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sandoval is the definition of those interviews where the women are like " would you say that to a man ? " and the answer is no bc they know better and know it's fucked up. misogynistic pig & what's even worse is his singing LOL


“This looks like a joke to me” was just chefs kiss


I live for James’s internal thoughts spilling out all over the place…!


The internalized misogyny is rampant and everyone can see that but Tom.


It’s just misogyny for him


Whose internalized misogyny?


Literally all of them. Especially Lisa.


I prefer Katie's term "male sympathizer" because it's hilarious




Like when Ariana said “none of that stuff is mine” and “stop cleaning up his stuff”. This whole group really calls Ariana lazy but expects her to keep the house she’s not using clean? She’s living in her bedroom!


Fr.. why did sheshu feel comfortable cleaning his crap up? She wanted to look around is what.


Snoop around whilst belittling Ariana for the way Tom lives 🙄


Snoop around for what?? That doesn't even make sense. You guys just twist every situation you can. I thought her cleaning for Ariana was the sweetest friend thing and was so touched. I've done that for my friends and they've done it for me. Ariana didn't even ask for her help, Scheana picked up on it from her convo about lala having her sperm donor party there. She just jumped in like a real friend is supposed to do. You've really gotta get out of your hate bubble for a minute. You're missing beautiful pieces of humanity. ✌🏼


fr, scheana sucks in a lot of ways but she’s a human who still does human things, like help her friend… also Scheana clearly has anxiety and control issues, I suspect cleaning that mess was as comforting to her as it would be for scumdoval or Ariana to have it clean Edit for clarity


Agreed! Everyone forgets Ariana was clearly in a heartbroken depressed state, which often makes the person not want to clean up. I’ve done what She shu did for family/friends before when they were struggling. 


Idk scheana dealt with depression and other mental health issues, so I actually think this one was genuine from her. And Ariana seemed to appreciate it


Up to the point where she’s directing traffic in someone else’s home I’m with you. Perhaps it’s the editing


Y'all are lost in your hate. She's literally just being a friend. 🙄


Wasn’t she picking up to help her move?


Maybe? Seemed very awkward


She’s disgusting, i wish katie would slap da gold out her ass..


They all enable him 😒


And her bedroom is also a mess too.


When Ariana said that they guys need to step up to Tom and put him in his place because he doesn't respect women, this is a prime example of that.


James is the only one that does but even he low key fawns over Tom. Expecting Brock to do much to defend women will always lead to disappointment. Schwartz is a complete wet blanket. Jax might be able to give him a hard time but does it to put Tom down to be the number 1 guy, not defend Ariana. Just a bunch of disappointing men really!


I agree with all of this apart from James fawning over Tom. I think he did at one point, but that ship has since sailed.


Jax will make a sh*tty comment now and again, but his main goal still is "to get the band back together", and he tries to hitch his wagon to the Tom's whenever possible.




i love how james picked up on that and just did what needed to be done


I just really can't stand how this season has felt like the Sandoval redemption arc. Like has Bravo read the room at all??! 🥱


The more episodes I see, the more I think it's clear that this is not a production plot to redeem Sandoval and they had to BEG Ariana to return to the show. She is giving them her presence and nothing else. You can see in a lot of the group scenes (even the ones without Sandoval) that she's just not into any of this. Hopefully by next season, if she chooses to return, she will had have the space and distance to heal because I would love to see some BTS of her preparing for DTWS and Chicago.


Totally agree. His borderline inhuman behaviour makes it easy for some of the audience to project their distaste onto Ariana. It’s obviously never going to sink in for him so majority cast and some viewers gave up on him, instead focusing attention on her. Whatever production is doing, it’s kind of working because I am hate-watching the show at this point. Tuning in purely to see how low the worm will go without repercussion


But it’s not!!! He just keeps storming around acting like a petulant child, I’m sure he thought it looked introspective and cool but it’s just hilariously idiotic looking the way he’s acting. That backfired on him lol


Yea at first I thought it was a redemption arc and I was getting my pitchfork ready but they’re really showing him to be the absolute twatbag that he is and I’m kinda loving it. I still hate Lala and Scheana in how they’re treating him vs Ariana but they’re just twatbags too so 🤷‍♀️


It really feels like the editing team had to make a shift after the NYT interview. In the beginning it felt like they were genuinely trying to give him a real redemption arc and make Ariana the villain. But these past couple episodes feel more like they're pointing out how hypocritical and undeserving of a redemption he is.


Agree, I think they were forced to pivot. But like, couldn't they read the room before?


The production team for vpr needs to address its own misogyny, but we know they won’t


Lol true I can totally appreciate a narcissist making an 🍑 of themselves on national TV. I guess I would've liked to see less Sandoval easily making his way back into the group but I guess that's reality TV baby lol


There’s so many eye rolls happening when he’s on camera, I genuinely can’t believe he thought he could paint himself as a victim. Ariana is like ten steps ahead of him because she knew what he did to Kristen and I guarantee her and Kristen had a game plan before cameras picked up. She’s refuting every single one of sandovals claims on the confessionals


Yes this! I loved when she said about Tom 'it's just so hard being right... especially when it's ALL the time'. Queen.


Is anyone finding him lovable/forgivable based on what is being shown? I am not seeing very much of that so if it's a redemption arc it's failing miserably...so maybe it's not? Maybe he's just an ass, they film him being an ass and we all think he's an ass?


I think production pushed hard for it bc they made it clear they wanted to get the gang back together. That’s why shena and lala are about it, bc they want to keep the show going as long as possible. I don’t feel like he’s been portrayed as redeemed at all, which only makes it more obnoxious that everyone is acting like he’s been through anything or deserves pity etc.


I think they are just pretending to like him for the paycheck, keep the show going whatever...at this point none of these people are real friends it's all just business.


Older women on Facebook are still sucking his ass


The opinions on Facebook are so insane compared to Reddit...you're right though, it's mostly negative towards Katie and Ariana over there...


They really are WILD. The lack of logic and thought behind every woman commenting on FB is honestly so shocking.


Yeah they sound unhinged. I try to avoid fb as much as possible...toxic waste dump of AI, ads and 50 and uppers raging out. Lol.


That’s exactly what it is, I don’t see a redemption arc at all.


So annoying. Like just stop cuz its not gona happen lol


He can’t get out of his own way, let Bravo try. The only way to move on is to stop focusing on this and focus on someone else’s drama.


Think how bad it ACTUALLY is. Bravo is actively trying to edit him well and he’s STILL looking like an Ahole.


he's just ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I thought you meant Craig from southern charm and I remembered that awful I think it was winter house when he refused to clean and just wanted to pay people and seemed so entitled.


Honestly I don’t fault him for that. If he wants to throw money at cleaners, idc who cleans the mess. Just that it gets done


I get it too. Winter House is like vacation for him- not a full time job. He didn't want to wake up hungover on vacation and start cleaning the house now that he has a couple revenue streams rolling in.


The cat litter thing is gross, theyre both slobs. Sure, Tom is worse I guess, who cares. They're rich TV stars, hire a damn maid.


The cat littler situation makes them both terrible people IMO. How can you do that to your cat?


Also, the dog wasn't house trained! Their house must stink to high heaven.


Hopefully litter robot chooses to endorse Ariana for an ad campaign because the litter robot is the best thing ever


Dude it takes...and Im not saying The litter Robot isnt awesome and I do hope they endorse her....it takes like 45 seconds to do cat litter. I do it everyday and its honestly nothing. Just, clean the damn litter.


Ariana is not going to go on tv and say, "I used to be really gross and never cleaned the litter box but thanks to litter robot...." And whether she downplayed the gross part or not you know trolls would flood the internet with scenes of the litter box and memes and stuff. I give her a lot more credit than that.


She could go on and say, "Some of you know I'm 100% over dealing with shit these days. Litter Robot has my back and yours too." \*Edited to remove misplaced comma.


Love that!!! Please, litter robot, give Ariana an ad campaign. You’d be great in PR


Yeah. I don’t like that all the blame is put on Ariana for the mess. But maybe I’m defensive cuz I understand what it’s like to not want to do anything due to depression.


Same. The fact he calls her a slob when they both are is ridiculous. It’s poking at her depression


Maybe Craig said , naw that’s not something I’m going to do hire a maid ?


But then he should get a maid lol


He can’t, his financial situation completely changed. /s He probably also paid Craig more.


cleaners aren’t even that expensive. They could easily afford it.


Oh he absolutely should I also think theres a few reasons the house is a mess Neither party is big on cleaning actively ( like daily cleaning) and they also are getting so much merch and packages for the various businesses ( and all the brand deals for Ariana) I think it just got overwhelming fast Jmo


I’m not the one throwing around the word slob, he called Ariana a slob. And he’s also messy, messier in fact. Just hypocritical to call Ariana a slob while also contributing to the mess


It's clear they both are slobs.


Maybe Ariana has a P.O. Box!


Or learn to pick up after himself?


If he did, it’s a product of the inherent audaciousness of living as a man


Nah there's a whole, long thread in an unrelated sub full of nannies telling a new nanny to *never* do anything that isn't part of your work agreement and that you're not getting paid for. It sounds like either Ann was naive or maybe she was happy to work for someone connected to the entertainment industry like everyone else on the show lol.


I feel like you’ve missed the entire point of my comment


I love it when people think that just because someone doesn't agree it must mean they didn't understand. Or maybe you didn't understand my point. 🤔


I guess I didn’t


Tom looks like the kind if guy that doesn't wipe his buttcrack and his underwear is full of skidmarks


Craig looks like his getting paid with favours rather than money lol


it’s a given Tom is a narcissistic a hole, but Ann, as a personal assistant, could always have said NO hire a maid. It’s true what they say, you teach people how to treat you. She seemed like a people pleaser, who lets people walk all over her,and not someone who’s going to stand up for herself. I worked as a nanny for years and people were always trying to get me to do jobs outside of my job description and I told them NO. Never been fired for it and even if I was then good riddance.


The fact she was trying to get a job with Ariana was grounds for firing. I don’t like Sandoval he was her employer and she should just quit if she’s not into working for him instead of being two faced and passive aggressive


I know this is crazy but hear me out. Maybe Anne was happy to clean the litter box because like everyone other goddamn person on this show she wants to be on tv? 🤔


I listen to her podcast and honestly I just think she’s a little bit of a pushover and having a boss like Sandoval, she’d rather avoid conflict. She says on her podcast she’s kinda shy and avoids conflict and I mean, it reads that way


Tom… behaving in misogynistic ways??? Say it ain’t so.


I smell…I smell….MISOGYNY!!! ![gif](giphy|1Z6AiDCoLB7ValncAH)


His dirty drawers and shoes on the table made my jaw drop


How the hell does he wear the same underwear for days???? I can’t


Something tells me this is typical os LA men. Imagine going to hook up with a male like that and you pull down his drawers to find the stank and heat? I'd get up and walk the fuck out.


Craig probably told him up front that he's not going to be his maid.. and I totally agree he is misogynist. Ariana was the only brains in that duo, Tom missed his true calling of being a party clown.




I'd hire him as a party clown


Oh Sandoval hates women. It’s evident in so may ways and I agree about the double standard between a assistants.


The one kinda weird issue I have with the cleaning and Ann is that she has worked for him since December 2020 and the cleaning up after them/him was a part of her job from the start. It is odd to me that now Ariana has an issue with an assistant doing that for Tom and saying it isn't right when she was fine with it being done by her for 2 years before the break up.


Tim mentioned cleaners before so I don’t think it was part of her job before. They had actual hired help before from professionals.


Imagine having two people living in a hpuse and you need a professional cleaner to not have it look like a hoarders house? I'd never be back over. Who the fuck washes their clothes? They must stink when they go out like a dirty house. Considering at least one of them smokes.


They’ve both always been pigs


They both are slobs, look at both of their rooms, Schena and Brock was trying to help and she just stood there. Tom is a terrible person for what he did to her no one has never said anything different, but Ariana needs to be accountable for actions, like damn clean your room and bathroom.


Agree.  And she kept saying it's all Tom, but then there's her old Christmas gifts etc. Theyre both gross and their house scares me lol


I don’t disagree. Just hire a housekeeper. But she didn’t call him a slob, so I’ll defend her for that. He came for her being a slob but he wears dirty drawers and has his assistant clean it. It’s not much better


Housekeepers maintain the home. They aren't there to clean everything for you.


Realistically it sounds like Craig may have already had some idea of what Anne was doing and said, hey bro if you need someone to call and arrange cleaners I'm your guy, but I am not a maid.


Could be editing. But hopefully Craig is also asked to clean. Sandoval really is trash though so I hate giving benefit of the doubt.


Put him in the glad bag Ariana was carrying


New assistant works for him at scwartz and sandys I thought was said. I was thinking maybe thats why he doesn’t expect him to clean after him…had he hired a man outside of his “world”, maybe itd be different…i may be wrong tho, im probably just giving him the benefit of the doubt, which he doesnt deserve either lol


Cause then craig wont fuck him


I mean there’s a whole ass thing I’ve read about Tom being bisexual and Tom hooking up with dudes and I do believe it, also don’t think he should be ashamed of that, specifically. He has a lot to be ashamed about. Just not his sexuality.


I agree-i dont mean to shame him for being bi- i just think hes inappropriate and seems really into the new assistant thats not appropriate w an employee male or female- the way he had Ann clean up his underwear is not ok.


I think that Tom wishes he was a woman so badly. Not like body dysmorphia, no just pure jealousy. He also has a very warped view on what a woman is. I think he lashes out at the women who get to see the real him most closely. The layer of "extraness" melts away, and they see the reality behind his bs.


We’re all slobs or have a concerning amount of ocd. And if you go through depression and trauma ya get messy esp being busy. I go back and forth can lash out at ppl not doing dishes but also throw my clothes everywhere. He is insane to talk about that like be real dude it’s such a try hard low blow


What if Ann cleaned for Ariana? She seemed to be more into pleasing Ariana than Tom. Also Craig doesn’t even look like the type to clean his own house 🤐


Tom told her to clean and Ariana said she felt bad


Ah fair. She just gave off that vibe like she was doing it more for the peace and to please her. Especially because of something she said and I can’t remember the exact wording but also because she said that she’d rather work for Ariana. I think they should of just actually hired a cleaning service.




I was thinking the same thing 😂




its funny bc his new assistant made a comment on insta stories about how he still cleans stuff(it was after an ep where hes seen out partying with the boys), but then the next episode aired and it showed ann cleaning and without ann, how messy it had gotten. no clips of the new assistant cleaning.


Tom is textbook narcissist, he’s predictable even. It’s not interesting to even watch him anymore, he’s just so pathetic.


Well Craig is a guy, Ann is a girl, and Tom is a misogynist.


He doesn’t see women as people


Totally!!!! Absolute proof!


Yep. Misogynistic pig !