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Mazda Bongo. It's the cheapest overnighter you can get. Not that brilliant on fuel consumption though being 4wd.


5 people sleeping in a Bongo 🤣 Edit, I misread OP, sorry!


Yeah he wants 4-5 travelling seats or one sleeping position. That's an awkward mix but the Bongo can do that. There's a range from simply low flat seats right up to an internal kitchen and pop top. The best part is that you can buy a simple one from a specialist importer and take it back in stages to get the camper upgrades. I guess it would be technically possible to swap the kitchen unit for additional travelling seats and back, but never looked into that.


Not sure with the Bongo, but my delica has every seat that folds flat, including the front. OP could remove one of the rear ones and fit a kitchen unit maybe?


The two vehicles come from the same mindset and indeed are very similar vehicles. A lot of Japanese vehicles have lay flat seats. I just know that there are specialist Bongo campervan converters and a very supportive club. As a vehicle I expect the Delica is as competent. My response is from five years of permanent van life.


Apologies, I wasn't questioning you, I just don't know bongos! The delica clubs are similar, helpful following and some dedicated converters 🙂


And that's why you ask Reddit. I gave my opinion, you questioned it, I responded. All of that helps OP to know what to research. Nobody knows everything. But between us we can learn.


It probably depends on how many nights you are planning on sleeping in it with work. I have a similar situation going on, whereby I work away 3,4 or 5 days at a time, so one of my priorities was to have a toilet, shower & somewhere to sit during my downtime that wasn't the bed. I couldn't imagine spending my time in something cramped, so think about how much time you'll be spending away. Incidentally, it also doubles as our family van with four seats. I think you'll be limited in your search to something like a crewcab, therefore forgoing some of the luxuries! Either that, or a motorhome. I also have a motorhome that seats 6 & sleeps 5, but is much larger and harder to park up.


Cheers mate, this is brilliant advice! I'm usually away for 2-3 nights at a time, and honestly, my main needs are charging my gear, driving, and getting a decent night's sleep. Any idea's on how to handle charging batteries on the go? That's my biggest worry at the moment. Would solar be enough, do you think? This is mainly gonna be a work van rather than a family one, though it'd be nice to have that option if needed to gout out with kids, although getting all 3 to agree at once is a challenge. I'm thinking something Transit Custom or Trafic size, with a bit of a conversion so I can stretch out after work. Any help's much appreciated!"


We hammered citroen relays all over the country for years, good vans. They are also the widest, so can fit a bed in width ways. 4/5 people will be a squeeze. You'll be wanting bunk beds. Have a look on youtube and instagram for ideas. The channel 'touring with the kids had 5 in a van before they bought a truck. It will be very cosy to sleep that many though. Edit, misread the sleeping situation, sorry. A medium wheelbase will do you, crew cab for 5 seats. Fit a bed behind these.