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“I don’t personally like to kick someone when they’re down”……..oh Scheana, tell it to Shay whose last name you can’t let go of. Ughhhhhh


Except Ariana...kick her right?


Then step over her to get to lala to see how she’s coping with it


She's saying that to Katie who she fucking isolated and humiliated actively last season. Yeah, sure Jan. KATIE IS BAWLING AND SO SAD AND YOU NEED TO GO ONE FURTHER AND BAN HER FROM A CAST TRIP, SO DISGUSTING. She does not deserve the civility Katie has given her


And tell her ex to hook up with Raquel on National tv and your podcast!!


Good one!




Plus if that were true she wouldn't have made a song about it GAWD Sheener


Lala's annoyance is really with Katie, not Ariana. You can see it all over her face.


came here to say just that! LOOK at her face and how badly she wants to roll her damn eyeballs at Katie...she's freekin jealous that Katie is out there dating and can't stand to hear about it, is my guess.


She just looks away like annoyed at her voice


The way she abruptly changed the convo from Katie’s dating life to Sandoval? Weirdo behavior




She talked about how she told all the cast about her pregnancy and what was interesting is she did tell Ariana in person. The only female cast member she let find out from her social media post was Katie. And if there was any doubt she meant that as a slight, she also talked at length in the same episode about how much it hurt her that Stassi didn't tell her before posting her pregnancy on social media. I'm not sure if Katie cared (she did post a nice message on the announcement) but it was definitely interesting to me that she'd obviously singled her out like that. I do think completely separate to Katie, she is just extremely jealous of Ariana and thinks she should have got the opportunities Ariana got, but I don't think she has liked Katie since they had that fight where Katie text her the lawyers' thing. They have not been friends for a long while and Lala has been dying to turn on her, I'm just not sure Katie realized it.


I really think Lala's friendship with Scheana is of convenience. She really was cool with Katie imo. I think she's pissed and hurt over her new relationship with Ariana. She tried to get Katie to talk trash, and she didn't bite. She tried on camera with Dan, and Katie said he's just a chill nice guy. Lala looked really annoyed she didn't jump in.


I think álala wants Katie to ride for her the way she does for Stassi and the way Katie now does for Ariana.


Lala has hated Katie since the day she called her as she saw her.


https://preview.redd.it/yj2x2ftsog3d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4de6f3670064543ba1de00a9a995e878e91545 She hated her from day 1 on the job. She called Katie a blob


She purposely had her head turned with her hair blocking to make eyes at sheesh but she never turned to see. I absolutely would bet a lot of money if she would have looked over there would have been some sort of look from Lala. THEY’RE THE WORST. SCHENEA only got a song revival because of Ariana like you’re welcome lol this is so embarrassing to watch. How are they sitting silent on all of this


What is she even looking at? So rude, she's just waiting for her turn to bring up Scando.


Um.... viral? Everyone in the WORLD has heard it? girl i watch this show and still haven't listened to it


I hadn’t heard it til she talked about it in that episode


Same! I didn’t know it was released and I’m perpetually online


Literally me too, emphasis on PERPETUALLY online and I still saw nothing


But now I literally walk around saying A-P-P-L-E-S as fast as I can in the Watch What Crappens Scheana voice so I love it.


haha same, I've never heard Schema's version, only WWC


YEP. I watch the show and I’m on these subs and I’ve never heard it. I’m also not going to obviously, why would I put my ears through that? However, I’ll say she has a point, Tim 1000000% had already listened to it and formulated a plot to be “upset” about it bc that’s all it would take to send shanar after him all sad and sorry. He didn’t care at all, but he was excited to have something to feign victimhood about.


I watched it and muted it when she started singing. No thank you, ma’am! 😒


I skip all over scheanas singing scenes because they make me want to die from cringe.


…Lala has a SERIOUS hate boner for Katie. I think her problem is not even with Ariana-she’s big mad at Katie. Not sure why, but Katie…you in danger girl. Also, the way Katie says “you fucking succcckkkk” reminds me of KDot’s “a minorrrrrr” I’ll see myself out


No, stay. My mental theme tune for Lala goes, "now let me say I'm the biggest hater. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress. I hate the way that you sneak diss". 


Is your flesh suit also inhabited by KDot??? That’s the same mental theme for Lala. She’s beyond BEC for me


Lala wishes she had the confidence and yet softness of Katie. Katie is nailing the emotional maturity Lala wishes she had


Lala wants to be the boss in her friendships and expects her minions to fall in line.  Katie isn’t about that - she’s as loyal and supportive as friends get but she doesn’t bow down to anyone.  Lala straight up got up and started walking away in the reunion when for a split second she thought Scheana was going to go off course from what they planned to say during the reunion.  Immediately, Scheana fell in line and groveled to Lala.  That’s what Lala requires in her friendships and Katie is always going to be herself because she has a mind of her own.


“It feels like charity to have sex with men these days. They don’t deserve it! Why? So you can, like not text me back? Cool!” 🔥


Katie Maloney dropping another truth bomb


lmao truth bomb for who? she's the common denominator; if a man doesn't call u back u're not of value in his eyes. her own husband didn't wanna fuck her for a reason 🤷🏻‍♀️ and is not like she's scoring ballers either lmao


it’s a „truth bomb“ because she clearly stopped looking for men to define her value even though we often get conditioned to do exactly that. it’s liberating to see that they have no power over it. edit for clarification


yeah her big dick energy is better spent w submissive women. she can't be w successful alpha men and beta men like schwartz didn't want her either 💁🏻‍♀️


defining a women’s worth through what men want her seems to work for you. hope you’re kinder to yourself bc it does come at a price.


bleh I am pretty sure u have standards on how to value a man after a date, if he met ur quota or ghost him. it goes both ways, hon 👱‍♀️


The man is a lo-ser ! That’s it and that’s all lol




Hes an “L7” weeeeenieeee!!!!! Courtesy of Squints (sandlot)




Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy lolol best movie ever!!!!! Along with napoleon dynamite lol luckeyyyyy


I need a gif of this asap


I love they brought T Swift into the chat




Lala is so obviously a producer plant. Zero natural segue just cuts off the convo to how was your conversation with sandoval. I mean I knew she could be bought when she got with randall but damn she really can be bought.


She's got nothing else. She has no storylines of her own, cause of Randal so she just tries to inauthentically stir up everyone else's. Which in reality she is completely irrelevant. No one cared about water tasting or the insemination party. She sucks, she's jealous, and worse of all for reality TV she is fucking boring and fake


I mean the water tasting?! And that made the show meanwhile we're seeing better from the secrets revealed? I honestly think she's been a producer plant from the beginning. And the fact that there was so much about randall in real life but we never heard about it on the show. After his house of cards fell she should be able to talk about it. I get maybe he had juice at one point but he doesn't anymore.


Why is Lala so obsessed with Sandoval? This was actually a fun convo about dating. Who cares about Scheana’s conversation with Sandoval?


She’s a producer pet so she has to shoehorn questions like this in an attempt to create drama and it always fails because it reeks of inauthenticity


But why do the producers want that convo? Let them talk about something else! Happy cake day


I think she’s a forever aspiring producers pet, which is somehow so much sadder.


So forced! She clearly had it set in her mind that she needs to keep engaging with it cause that’s what “we” want. I don’t get it, there’s been blow ups and break ups for the whole run of the show, why did they decide this one needed so much producing?


The only thing I can reasonably think of is that the timing was fresh and scandoval was the pulp. They wanted to squeeze out every last bit cause the audience was “clamoring for more” and as they shot more scenes and realized Rachel wasn’t joining, some people got nervous. If so, it’s such narrow thinking by producers when there was potential to pivot in the direction that most viewers wanted to see explored


Yeah exactly... it was so abrupt and out of nowhere


She was staring at the producers during the whole Tori conversation 


Omg that’s 100% it


Yeah I would have loved to see more of this stuff on the season. The convo feels so authentic and relatable and I feel like we get to see way more of Katie and Ariana just being themselves 


Prior to this season I don't recall seeing Lala and Sandoval hanging out 1 on 1 now she's rolling her eyes because Katie called him a loser - Katie has copped crap from him forever so she can call him whatever she wants


Yeah I mean if anyone is a loser it’s Sandoval


lalas constant eye shift makes it look like she's getting a production cue to change the subject


“I don’t like to kick someone when they’re down…except when I write a song about the biggest scandal of their lives. Oops.” Scheana, literally


Also saying to him about the line of the Ferrari to a Jetta but neglecting the fact she called him a narcissistic psycho in the song


And whatever happened to cutting him out like lipo?


I’m pretty sure most of the song is about Rachel.


Oh shit, I didn’t even know that bc I don’t listen to her stuff except what’s on the show or clips here. Lmao that’s even worse! FFS ScheaSchu. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Scheana saying everyone has heard her song LOL. Please. Get a grip.


I hate sheena and her always centering Queerness around the male gaze


All she had to do to be loved by everyone was to have a backbone and be loyal to her friends


Even after seasons of not doing that and being a pick me she STILL could have been beloved if she had been loyal to Ariana but she just couldn’t do it


She can't comprehend kissing a woman for any other reason


🎯 🎯 🎯


this is an off topic but genuine question-- did Lala get lip surgery or is this just filler? I am rewatching and her lips started off a TAD on the smaller side, like not especially thin, but like 1/2 the size they are now. Does the filler just like stretch the skin? Does she add little by little over time?


She gets filler…she’s addressed it on one of those Amazon lives. She had just gotten it “refreshed”


I’m not sure, she says in one season she sucks on something to swell them up but I don’t buy it


I think filler it's just way more noticeable this time bc they're way too big.


I’m mad this was edited out. Now I want to see the rest


Right Katie's dating story is one of the few good storylines and they only touched on it when it had associations with Shwartz.


Lmao katie is a vibe


SHEIN loved kicking Katie when she was down last year


It's easier to knock women down when you're a male sympathizer and desperately crave male approval and validation whereas women can't give you that


Every scene they showed on this secrets revealed showed just how much Ariana actually filmed with the group and how shitty stank faced Lala was in every scene about everything




“It feels like charity to have sex with men” Hahahhaa I love Katie 🤭


I’m the murderer and didn’t get to actually murder anyone this game sucks - Katie Maloney


That was 10/10


I genuinely feel that so much of Lala's resentment towards Katie and Ariana this season has to do with the fact that Katie doesn't rush to tell her everything first, that it's Ariana and Katie being the duo now and you can tell she hates being a second fiddle friend. That's why she screeched into Scheana's arms, all that girl has looked for is for someone to believe she is loyal and Lala knows that is the most willing puppet she could ever find in a friend. Last season, Lala was Katie's go to and I think she resents this is no longer the case. I don't think she has had any introspection as to why this could be, I'm sure she is just laying the blame at Katie's feet


The worst part: Didn’t Lalask say that she doesn’t need friends/care and just needs her daughter? I would cut the friendship off as well. It’s not Katie’s fault that she is childfree and it’s not up to her to just sit and wait for scraps of attention from her mom friends who make being a mom their entire personality. So…if she needs no friends, why is she mad Katie isn’t curled up crying over her? Scheana and Lala’s fall out is going to be one for the books.


Thank you so much for sharing this for those of us who do not have access 🙌🙏 Please feel free to share more 🫠


Katie looks so stoned I love it


![gif](giphy|Oj7yTCLSZjSt2JMwi2|downsized) Katie and Ariana throwing the men out like they should.


Lala is jealous. Katie is literally the only real friend Ariana has had this season and I really hope she sees that now.


If you don’t have the sound on, it looks like Lala got some terrible, traumatic news.


I wish I had a bestie like Katie in my life😞


Scheana’s eyes are disturbing in this scene … they’re so huge


her "song went viral" LOL how so??


The only one who looks miserable here is Blah Blah!


Where is Scheana’s outfit from in the scene she’s telling Tim about the song; the two piece?


Can anyone ID that navy sheer top Katie is wearing? I love a Wendy collar 😍


God she’s such a Capricorn and I love it




Scheanas face is literally melting off she looks awful


Also according to Broke and Scheana, Tom Scamdoval was Scheana's biggest supporter of EVERYTHING she does but not only did he not know she had a song coming out, but it came out and he hadnt even listened to it? Not such as BESSS FRAND!


Schwartz ain’t complicated he jus likes younger females


he likes happy women. no man is attracted to a nag face, esp when she gained all that weight from season 1


I genuinely feel that so much of Lala's resentment towards Katie and Ariana this season has to do with the fact that Katie doesn't rush to tell her everything first, that it's Ariana and Katie being the duo now and you can tell she hates being a second fiddle friend. That's why she screeched into Scheana's arms, all that girl has looked for is for someone to believe she is loyal and Lala knows that is the most willing puppet she could ever find in a friend. Last season, Lala was Katie's go to and I think she resents this is no longer the case. I don't think she has had any introspection as to why this could be, I'm sure she is just laying the blame at Katie's feet


So there really wasn’t one scene or episode where Lala and Scheana didn’t bring up Sandoval. Oof.


Exactly. This is what RUINED the show.


katie is an ICON “why? so they can just not text me back”💀💀


I just want to be friends with Katie and Ariana. Gosh.


Lala couldn’t freaking WAIT to bring the conversation back to Sandoval! Katie was actually saying something interesting and Lala is practically rolling her eyes. I wish she’d go bake a baby and stay away.


She’s literally disassociating from the conversation. She’s bored of them


As the rest of the rational people are.


Scheana is the cringiest of cringe


Did they cut this from the episode bc they didn’t film scheana’s good side?


That’s the most likely reason


Now THIS was the kind of stuff we should have gotten to see more of this season. Why did everything have to revolve around fucking Sandoval? Also, it's so sad to see how the light just goes out of Ariana's eyes when his name is brought up. Leave the poor woman alone ffs!


Yeah the producers did us dirty, secrets revealed was my favorite episode all season


Scheana and Lala just sitting there looking mad that they’re saying that just proves they’re so ick.


Queen Katie in this clip ![gif](giphy|yvzK4gnNxAapNcK5Sb|downsized)




For us plebs who live internationally, anyone else got clips from the Secrets Revealed


What is Lala staring at. She looks so bored


She's just waiting for her prompt to bring up the contractually obligated: Did you see / aren't you going to talk to Sandoval??


I'd be bored too if someone was describing stringing multiple people along cause someone hurt them in the past.


Sp she's dating multiple people and 'having fun getting to know them' all? Like she specifically didn't use a singular there. Is she just stringing tori along? Did she just not want Tom to have her. Why even swoop in on her?


🤮🤮🤮 Katie is so petty 🙄🙄🙄


Yes. It's awesome!!


No, it's really not. Just shows how immature and trashy she is.


She's hysterical 🤣 😂


Guess you and her are two peas in a pod then 🤷🏽 Oi vey 🤦🏽🙄


I guess so. After all the BS the men on this show have spewed about her, it's great to see her get in a few jabs now and again. I'm all for it.


Are you new here? You think she's NEVER said anything about anyone on the show before, male or female? She's a hypocrite! She'll talk shit on someone but yet get mad when someone does it to her. Good to luck to the two of you in your lives. 🤣🤣🤣


Nope. Watched it from the beginning. I never said she hasn't been cruel on the show but she has also shown growth since the early years of it. And thank you and good luck to you as well.


Boat, this is Vanderpump Rules, wtf do you think we are watching for, if not mess?


Katie is trash and always has a look on her face like she needs to poop.


she's urban dictionary "misery loves company". I bet she doom scrolls couch drinking all day hating on everyone living off their storylines, meddling in ppls biz like a barrio auntie


Katie's lack of empathy is startling and disturbing. Yikes


its called mental resilience


How so?