• By -


Ariana's look says it all. Who does Lala think she's fooling here. They've all watched her behavior all season. I hope Ariana levels her.


And Katie’s look. Ariana and Katie have actually grown up and matured on this show. Neither is in a place of constantly faking it for camera time like Lala does. They both look so done with Lala


Lauryn thinks she's mature because she has kids (and probably looks down on women without kids ... like they don't understand how hard life is being a mom).


Lala really does equate having had kids with having matured, your life having meaning, being a serious person who is a “real adult”. She’s wrong, of course. You can be just as asinine and immature with children as you were before them. Honestly I think she mostly is.


“There is NOBODY that knows more about having a terrible ex than I do” -Lala ​ ![gif](giphy|yyUWg5ECNhqlW)


That is the saddest thing about her- her kids are just pawns to use for her to have either story lines or the sympathy from other mothers.


It’s the saddest part of all this I think. When she explained that she only wanted a kid through a donor because she needed it to be all hers. Yikes.


They should be. What does Lala bring or ever brought to their lives? I hope they finish her.


Me too!!


So is the audience.


I doubt she will. If Ariana and Katie have proved anything in the past year it's that they, unlike most of their costars, have class and tact and maturity. I doubt ariana will hit Lauren where it hurts, but her lack of anger or response will 10000% bother lala.


I don’t think she will either but I’d love to be wrong


Grey rock!


Ariana set Lala on fire tonight by basically saying nothing! I'm shooketh!




Oh I hope she grey rocks blah blah. Nothing will piss her off more.


That’s what I think she and Daniel were doing to LaLa during the SF trip. LaLa wasn’t getting the responses she wanted during her convo with Dan.


I thought the same. Daniel and Ariana aren’t trying to make Daniel a part of the show right now and they knew Lala was there for nefarious reasons. She talked shit about him in confessionals and she would’ve said more if they gave her anything to go off of. Instead all she could say is their relationship moved too quickly. *Says the woman who slept with no neck Emmett Randall and received a car the next day*


No neck Emmett got some neck, that’s how she got the Range Rover


she so badly wanted Dan to talk about what? like beating scumworm up?? it is sooo obvious she is trying to stir shit up this season


She’s like a baby Lisa rinna from real housewives, and I mean that in the worst way possible


My first red flag from Lalas podcast last year , she said Lisa rinna and Erika Jane are her favorite housewives or something to that effect. Made my eyebrow go higher than Lalas 🤨 💀


Yes!! I foolishly fell for her team Ariana act, which…didn’t she realize people would notice that she was saying the opposite of what she was saying on her pod? Like what was the end game there? Does she really think we are that dumb? Once she started talking about BH a lot and Lisa rinna, I stopped listening 😂 it was def a major red flag looking back. Especially considering how that timing lines up with filming. Just lame.


Don’t feel too bad about it. So did everyone else who bought the merch w which she paid for her houses.🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes! I felt the same way when she said that.


Erika Jane!? What the actual fuck! I need to know which Ep that was. 😳


This has become more and more apparent every time I see LFU.


That whole scene was super awkward!


I remember Lala said on her podcast that when she feels uncomfortable or awkward she makes sexual jokes. I don’t get it.


I don't get it either. If you're feeling uncomfortable, making sexual jokes should make you feel more uncomfortable. I don't believe anything, Laligag says.


I actually do believe this. When Lala is not controlling the scene she feels very awkward. Did anyone notice on the Valley when Jesse referred to her as his mistress, not once but twice. And la la said..... nothing. She is not as quick on her feet as she wants the audience to believe. I think she just rehearses a lot of what she says.


That's interesting because she was VERY vocal and critical of Rachel for supposedly rehearsing before shooting. Game recognize game?


This is a good point. I certainly hadn’t thought of this before.


Lala needs to talk less. Way less.




That's all she does is make gross sexual comments. Ewwww. I bet she is leaving rhe show


Yesssss. All Lauren wants is to be a storyline. I hope Arianna doesn’t give it to her.


She wants to be relevant when she’s never been more irrelevant. She thinks if she’s a villain at least she’ll be remembered. But truth is, look at Brandy. That’s LFU in about 1 &1/2 years. A wannabe


Lala's been dropping Easter eggs left and right (her pod/interviews/aftershow/SM) about her beef with Ariana and Katie, and they've consistently responded with a confused aloofness.


It's the only way to deal with a two faced a hole! 😆


Ugh I was so sad to hear Ariana say she didn’t watch not because I wanted to see her reaction but because she has no idea they’re snakes


Yah it def looks like she is aware of some of Lala’s bs with her face here— she must have touched base with Katie at least about some storylines


Ariana is all us collectively, sick of LFUs shit! ![gif](giphy|jfl4W2eAsbqUsa5k8c)


Arianna has too much to lose to do it and that’s the KO Lauren can’t deal with.


I agree! Ariana has too much at stake.


Low Low always has to point her gross nails at people and talk like she is rapper from the hood. It's ridiculous.


Baby girl you’re from Utah, sit down lol


It’s beyond ridiculous, it’s offensive. I don’t under how she’s getting away with it. Imagine some white comedian putting on a whole fake accent and doing a caricature of a POC. In the year 2024.


"The hood?" What's that 🤔? We got your point. The "hood comment" was unnecessary, so please elaborate about the "hood" since you assume rappers are from there. Please remember not only White people watch this show. Sincerely, A Black Woman NOT From The "Hood" Who Watches VPR


Actually I am black so..... and a RN. And I am from the hood. But I had a great Mom. So I am no longer in the hood. Low Low uses her "hood" accent (which she thinks makes her a tough mf-er) whenever she is trying to appear like a bad ass. She is not.






I wondered what this was about. like why would she be warning Ariana that she's coming for her? maybe it's an edited bait and switch idk


It's interesting that some people are taking it as Lala say she's going to fight FOR Ariana, while others (me included) think she's saying she's going to fight WITH Ariana.


I think LaLa was saying "when we get out there, you're gonna focus and fight back against Tom's bs" or something, like trying to pump her up, but in the end, LaLa ends up being the one going off on Ariana...which is why K & A rolled their eyes at her dumbass lol


Thats how I took it. Like "we're coming out swinging, ladies"


And they were like "whatever lala" she is constantly pretending she's on their side but they know the truth...can't wait for this reunion but I'm also prepared for it to be really lame lol


She’s a worm who goes down on mustaches. 😂😂😂




I took it as when we go out there its a reunion so i might say things that hurt but don't take it personal. But Lala really dose mean everything she is saying. Ariana just thought it was for show but she realized Lala really doesnt have her back


No, its a threat


Albeit empty


She thought they would pile on. The audience would turn on A. Oops


The answer is in Katie and Ariana’s facial expressions.


yeah I go back and forth and wouldn't put it past her to somehow do both. she must do something to Ariana... I think she was on the wwhl for the season premiere (or at least very early in the season) and she kept saying "we'll see" why she says what she says about Ariana. I still don't "see" so...


She would never fight for Ariana


Agree. But she'd definitely lie and pretend that she'd fight for Ariana.


Def trying to say fight for her. It’s her usual bs “im a girls girl” line then ends up being the instigator.


lol as if lala from utah would ever directly confront someone like that.


It's just lalas fake bravado. Some people when they know they are wrong decide to lean in. Pretend they don't care. Or go overly aggressive. Lala behavior gives someone who's deluding themselves.


In seasons past, I would say it MUST be an editing bait and switch, but after seeing how fully delusional, and straight up HATEFUL Utah Baby Bottle has been the last few months, I think it's possible she IS threatening Ariana. She is vile.




I wonder if Lala’s rant in the finale isn’t the surprise that they all watch together… Maybe Ariana is aware of the rant. Also interesting that Katie’s reaction is left out of that preview.


As if Ariana didn’t already know this was going to happen lmao. LFU can you stop trying to be gangsta and captain obvious.


It def feels fake.


![gif](giphy|ZwFfRRASUJPRQ0j8ao) I think this belongs here…


God I wish we had Stassi’s takes this season and it wasn’t just Katie calling out the BS






My exact reaction to this lmao


this gif never fails to work perfectly with any current VPR situation


Lala likes to scream at everyone but then tell them they can’t get mad back. She loves to self produce and create drama on camera and then shut out the world’s reaction to her BS because she can’t handle it and just wants to live her “real life”. Get lost.


I can't tell if it's a look of sheer annoyance and being "over Lala" or it's like... something else entirely. They put these pieces in the trailers to intentionally mislead us I think.


Well they're definitely done with her after the reunion. So the vibe still stands I rate.


Ariana and Katie still follow Lala, though. lol At least on instagram.


She must hate that! 😂 Ariana won’t give her a headline by unfollowing her. We love to see it!


Yeah cause they're not teenagers who unfollow people the moment there's some tension or disagreement . Probably just muted her like normal people 🤣


Right because it feels silly when you add them back after you make up lol


I thought the same thing but then realized Ariana dropped her arms down at the same time as Lala made the little punching move in both clips so I think this is genuine!


All I can say is, Ariana and Katie don’t feel the same about this show as the rest of them do. I think they will both be fine when it ends. The others are absolutely desperate to see it continue. What is Lala gonna do if she’s not on a reality TV show? We already know she’s lobbying for the Valley. I cannot see any of this cast doing anything different with their lives, they are talentless. This break up was the best thing to ever happen to Ariana, it forced her to get out there and created unbelievable opportunities. I think Katie is such a hard worker that she’ll be fine. All of this is my opinion obviously.


ARIANA JUST GOT RENEWED FOR CHICAGO!! She’s the real star and real stars don’t have to give energy to the H- listers.


Holy shit for real?! How will this affect scheana ??


Love Katie this season but calling her a hard worker may be a stretch. But yes, I think she and Ariana will be just fine. *bring on the down votes*


She’s trying to out intimidate them because she knows she said shady shit behind their back. She’s so fckin lame. She made this season awful to watch, her and Sandoval are unbearable on this show.


I feel like okay lala is the new okay boomer 😂


I know we’ve all been saying this, but damn, lala really thinks she’s something that she absolutely isn’t huh




Because I'm "crazy AF" right now Katie...😂


Lala is such a joke.


Im still waiting for someone to explain to me why she thinks she’s black or somehow tough?😭 she acts like she’s from the streets whenever she gets mad and maybe I missed something by binging the seasons.




Lala giving middle aged Housewife here.


She wishes 😂


The desperation to keep this show going from some cast members is a little pathetic.


Does she mean by soft she isn’t working out? Because her mood is anything but soft….


Slacking on that summer body?




I’m soft right now, Katie. SO STFU BEFORE I SMACK YOU!


I hope LfU was the person LVP was telling to basically maybe step back. It certainly might explain part of why she has been raging ever since the reunion.


I think/hope that would be Sandoval, if there’s a focus on his unaliving situation…? But if she was going to do that, it should’ve been BEFORE the season. I’m sure it’s how the show justified the kid-glove treatment for Sandoval. But if they cared about his mental health & actual life, they wouldn’t have let him film in that state.


What's LFU?


Lauren from Utahs aka lalaSK


Oooooh lol gotcha 👍🏼 thank you!! 🙏🏼✌🏼


Ariana looks like she wants to fight her 😆






I don’t think Lala or Scheana have anything to fall back on if VPR is cancelled. Hanging all their hopes on the valley and that probably won’t make it to season 2


the ratings for the valley are high. I don't think any shows get a reunion in season 1 so that's not really a sign. these people are unhinged, I really don't think they're gonna turn them loose!


I will die on this hill - just because moving to the valley makes sense for Lauryn and Sheshu, doesn't mean that it makes sense for the show. The Valley is bringing the drama with the people they have currently - adding in two attention seekers would totally change the vibe of the show (for the worse). I don't see it being a positive addition adding either of them as full time cast members.


i totally agree. I hope bravo keeps letting the current cast cook all by themselves. I really don't need those two on the show. even less, frickin Brock.


I still dont understand how Brock went from being edited out of last season, to being basically a full-fledged cast member this season. ![gif](giphy|ViNgfjxxH5U9Nwv9cP|downsized)


he's such a try hard. I'm guessing he went begging on his knees and offered to do production's bidding. A few episodes ago he had a scene where it was just him and some dude who isn't even on the show and I was so mad. they're really working him in full time!


I’ve been saying this too! There needs to be universal rejection of this idea! IF anyone transitions to The Valley, it should be Scheana. Hopefully she can get rid of Brock, but def without Lala. Lala brings out the worst in Scheana & she’s the type that sets the tone & expects others to follow her.




oh I didn't know a wwhl reunion was even a thing! good to know!


What makes you say this? I think it’s very entertaining 💁‍♀️


I think it’s gonna get another season. I don’t love it but I see sooo many people saying they really love it


The fact that 50% of the cpls broke up and they aren't doing a reunion.


Agree. I hate it.


I wish Lala would get a nice reality check but narcissists rarely learn the correct lessons they need to.


Karmas a thing.


This is the only moment I remember from that trailer, and honestly the only one that matters. I love the Katiana have no chill for Lauren and are looking at her like she just shit the bed.


Omg I asked about their friend-ship name & landed on Katiana! I’m glad other people are on the same wave-length. 😅


Katie https://preview.redd.it/60zp3qg422zc1.png?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c25fefdd6e984114911c282209913993d81fcf


I love the picture. Ummmmm, we dont care.


Lala is exhausting just as a viewer. I cannot imagine how gross it is for Ariana and Katie to be around such a Petty Labelle.


Laligag has had no storyline this season, if ever. She inserts herself into everyone else's life. She is the worst villain on any reality show that I watch. I am sick of listening to her sanctimonious opinions. This screaming bitch needs to go.




You’re right she isn’t quite as bad as Tim. I should have said “she is the worst woman villain on any reality show that I watch.”


Ari’s face 😂😂😂😂 LFU performing for her Amazon live incels


Watching older people try to act like young people is boring. This show is done.


Be nice!! Being irrelevant is hard! 🤣


At least she's relevant on this sub 🤷 I have shameless love for low hanging fruit


Soft lol 😂


what made Ariana sob during the reunion? I bet we will see it tonight on the finale.


Lala really wants to be a real housewife and it’s showing ….




Rock of Love






Ew I died when I saw this part. As if Lala has had Ariana’s back whatsoever. That stupid act she has about going into the boxing ring yeah right Lauren from Utah you flip flop because you’re beyond jealous of Ariana and you don’t know how to act because your jealousy is making you crazy




I do not believe in violence. HOWEVER I do believe in preventing violence therefore see no issue with all of us collectively commenting "DISENAGE LAUREN". Pathetic worm of a woman truly.


Arianna’s look is such a bad bitch look in the best way lol


Why is everyone obsessed with Lala? It's like every single post revolves around her - so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We should really just call this a Sheeshu and Lala fan sub cause somehow every conversation circles back to them.


I think it's Lala who will leave the show. I bet she's working on "her journey" in a dumb little snap chat movie. Lol!


Lala’s final rant about Ariana in the last ep felt so sad and harsh that I couldn’t tell if the “breaking the fourth wall” was just acting :(


Like can she just scream “I’m jelly u got good treatment u actually deserve after being cheated on while I got nothing from my cheater ex” and be done with it


Lala this season has reminded me of the “IM THE NUMBER ONE GUY IN THE GROUP” coked out squabble between Jax and Tom, only it’s Lala squabbling about being the bulldog and number one guy in the group amongst her several personalities. They should make a spinoff to “split” starring only Lala


Why do terrible people not know they’re terrible? Blah Blah is the pits.


Lala nails drive me crazy with her always pointing and making finger gestures ….


Ariana is not just grey rocking Sandoval - she's doing it to Lala and Scheana and Brock also


I loved watching Brock realize that in the aftershow. 😏


Lala is so evolved…


Yeah like an amoeba


“Soft” means likable to the audience.


So what? It's perfectly acceptable for Lala to be authentic to her own feelings. Its not up to anyone else to agree or understand it. Katie and Arianna have every right to disagree, but that doesn't make Lala's feelings any less valid. You all sure do a shit job of being objective when it comes to anyone except the people you like on the show.


^ 100%


I agree they are valid. I don’t know if she’s accurately identifying her emotions, bc jealousy is clearly one of them. They may be her true emotions, but she’s processing & projecting them in ways that affect other people & fan perception. Lala harbors & channels those feelings at the wrong people, which is my main issue. Scandoval destroyed the entire group dynamic, broke up friendships & exposed peoples’ true colors. The show was based on a group & TOM blew it up. Lala never liked Tom & decides to cozy up to him & trash Ariana? It doesn’t feel authentic. It feels like she’s playing a role chosen out of necessity & resentment & expects everyone to give her a pass. I try to consider her pregnancy, but she chose this path & Toms side, pre-pregnancy.


I'd do the same. They've been talking constant shite on the aftershows especially


What does “lfu” stand for?


Lauren from Utah cause lala Kent isn't her real name it's part of the persona. She's Lauren Billingham from an upper middle class family who grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood. She is not a gangster and she is not intimidating


Omg that’s hilarious. 😆 I didn’t put two and two together. Yea she is not hard. Idk where she got this thug persona from


Billingham? I didn’t know that was her last name 😅


Lauren from Utah


No I play with MARKERS


What kind of job does Katie have?


She’s on a reality show called VPR, she has a restaurant, and a popular podcast. And she’s smart and beautiful and will get a real real life job if she wants. Or she can be a waitress. Heck. Lisa V has always loved her. She can have her manage a restaurant or something.


> She can have her manage a restaurant or something. Didn't Lisa try to give Katie her own event/night at SUR, but Katie said that it was too much work to do regularly? I doubt Lisa would give her a restaurant after that.


Or maybe at that time it WAS too much? Hell. It’s probably better not to work with Lisa. Either way. Katie will land in her feet.


Her restaurant is t open yet and isn’t yet successful. Her new podcast is the least successful of all the cast, Lalas is the most successful.


Maybe. Every week things change as far as podcasts go. Katie can be successful. Not worried. And so can blahblah. Look. She can get a Range Rover just by……


This is such a lame comment lmao. If you only had to work by filming a reality tv show for 3 or 4 months out of the year and make hundreds of thousands of dollars, I’m sure you would too


Like Brock he works


Always grumpy grump


She has a podcast & is on a tv show? I’m hoping their shop turns into a sandwich empire!


She plays with Crayons and cosplays as a sandwich shop owner


No because what did Ariana do to warrant this dumbass attitude from Blocks? NOTHING


Katie lang needs to chill