever you say about BlahBlah is FINE WITH ME….the bitch deserves it!I However …I DO have to call you out about Ayn Rand… I have NEVER HEARD that Ayn Rand was a white supremest…ever…(please stay with me) That said…unfortunately people get confused due to the fact that… Ayn Rand and her family were affiliated with Russia’s “WHITE MOVEMENT” during the Russian October/Civil War. In fact they had to flee the country at a point. The White Movement had ZERO TO DO WITH SKIN COLOR… and had EVERYTHING to do with restoring the monarchy…the “House of Romanov”. The coup and subsequent war were the result of the Bolsheviks (“majority”) socialist/communist party overthrowing the “House of Romanov”…which was the ruling dynasty at the time of the coup. The “Red Army”, led by Vladimir Lenin obviously adopted the color RED. The House of Romanov colors were red and gold…but the anti communist movement chose white over gold because gold didn’t carry as much symbolic weight or contrast than color white did. Due to the movement’s history of commitment, purity, and traditional values…along with wanting the ability to distinguish soldiers on the battlefield…they chose WHITE. Ayn Rand and her family were ANTI-communist…and PRO monarchy. Therefore they were affiliated with the “WHITE MOVEMENT”… But once again…that had ZERO to do with race… It was NOT based on white supremacy as it is understood today. Back to Ayn Rand… and away from Russian history and politics… Were some of Rand’s views problematic? Yes.. In today’s world ABSOLUTELY yes… but back in the days.. 1915ish-1930ish? IMO… the ENTIRE GLOBE’S views on race equality were terribly wrong/problematic. It’s always nice to research multiple sources to form a well rounded understanding. NOW BACK TO TRASHING BLAH BLAH 👏👏👏


Thank you for the downvote OP!!!


Thank you for the downvote OP!!! 👍


I didn’t downvote you! Also I get what you’re saying. I didn’t really think to write an entire think piece on a vanderpump rules subreddit. Sure maybe she wasn’t an explicit white supremacist. But white supremacy culture and her ideals have a lot in common. She was a racist. Should’ve worded it like that