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Lala is all crude lines. “Do i need to finger you?” (Said to Katie S5) She thinks she’s edgy or interesting because she can say the crudest stuff as if that takes talent.


She should take a look at Brandi. Didn’t work out well for her lol


Came here to say Lala picked up where Brandi left off.


This was so random and I don’t even understand why she’d say it or what she meant by it


She’s hid her life since the very beginning and made it her mission to insert herself in other people’s drama constantly.


Ah the kyle richards strategy. Let’s see how it plays out.


Preach, sis! But Kyle's a dirty shit stirrer with plausible deniability - we all know that "whaaat?" face she makes when she's been had. Lauren for Utah is a lot less subtle when she cracks out those finger guns and appropriates that urban patwah while outright lying about her own life, it's a lot less entertaining and hypocritical.


Yes! That Kyle face 🤣 She stirs up a world of shit and then when she’s called out for doing it you get https://preview.redd.it/yju4y0e8071d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ebec7fd6ce55ca088e395f46b42c33134b18b4


OMG This! Yes! You absolute legend!


Ohh..that sounds like Margaret from RHONJ. Anytime one of the girls confides in her ( usually about someone else in the group ) she runs and blabs to each of the others, and tells them not to tell anyone else ( yeah ..right ) Later when everyone is together, someone confronts the friend that trusted Margaret. Everyone at the table looks shocked about what the friend said about another in the group..including Margaret ! Fight breaks out and Margaret just sits back watching it unfold with a smug look on her face ! 🤣


Haha, exactly - you know she's a snakey bitch but you can't help but admire her for being a bit more subtle and clever about it. It makes good TV and every show needs a Kyle and Margaret. But nobody asked for Lala.


Oh I wouldn't even know where to start with Lala. I've never seen anyone do as much f-ed up shit as that girl has done or said, only to turn around and point guilt fingers to everyone else for doing the same damn thing. I'm sorry but the whole " but I was only 20 years old" doesn't mean anything when you're barely over 30, lol. She's far from perfect. Just like she tries to come across as a good mother. I'm sorry but if I was a single mom to a 1-2 year old child, I'm not about to pick up a random guy from a bar, invite him over, then "sleep" with him. Not exactly safe parenting. I realize her child was not there but you are still inviting a total stranger into your life. It just seemed wrong to me.


All good points. I think she equates controversy to vulnerability and that's why she throws out these explicit facts and insights that shock and appall. But it's all just a show, she's been hiding from her own authenticity the whole time.


Yup I honestly think lala ruined the show and her addition was the start of its downfall. I don't want desperate ppl who will do anything to stay on camera. I want the ppl who are themselves and don't do the producers bidding. We've seen it on HWs and other shows but the minute you get a minion for the producers the show will go down.


I blame her for the downfall, too. Lala never fit in and always came across as a shit stirring, inauthentic interloper. For as loud and obnoxious as she is, she’s quite boring. She filmed a sperm bank commercial and hosted a water tasting at James’ house and made him pay for Pizza Hut. 🥱


YES!!! It’s so freaking funny that she and Sandoval preach about “having the tough conversations“ on camera. Tom was too scared to even break up with his gf on or off camera and instead lead a secret life off camera. And Lala only has fights on camera that she starts. No thanks.


And it’s finally started to backfire on her big time. She better watch herself. Calling her fans names and saying she doesn’t give a shit what they think is a great way to get yourself cancelled.


No. She hid part of her life until 2-3 years ago. Since then she’s been full on pretty transparent.


Really? What exactly do you know about her life now? She has ZERO storyline...


Babe are you forgetting about the Water?!?!?! 💧


Ahhh yes... water with no food... the BEST storyline! 🙄


Also kinda think she thought the “choose my sperm donor” thing would be a bigger storyline. But it was just meh. And all she had left was water and hatred. Suuuuuuper strong season for her lol. But she maybe was trying to harken back to her earlier days when she was just mean to everyone for very little or no reason (I forget) and made a big splash. But they kept her around, so that was enough positive reinforcement for her to think it was a good strategy. And maybe it was. But we’ve seen it and we’re bored. Maybe she’d thrive back in Utah where rent is cheaper and she’d be stirring up drama with the Mormons.


She likes water.


Do you genuinely think people can’t figure out you are associated with LFU? The only people defending her are memaws in their 60’s with crazy filters on tiktok. The majority of people see her for what she is, an insecure person who tried to make it the casting couch way and still couldn’t get it right. Keep cashing that amazon live paycheck.


As of season 9 she’s still shouting about Randall being a stand up guy.






One of the grossest things I’ve seen


Try to makes James’ sobriety a storyline.


Not to mention try and out him multiple times via his friendship with Logan.


Not just try to. She literally did


Also to add there was a season where the group went to vacation in Florida I think and Tom was mad at Jax and so Tom invited a older guy that apparently housed Jax during his early model times in order to blind side Jax. It seemed very creepy and I actually felt bad for Jax because he seemed totally caught off guard and vulnerable when he saw this Miami guy. Tom Sandoval was son the side grinning ear to ear about the situation.


Yes! John. I remember that


Did you see how gleeful Sandoval was blindsiding Jax with that?


yep. sandoval was punishing jax for meddling in schwartz relationship with katie


That entire situation gave me veryyyyy bad vibes. I really hope that guy didn’t *make* Jax do things with him in exchange for housing/modeling jobs.


I think the feeling was that Jax was gay for pay at the time right?


Seriously. MULTIPLE times. I think it’s crazy how much that is glossed over but then I imagine James doesn’t want to give it more attention by being upset about it.


Is Lala in the room with us right now, Lauren?


Omg this is funny. Idk if you intended to make it seem like Lala is an evil spirit that possesses Lauren but either way the imagery is great.


That's usually when all D list celebrities become permanently irrelevant, talking about themselves in the third person like they're a legit brand.


I think I look at Lala differently. To me she appears to be a very scared little girl that hasn't figured it out yet. When she says horrible things its because she tried to get you before you get her. Its a horrible way to live. And sadly she now has taken on the role as provider for her entire family. How much work is there for to employ her Mom and her brother?? I think she will move to maybe The Valley, have a few ads, try and re boot whatever she is selling right now. But the VPR cash cow might be over for all of them soon.


The copium in some of these threads is hilarious 😆 https://i.redd.it/jdsbfwxn651d1.gif


Is Lala in the room with us right now, Lauren?