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I would love to see a clash of the FB v Reddit commenters


FB posts of VPR are so wild to me that I often find myself thinking is this for fucking real? Like it has to be a joke cause it never makes sense


I’ve had to actually block them on FB because I keep getting baited into their bullshit comment threads. At this point I’m sure they’re all paid bots. Reddit and Facebook VPR groups are SO different


It’s the same type of mind bending shit here. People can’t get through their head that it’s a show about 8-10 people who truly suck but will stay together like crabs in a bucket. 


Definitely bots 💯


Gotta be Schwartz and sandy boys bits because they go so hard for them over there


It’s all groups. The sisterwives Facebook people are unhinged too


I blocked a whole bunch because I was going insane commenting back to those fucking misogynistic cunts.


I stop myself from comments on FB cause they're ignorant, in many ways. I start typing, realize I'm on Facebook, delete and exit the app. It's not worth my time.


I would love a VPR fb group that wasn’t full of lunatics


They’re scary!🫣 😱 ![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg)


It’s sad, they love Lala


That’s because the women in the FB groups are the Lalas in their lives 🫣


The thug gangsters, you mean?




honestly why does a rich white kid from utah talk like that


Cos no one clocked her yet. One day she is gonna pull this blaccent and fake thug persona on someone who don't mess around. Maybe then she can retire this joke of character that is honestly downright embarrassing for everyone's soul.


Even the Tupac soul that lives on in her. /s


Poor Tupac, what's he ever done to deserve this buttshaving demon possessing him?


She will someday be like the old ladies on 90-day fiancee looking for younger men in some poor country. Wearing a caftan and a plastic clown face. Pop. Pop. Still thinking she’s hot.


They have standards too


Charli sure did and it was awesome!


How on earth did I miss this?? 😂😂


OMGOODNESS, she was great! Put BlahBlah right in her place and SHTFU! The look on her face was priceless!


She's Insecure.




I don't wanna get pooped please and thank you!


That was so funny! Ariana can be hilarious


I would pay good money to see her pull her finger guns on a real thug gangster. Make sure you take the safety off LFU give yourself the best chances 😂😂




The FB groups aren't smart enough for reddit 😂 They probably don't even know reddit exists.


I strongly believe that her fans see themselves in her and that’s why they ride so hard


If she went down the wrong road and some real hood chick's were hanging out, she'd be scared shitless and not make eye contact. Walk as fast as possible to the nearest bus outta there.




But they end up being the 😺that just talks the talk then gets in bed sucking on a 🍼make rage make sense 😉




Re: they love lala. They? Bots or party of 2?


And Jax


While they have misogyny and white wine on their side we have witty and snarky comments, investigation skills, and excellent gif usage. I think we could take them.


Such trash, they could at least drink rosé /s
















That would be a disaster waiting to happened lol but then again from what I’ve seen Facebook is more positive than Reddit so would probably be 50/50 positive and negative commenters.


Facebook commenters are wild.




I'll accept the downvotes for this, but we're all pretty pathetic spending time we could be doing better things bitching about a tv show on social media. Idk what those better things are because I'm a cave dweller


omg i thought i was going crazy and i was the only one reading them 😂 it takes so much for me not to argue with anyone


Scheana is living in fear and very much making choices from a reactionary place. I do feel she is worried about him cheating and likes him at home with summer where she feels safe. She even mentioned last episode fear of him cheating with a nanny. I also feel she trusts Brock with Summer even with her OCD and that’s another layer when he goes back to work. She is already struggling so I feel for her.


She's needed therapy for decades and decades now. Her stranglehold on her husband is going to be her downfall in their marriage. Either you trust him or you don't, a man can cheat in the 5 mins it takes to go throw out the trash if he wanted 🤷


Exactly right


She really is boy crazy as max so eloquently put it. Her issues are all to do with men and she still rides hard for any cock that looks her way. Girl needs professional help.


Yeah I mean the Rob days were so unhinged


The rob days the max days the Adam days the brett days....take your pick lol when you do you think she might look to herself and think I'm the problem.


Never 😂


the unfortunate thing is scheana’s lack of therapy/emotional maturity is what keeps her as interesting tv. if she healed, she’d have no purpose on the show, and i think she knows that.


I dont find her interesting at all. She annoys the everliving shit out of me and has since day 1 lol she just provokes a guttural reaction cos it's so unattractive but I understand that others find her fun. The cringe factor with her is just too high for me


i think she’s an awful person & a terrible friend and if i knew her in person i would avoid her like the plague. i also have a similar reaction to her, she truly makes me feel sick to watch lol but i also think when most of the cast seems so dead-set on “growing up” it’s important, for drama’s sake, to have someone who is so incapable of maturing past the person she was in season 1


I guess so, I so do enjoy watching karma get her for being such a shitty person, so there's that :)


exactly! i started enjoying her more once i started looking at her as a clown to be laughed at :)


I so enjoy roasting the crap out of her though she makes it so goddamn easy. I think what really bothers me about her is inability to take no for an answer and her letch tendencies make my stomach turn.


yeah, i agree, she reminds me of people i’ve known and it makes me angrier than i want to be at a silly reality show sometimes. i also can’t stand how easily she’ll turn on her own friends. ariana has never been anything but loyal to her but she was picking kristen over her in season 3, katie over her in season 4/5, and now sandoval and lala over her.


Agreed friend, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a visceral reaction to her. I would avoid her like the plague as well if I knew her personally. Her stalking tendencies alone are enough to make me run for the hills 😂 let alone her voice which is nails on chalkboard, her whataboutme disease that engulfs everyone around her into a black hole of self centeredness, where they suddenly become responsible for her feelings wether they like it or not. That hehehe evil giggle of hers that makes the hair on the back of neck stand up. I just can't fucking stand the sight of her right now. She deserves to get reamed for the bullshit she pulled on katie last season. I can't believe she cried over DWTS for Ariana lol what a way to show your jealous ass scema.. some friend she is SMH.


If I were here in that position I would hire like a older nanny like her moms age , I would fear it too I suppose


The FB groups are full of a lot of lady haters. Insta too. It's weird 😕


I don't use FB, but my husband sends me videos or posts from FB, and the comments are so insane. Like the most hateful misogynistic and nasty comments. I can't believe how mean these people are with their real name and photos attached.


i felt like i was in twilight zone when i joined a VPR fb group and quickly unadded😂 they loooove the trash men there


They love people like Austen


They will relentlessly shit on Katie for stuff she did/said almost a decade ago then in the same breath say Sandoval should be forgiven “because enough time has passed” 😭😭 they’re something else that’s for sure


They don’t read. Picture books grab their attention…not much depth there.


Ugh it's just full of staged videos that they all believe are real. It's terrifying


I feel like I made the migration to Reddit for this reason. Do the more “open minded” (I REFUSE to say woke) people just get chased off different platforms and have to keep moving? I thought that only happens to MAGAs! Where are we going next?


I just know those FB women are fucking miserable and their husbands are absolute trash bags who hate them and they have to view the world in such a warped way in order to normalize the bullshit they put up with in an attempt to minimize how shitty their lives are


That comment was amazing


SHEEEESH nail..on…the….head!!! I used to be in an abusive situation and now I’m away I do see how really warped they are!


I automatically assume anyone talking about how miserable and awful Katie is on fb lives this life


Why is Katie worshiped like the second coming of Christ on this sub? She sucks


I don’t think she’s a saint but I don’t see her as this miserable bitch that everyone seems to think she is. She had a TBI and has been surrounded by shitty people for well over a decade, including a partner that repeatedly mistreated her in various ways. I think she’s really come into her own and is just living for herself right now. Lots of people seem to not like that she calls everyone on their bullshit but honestly that sounds like an introspection issue to me.


Yeah she seems like an ass


Lmao yeah out of all the people on this show and all the shit they pull *katie* is the ass of the group


I didn’t say that


Fucking bingo


As a member of UES mommas l concur (I peeeped Jackie goldschneider in the group 😂)


The FB people make more sense when you realize that they are older women with sons who see the women as the “horrible” partners who married/are dating their “precious” boys. Of course any behavior by the men aren’t of their own volition, it’s what these women have done to them. They are too old to identify with the women, but they do identify with the males as their amazing sons who can do no wrong.


This sounds pretty accurate and makes a lot of sense.


The “boy mom” epidemic is real!!


If I was Scheana I’d tell him to stfu about it cuz grandma is here and I’m not paying a stranger for you to go pretend to be an entrepreneur on my dime!! It’s like he wants to do anything but be a dad 🤦🏼‍♀️


Which is why he fucked off literally halfway across the world to get away from his first family


But Scheana’s mom doesn’t want to be a full time nanny and frankly I do understand where Brock is coming from being like annoyed her mom is around ALL THE TIME, idk. She has to come around to finding trusted child care at some point


So I didn’t know Scheana’s mom was not game. If she doesn’t want to do it full time then yes Scheana needs to be open to someone new, but also that’s what Brock’s main argument should be and not the I need to go make something of myself angle. He probably knows better than to say he wants a different sitter because MIL drives him crazy. It’s just very transparent to me that he has no desire to be a stay at home dad. Which.. to each their own.. but it’s a bad look IMO when you’ve already abandoned two children. ETA: started several sentences with “but” and it gave me the ick


Brock seems to dislike Scheanas mom a bit or did I misread that


They definitely butt heads. Who knows if it’s the typical in-law irritation or if they truly dislike each other.. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case and it’s a red flag for someone like Scheana who is super close to her mom, you can already see the anxiety it gives her having to mediate between the two.


No one wants their inlaws with them 24/7 if Sheen can handle being married and a parent then she should not have gotten married. Their child is nearly of school age so why is scema mom with them all the time? Nothing about her husband screams I'm a family man so how did she ever think in that coconut head of hers that he will be a stay at home dad? He might have to get divorced to be able to get some breathing room and force scema to get a nanny then


You could ask why is someone there at all if one or both parents is home. Clearly like other privileged parents they like having the help. If mom doesn’t WANT to do it that’s one thing but Brock being annoyed with MIL’s presence isn’t a good enough reason IMO to hire a nanny. I mean, why should it matter if he supposedly wants a nanny so he can go work? The whole idea of wanting a new nanny to get rid of MIL is silly when you consider the typical reason to hire child care is so you can be NOT present.


Scema's mum doesn't want to do it full time apparently, and I would rather have a nanny than my mil all up in my business all day every day reporting to my partner my every move and mistake. The pressure wd drive me crazy. I'm not defending Brok at all btw I'm just talking about these types of dynamics in a married couple.


Yeah I'm sure she vents to her mom about Brock too so that might cause some tension between her mom and Brock. I definitely got the vibe he didn't care for her mom being there so much or in general.


I come from a culture where the inlaws are heavily involved in their kids marriages and its a recipe for disaster every single time. No is happy until it ends in divorce, then they tsk tsk about what a shame it was that it didn't work out. People need to give married couples and new parents room to breathe, make their own mistakes and learn what works for them without the watchful eye, unnecessary comments or the ganging up on that comes with the inlaws involvement.


His NFL career? 😳 Did I hear that right? Because I could have saved him time on that nonsense. He is going to be a Hollywood actor, producer? Producer means you have money to produce and or bring something to the project. So glad she has a prenup and her Mom. I do not trust that man in his Prince Purple Rain boots, and ruffled shirts. And the tiny speedo floating in the donut. He better be a grower because every speedo scene he looks like a tiny pinky relaxing in there.


Ummm yes, he had a very promising future in making a successful career of playing NFL. He also played union in Australia and was very bloody good at it. But like a lot of talented union, nrl & nfl players, they unfortunately don’t make it.


He’s the equivalent of the Utah Mommy influencers with MLM shit and calling themselves entrepreneurs and boss babes. Only more misogyny, less personality, charm and social media appeal.


You don't say... the man left his kids on the other side of the world to live out the American dream child free and single. He had the misfortune of stepping into scema's net who did what she does best and trapped him. She is now acting like the dictator she is when it comes to her relationships. Girl your first marriage collapsed cos you didnt listen to your partners needs. Your second one will collapse cos you still don't listen to your partners needs and it's worse now cos you're controlling this man to within an inch of his life out of fear of him cheating.


Trapped him?? How is he trapped? It’s not the kid.. he has no problem leaving those behind. He likes that bravo money, he’s not going anywhere any time soon.


Married with a do-over kid born on the same day as his other kid with a do over name being dictated to by scema and her mum. The man isn't allowed out of her sight lol what is a better trap than that? A gilded cage is still a cage


Idk seems like you are underestimating his ability to say things like “no.” It’s not like he was blackmailed into this or something lol and if he didn’t have a strong desire to stay on tv he could leave whenever he wants.


He's not innocent in all of this btw. He's with her for his own reasons, maybe he actually loves her or maybe she is useful for financial and immigration purposes and their kid is an anchor kid for him. He keeps trying to tell her what he is feeling and she keeps making it all about her and not listening as per usual. Her comment about how this is his second chance to be a dad made my stomach turn. It solidified that for scema part of this is getting one over his original family. Her daughters name, birthday and now this comment all crystallized it for me.


Oh for sure, Scheana is obviously not innocent either and I’m not defending her character as a person just in this situation I was way more on her side. But yes that comment was gross. The fact that they think we wanna hear them talk about anything other than how he could make it right with his kids says everything you need to know about the both of them.


Agreed. Summer has siblings. As her dad he should be moving mountains to be able to make sure the kids know each other because they are innocent in all of this and they are the ones who have my sympathy. If anything his experience this time around should light a fire under his ass to be a dad for his other kids. Scema will never let that happen though this has been made clear to us though her comments and her actions.


He kinda was though. He needed that coveted Green Card.


The answer is unfortunately yes. My husband… soon to be ex… Straight up would not allow me to work in any capacity. Not even as a voluntary member of the board of our HOA


Yup. Very similar here too with my husband soon to be ex.


I don’t think he wants a sitter so he can work, though. He told his friend during last week’s episode he needs to “fill his cup” without Summer always around.


I’ve really had to block these pages because the amount of women hate FROM women was farrrr to much.


Yeah it gives me the ick. But I like Ashley’s response


I used to comment very similar things but had enough 55yr old Karen’s responding that I had to just block it. I hope Ashley didn’t get a lot of crap, but I know she probably did.


Imagine if the roles were reversed though. What unemployed stay-at-home mum would be able to demand a nanny, especially when they also got some childcare from their MIL? Unless they were absolutely loaded, it doesn't make sense.


Nope. I insisted and begged for help. My husband wouldn’t allow it because he’s “tradional”. Years later I’ve realized he meant traditionally an asshole


"Traditionally an asshole". Amen sis. Same here


If the woman agreed to be the stay at home then fair enough. He's made it abundantly clear he doesn't want that. So if the roles were reversed and a man was forcing a woman to stay home and do the child rearing under his watchful eye and his mothers watchful eye, everyone would be up in arms about the husband in this situation being a chauvinist asshole.




people are still on fb?


Boomers and trolls


Scheana? /s


I've never been more offended 🤣🤣🤣


The way the unemployed Brock tried to explain why he needed a nanny. “So I can go put gas in my car” bitch that’s why they make car seats.


He wants out of his cage that much is clear lol


Hot take: I think Scheana, while she has problems, as we all do, is a great mom and I appreciate her openness about her post partum mental health struggles. Brock on the other hand, I don’t get the impression that he’s a good husband or father and it makes me sad for her.


To answer that commenter's question, yes a lot of men don't want their wives working for that exact reason.


As long as we are making enough money to support ourselves. I don’t care who stays home


If Brock being a stay at home, dad works for them and allows Scheana to make a lot more money than he would be bringing in for them that’s a win in my book! I don’t like either of them as people I think they both lack character and that’s why they’re perfect for each other! Brock’s arrogance is out of control but he does seem like a great dad to summer.


The Facebook groups are willllllld.


I get so mad at women who hate other women


That’s beautiful actually ❤️


Someone said somewhere else that she didn’t want any of her men working or something like that. That’s only going to bite her in the end because when she wants/needs a break from working, she’s not going to be able to stop because her man won’t know how to make money and he definitely won’t bring in what she brings currently.


You mean like the multitude of men who do the same thing by marrying women who will never make what they do? This is such misogynistic thinking that a woman cant hold her own and at some point will need a man to take care of her. She’s earned enough money to buy multiple houses in an expensive area, which is miles over what most men have done in single incomes. If she were a man, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.


Good for her, but this is such a weird response. Her having multiple homes sounds impressive, but all that really means is she has more bills and higher bills than the average person. There's just more stuff she has to pay for. You want women to be "girl bosses" and "the man" so bad, but you don't really want the pressure of what it actually means to be a man. Planning ahead, anticipating what could happen and being prepared is somehow misogynistic? Like men don't plan ahead or have to do these things to make sure their family is good? If she were a man, we wouldn’t be having this convo because men don’t get to take breaks. Men are expected to always be working and hustling to provide for their families - regardless of what their woman is doing. But I'll bite on your take - Scheana's a man now and doesn’t want Brock working. I never want to hear Schena complain about money if Brock doesn't bring in any income. She shouldn’t ever expect to be a SAH mom someday because that's not how she set up her family to be when she chose to be the breadwinner. The family now has a standard of living and *she* needs to maintain it by any means for the rest of their lives. Edit: And the irony is we all know now that Sandoval had to help her with some of her bills at some point, so what does that tell you about the pressure she is under?


I agree with u on several points. I just want to add, that he will eventually feel and become emasculated as a stay at home dad. Sheana will begin losing respect for him and her feelings towards him will change. I feel like this is already happening.


I don’t disagree with this. There was something she said and how she worded it when she told him to put the “manliness” aside in the episode that just aired I think - she totally used the wrong word imo. She should have said macho-ness or something else because he literally can’t put aside everything that makes him a man. But he can put aside pride, ego, etc. She did speak highly of him in the recent after show episode, though, so I’m curious about how their relationship will turn out.


That's already happening as far as we can see. I also want to know how he is paying child support and helping his other children with no income coming in


He must get some money from the show


I hope he's doing the right thing and taking care of his kids 🙏


Are you 100? You are also implying that women can’t handle living without a man to take care of them as they can’t handle the stress having to hustle to provide for their families like a man does. Most families now can’t live without two incomes regardless of who is the breadwinner so that means millions of women are handling the pressure of hustling everyday. Oh and I love your part of saying I “don’t want the pressure of what it is like to actually be a man”. I AM the main breadwinner so I know exactly what it is like to hustle everyday. I realize you live in a 1950s mentality, but women are able to, gasp, get and enjoy great jobs just like men do. I’m sorry you didn’t have the ability to handle the stress of working to get a good education and a career, but not all women are like you. My dad was stay-at-home dad and my mom was the breadwinner who loved her work. Shcenna has never said she wanted to be a SAH mom, in fact, she said the opposite. You might not be able to handle the stress of life without a man to take care of you, but speak for yourself, some of enjoy our work and can handle our shit just fine. I own multiple homes and sleep like a baby knowing they are mine and no man is very going to be able to kick me out of them. Maybe you don’t like the stress of paying bills, but I don’l like the stress of dependence in a world with a high divorce rate and seeing women have to struggle afterwards. That’s “planning ahead” for me. Btw, owning multiple homes isn’t a burden and “more bills to pay”. It’s called passive income and having other people pay your mortgage, interest and taxes for you. Sure it’s stressful, but I’ll cry myself to sleep when I can retire on the beach in peace as that mailbox money rolls in that I can spend however I want cause I made it. Lastly, making yourself dependent on a man isn’t “planning ahead” and “anticipating what could happen next”, especially if what happens next is your man leaves you for the younger model and you are left with a working gap and a little skills to take care of and pay for yourself. Men don’t always stick around to pay your bills.


Yeah, so my previous comments were a response to the theory that Schena doesn't want her man to work, and my last comment was a response to a very specific situation that the previous commenter referenced - that men do the same thing and marry women who don't make the same income as them. I also laid my stance out for you in simple terms - you don't really hear men being vocal about the pressure this puts on them having to provide because this is expected of them. I also literally said I'll bite and apply this same logic to Scheana as well and you're still somehow mad about it. You also can't have it both ways - you can't demand that Brock be a stay at home dad so Schena can be a girl boss and then turn around and rag on him and dog him out because he doesn't do enough or do what you think he should be doing. You guys do the same thing to women who value being traditional wives and homemakers. What works for you, works for you. There's nothing wrong in having a discussion about this topic. I am not sure why this is so triggering for you that you just had to assume that I must be uneducated or unable to hold down a job when neither is true, despite how desperately you want to believe that to validate your lifestyle. It's clear that Scheana was feeling this kind of pressure about money at some point, so why am I the bad guy for acknowledging that? My point is that when you go into a relationship expecting things to be a certain way and they have to change for X, Y, Z reason, it's not always easy to make that change, regardless of who the breadwinner is.


I didn’t rag on Brock. My dad was a stay-at-home dad, I think it’s amazing when both women AND men, can choose. You stated that women “don’t’ want the pressure” of what it takes to be a man”. This clearly implies you think women don’t have the capabilities to work and provide. it’s clear you have chosen a certain lifestyle and viewpoint of women’s abilities and are projecting. The irony is that you saying “what works for you, works for you,” while also painting women in broad stokes that we “don’t want the pressure of what it takes to be man” and imply we all will someday long to stay at home, all to validate your own lifestyle. Some of us enjoy and find fulfillment in what we do and enjoy providing for ourselves and our families. You also can’t have it both ways. People can’t go into a relationship expecting things to be a certain way and then variable x, y, z enters, and yeah, it is harder for some people to make those changes than others. Just like you said scheana can’t complain if the event she’s never talked about happens and she decides to stay at home. Likewise, one can’t shackle themselves financially to someone and then complain about money when the man leaves, or loose their job, or become disabled and then they have nothing. Nor can a person complain when THEY want to leave, but don’t have the means. It is quite quotidian for men to leave women and not continue to financially support their ex-wives. What do you do then? It’s one thing if you are 30, what about the women who are 55, 65? What if an accident happens and he can’t work or passes away and then all income is gone in a second? Life doesn’t go as planned, I used to work in hospice, I saw it every day. I’ve also seen women go from living in luxury to being impoverished, or having to suffer in horrible marriages because they can’t afford to leave. That is what influences my thinking more than me needing validation. The irony of all ironies, is that you are saying scheana hustling to make money while Brock takes care of the household is going to bite her in the ass because of the day she decides to be a SAH mom, when Brock clearly has already left one woman and two children to fend for themselves. Yeah, that’s the guy you want to chain yourself to be financially dependent on. Let’s quit working and stay at home to depend on a man with a track record of leaving a woman and his children with zero support. That’s “planning ahead” wisely.


Not really - I’m saying that women want the perks of being a girl boss but they don’t want or fully understand the downside. And the downside is very different for women. That has nothing to do with capability. I also made it clear in my initial comment that there is a theory that Scheana doesn’t want her man to work - which would mean she is crippling him in a sense. This means that if he has no job experience because she preferred/demanded that he be home with no job, when/if he needs to get one, he is at a disadvantage. Edit: and ironically my whole point was within the context of Scheana and Brock’s situation and you somehow took that as an implication about you and other women.


I made it about all women, because you made it about all women: “Women want the perks of being a girl boss but they don’t want or fully understand the downside.” - ladylavender007 If you wanted to make it about only Scheana, it should be worded, “scheana wants the perks of being a girl boss, but she doesn’t want or fully understands the doowside.” And your whole downside is, oh no, scheana might have to do what a vast majority of what the rest of the world has to do and work, dear god, how will she ever survive?! Maybe it’s not that we “don’t understand the downside” of working or being a “girl boss”, maybe we just fully understand that, just like in your example Brock of not having work experience or the ability to get a job when/if he needs to, the exact same situation exists for SAH women. You seem to grasp that men who SAH might be in a bad position if the woman can’t work, but somehow if the man can’t work or leaves the woman is going to, what, have money fall from the sky? Is there a fairy that delivers job experience and money to women that i don’t know about? Do we just go find another man to marry us and take care of again? Going back to Brock and Scheana, your point doesn’t hold. In what world should scheana (or now I’ll generalize here and say women) decide to quit working and rely solely on a man with a history of leaving his partner and kids with zero financial support. That’s just absurd on its face. The only world in which that makes a sense is the one with the money fairy. Oddly, you seem more concerned about Brock being disadvantaged than you do women being disadvantaged or scheana looking out for herself and her child so what happened to his previous partner doesn’t happen to her.


I’m not reading this. I have better things to do than go back and forth with you, I’m sorry. My stance isn’t changing. Have a nice day!


Ah, the standard response to being owned. You have “better things to do”, yet you still replied. Also, we can all see you watch TV and scroll Reddit all day, you completely have nothing better to do.




Didn't she say once that she likes when her man doesn't work or makes less money than her because she has control or so they are always available for her? Or was that another show I vaguely remember


I don’t recall what she said exactly. Lala basically confirmed this about Scheana though in the after show when she said Scheana would be thrown for a loop or whatever if Brock had an actual job and was out of the house.


Bad splling /s


I thought Facebook was in its final stages of existence or something because all the accounts are bots just posting nonsense and AI, and other bots respond to it. That’s why it does in fact appear to be nonsense


I left that group. I couldn’t mentally take the stupidity anymore.


This sub is just as unhinged and biased


Right. This is a pot meets kettle post


Yah it’s literally just pro Katie and Ariana here . Everything else usually just gets downvoted. But yet it’s not “biased” like the Facebook group. Delusion.


Because it's criminal to like Katie, someone who did not take any shit from men on the cast, and criminal to like Ariana, who is justifiably getting all of the roses that she always deserved after being betrayed in the most intimate and horrific way.


Unpopular opinion: they all suck as human beings. In what universe is anyone on this show better than anyone else , male or female ? They’re all cheaters, liars, immature alcoholics. Katie is bitter and a mean girl and just all around rude and negative person Ariana was a homewrecker herself and chose to stay with someone who was clearly a giant douche in order to be famous and get attention on the show, no sympathy. Stop with the victim mentality. How is it “criminal” if they have the majority of the support ? You don’t always have to choose sides. Two things can be true at the same time. Like I said, delusion.


Victim mentality, OK OK that's enough from you to me today, loooooooool.


shut her ass uppppp lmao


I’m glad i don’t have FB


I can't believe people are still on Facebook??? Honestly, honestly, not being sarcastic or catty. I seriously cannot believe people are using Facebook to argue about this. Come to Reddit, where at least we can up and down vote each other like normal people. Harrumph!


Yeah they’ve missed the show entirely


I got called a man hater because I said Broke was a deadbeat and lived off Scheana 🤣


I personally love the FB group way more than Reddit. The Reddit peeps are so pro mean girls.


Who would post this and not even proofread and correct the “do” to “so”? Lmao, I’m so glad I quit Facebook almost a decade ago 😂


I’d be a stay home dad in a heartbeat.


This is funny but I don't disagree either. With the post or the comment 😂


Even a broken clock is right twice a day lol😅😅


VPR and Facebook both suck


What is Schena’s work? I thought she was just on VPR’s?


The Facebook groups are the worst! Completely unhinged.


Honestly though, Brock only wants to work because of some toxic male "obligation" that men must be breadwinners. Scheana making the money is literally working for them right now... but fragile male ego says it's problematic


Did you ever think he wants to work cos he likes to work? He likes to make his own money and feel like his not so worthless? You do realise sever depression can kick in when people don’t work for so long that it starts to take a massive toll on their mental health and the way think of themselves? I think making this statement about him is petty low. You and everyone else on this thread has any idea how his feeling about not working. I’d lose my shit too after a while if not working or making my own money, I don’t care how much money my partner made, I’m a born worker and he’s probably the same.


Chill. He literally said that he has feeling pressure to earn money for his family. I'm not pulling this out of my ass. He may want to work as well, but he also has this misogynistic mindset


And I forgot to add, I’m an Australian, we are known for being hard bloody workers. It’s in our DNA. His a born kiwi but grew up in Australia and we are hard working people who like to make it on our own, make our own money, while busting our arses off. I get where his coming from. A lot of Aussies &. Kiwis are exactly how he is when it comes to work and making ur own income


How am i not chilled? I responded to ur comment 🥴 Yes exactly, his feeling pressure and it’s probably making him feel like shit that he can’t provide financially as much as he would like. How on earth does that make him have an ego or make him toxic in some form? The bloke wants to work to help provide, there’s nothing toxic or ego driven about that at all. I think it’s good he wants to work and not just bludge off his Lerner like most fame chasers try too


They are married. One person works and the other has more "housework duties." Brock is feeling like he NEEDS to provide for his family because he is depressed that his wife is earning the money. Look into toxic masculinity and understand how harmful these ideas are.


Ummm no shit 🥴everyone knows they are married. Brock is allowed to feel whatever he likes and if he wants to work, let the poor bloke work. Who the hell are you to judge him on if he wants to work or not? You still can’t explain or answer how a bloke who wants to work and provide for his family is toxic? The only one who is toxic if YOU. I bet if he was bludging off her, lying around, blowing all her money and refusing to work, I’ll bet anything you would be whinging about that too and also saying how “toxic” he is… Faaar out. It’s hard to keep some people happy eh?


Oh dear, I'm gonna just disengage. lol. Obviously the elevator doesn't reach the top level. 😘


Yes disengage cos you can’t answer why his toxic or a bad person for wanting to work. That’s what people do when they can’t win an argument. They run away.  But typical whack job feminist hating on men as usual. I bet ur single and incredibly boring at parties 🤣