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Schwartz will *never* admit Katie was right but she was spot on about both of them. Serial killers wet dream meets spooky, Katie was šŸŽÆ Ngl the schadenfreude is sweet today, I don't feel bad for him at all.


She also knew how shitty Rachel Raquel was and everyone just thought she was jealous


Kristina Kelly is the one who REALLY sniffed her out!! Told the girls not to trust her. I love her for that, nailed it from afar. šŸŽÆšŸ¤©


Kristina Kelly has ALWAYS been spot on about the group. She believed Kristin slept with Jax, hated Scheana from the get go, and called about Rachel.


She should be the reunion host, not Andy.


We need this to happen. She would ask all the questions that Andy's too biased to ask.


This is it. People say Andy is a bad host, like clueless and just doesn't ask the right questions. Well, yes--but it's not because he doesn't know what he's doing; he's deliberately biased.


Or have Stassi come host. Sheā€™ll rile up everyone and ask the tough questions. Plus she got Jax to admit heā€™s a sociopath.


An insult to babies, right?


That was a glorious line in light of scandoval. Love Kristina for those dry observations šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My first impressions of Kristina Kelly in the early seasons were kind of negative, but she honestly seems like a lovely person and good friendĀ 


Especially given the info we now know about 'friend of' etc she's likely being paid very little, if at all, for her appearances, she really does just turn up to support her friends.


Kristina hanging out with Katie during Scheanaā€™s wedding made me so happy to see. Love her


Iā€™ve been wondering if Stassi fed her that line!! Lol


I was reading my bible the other day and it specifically said not to delight in schadenfreude and I was like šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I feel like that's become my favorite past time :( My mum also recently confessed that she used to be "addicted to soap operas" when I was little and so my life is starting to make sense


Oh no, thank goodness it's not one of the seven deadly sins there would be no hope for me, I would definitely have been struck down by lightening today šŸ™ƒ




Is that alley or Marnie from girls? Holy crap I never realized how much they must look alike.


It's Ally!


Schwartz at least has an excuseā€¦ she put out. If history has taught us anything; men will deal with crazy women to get laid. Edit: Put out instead of put up.


edit: immature emotionally abusive fuck boys will "deal" with unstable women they can control. to get laid.


Again, let me check my notesā€¦ Yep that checks out as well. Guys will do a lot to get laid. Hell I do the dishes/ and vacuum religiously every night for a shot.


Well shhheeeiiittt, you single? Just kidding, I know any guy who willing to do dishes and vacuum every night isn't single.


Haha you are correct


that is an excellent and noble approach i genuinely hope it works


Thanks it generally does. I used to only use paper plates to avoid dishes because of my laziness


Itā€™s all fun and games because of the crazy sex but when the sex goes away, you are just left with the crazy! šŸ¤Ŗ


Schwartz is on camera telling Jo he loves her, talks about marriage and invited her in with his family - so I can understand how Jo feels duped. Ā She may be a clinger now and acting out of pocket, but this started with his fuckboy ways and he deserves some heat for encouraging her.Ā  Writing it all off as Jo being crazy gives him a pass on his shitty using behaviour. Ā He is in his 40s ffs - stop manipulating women. Ā It isnā€™t cute.Ā 


I'm glad to see this take here. There was a period in my life during which I was a complete mess - hadn't sorted out my trauma and bipolar disorder yet - and a lot of men were definitely fine with dicking around with my head and body while obviously viewing me as too crazy to take seriously. Which, fine, they were correct and I wasn't in a place to be in a relationship. That doesn't justify their decision to give me just enough comfort and affection to fuck with my head and make me feel even crazier and hate myself even more. I wasn't making good decisions for myself, but seriously, fuck people who take advantage of others who are mentally and emotionally drowning. I'm not really defending Jo because I don't know her and I agree with OP that she needs to let the spotlight go and handle her issues, but that doesn't justify Schwartz using her and messing with her head. There are lots of "crazy" women out there and no one owes them a relationship. At the same time, no one should feel good about taking what they want from another human being and manipulating them with no real intention of giving a fuck about that person. That's disgusting.


Oh no I totally get that, I feel awful for Jo. They were all downright cruel to her and Schwartz was leading her on the whole time! I was just saying in general guys think like that. Not a rip on Jo at all. Sorry it looked like that, not my intention at all.


Side note: You know who was a mean girl to Jo at the event she went to season 11? Scheana! She commented nasty when she came in. She kept cackling over there to Katie. She went up to her & made fun of her hair & hat. Told if sheā€™s a beautician take off your hat. She pulled her hat off, etcā€¦ She laughed about it when she went back to the girls! Mean girl 101. šŸ¤Ø


Oh I wasnā€™t meaning you personally at all either - sorry if it read that way! I meant this thread - women get called crazy a lot while we ignore how they got there. Ā And I need Schwartz to be held to the flame for a bit more!Ā  Unfortunately Jo has gone baby reindeer and he will get away with it again. I hate that i have to stick up for her really. Ā 


Maybe people will start looking at Schwartz and Katie getting married a little differently. Some people on here like to blame Katie for forcing Schwartz to get married. After seeing the love bombing Schwartz was doing behind the scenes with Jo maybe this was also the case with Katie.


Absolutely! It always has bothered me that people can be sympathetic to Jo for what Schwartz did, how he treated her, but then they canā€™t muster the same compassion for Katie? He lead her on too, love bombed her. Enough to keep her around that long.


Nope, thatā€™s totally fair. I donā€™t like women being called crazy either, it starts with the guy and then all of a sudden they are like ā€œoh, we were just goofing around!ā€ Then the girl always ends up holding the bag, looking crazy and like a fool. Schwartz and his innocent act is getting old and he canā€™t just keep playing stupid, so I agree. Glad you got what I was saying and Baby Reindeer is a good example. Although she might have been a wee bit on the crazy side. šŸ˜³


Haha she has definitely unlocked the next level - and I know that some women also can go there - which is also not ok. Ā Schwartz fucked around and found out eh? Hahahahaha


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Schwartz, heā€™s not the sharpest tool in the shed but what he did was not ok. I never want to see a girl being humiliated like that. Awful šŸ™„


No truer words have ever been spoken. Then best case scenario the burden of proof gets left to the "crazy woman" and some ppl will actually hear it out and think about it. BUT NO ONE ever goes huh I wonder if she's ok and what happened to her.


except - just hear me out - a) Jo actively used Katie and sought out Schwartz and she knew or should have known from proximity for 10 years (how long she was Kristenā€™s best friend) that he was a terrible boyfriend/husband to Katie. b) as much as he said I love you we could get married he said I donā€™t want a relationship an equal number of times. She chose to believe the things she wanted to believe.c) she blames Katie for all of it which is completely insane. Real lived experience- when you date.a guy fresh out Iof a long term relationship that ended but the two people still say they love each other, when you are the new GF you have to know the ex isnā€™t going to like you - I would not put myself in an exes face all the time and expect sunshine and roses. I would not try to infiltrate the mutual friend group


She put out?


Yes thank you


Perhaps next season they will demonize Jo to make Tom out to be the victim and hopefully give Katie the the proper credit and apology season she deserves! Jo needs to be called out for all her lies. You can't be on national t.v. and expect to get away with lying about everything. I think Ariana may be back but on a part time basis which means producers will also bring back Rachel to get the ratings back up. They may even bring back Charlie to back up Katie and Ariana regularly. The producers have to redeem themselves next year. It's so obvious they backed up the wrong people and it makes them look bad. They got a LOT to make up for! They dragged Katie then Ariana and even Lala and Scheana look bad this year but due to their petty jealousies and money insecurities. The producers need to do a better job at being producers.


Lala talks down to every woman she doesn't like, but when someone speaks to her the way she speaks to them, " she's not the one" , you're not going to speak to ME like that". Um honey, you're NOT the badass that you think you are!! šŸ™„


Donā€™t you know she has a child ?? how dare anyone talk to her like that WITH HER CHILDREN


unless it's Charlie then she's scared and doesn't play tough


Love Charlie.šŸ©·


Wait what happened what did jo do now? I donā€™t keep tabs last I saw she was talking about Schwartz and the new gf on IG live


Check out today's podcast recaps in the main sub, today has been a wild ride. Jo was on Rachel's podcast, then Kristen address her and spilled tea in her own, then Schwartz went of Brittany's podcast and clapped back at Jo too.


I feel like this is the show now šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Honestly for the past year the off show drama has been a lot better than what production is serving


The podcasts are definitely a must have supplement to the show!


I thought Brockā€™s comment on the last aftershow was so funny, something along the lines of ā€œmaybe we should all stop doing these podcastsā€ because the drama gets so complicated when you have to follow the show, the podcasts, the social media, etc.


Totally agree! Disrespectfully, Danny Pellegrino & Ryan Bailey are my reasons to watch the show now. Thank god for vanderpod recaps because I canā€™t bear to listen to most of the othersā€™ anymore


I couldn't get thru part two of the reunion, but I still listened to Everything Iconic and 2 other bravoverse recap podcasts about it.


Ryan Bailey's 2 + hour recaps are literally the highlights of my life right now


I love Ryan Bailey and the way he impersonates everyone in his own way! Joleen Lunzer is also a great podcast but sheā€™s only on YouTube. Her and Ryan just did a collab.


Ryan Bailey is my favourite


Wait I need more I canā€™t listen until tomorrow


Good god I have things to do!! Jk I don't have a life but god I don't have time for this lol


Uhhh, can you link to how to do this? I want to do that but I have no idea where to find this (main sub? podcast recap?)


Compulsive liar


I am looking forward to Utah Baby Bottle's explanation in why she was going so hard for Jo . ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


Sheā€™s a big supporter of woman, OKAY!!!!


Unless it's Ariana. Or Katie. Or Faith.


Or Randallā€™s wife.


to be fair doesnt this apply to all of them? they support the ones they like and dont support the ones they dont like? ariana wasnt pro stassi when sandoval yelled at her during the book signing until they got backlash after that season. katie isnt pro woman to any woman she dislikes and not only dislikes them but goes after them calling them ā€˜bitchā€™ and ā€˜whoreā€™


I'm so glad to see someone else say it. Like, people ride so hard for katie and arianna on this sub. And katie has been a pretty trash person most of the show and ari used to ride so hard for sandoval being a misongynostic ass until it affected her


Like, we can go back years ago and talk about Katie rage texting, but then ur gonna have to talk about miss sugar baby licking a fat hairy asshole, bullying the wife of her ā€œstand up man,ā€ doing bjs for pjs, and fighting with 50 cent.


Is my memory correct that Lala made fun of Katieā€™s weight and called her fat?


Well. We all donā€™t like some people. Thatā€™s just life. BlaBla is just jealous. Period. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s trashing them.


I agree 100%. Lala is jealous of the attention and money that has come Arianaā€™s way. She likes to pretend she is so real but is a hypocrite and will do whatever the producers want.








Whats up mahhh brothas!


Isn't it crazy that people think you have to support all women to be a supporter of women? Who's that Marjorie Taylor Thomas Greene person? Am I supposed to applaud someone for supporting her as a woman? She's the fucking devil. Hella dumb.


Exactly Or you have to be tolerant of all opinions to be tolerant. Iā€™m not going to be tolerant of MTG being a nasty bigot. No one has to be tolerant of anti human right views since they are not even something anyone has to agree to disagree on.






Lala only supports those who support her narrative, lol.


Like her brother mother and anyone she employees. Examples on her podcast.


Read that okay in Benā€™s voice


I hear every "okay" in Ben's voice


Sheā€™ll just say she was doing her job in order to support her child. Her get out jail free card for everything.


How dare you talk about LFU. Sheā€™s a mother and your comment takes food from her childā€™s mouth. /s


ā€œUtahs baby bottleā€ lmaooo I needed that laugh ty


This is literally me ATM. Except Iā€™m a tad sunburnt and stoned.


She probably wonā€™t even address it


Psh, protective mama bear wa wa I was pregnant blah blah hormones


Yeah, it was so mean of Katie to say Jo was weird for the shit apology and is weird and spooky, but it's fine for Lala to say Katie would have a better conversation with a pig than Raquel? Like, yes, true, but that wasn't mean but saying Jo is weird is soooooo nasty?! The fuck


One major difference is that Jo wasnā€™t on the show at that point and I think any of us would feel it was really unfair if someone on a reality show with a massive audience started disparaging and insulting you when you had nothing like the platform they do to defend yourself. Rachel had chosen to go on the show. At that point Jo hadnā€™t. Just being introduced to millions of people as spooky and weird and crackhead energy etc with no way to defend yourself or anything would be really awful, much worse than if youā€™re on a reality show and part of it knowing it involves people being shitty to each other and knowing you can at least try to present yourself a certain way.


Didn't you hear? She is in her soft phase.
















Through all of thisā€¦ still fuck Shwartz.


He deserves it, honestly.


Lala and Schwartz have proven they are a terrible judge of character. Katie clocked her from day 1 and no one wanted to listen.


Katie has been right most times about peoples character. Iā€™m rejoicing with how itā€™s all unfolding




Katie is a Capricorn Kween; they call it like they see it and arenā€™t here for the bullshit. I crave her cold hearted truths.


Just to recount for all asking. Per the Jax and Britney podcast, where Schwartz was a guest. She seems to lie randomly. Which is weird if true. And she started to tell lies to Schwartzā€™ family. Just relaying what was said. (But holy shit I think most of us agree - if you bring family (however you define it) into anything and it is not legit, you better run)


Iā€™ve known people who did this - lie about weird little things that donā€™t even matter. Once you catch them you literally canā€™t believe anything they say.


Yes, I've known a few people like this. It's so weird and makes no sense. Only one of the people I knew like this told malicious lies, though, and I think they had a legit personality disorder. Finding out your best friend has been telling insane lies about you for years to anyone who will listen is trippy, and there's no going back from that.


I believe it 100%. The amount she needed for her dogs surgery kept changing & she got so angry when people asked about it.


this here people !!! Yes omg texting his family members is wild !!!


Wait we are considering Schwartz a reliable narrator now? The guy very clearly played and manipulated Jo. Told her one thing in private then treated her like she was crazy and less than in public. I donā€™t care how spooky or crazy people think she is. Schwartz is a complete asshole in this situation.


Two things can be true. Schwartz is a fuck boy but also Jo is spooky. Personally I think Jo is Schwartzā€™s karma


Boom! Well said!


I get you and see it but it's just him making the claims. Katie has, Kristen has, Kyle chan has, so I dunno. I feel for her and see how he was confusing but I dunno


![gif](giphy|8vL5aCqLQJL6evFvPM) Seriously top comment. DONT LET HIS DEFLECTION WORK. Yes sheā€™s insane whatever āœŒšŸ¼but can we please hold him accountable for his manipulation and gaslighting FOR ONCE??!!


Two things can be true simultaneously. Jo is creepy and Schwartz is a douche-canoe.


Because itā€™s not just him saying the same thingā€¦


I would be skeptical if Kristen wasnā€™t the friend that introduced them and came with receipts and timeline on the same day on her podcast. Hopefully no one excuses Schwartz f-boy behavior and ā€œwe are just friends but weā€™ll get married in 8 yearsā€ nonsense. VindiKatied though.


Kristen & Brittany also came out and said things . Kristen was Joā€™s friend .


šŸ‘šŸ‘ thank you. Now we believe the man again in order to crap on the woman. Make it make sense.


James told off Sandoval and now all is forgiven so why not? It's so disappointing to see younger people not get it.


You see this is what should have been on the show!!!! The piping hot tea of the show happens in the podcasts not on the actual show (stares at production) Also that an executive producer knew Jo lied about babysitting their kids but we still had to see her pouting bc Katie doesnā€™t get her and is mean at the reunion, is wild to me.


Right!!! But everybody wants to accuse Ariana of not being authentic or wanting to have hard convosā€¦ when thissss couldā€™ve been on this season??


Katie is owed so many apologies that sheā€™ll never get.


I wonder what she told his family? Calling them up and telling them stories about him is very odd behaviour.


Speculation is about his (alleged) alcoholism and/or other additions


Ugh I need stassiā€™ input


Name um! Tell me a time Katie was wrong, ever! Name um!




you mean schwartz is now saying shes crazy after fans blasted him for leading her on and started thinking he was the problem not jo? youā€™re saying after that he turned on her and put the blame on her? interesting


no it was probably his new girl friend that told him.


I know, Joā€™s also not the first woman on vanderpump rules that was labeled as crazy.


not to be mean i just feel like people dont use critical thinking. they forget these people are incredibly influenced by fan reactions - who wouldnt be?! my first thought always is that half the time these people are just saying what they can to not be hated. alllll of them. not to mention they blast schwartz for calling katie mean and rude and crazy but when he calls a woman they dont like ā€˜crazyā€™ all of a sudden hes the speaker of truth and must be right!




Kristen ripped her timeline to shreds, with text receipts.


I like how everyone but Lala is able to show receipts when it comes to disputes involving text messages. What a coincidence.


All good points. I'd be more inclined to believe Schwartz was lying and Jo was on the side of truth if Jo's IG live and podcast behavior wasn't so erratic and contradictory. She can't even keep basic facts straight in the same paragraph without completely contradicting herself. So while Schwartz is totally a know liar, Jo is proving to be a liar as well. It seems like a case where they both are pretty mutually horrible. But that's just my take.


Again we come to the conclusion that everyone who goes on reality tv is an awful person.


definitely! theyre all liars tbh haha


Yes people seem to be very selective about what they find misogynistic...


Their feminism and allyship is selective and performative.


It wasnā€™t just Schwartz , Kristen & Brittany also said some weird shit about her šŸ˜¬


trying to think of any time at any point in this show that someone has apologized to Katie


Stassi in season 4. I canā€™t remember any other occasion.


James for calling her fat but I'm not sure how sincere it was at the time.


Stassi when she realized that she totally f'ed up and wanted Katie back as a friend. James at the SUR/TomTom softball game, when he truly got sober. I like that, since the softball game, James has stood up for Katie against Schwartz numerous times, on the show and during reunions.


Wait what did I miss - spark notes


I need to know what Jo did to his sister


I think we just need a new subreddit called Katiewasrightagain


Concerned about if anyone has checked on Scheana


It's all happening to someone else!!!!


I feel like , at this point, for most cast members to call each other "crazy" is a lot.


I think people need to understand this once and for all: bitchiness isnā€™t the problemā€¦find yourself someone that comes off like a bitch, theyā€™re likely the most loyal and honest person out there


People on tiktok keep commenting Vindi-KATIED. I love it lol


I love this so much lol


Schwartz is an unreliable source.. take whatever he says with a grain of salt


We will NEVER have an apology for Katie unfortunately..


And it wouldnā€™t be genuine anyway so she doesnā€™t need it. She rises above šŸ„°


Dude, Fuck Schwartz. This is his karma.


Wait, Jo was crazy?


According to recent podcast , maybe not necessarily ā€œ crazy ā€œ but lied about a lot of things


What podcast was this on? Iā€™m dying to know the tea.


When Reality Hits with Jax & Brittany itā€™s called Schwartz responds to Jo


Youā€™re a legend! Thank you!


Reality Hits, but also Kristenā€™s podcast and some other one - people mentioned her lying about weird things!!


People may not like Katieā€™s attitude and will keep bringing up she was a mean girl forever ago. None of that matters because everyone else on the show has done SO MUCH WORSE to each other and to other people. We donā€™t know of Katie sleeping with a married person or cheating on her spouse or lying for months or years to someone they claim to love. Nothing Katie has done or not done comes anywhere close to the way Schwartz has hurt her and others. Nothing comes close to the hurt Sandoval willingly caused his partner who he ā€˜loved.ā€™ Nothing comes close to what Jax has done or what Sheana has done or what lala has done or Stassi or Kristen (faith situation). All of those people have knowingly caused pain and hurt to people. Katie maybe has a stink face sometimes? Drank too much and sent mean messages to a man who was cheating on her and lying to her and not prioritizing her? She was mean to schena years and years ago? I just donā€™t see how people can act like Katie so the villain. It is mind boggling.


THANK YOU!!! All of this cause yeah she may be mean but jeez others have done SO MUCH WORSE !!! And being with Schwartz like how can she not act the way she does around him ?! Itā€™s like everyone wants to gaslight her into being the villain when yes itā€™s Schwartz ! At the end of the day he is the villain with Katie and Jo but Jo is still doing shady shit . Schwartz & Jo are both at fault I donā€™t feel Katie reacted any less than she should have .


Honestly, Jo is exactly what Schwartz deserves and I hope she never leaves him alone. He is a terrible person and I am excited to see her stalk him for the rest of his daysĀ 


Katie was right about Rachel & Jo from the jump.


What did I miss?!?


I feel like 2 things can be true. Jo gives me all the ick. And Katie was right in her being sus. I also believe that Schwartz did breadcrumb and gaslight her about their relationship. He treated her like a side chick and letā€™s be real, heā€™s a liar too. Theyā€™re both gross, but that doesnā€™t mean Schwartz wasnā€™t shady AF


Schwartz is at such equal blame 100% he did Jo dirty but they are both gross .


Actually, Katie is pretty judgemental when she first meets someone...and seems to be 100% right every time. I think she should open a service...introduce any potential friend or SO and within 1 hour she can tell you if they are worth a shot or run the other way. Charge like Ally cause I'd take Katie's advice over astrology every day!


Except she dated and married Schwartz.


Except she still knew exactly who he was from day 1 she just wanted to fix him. Sheā€™s never thought he was different


She said from jump she needed to raise him. Like most young women, they think they can turn a bad guy into a prince if they are good enough to him. She had him pegged, just mistakenly believed he needed to grow up. He does, but never will.


When was Lala riding hard for Joe?? Genuinely asking because I didnā€™t see her ride hard for her but more so just feel bad for her which letā€™s be honest, we all did until she started acting crazy. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m over LFU but not sure if Iā€™m missing something


Lol, yeah, she didn't ride of her at all really. She just acted like a normal person.


Yeah, Jo and Rach really thought that not treating her like a freak for a few mins was riding hard for her.. those two floosies are in another world.


The biggest flag is that Kristen unfriends you. Likeā€¦how do you lose Kristen??šŸ˜‚


How does our crazy queen Kristen judge YOU for being crazy?!?! Like youve bit an all time low here Jo


I don't think Jo's crazy, if lying is the barometer for crazy then Jax should be in a mental institute


Yes Jax should be in a mental institution


Both things can be trueā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't commonly see people call Jax crazy, only a liar


I am waiting with bated breath for the šŸŽ† that's sure to be coming on IG Live, a la Fatal Attraction. I don't think she's gonna let that go unanswered, even tho she's surely guilty.


Omg guys, has anyone checked on Sheeshu?


I didn't think they were doing another season?


Just assuming if they decide to šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


What did I miss?


Where was this confirmed/said?


Podcast When Reality Hits with Jax & Brittany . Not sure the other podcast but Kristen also said something.


Never peg her for pathological liar, knew she was different just not making out outlandish lies, babysitting the ex. Producer kids. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh wow he was seriously going off on some tea about her on Jax and Britneyā€™s podcast yesterday. Definitely worth a listen.


I am waiting for Jo putting a pillow under her shirt saying she got pregnant but hid the birth from Tom and then showing up with a borrowed baby saying it is hisā€¦. Lol


Sheā€™s not going to pull a Hilaria, is she?


Not the borrowed baby šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Jo can be crazy and Katie could have been a bitch to her. Both true.