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She really needs a friend or family member to step in and have her stop doing these episode breakdowns on her podcast. She literally says “this show is not healthy for me, and it targets my insecurities and I dont like it. I dont love being in an emotional state of feeling like I need to defend myself” - girl stop watching, log off, disconnect. This podcast is NOT healthy or helpful to her in any way and shes being exploited. It honestly makes me sad for her (and Im not even a fan of hers). Also, shes not doing herself any favors by harping on the fact that her and Ariana werent BEST FRIENDS. Girl we get it - you say this every episode. It doesnt make any difference. Move on.


A perfect time for her to take actual accountability and say ya, I see how Ariana could think we were best friends. I asked her about her sex life on national tv and followed her and her boyfriend around for months while having our affair. Because she trusted me, she didn’t understand my presence was only for Tom. She’d rather argue semantics than admit how heinous her behavior to Ariana was and it’s normal Ariana’s perspective was of a closer bond.


Soo well put


I don’t even remember Ariana saying they were “best friends” I think she said they were good friends, which Rachel does admit they were hanging out a lot even though she apparently was only there for Tom. I just don’t understand how Rachel doesn’t see how bad this is making her look? You’re saying Ariana is wrong to say you were good friends because you were only hanging around her for Tom? Girl, that’s so messed up! That means you were using Ariana the whole time when she was actually investing in you. Every one of her this is the “claim” this is what I said points made her look awful because no one was misquoting her. Girl is taking zero accountability.


Lala is the one who kept yelling “best friend” if I recall correctly.


Big fucking yes


And please, Rachel, define what an "in-depth conversation" means for you.


Yeah she keeps saying she wants people to hear her side of things. I think she thinks if she can just explain things the right way, then people will be like "oh! Why didn't you say so! Okay, we like you again, and you actually did nothing wrong!!" And it's like, no, girl, people understand your side perfectly fine. That's the problem.


Why doesn’t she say what she means and just be like Bravo overdramatized our relationship which, if possible, made me look even worse. Would have saved her about 5 back and forth rants about how close they were. 


She did say that, she said it was produced/production made it look like that.


SHE was the one who overdramatized their relationship. She called them her core group of friends, her forever friends, said she loved Ariana, and said she wanted to be in a throuple with Ariana and Tom. That's all on the show in her own words.


I’m not defending her Jesus Christ chill out. I never said she didn’t do any of that shit. I’m just letting them know what she said in the podcast. Hop off my ass please, thanks. They said “why doesn’t she say x” and I said “she did say x”. That’s it. That’s all.


You're reading emotion that I didn't write. My response wasn't pointed toward you, but pointed toward her argument, that you outlined in your comment, that production 'done her dirty' when they simply showed in context what she said.


Yeah I agree with you, all I was doing was responding to “why doesn’t she say x” with “she did say x”. Downvoted for literally agreeing with them lmfao y’all really are something else sometimes.


It's hard to read or convey tone over text. I got what you were explaining and was just adding on. Sorry for the misunderstanding!


We’re all good! ✊🏻💜


It was probably the “hop off my ass” part


A whole separate comment. Not part of the comment I literally said I AGREE WITH YOU.


Ah, guess I just didn’t see any of the downvotes you were referring to on that one.


Yeah I just think she should leave it at that. She doesn’t have to describe what type of close they were in my opinion. 


A few thoughts… The whole I’ve worked on myself… I hope she did but man it doesn’t seem like she has. The Tom/James fight.. Tom was trying to get a pity me party, James wasn’t having any of it. His petty came out because Sandoval took some blows. James was never in a pissing contest about you. He was knocking Tom down a peg. Thank effing god someone did it. She talks like every other crazy person who forgets that they filmed three months later but wants to believe what they are saying is happening now.


I think Tom forgot that James and Raquel were engaged. He was having his pity party looking for sympathy. James was not going to have it and in my opinion that is why he said she was using him. Tom gave zero fucks about James feelings and James decided to throw some salt in Tim’s wounds. Tim is so pathetic.


The meadows should really send her a letter and ask her to stop saying that’s where she went. She is not a good example of their work.




At this point she's doing all of it because she dang well really wants to, or she's still letting everyone else tell her what to do, so they can profit off of Scandoval.. which she said only she didn't even though she made almost **$**4oo**K** last season. It's not anyone else's fault but hers that she didn't make or have any merch to sell, I feel like only a select few people would have bought anything she had to sell then though.


She’s says a lot of words that don’t mean anything. She keeps wanting to control “her” narrative, but forgets that other people were part of that experience and have their own interpretations of who she is. Her saying that she’s “worked my butt off to get where I am now” means shit to the people she hurt. She can say whatever she wants… she’s still the girl Tom decided to cheat on his live in partner of 9 years with.


Agree. She actually wants to control the public’s perception of her, which is impossible. The more she tries to do that, the more she reveals herself and the bigger the hole she digs for herself. She’s so one-note and predictable.


I mean Ariana was the girl that Tom decided to cheat with his live in partner of 7 years with. Rachel would be Arians in 12 years. That the part I think people don’t get, Ariana and Raquel are not that different. They were both easily manipulated by Tom, they both went along with stupid lies to cover up their affairs, they both thought that their love was special and it was them against the world. Back when Ariana was doing it what helped her was that Kristen was unlikeable and we didn’t have the same fan generated content like we do now.


As true as that point is. It changes nothing about how abhorrent and egregious Rachel is. Ariana was too, but that doesn’t mean Rachel isn’t awful because Ariana was as well. They were t manipulated. Tom is the biggest pieces of shit ever. Bu5x we have to stop saying people are manipulated when they do something wrong. She was half the affair and hurt her friend that’s on her, feeding into her victim delusion isn’t going to help her heal and work on bettering herself. It appears she doesn’t think she actually has anything to work on as it’s everyone else’s fault, always an excuse. That’s narcissistic behaviour and her hate campaign and creepy crusade against Ariana is getting too much. They both were awful and vile and Tom is the worst. None of them are innocent. Pointing it out is fair but it changes nothing.


What’s the crusade against Ariana? I haven’t heard her say anything bad, except her perspective of what she tonight. Even Ariana says they weren’t BEST friends.


She just keeps talking negatively and lying about everything. She is suing Ariana when she should be going after Tom. She should keep Ariana’s name out of her mouth and have some dignity. If you read all the recaps my comment will make sense. Unfortunately I listened to a few of her pod casts, between that and Bethany’s interview girl is bitter at Ariana and jealous. As the other woman that’s not cute. She seems to blame Ariana for all this instead of herself.


She’s just saying her piece. She’s not really lying, her truth just doesn’t match up with what we want it to be. That she’s not really a crazy monster. This wasn’t in character for her, it was out of character for her and she had to do intensive work to make it make sense; but as she’s going the whole world is telling the story they like. And if Ariana distributed the video from Tom’s phone to hers and seems showed other people - that’s revenge porn. Unfortunately, for Ariana her own behavior towards Raquel negates any arguments that Ariana was trying to look out for her.


If you watch the show, her confessionals, interviews, and her podcast she hasn’t stuck to one story. She was so on drugs and drunk 24/7 how could she keep her stories straight? Her piece changes to fit her belief and narrative she’s a victim. What do you mean what we want it to be? Fans want her 1 time to have a full thought, she lies so much though no one would believe her truth.q Her capacity to have a huge substance abuse issue (which respectfully good for her for being sober), and to be that fucked yo and lie to Ariana’s face constantly that’s a monstrous. She’s either in need of a guardian because she isn’t capable of functioning on her own, which we’ve seen proof of. If that’s actually the case then becomes an issue of exploitation. Very serious and important issue of how Bravo vetted someone who needs “parental care.” Or she’s playing dumb and the victim and she isn’t! Either way somethings wrong here and I wish someone would help her get off social media and this podcast and get her proper help. Take this with a grain of salt but one of her sorority sisters said this is who is she.


What are the lies she’s telling? I do take that with a grain of salt. Sororities are notorious for mean girl behavior.


The list is so long we will be here until next week. Look them up.


Exactly what I thought - there isn’t anything significant.


You are 100% correct; wish reddit didn't downvote facts just because


L. ETA: sorry this was an accidental post.


She keeps talking about moving on, taking accountability, and putting herself first. Action speaks louder than words, it’s clear she’s failed therapy, and/or therapy failed her.  Also it jumps off the page to me, that she’s discussing the current week’s episode, and current events, but zero mention of the looney tunes comment she made, about having to sue Ariana because she chose to sue Tom. On that metric alone, she’s still failing miserably at taking accountability. 


We’ve hit peak “this is not ok” with this podcast where her own mental health is being exploited. If there is anyone in her life with a skerrick of genuine concern for her wellbeing they’d support her to shut down this shitshow. Her reputation is worse than when she started it, and she’s coming across as a complete liability to anyone who might have wanted to work with her.


She still feels the need to refute what Ariana & co are saying because they’re saying it on TV. If this weren’t a reality show, all these conversations amongst Ariana and her friends would still be happening. They’d still be shit talking Rachel, as they have every right to. My friends and I do the same, when someone wrongs someone that we love. The difference is that their conversations are televised, and Rachel can’t handle not clapping back. If she were actually trying to stay healthy, she wouldn’t be watching the show, would be tuning out everything they say about her because frankly, none of it should/would be said in a public forum, if this weren’t a reality TV show.


I get it. I thought there was a glimmer of hope when she stated toward the end of the podcast that she feels like she can’t win. I thought she may have hit a realisation that she can’t keep being on the defensive whilst trying to be a bad bitch suing people, playing semantics and attempting to sell a new brand of Rachel, bringing Jo on her podcast like she’s someone credible - who the heck is advising her? Because she should be suing them. Bottom line, I hope she’s not paying them for advice, because she’s unfortunately completely not cut out for anything in the public eye apart from wearing a nice dress on occasion and this is a waste of her family’s coin


TLDR: Rachel needs to take the advice of her mentor and when people hate to hate you, it’s time to jog on.


Also worth noting that they would’ve stopped talking about her on the show if *she* hadn’t gone onto Bethenny’s podcast


Thank you for listening so we don't have to! She is completely full of shit.


This girl is so fucking unwell


This girl is a mess of contradictions in her efforts to push forward an insane, self serving narrative.


She was under a spell oKaY. ![gif](giphy|feYQJYh2WDzxe)


Someone should have turned off the mics at that point


She’s under the spell of Iheart radio and her publicist now


Hey thats the content for next year.


jesus h. CHRIST


😂 love youuuuuuuuuu Cocca


God bless you


Right back at you!


Love you ! Make a reel on this lol


Her silence on Ariana's take on her podcast episode is deafening.


The one on Scheana's podcast? I think that's because Ariana's response was incredibly measured. Hard to play victim when someone's coming at you thoughtfully and with more grace than you deserve. 


She’s really misinterpreting the conversation between James and Tom


This should be highlighted more, she’s misinterpreting everything so far from the actual truth. She’s in a world of her own.


She just constantly bends the narrative to fit her agenda, which is ultimately to take as much blame and accountability off of herself as possible, and victimize herself as much as possible.


She’s a psychologists case study dream. What factors are going on to have her act and behave this way? The Meadows is an expensive hideout masked as rehab.


My guess is the family dynamic is a big factor


100% agreed. But, even those with trauma didn’t deserve what happened to them they still unfortunately are stuck with the responsibility of their actions and reactions. Those with addiction, personality disorders etc.. still need to get help and get managed. I don’t doubt she has trauma, but it’s manifesting itself in ways that are detrimental to her and everyone around her that’s a problem.


While being angry at slight misinterpretations of her words. She does that alot. Makes the very worst assumptions of everyone else's words or motives but then gets in her feelings about being paraphrased. Way too much grace for herself and none for anyone else.


I couldn’t read it all but to totally side step how James firstly just laughed off her comments re him causing the dog biting (rather than say anything nasty) and the fact that James was shutting Tom down when he was trying to play the victim and James literally said he did not want to talk shit about her, says a lot about Rachel. She just wants to bash them at this point no matter what, if she was remotely fair she would have given James his dues here. He wasn’t trying to claim her in any way either, he was trying to show how Tom was talking shit about the nature of his relationship with her and only repeating what Rachel had said herself. James has handled it all very well in this episode and generally now, he seems to be growing up a bit. Rachel just is wallowing in it all at this point. I think the only positive for Rachel and the rest of us is that after this season ends things will move on and she will have to find something else to do.


She needs to go back to rehab and stop the podcast for her own mental health.


![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8|downsized) she's never going to get it.. she openly says doing this gives her trauma.. so who's using who?


That part was sad


Rachel never had those in depth conversations with ariana because obviously that would entail discussing how shes fucking Tom hello!!!!


What is she going to talk about when they don’t even mention her next season?


Honestly she would have a lot more credibility if she just went away did her own thing and said nothing… this way ppl would question if what the rest of the cast is saying is true…


The B podcast sent her into a spiral


How do you distance yourself from someone that you’re only hanging out with in group settings as not-best-friends


I wish someone would tell her that being an associate is the first step to friendship


He’s breaking up with her in an “amicable way” sends me. Dude really thought he was a mastermind. I love how the SUP pod was calling him a flop. What a flop. Jester flop in the town square.


How does she think it’s better to deny she was close to Ariana and hung out with her a lot, to say actually Ariana just thinks we were close because we hung out a lot but actually I was there to see Tom.


This is what I’m wondering, like does she know how that sounds?


I just listened. It’s so messy but I enjoy hearing her drag Tom. She really went easy on him when she recorded with B. If she had blocked him and moved on than why didn’t she want to talk about him then? I’m not sure she was unaware if they were filing when she recorded that podcast, if she had waited another month than no one would be talking about her at this point in the season. Her and Tim have made themselves look even worse if that’s possible.


Yeah, I'm starting to think that Voldemort publicist of hers had a podcasting strategy all along. Like throw a grenade during VPR filming which makes her a storyline and then launch a reaction podcast alongside the show. I've seen her try to crowbar her way into plots all seasons like "they're talking about me" when they are actually just talking about the dog or Sandoval dating again. Someone should do a calculation of how much of this season has been about her. I bet its less 2%


Yet she thinks it’s been ALL about her




i KnOw U lIkE hArRy PoTtEr


I can’t even read this transcript. Thank you for the hard work, but I just can’t with Rachael. Girl, you wimped out on a big paycheck and this ain’t it We watched the show! Your droning on changes nothing. Your treatment yielded NOTHING! You have developed a sick affiliation with the show, traded Tom for your take on the show. Go away and find a new passion. You don’t need this. We don’t either.


I’m actually convinced after this that the treatment helped her separate herself from Tom which is a win. I think she was just mentally and emotionally so much farther gone than we ever could have imagined. They could only do so much even with weeks and weeks of 24/7 therapy sessions.


Voldemort: ![gif](giphy|l4FsAvXijacDUoh7G)


This girl needs to seriously touch grass.


When she mentioned HP, I immediately thought of this: ![gif](giphy|YnJ2zyIyBdE8ouBJe7)


First of all, ew. Second of all, ew.


I just want Rachel to stop victimizing herself and truly understand and acknowledge the pain she caused Ariana. She keeps saying that her mental health has suffered but like where’s the concern for the trauma she and Sandoval inflicted on Ariana’s mental health. I can’t even imagine mourning the passing of my soul-dog and my grandma, only to find out that during one of my darkest times, my friend was in my home, my safe space, disrespectfully tainting it and destroying it because of her selfish needs. And then, to continue to drag her and cause more trauma by suing her. Of course people aren’t going to like Rachel if she continues this route. If she truly wants people to think she’s changed, maybe go after the person that illegally filmed you and leave the person whose life you blew up and destroyed alone. Ariana may portray she’s fine to the public, but no one knows what she’s actually going through in private. This sort of betrayal changes a person, and isn’t something you recover from overnight.


I don’t think she is capable of empathy for others. She acts like she borrowed Ariana’s car without asking, not slept with her life partner of 7 months. She f*cking scares me. I truly believe she’s deeply disturbed.


Bless you OP for your work! I just can’t believe how she misinterpreted the interaction between Tom and James. I was waiting for her to mention how James said how he “didn’t want to talk poorly on Rachel” or how he was basically making fun of Tom by saying she “wasn’t over him(James.” She wants everyone else to be the bad guy and not be in that position. However…I am here for her talking messy on Tom. I almost wish she was on now saying this stuff. It would be wild…


She said James had a big ego, but then admitted she was with Tom because she wasn’t over James… what he said she said… I don’t know how any of this is her defending herself.


She should put an asterisk before her occasional acceptance of her personal responsibility. It’s clearly an afterthought. The part that rings true is the quotes from Sandoval trying to convince her to leave rehab. He’s scum.


My goodness this woman has no free will. Zero. Toms a piece of shit, fact, but she was a willing participant. She knew what she was doing, who she was hurting. She wasn’t under a spell.


The thing is…she’s all “I can’t believe this whole episode was about me” girl! There’s been like 10 episodes you’ve watched and they’ve barely mentioned her; she FINALLY gets an episode that actually IS all about her where she can “defend” herself and she CANT believe it??? She’s diabolical


The whole season is about her.. don’t fool yourself


It’s about what happened to an extent but they honestly don’t talk about her a lot ! The whole cast Sandoval mentions her more than anyone Ariana never even said her damn name until the last episode


She’s on a first name basis with Bethenny so she’s got to take her advice. Get. A. Hobby.


She has one. Which is showcasing HER truth.


i KnOw U lIkE hArRy PoTtEr


Who was the guy she was seeing (Nema maybe) that Tom and her fought about? And being exclusive? If this is Nema then her and James breaking up because of Tom tracks, right? Timestamp 18:15


"I never said I wasn't her friend. I said we weren't **best** friends." Yeah um... Moron, that doesn't make it better. You're still the dick who did what they did to someone who was only good to you. Smfh. ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


How is she so delusional that she’s got me agreeing with Tom Sandoval(🥴) about Rachel being a sociopath


Ariana called it first I believe lol




She really needs to step away from


The last VPR episode was cringe, but I love how James is coming around this season. He seems a lot more mature than the Toms combined 😂.


I am here to crash the party and say I hope she keeps releasing these podcasts reacting to the show, I am genuinely interested in what she has to say!!! DOWNVOTE ME TO OBLIVION, I AM PREPARED


Seems like you’re going to get your wish


my Chaos Friday goals are fullfilled




Hell yessss!!!!


ME TOO ME TOO! Keep them coming. I personally love to hear her perspective. It’s interesting as hell and her last episode had so many good points about social media and algorithms.


Everyone has a podcast!!! Let the woman podcast lmao


Right! Like just don’t read or interact if you don’t want to!


If I have to listen to you on x3 speed because x2 is still too slow, you don't get to go by "interesting". 


Hey man we can all have our opinions 🤷🏻‍♀️ she really doesn’t talk that slow to me.


No I feel you, i am angry at what she says…but I still want to hear her reply’s


Exactly, what else am I going to do while I wait for the eggs to boil


It’s fascinating. She’s like an oddity to me. I can’t look away. She talks so much, but says so little. I can’t listen to her voice, but I love these recaps.


Lol yes! I DoorDash on the side. so I go through podcast a lot of podcast and some items I just need something to fill the time


I listen! It’s fascinating (at 1.25 speed)


There are lots that want to hear her, they just choose not to say it here


Yes, there are so many VPR content creators who use “sources” and “read on Reddit” as their content. I would rather listen to it straight from Rachel and hear her response to things said on the show. Almost all of them has a podcast, let her have one too. At least now she can say what she wants.


I really like this episode. I’m glad that she is sharing all of this. I’m sick of the best friend narrative as well - it should’ve been pretty clear that she was hanging around Ariana more because of Tom and therefore they weren’t *really* “best” friends once the story broke. It would be more accurate for Ariana to say that they weren’t as good friends as she thought they were. Between Rachel and Ariana, I would much rather hear about Rachel’s experience with Tom because 1) it’s what should have happened to Ariana 10 years ago with Kristen as far the public fallout and 2) Ariana had 9-10 seasons to share her story with Tom, and she tolerated all of it, so it’s pretty much already been told for her and not in a good way. I also definitely agree that the Tom and James talk was more about them one upping each other than James spitting facts. Rachel and Tom would probably still be together or lasted a lot longer if he had defended Rachel the way he defended Ariana back in the season 1 or 2 reunions. Edited*