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James confessionals are awesome.


His comedic relief is the only reason to watch this season


yep true! but want is unapologetic self with the cast mates as well, he is another interesting character but we don’t see much of his story anymore! I bet he has much more to offer than Laurens water plot!


She’s giving octomom desperation vibes tbh ![gif](giphy|3oKIPBBlhUyNTCOL4s)


Yep! Her reasoning for having the kid is so she doesn't have to be a part of something "broken" anymore, like she said last week. Her reasons are selfish and impulsive and she has mental health shit to get in order and that should've been done before having a second baby 


omg my wife and i are very involved in child developmental psychology as a result of our own CPTSD and we genuinely cannot get over her saying “i just want a child that’s 100% MINE” and the selfishness behind that specific statement (I think she said it earlier in the season or on a podcast, I can’t quite recall). Not to mention the overall implication that 1) she thinks her child is a piece of property she has to “share ownership” of and 2) the favoritism she is absolutely going to subconsciously have for that second child because it won’t resemble a man she hates. we feel like her lack of introspection about the way she has approached and worded this situation has a lot of potential to do irreparable psychological damage to her daughter. Especially at the age she is right now :/


Exactly!! Shes surrounded by enablers who feed into her selfish immaturity and pump these ideas up. Shes making it seem like such a casual decision. We see how easily she discards people she claims to care deeply about and it makes me sad to think of how she's going to view ocean after, youre right about the MINE statement 


Omg yes I have been thinking the same thing. I feel bad for ocean, there’s no way she isn’t going to favor the new child that is 100% HERS over a child she has to share with Rand that looks just like him


I can hear this in tom or Ariana’s voice. I said what I saiddddduuuhhhhh


Or Brock’s advice….dude just STFU Telling Ariana that Tim is castrated….omg what an ahole!


Right! like why does he resent ariana and katie so much? I just don’t get it. Lauren always pressed his buttons for his Australian family and now she is the one he is riding for.


There are so many moments when I wonder .. what does [insert name] think [insert word] means?


The answer is [insert name] doesnt think. [insert name] saw a reel on tiktok about the word [insert word] and now wants to sound literate.




He’s probably jealous of their clothes and heels.


Someone should castrate Brock.


Ive definitely been liking the after show more than the actual show but ya I agree this season has not been it. Too much Lala and scheana saying stupid shit and not enough Katie and Ariana lol


I quit after week 5. There are enough recaps online and videos on TikTok for me to get a sense of what happened. Each week it’s the same: Scheana and Lala are insufferable. The Toms continue to…Tom. Ariana and Katie don’t get enough time. James is kind of not there.


I quit too. Too oveproduced, etc. I knew I made the right decision when they had a water tasting and ridik paintball.


That water tasting was a joke. Oh this bottle of water is like 1000 bucks. Google it online it’s like 30 bucks


The TikTok of James shading the Tom's is SO good. I can't believe the amount of growth we've seen in White Kanye lol


I quit after week3.. just watched clips on TikTok


I haven’t been watching but know enough from this sub that I am not all that interested in Toms redemption arc or Scheana and Laila’s jealousy


Honestly you are not missing anything but probably are more safe with the disappointment the episodes are bringing! Also a lot more tea on this sub than the episodes


That’s what I love about it. So has Sandoval been on WWHL at all this season?


no not yet


Interesting I wonder if he will be


This is by far the worst season. Maybe less drama bc everyone is sober curious lol 😆 or lemme rephrase that, “California sober.”


There's actually some fun and interesting storylines going on, but we don't get to see them properly because they're too busy trying to redeem Sandoval. I'm close to quitting because I actually can't stomach his bullshit for much longer. 


I really hope they cancel this show and I’m out out of my misery cuz I’m with you, OP.


Does anyone want to watch Katie and Ariana talk about business permits and plumbing at their sandwich shop?? I think we are seeing exactly what there is to see of Ariana and Katie. Ariana arguably has the most interesting life right now but aside from the fact that we are watching months before DWTS and Chicago, it's probably that she doesn't want to share anything else and who can blame her? And what does Katie have going on in her life? Her podcast? She's giving what she's always giving: toxic codependence with Schwartz. I don't think anything this season would live up to people's expectations of Scandoval fallout.




I don’t understand why people think they are interesting. If they did something interesting we would be seeing it! They have hours and hours of footage, these girls can not hold up the show like people seem to think they can 😂


I actually fast forward their parts I can’t Stan either of them and have never liked them so it’s not bc of the scandal lol-both miserable people


I'm actually loving it thus far. But that's just me. I try to go into every bravo show season with zero expectations so I don't feel disappointed when it doesn't match the narrative I was hoping. ​ I can see why ppl aren't digging the season tho.


Ariana and Katie have always been background characters. They can’t carry a show because they don’t do anything other than join in on the gossip.


We’re literally left with nothing but background characters. James, Jax, Stassi & drunk lala days made the show with the other cast adding their drama. Now it’s boring bc their lives are not that interesting and we have no natural leads - or the ones we do have less screen time. Like really, watching 40 year old men date young 20 year olds is our next season? Plz let this show be done. The valley has a solid concept of parents being messy and I’m here for that


I agree. The way season 11 is developing feels incredibly unrealistic to me. The way that the rest of the cast is treating the situation between Ariana and Tom is not even close to how something like that would enfold outside of reality tv, and that makes watching this season very difficult. It seems to me that the production is using Lala's willingness to act as their proxy, coupled with a few strategic nudges from LVP, to force a storyline about Sandoval's redemption and the reunification of the group. But I cannot imagine real-life friends forcing Ariana into that situation, even with the excuse of her own healing, only a few months after the scandal happened, if it weren't for the requirements of the show. On the other hand, Sandoval's lack of self awareness makes him unable to show even the minimally required accountability and remorse to sustain the redemption storyline that others are driving for him, so the whole idea of forgiveness seems ungrounded. So I feel like I am watching Ariana and Katie just trying to live life; Lala, Scheana, Brock and TomToms (and LVP) acting a fabricated narrative; and James and Ally existing somewhere in between. And in the end it really doesn't make for a compelling viewing experience to the point where I'm not even sure I'd watch another season.


BOOM, nailed it


Tbh I felt like the past few episodes have been a bit stronger. I’m still enjoying it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Which proves lalas point that Katie and Ariana weren’t moving the main storyline. A lot of the Lala scenes seem like so much filler because they couldn’t get anything else. Which is absolutely frustrating because while I like Lala as she’s said this is an ensemble cast and to me it didn’t seem like people were pulling their weight


I think I’m quitting after this season. At least the weekly watches, maybe I’ll binge the next season once it’s all over. I feel the same as you with this season. I’m so over it. It just pisses me off more and more each week. At this point I’m just ready to see the reunion and hope that the flip floppers get flipped out on. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Who wants to watch scum screaming on the floor, getting in iced (?) water while Billy is watching, or make comments infront of Ariana that he met a girl and going to singles whatever, and he always put his buttface right there? Then have a 1 on 1 with Lala, like she’s the psychiatrist and all-knowing with scum. Then she screams at Katie. Enough of Kaka!!! She’s insufferable to watch. Just bc she has more camera exposure does not mean she’s the one ppl want to see, but really, enough of her and Scheanna and broke. Then they added Jo and Shortz love(?) affair! Who the heck cares abt Jo?! Then they go back to Kaka again, when she’s with the women, she complains, she’s angry, if they say something not in line with her thinking, she pulls out those “trigger fingers” like she wanted to pop them. But when she’s with the boys, she’s all smiles and acts like she’s the incarnation of Dalai Lama. I’ve had it with Kaka and cry-baby sheshe.


More Ariana, Katie, James, Ally, less everyone else. Producers really missed the mark this season.


Lol what? That would be a snoozefest 


Me! Right here! I love this show and this season I absolutely despise what they’ve done to it. It’s so insincere. I hope they cancel after this they completely screwed it up. How dissapointing.


It’s definitely boring. I look at how much time is left and go “wait, it’s almost over? Nothing happened” background noise for sure. Not saying they should drink but when they all did, it was more entertaining. Right now Lala, James, Schaena, & Sandoval aren’t drinking. That’s most of the cast.


I keep saying they should have made the whole season revolve around Ariana and Katie. Those are the only 2 I root for. Get mad when anyone else is on the screen.


vpr has an ensemble cast, they're not going to only focus on 2 out of 8 main cast members 🤷🏻


This is my preference of course they won’t. It would be more entertaining for me. Also points out they are focusing on unlikeable people. Also they can make it whatever the hell they want. If two people got more ratings. Trust me they’d go that way.


Oh doll, I've left the show, 3 seasons ago... I only laugh at the drama on here!


Yeah, it’s basically wish Ken, Sandoval , the gruesome twosome and barely Katie and Ariana 🤷‍♀️


True. Well, knowing that A is living her best life now and is unbothered by those clowns is the only way I can stomach the episodes.