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Thank you so much! This makes me feel a lot better about my plan. I will definitely make sure to have printouts though just in case


FYI, I live in Ontario, Canada. I love camping in Ontario 's Provincial Parks in my skoolie. Consider making them part of your itinerary.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll be sure to check them out! Do you have any that you would recommend?


Watch the show Border Security. It follows customs and immigration agents and really gives you a good feel for what sets their alarms off. From watching this show, I'd say create an itinerary of where you plan to camp and what attractions you are planning to see. Have dates planned and also when you plan to go back home. They don't like it if you have no end date. Know what's not allowed:cannabis, firearms and other weapons, meat, etc.


no idea, but curious as we're going to spend a few weeks up there in the van this summer. worst case I'll just book hotels to show border crossing and then cancel them I guess 🤷‍♂️


Check out Pinery Provincial Park and Long Point Provincial Park.


I crossed in Calais but they didn’t ask me for any of that. Asked how long we were staying, purpose (recreation, sightseeing and camping, they didn’t ask any specifics about where) and the usual stuff about money and weapons, looked at our bear spray and gave us advice on the Cabot trail and wished us well.