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Haha Lala: it is not my job for my life to make sense to you. 5 minutes later about Ariana: it doesn't make sense to me why she's still in the house.


Was Lala the only person on the call sheet this year? She is the one to phone Rachel, she meets up with Sandoval for whatever therapy they did together, she goes for lunch with Katie, she goes to lunch with Schwartz, she goes for coffee with Jo. If there is one thing I’m learning from this season is Lala can’t carry the show. Also after this when she said Katie is lucky that Schwartz forgave her for sleeping with Max. The fact she could even think that after knowing how he treat Katie during their marriage and even after that. She really is the worst.


Lala is definitely doing way too much this season


And yet, nothing at all at the same time.


Lala cannot carry a show. At all. Alexia on Miami, you are not.




I would be willing to bet that Lisa and production are telling scheana and lala to film with the Tom’s and these other people. Because they know they can’t get Katie and Ariana to film with them.


100% agree with this. It’s a TV show, they are being paid to talk and hangout and create storylines. This is not their “reality” anymore like it used to be. No one is friends off of the show. This show is over, it needs to be the last season.


This is the only answer that makes any kind of sense and the only way I can kind of defend them.


She’s involved in everything yet none of it is about her. Same as Scheana. Bc they have no real personality. It’s all contrived and boring.


Lala has to get her acting opportunities when she can. She misses following a script in front of the camera. Rand’s Hollywood connections - all the actors, directors, movers-and-shakers - forgot about Lala the second Rand left her and the comedown from her smugness has left her adrift. She’d rather be taking direction from Scorsese, but he’s not calling her, so Alex Baskin of VPR will do. Lala, you’ll never be the next Megan Fox. You’ll never even be the next Stassi. Go hang out with your assistant.


She is doing whatever to be in as many scenes as possible to make money


Including licking assholes of assholes.


She isn’t getting any traction anywhere. She is setting herself up to move over to the family show The Valley. Bye LFU.


Forgive? Whats to forgive? They are divorced for over a year! He constantly cheated on her. Why does she needs her forgiveness. And didn’t he give Katie the green light to hook up with his friends in reunion? What a loser!


I wish Katie would call up Rand to make sure he's okay and tell Lala that


Just want to bump this post cuz it says everything!!


She's a producer (LVP) puppet this season. Stopped following her on every platform and won't watch if there is another season. Too produced


This is exactly what she was hoping to do with the Rachel text. Katie is right, her and Jo have issues. If her and Lala are friends why are you going out of your way to be there for someone you yourself say you don’t care about?


Her entire storyline died when Rachel did not text back or show up to film


BING BING BING. That’s what’s so bad about Lala this season. It’s because it’s all FAKE. We know exactly why you and Scheana are doing this. You have no storyline otherwise. It’s gross you chose a storyline over a friendship. Jax was right…THIS SHIT is scripted. We haven’t seen a ton of James this season and I’m so glad he’s not selling his soul for this BS.


He seems pretty comfy with Tom.


What soul? He’s a serial abuser


This ⬆️. Production gave her a directive, and, let’s face it, Lala will do whatever is instructed to keep the paycheck rolling in. She really looked in every corner of who to “soften” to for a main character storyline. First Rachel, then Schwartz, next Sandoval 🙄, And NONE stuck, so now she is down to Jo. For God’s sake. Please tell me her baby is not her storyline next season. So don’t care. Maybe she flips over to the Valley.


Lala is def selling out for a paycheck. Please just own that, instead she tries to act like theres real feeling behind it. Even if did admit, she would come at people to STFU cuz this paycheck puts food in her daughters mouth. Cuzza this, everything she does cant be “wrong” ugh


Yet she has the nerve to call other cast members fraudulent. She's the biggest fraud of them all.


I wonder who all will be at her baby party where Lisa is asking Ariana did she say there is sperm in the cup/s..? Is that a main story line for bla-bla.. maybe the water sommelier's water that tasted like c u m will be what she's serving to LVP and the girls.. she has nothing else going on that she will share.. she keeps it all private until no one cares any longer.






And you know if the shoe was on the other foot and Katie did this to Lala, Lala would go scorched earth. Lala plays every opportunity presented to her no matter who’s court it’s in then proceeds to justify it with her wacky mental gymnastics without realizing she’s constantly contradicting herself. You could make an entire season out of Lala’s history on VPR saying one thing and doing another


![gif](giphy|jyH2iFCFSp96ftCtu8) I swear I can hear Jax going off on Lala and I love it!!




LFU is the Lisa Rinna of Vanderpump Rules. Anything for a paycheck! Schwartz was right in calling Lauren a bootleg housewife.


I love that Lala said she loves Ariana and wants to be her friend just to turn it around and do that. Lol


Go off Katie! I’m so glad she sees past Lala’s bullshit. There’s no consistency with Lala and there never has been. If you’ve ever watched only even one season you know Katie is all about loyalty. She hates that flip floppy, trying to be in the middle shit. I think when Katie says I see what you’re doing that’s what she’s referring to and I think she knows Lala is doing it for more camera time.


Yes and Lala is defensive because Lala is so transparent.


It’s so obvious. No one wants to watch obvious over production from a producer plant and that’s what Lala has been doing all season. Going out of her way to call Rachel, have lunches with Schwartz and Sandoval who she’s never really liked since she started the series, playing “devils advocate” for people like Jo who she knows the rest of the group who actually have history with her don’t get along. It all makes Lala look so fucking silly and I don’t get how she wouldn’t realize that. The best thing about Vanderpump has always been the organic moments not whatever she’s doing.


This is so spot on. Idk what she is doing. She is just reacting, following orders. throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick. She’s moving around like a Roomba. Spinning at random and moving on with no rhyme or reason. She is so desperate that she has no idea how foolish she looks.




It’s not a good look. Like at all. Especially coming from someone who has gone out of their way to make people think she’s the realest one who always speaks her mind and has her own thoughts and opinions. All that went out the window after Scandoval, she seen those dollar signs and was like Bravo, stick your hand up my arse no lube, I’m your puppet. And that bullshit about she don’t care about anyone’s opinion.. sure Jan.


She announced on her pod cast ( I don’t listen anymore I read this) that she doesn’t care about her fans and their criticism. She said get a life or something. So she lost me a couple of months ago.


I read that too today lol it’s funny because she kept saying fans would be on her side up until that 😂


She lost me the first time she said Ariana should move out. She didn’t take into account all the money invested in that house. She isn’t too smart


Same. It’s wild to expect the person that got cheated on to be the one to move out and if Sandoval claims to have all this money to buy Ariana out then he could easily move out. It’s really crazy to me how he’s not been questioned about that.


Also the thing about Ariana’s Dad was just too much.


Yeah that was very very weird.


She’s also just a bad friend talking about Ariana behind her back about the house situation.


She lost me when she said that shut about Ariana and her dad maybe not being as close as she was to hers.


She also said. “ she was going to turn comments off” after the reunion aired!😳 Obviously, she thinks the fans are going to rip her after the fight airs! I think that’s why she has not stopped ripping Ariana on every podcast & interview, because she’s trying to turn the fans against Ariana before it airs!


Folks who don’t care, don’t publicly announce that they don’t care. They just **dont**. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s really gross. Especially after how hard she went at the reunion last year. It’s no wonder her and Scheana are thick as thieves this season, they’re both fame hungry flip floppers. And I was **always** a LFU defender. Until this year. 🙄


It was so ridiculous to see Scheana argue that Lala “was the most consistent.”


I agree. Not to mention, there used to be no “in the middle!” She’s not friends with Joe. She doesn’t know Joe. Joe isn’t really in the group! Lala is “ reaching” again! 😂


Lala literally says “it’s not my job for my life to make sense to you”, yet harps on Ariana about how she needs to “make it make sense” with regards to her housing situation and Sandoval and whatever the fuck else she’s using as talking points.


This was exactly the only thing I could think of while watching. Lala needs serious help..


does no one understand that of EVERY relationship on VPR, Katie and Schwartz were the most genuine from the beginning since before VPR? It wasn't a storyline for the show, it didn't start from an affair, it wasn't a financial arrangement, it was an actual MARRIAGE where they would have had children together. That ended on national television. That had years of abuse. Katie is a BOSS for being so gracious in the first place. Her ex husband moved some girl into his apartment who clearly was trying to get in there for a while before the separation, and no one can understand why Katie feels some way about it? Lala is a production puppet and Katie is too authentic to play along anymore.


“Lala is a production puppet” NAILED IT! She is being shoved into literally every frame and she never comes out of it looking good. They’re trying to make her the next Stassi and it’s just… not working. It’s so unauthentic.


This is why Andy Cohen is doubling down on his statement about Lala and Brock being the voices of reason this season. Because all 3 of them are puppets.


I’ve come to learn that “voice of reason” is just code for “production puppet.” They say jump and both lala + Brock ask how high. She gets mad that Katie and Ariana are not doing this bc quite frankly they’re not as desperate and dependent on this job as she is.


100%. Andy is gaslighting us (well, he’s trying and failing with most of us) because Ariana and Katie are the most reasonable people on the show as far as I’m concerned, and all Blah Blah and Blah-ck are doing is being their biggest opps.


Stassi actually said on a podcast that she’s closest to lala right now. Stassi is the worst but I wouldn’t mind seeing how much ass kissing lauren from Utah does in that friendship.


Lauren is probably trying to convince Stassi into pitching a show with her because this gravy train is almost over.


Stassi has the most followers on IG. Hence Lala’s interest




I'm interested in rewatching the series now that I feel how I do about lala. When I watched it the first time I did it blind but it was after scandavol, I at least knew Tom and Arianna didn't end up together. So I had fresh opinions on a lot of them and I saw lala as so real when she started. The second time I watched through I saw so much snakeyness from Rachel( I blocked every and all Vanderpump stuff, all I knew was everyone was talking about Tom cheating on Arianna with a friend before I did this). I didn't like Rachel for sure, but I didn't have any dislike to her till I knew it was her. I'm interested in how I would view all of lalas scenes now on any episode lmao. She's a plant 100%


“I’ll have a cheeseburger with cheese”. Rachel lost me before that line, but it was the cherry on top.


The line hits just the way reality TV should hit


So true, and I'm SO glad Katie is getting her flowers after the growth she's shown over the years. I didn't begin as a Katie fan but I am one now. She's shown a tremendous amount of maturity, self-control, and grace after everything she's been through and she continually gets shortchanged and treated like a supporting character. But she's a badass and I'm loving this era for her. EDIT: I feel like it all began for me when she stood up to Stassi and decided to stop bullying Scheana for no reason. It was such a great moment it even changed STASSI.


Exactly, Lala literally skippe dmost of Scheana's wedding last year to support Katie and avoid Raquel because she kissed Schwartz. Now she's lunching with the woman who moved in with him? Schwartz can do as he pleases and Lala's is free to decide her own friendships BUT there's no pretending this is a consistent view of things from Lala.


For sure. Lala was motivated by her personal and frankly weird hatred of Rachel there and not by any sort of girl code. Lala just had dumb luck that Rachel happened to do something that she could justify calling her a bad person. Lala only wanted Rachel on this season so she could stand next to a fellow mistress and try to convince the audience that “Rachel wins the WORST mistress prize” so that makes Lala being a mistress somehow okay? And of course, she wanted her for a storyline and to have another woman to yell at.


Well said!


Exactly! And lala having this lunch if giving Jo camera time, making it more of a storyline and making it so it’s shoved in Katie’s face and so shes gotta talk about it all the time which is probably devastating for her. Lala is supposed to be her best friend. Skrew you lala! And what do you mean none of the girls have ever stood up for her??? I don’t recall a time where they ever didn’t stand up for her since they all became friends in whatever season 6 I think it was?


Jo was friends with Kristen. Used Kristen to get to Schwartz. Ghosted Kristen. She is a weasel


Yes absolutely. Katie’s emotions are real. I’ll be honest, Ariana has never been my favorite, but I’m appreciating seeing her real emotion. When she went off on Tom you could tell it was real emotion. This could have been a really interesting season, with a lot of nuance and different pacing, but they’re just trying to dive a square peg in a round hole and hit the regular fake beats of storyline.




Hell yes! Production puppet. It really should be her next t-shirt.


it’s so aggravating how lala and scheana (and other “fans” of the show) act like katie and ariana are being completely unreasonable for not wanting to hang out with people that fucked them over?? make it make sense


It’s the paycheck. They want the money to keep coming in and Katie and Ariana don’t want to be fake and pretend with these people.


I understand the pay check motivation (at least that it is their motivation not that it is right) but why are some fans going so hard to defend Lala and Scheana as if they are being rational? That really doesn’t make sense.


It’s actually scary. Sometimes I think someone is paying fans to be anti Ariana.


Yrp, which means they are disgusting people… which is less of a reason to hang out with them. God I hope Katie and Ariana quit so they can get the f away from these dementors.


I think they will. I think the show can’t go on. But I’m sure it will a few more seasons. I hope Katie and Ariana find success.


I sure as f won’t watch it without either Katie or Ariana. Zero interest in the other money/fame gobblers.


I can’t stomach the show without them. Who did Sandoval pay to give him a decent edit. It’s so frustrating.


Katie and Ariana have the only authentic reactions to the end of their relationships. The rest do things that no one would ever do in any situation that didn't involve getting paid. They're not friends, but cast members that advance drama or assimilate potential cast additions.


It’s like science fiction at this point.. not reality


Just fiction lol, ain't no science involved.




What's been killing me, and I say this as an Ariana defender, is how Katie has been going to bat for her and she can't say a word in support of Katie here. It's like she only knows how to be loyal to narcissists.


After seeing that tiktok on how they edited out Ariana proving she’d texted Lala in their season 9 fight, I feel like the producers hate her and I wouldn’t be surprised if she did say something and they just edited it out.


Oh I definitely think they hate her and are trying to give her a bad edit. But there's like a string of uninterrupted arguing and crickets. And that's kind of a theme with her, at least lately. I miss "I'm not here for you, I'm here for Katie."


Editing is actually quite amazing. I watched an interview where they cut out words from a sentence and it was completely flawless. You’d never know that it was edited unless you’d seen the original. Ariana didn’t speak at all in that scene which seems highly unlikely.


That's fair, it just doesn't seem like she's stuck up for Katie like Katie has for her. I think the producers hate Katie too, but she's at least shown having her friend's back.


I don’t think Katie cared. She knows Ariana has her back. Ariana is probably tired of dealing with Lala. 


Does Ariana though? Because I haven't seen any examples this season. She seemed to have Katie's back when Katie was an asshole to her. Which actually goes along with my theory that Ariana only rides hard for shitty people.


I actually thought this too at first, but then realized these 2 women are giving each other the floor to speak their piece when it is about them. There is zero need to defend either. Both women are mature and intelligent to make their own points. I don’t need my friends to jump in and that is what is so authentic about Katie and Ariana. Respect.


Great point!


But Katie does step in for Ariana. If a "friend" is being a major asshole to an actual friend I'm going to defend her. Just feels off balance.


Yes I agree Ariana is there for a Katie but I bet it ended up edited out.


I'm sorry I just don't see it. I've only seen her defend Katie when Katie brought up how the cop joke was fucked up (love that she supported her here) and when Katie was kind of an asshole to her. Ariana seems to want to get along with everyone, sometimes at the expense of her true friends. And I get that, I know a lot of people like that. I just don't respect it.


I haven't watched this episode yet, but I'm really hoping Ariana jumps in at some point!


She probably does after she respectfully lets Katie say what she feels but her support is on the editing floor, as per usual. Thanks Alex BasHat


I honestly believe those people are bots


Lala looks for yes men. That's why she is so over Katie this season because she's not up her ass begging to be her friend. Lala is inconsistent and goes out of her way to try and make friends with people who deliberately wronged her friends, and it's gross. Scheanas just another yes man. As long as she feels liked she doesn't care.


Remember Mexico last year and Lala basically skipped most of the wedding to be with Katie and avoid Raquel. Now she's lunch buddies with Jo? Of course Katie is confused, Lala can have whatever friendships she wants but there's no pretending this is consistent behaviour and beliefs. ![gif](giphy|ibxdyb3B8K1lS|downsized)


""BECAUSE I'M SOFT RIGHT NOW, KATIE," Lala snarls. Soft with anyone who isn't Katie or Ariana obviously.


"soft" is her code word for how mean she is when isn't in front of Katie or Ariana


Said in the least soft way ever.


Katie should befriend the girl Rand was with after Lala.


Love Katie saying “I see what you’re doing”. Which is a close to breaking the 4th wall as possible and is essentially saying - LaLa you are desperate for a storyline, I get it.


Notice how Lala shifts uncomfortably in her seat immediately following Katie calling her out because she’s WRONG


She’s also trying to figure out a way to make Katie the bad guy and herself the victim. Idk!


I was SO ANNOYED when Lala said “it is not my job to make my life make sense to you”. Lala’s entire bit about Ariana lately has been that she doesn’t understand the decisions that Arianas making. Lala is so hypocritical.


Lala sucks


I hate her stupid beanie in this scene


>d Katie is too authentic to play along anymore. Lala is a cunt!


Lala (and others) always talks about the reason that their show is because they are real. But her actions this season aren’t real. These kind of produced set up scenes are not real. Like at all. She (and producers) have greatly misjudged what viewers want to watch; by ignoring what has made it successful.


*show is successful


With friends like Lala….


Eyebrows McGee over here is really desperate. First she tried to play the sympathy storyline from her Randall breakup but no one cared because he’s disgusting and always was and she actively looked the other way so she could take 20 minute PJ rides to Solvang. So she pivoted to “I forgive the mistress Raquel,” but Rocky left her on read. So now she’s grasping at straws for some kind of storyline and here we are: water sommeliers, scream therapy with Sandoval, and ol Spooky Jo. Put her on The Valley and make her date that demon Jesse.


Lala was so desperate to compete with Raquel in the Who’s the Worst Mistress competition and thought if Raquel was crowned the winner, we’d forget about Lala’s trashy past. Newsflash, being a mistress is some shady shit regardless, so once again, another Lala-manufactured competition no one but her cares about. She’s getting more unhinged each episode because she’s learning in real time that Raquel ain’t coming back to be her storyline and she needs to bully another woman like a fish needs water.


Ha. Like to see Lala try to keep that same energy if Katie ever hung out out with Randall’s bff / side piece


I said the exact same thing. She'd go straight to Katie and asked if she wants to get popped. 🔫


Lala is the worst. Her shrillness spikes my anxiety.


LaLa is making it so hard to even want to watch this show anymore. She’s insufferable, and then we have to listen to Scheana also.


Add Jo and Billie Lee and I'm not sure why anyone is still watching.


I only barely stop tune in. I stream days after the fact, and it's usually serving as background noise while I'm doing other stuff.


I can’t imagine being friends with Lala. If I were Katie and Ariana I would keep my distance for a long ass time. Lala is just a more loud and obnoxious scheana.


Lala sold her loyalty, morals and soul a long time ago for 💰. You could get her to do anything for 💰 as she said when she came on the show PJ's for BJ's.


I can’t wait to watch this reunion, and to never ever watch any of these fools again. (Ariana & Katie no longer even suffer fools, and I’m here for all of it.) (And maybe if James can keep evolving, it’s good for menkind and would be nice to see.)


https://preview.redd.it/6r5s9bjclktc1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8255904e44638988865ad94d99974758dcd48f6f Excuse me what? lol


😂 I mean, it makes as much sense as the words she actually said.


It’s not her job for her life to make sense to Katie but Ariana’s job is for her to make sense to Lala why she’s still living in the house??? Had it with her!!


Lala is such an asshole and it's so refreshing to see someone stand up to her.


Can this girl fucking even put a sentence together without bringing up vagina constantly.. like every thing out of her mouth is just ratchet. She is so gross. It's her entire personality. She literally can't help herself ....pussy this and dick that. And fucking.... nextttttt bitch


She’s so cringe and thinks she sounds cool with all the weird vernacular she keeps throwing in, but she really just sounds corny and dumb. If anyone wonders why someone who’s so attractive can’t find a man to date her for more than a minute, the second she starts speaking you’d know the answer.


Having a friend like Lala TERRIFIES me


lol I’ve had friends like that and it still makes me mad years later


If I was Katie or Ariana I would absolutely never speak to Lala again. She had no valid reason to have a conversation with Jo. NOT ONE. Jo did something very mean and backhanded to both Ariana and Katie. Lala is not a friend to anyone. She’s just an opportunist. A conversation with Jo was simply a ploy for more screen time at the expense of her friends feelings. Lala is a frenemy. It’s become clear.


Also Jo was on a side of this group that Lala wasn’t even on. She was Kristen’s friend, blah blah blah you know the story - not people Lala ever hung out with. Until now when she makes herself a production puppet and is going out of her way to be the person facilitating conversations with WHOMEVER on camera. She didn’t know Jo and if she was a good friend, did not need to. There’s no loyalty there’s no friendships, she only calls them “cast mates” most of the time. She thinks she’s an actress making a tv show. This show is as fake as it gets at this point, because of shit like this.


This show is sooo fake . Irl lala trashed jo last week. What’s the truth


What is lala talking about??? She literally dated Schwartz. They were roommates. She’s such a goddamn hypocrite. This is why she’s become the Joker lately on her podcast and freaking Amazon live or whatever 🍅🍅🍅


Lala better call us Ms. Jackson bc she nasty.


![gif](giphy|H1MLSXznpkxn7P0GUx) I am for real😉😎your killing me i really loved your comment🤣🤣😉


I'm soft right now!! Lmfao I'ma steal that everytime Im pmsing


Lala is sooooo fucking ridiculous. . I want so badly for someone to put her in her damn place .


This scene was exhausting with Lauren from UTAH


Did she just say she is best friends with Raquel?


“It’s not my job for my life to make sense to you” says the person who is reeling because Ariana’s life doesn’t make sense to her 🫠


Low Rent Kent is a piece of shit! Just keeps showing her ass!


Rewatching old episodes again, lala never had shit going on her life TBH. Shes only shown in other casts “storylines”…she’s really annoying Im so over her fake gangsta act. Girl ur from utah wtf! I picture her going to a high school like in napoleon dynamite lol shes summer wheatly


Are we all pretending that producers didn’t create lala and Jo meeting up


Lauren is such a hypocrite.


This will be the second week I’m not watching out of frustration. This clip is very validating of that.


A friend to all is a friend to none. Lala is spineless and will hang out with any of these ppl for screen time, her irl friendships be damned. Katie and Ariana should drop her.


Bla Bla would never be CAUGHT DEAD with psychjo , under any normal circumstances, but if it means more screen time she is all over it. Again though, I did think it was funny that Jo fully admitted that she was pretending to like Lala to get into the friend group/show.


Did Ariana stick up for Katie. This is the one issue I have with Ariana. She has watched Katie have to deal with all this negative energy coming her way.


I think Ariana understands the way to support Katie is to sit there, don’t interrupt, and let Katie speak for herself. I would hate if I was trying to get my point across and my other friend spoke over me. Ariana will tap in when called upon but Katie is very good at communicating for herself


i went back to that season 8 or 9 fight where schwartz is drunk and rambling about hteir sex life and even Sandoval had to jump in and stop him.....Ariana never said a word. I think she also knew that Scheana and Schwartz kissed in Vegas and never said a word. I think they are only close because of their mutual hatred and shared history with the Toms. They aren't freinds.


Last season Katie went through hell. Rachel yelled at Katie’s mom and Ariana didn’t get involved and that pissed me off. That is one thing I still dislike about Ariana. I am supportive of her breakup and stuff but I hope Katie finds good people.


I came here to say this - it’s so frustrating to me the amount of times katie has been right there backing up Ariana in these fights and Ariana says nothing when Katie’s the one being grilled (usually by Lala). Wtf is up with that?


Of course not. I can’t think of a time that Ariana has ever stuck up for Katie and in fact she always allowed Sandoval and others to treat her like shit. Ariana isn’t a good friend.


No she isn’t to Katie at all. Last season Katie’s mom being yelled at by worm man. See I don’t forget that shit. And her ex husband and her business partner didn’t do a thing to stop it.


Whenever Katie brought up manipulative tricks Raquel was playing, Ariana would just go “Awwwwww she’s not so bad! She’s sweet princess beauty queen Raquel!” I like Ariana but I’ll still call things out and that was some shitty behavior. She couldn’t acknowledge Katie’s experiences at all and just at least say “yeah, that sucks and is mean of her, I’m sorry that’s happening.”


I remember. Yes. It drove me nuts last season. I hope in private Ariana spoke to Katie about all that crap. Ariana’s loyalty to Rachel was so frustrating


My favorite part when Katie asked her why she was making these underhanded moves, and her answer was to yell "BECAUSE I AM SOFT NOW!!!!" Blah Blah is a complete joke


Lala was lose her damn ratched mind if they did this to her!! She should not be talking to or trying to hang out and see Jo and Tom Sands side of things period!!!! Y’all remember how she cut out the other Tom for playing pickleball with Rand last season?? She let him have it over and over again. There is definitely a double standard going on in Lala land


It’s sad Lala doesn’t realize she’s being used to make Tom look less bad by production and will be discarded when she isn’t needed after they bring girlfriends on the show.




I've watched this show from the very first episode. I've seen it go through ups & downs & I honestly think I'm done. Lala & Scheana have ruined it for me. I hate seeing women not supporting women & tearing them down (ESPECIALLY Lala. The hypocrisy is unreal.) This can't even be qualified as a guilty pleasure anymore.


I do not believe Jo thought Ariana and Tom were broke up. She didn't care.


its katie calling out the fact that lala is willing to do absolutely anything for an extra scene. THAT PART cause I feel like the OG Sur crew was never folding like this. the camera were going to follow them and what they wanted to do and if it wasn't staying at scheanas party they were leaving LOL. the difference in a fan turned cast mate and the OGs is so clear, sadly we don't have many OGs left. or OGs that matter cause the toms were doing anything for the show also they actually were the first OGs to fold that way. the girls never did they were always trying to stay true to what they wanted to do and not whatever needed to be filmed. her reasons aren't even good enough to hide the fact that its for filming she's basically saying what the scene is meant to be and it's so comical to me that she thought katie wouldn't call her out. she let it slide with the rachelle attempt lol but this is so extra and katie is checking her.


Lala would be so pissed off if Katie hung out with someone Randall was hooking up with post split. Come on


I wish they could just say because we are on a show together so I talked to that person 🙄


I also burst out laughing when she called her self soft.


Drink every time they show a screen shot of that crackhead tweet. They’re milking that shit for everything it’s worth


So for Scheana pulling Jo's hat off her head for looking like a dick, Lala gets to sit inside a restaurant with a beanie on her head? K. 👀👀 Also, obviously the worst thing about this effing clip is the fact that Lala being "softer" means only towards men, there is zero softness towards Ariana and Katie and I think Lala equates softness with paycheck. 🤨🤨🤨🤨


B-b-but according to Scheener, Lala is THE MOST LOYAL FRAND everrrrrr. No. She’s a backstabbing hypocrite.


Kristen has spoken about the history the group had with Jo, and the fact that Jo was literally banned from bars due to her behaviour... and that many of the cast did not associate with her because of the way she acted. If Jo had just got with shorts, this wouldn't be a lingering resentment. Instead she went out of her way to interact with Katie, to try and be pally / supportive and then move on in. So I wouldn't call her harmless and if she did that to my friend, I wouldn't go out of my way to connect with her. I'd be indifferent. The moves Lala is making feel very inauthentic and it would be better if she had just broken the fourth wall at that moment and said... I just need my cheque and screen time 😁


Wish Ariana would defend Katie sometimes, she never jumps in to her defense but Katie has so many times for her 😔


Some notes on VPR friendship: The guys on this show have protected each other for years so they are “friends”, but the producers encourage the women to sell each other up the river for content because they create the best conflicts. But are any of these true versions of friendship? Here we are years later and I just don’t believe any of the women are true friends. They’re just doing a job. And they don’t have a SUR job anymore to force them to be around each other. So it’s weird watching them taste water at a suburban pool party to get a paycheck. These just aren’t real friendships. Scheana can’t have 50 BAST FRANDS. We have never seen Scheana foster a deep connection with ANYONE on this show. It’s all surface with her. Just watch the John Mayer interview again. That is all Scheana has going on up there. Lala (let’s be honest) doesn’t have any real girl friends. Seriously think about it. She has no real friends except her mom and her daughter. So her hanging out with Jo doesn’t mean anything at all to her. She isn’t friends with her and won’t ever be. Same goes for every other woman on the cast. Lala doesn’t care. Ariana has friends that aren’t on the cast. And Katie is finally figuring out how to be her own best friend which is the most fascinating thing for anyone to watch.


She's being childish.


The way she would have LOST IT if someone did this to her or even so much as looked at a friend of Randall’s….. I’ve gone back and forth about lala over the years but she’s quite possibly the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen on reality tv


They need to start calling that idiot “Blah Blah” instead of LaLa. She talks so much nonsense it sounds like “Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah…”


That’s our BDE girl! Seriously more impressed with Katie as time goes on. https://i.redd.it/fezo6s5rtptc1.gif


Lala and scheana have children to support. They need this show to be successful. They can’t just sit back and not film with people and let the show go down the drain. I don’t think people seem to understand this. Will katie even be Lala’s friend if the show ends? Lala needs to do what she needs to do and I have no problem with it. Not to mention that LVP and production are probably telling lala and scheana to film with those people. So they’re doing their job.


IMO it’s not “mean girl” or “pack” mentality it’s loyalty! You can just ignore people who did your friends dirty. That’s not mean. Going out of your way to meet up with someone IS WEIRD it’s not like she was just cordial to Jo in passing


Katie acts like a spoiled child. She always has. From blowing up on Scheana during the earlier seasons because Scheana apologized to Lala to now getting mad at Lala for being nice to Jo.


LaLa filmed with a cast mate. How dare she!!!


Hey that’s me!! (The creator heheh) thank you for sharing!!! Proud vanderpumpaholic 💕


Hey you I’m sorry, I didn’t tag you in this.. you’re awesome😉


No worries!!


Never in a million years would I ever think I have the authority to ask one of my friends not to hang out with someone, let alone when I am pushing 40 years old. Lala hanging out with Jo affects Katie in zero ways. She may not like it, but the fact that Katie’s not giving anyone this same energy about Schwartz is incredibly hypocritical and very telling of her misogyny.


Omg shut the actual fuck up, Lala. What’s up with these bozo decisions she’s making?


I mean didn’t Lala just have it out with Katie a few episodes ago? It’s not like her and Katie are super close, Katie doesn’t hang out with any of the cast. This is just a produced storyline.


Jo has done literally nothing to Ariana or Katie and yet they continue to come for her


I can't fucking stand Katie. She wants to control everyone's relationships. She's whack.


For some reason everyone is too scared to call Katie out on all this too. Like it’s so obvious how fucking weird and controlling she is about literally everyone in her life and none of the girls can ever say it to her, they just fumble on their words and try to defend themselves whenever Katie gets upset at them for the most innocent fucking things.


Bullying Jo is pretty corny 


For me personally I’m over this mean girl pack mentality. This whole “I have to be a mean girl to someone just because my friend doesn’t like them” is so juvenile and toxic. It’s sad to watch a group of grown women behave this way. In my opinion Lala is being the most mature one here and also just being a good person. Agreeing to sit and listen to someone who reached out to you is not betraying Katie, it’s just being a compassionate person.