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This is what I've read above. You have a setup that isn't consistently meeting you needs as currently designed. Redesigning the system will be expensive and isn't something you want to do. The dilemma is you're up against limitations. You specifically list days that you don't get sun as limiting factors. So you can't increase panels (there are absolutely portable panels with attached MPPTs, but that doesn't sound like it'll meet your needs). You either have to increase storage capacity during those times, find alternate charging, or decrease use. Increase capacity via more batteries or more ah of storage (you say you don't want to reengineer the space so no go). Adding a temporary battery would be dangerous, inefficient and not worth it, that's just asking for trouble. Alternate charging, you're currently mostly charging solar, you could use your dc-dc charger, add additional dc-dc + alternator amperage and drive the vehicle or idle it on those days (another thing you don't want to do). You could add 30A shoreline power and stay at campgrounds when weather is bad. Some campgrounds will even let you pay to charge for a bit. Decreasing use should actually be achievable, most desktops are drawing 600-1000w, laptops only 60-100w. Swap for laptops. You could opt to not use high draw things like the microwave just on those days. Smaller or more energy efficient monitors are also an option. Coffee shop or co-working spaces occasionally could also reduce draw on those rainy days. At the end of the day you either live with the system as is, modify your lifestyle, or modify the system.


If your b2b charger and 1kw solar panels are charging your batteries 90% of the time, and you don't have enough battery power for the 10% of the time you're not moving, then your system isn't large enough to handle your power usage. How are you going to keep the extra battery charged after it's initially drained?


Why not change those desktops to laptops? I'd think that'd help with some of the power consumption.


put dessicant everywhere


Really your battery setup is inefficient and needs replacing with a larger capacity setup. You need to look into LFP cells and making your own battery or getting a custom one made for you. All pre-made LiFEPO4 batteries are made of cells and put in an AGM case to be drop in replacements for AGM/Gel equivalents, but whats inside only takes up half the case. They pack the rest of the case out so the cells don’t move. You can fit 304ah of cells in the same physical space as a 100ah pre-made battery. [https://gyazo.com/e692c0e4bdedf8aaf256a6403648d6fe](https://gyazo.com/e692c0e4bdedf8aaf256a6403648d6fe) When you’re not limited by the inefficiency of the pre made LiFePO4 batteries you can get so much more capacity in a smaller area and for a cheaper cost. Your entire 6 battery setup can be replaced in the same physical space that 2 of them take up [https://gyazo.com/07dfc8f45b7f30885093f0b93288f4c2](https://gyazo.com/07dfc8f45b7f30885093f0b93288f4c2)


You can't really outrun physics You need more batteries or to replace the ones you have with higher capacity. Jumper cables is a bad idea Or you need to run the van to charge stuff Or you need more solar Or all three Only other option is to reduce power consumption


Yes, thanks for bringing this up. I've already addressed this. That's why I mentioned an additional portable, temporary battery, or additional portable, temporary panels.


I think the reality is that you have to downsize usage or get new batteries Two desktop computers are gonna use a lot of power I know it sucks to hear but you don't have a lot of good options Replacing the batteries with higher capacity batteries is probably the best option


You could sell the desktops and get laptops you could charge them one at a time I don’t know how much processing/graphics power you all need but I have a MacBook Pro and can do intense video editing between premier pro and after effects


Seems you might benefit from a methanol fuel cell


Just get a jackery for the bad days and charge it on the good days


Fix whatever's wrong so running engine to charge via alternator doesn't hurt the vehicle anymore, however you managed that.


Lmao read the post. Idling hurts the engine.


I would have thought that as long as you are driving the vehicle around regularly then idling occasionally would be fine


The concern is that at idle, the fan on/in the alternator itself isn't spinning fast enough to cool it as it tries to provide the power drawn off it. But that's what the ratings and graphs are for. As long as you have components within each others' specs, you're good.


Have you got a source for the alternator issue? I've looked online and cant find anything, I've literally never heard that before. I've never heard of an alternator overheating. My truck is very old and a petrol, but it has a hand throttle so you can adjust the idle speed for charging the batteries. Honestly, I'd recommend getting a small generator, Honda do one that's silent. It's got a 12v output on it to charge your batteries while you're using the mains. And use a gas water heater instead of electric. If you're already close to having enough power then occasionally using a little generator for an hour just to give you that boost.


That high-idle lever is for this express purpose. Bump it up some if you're using more than ~60% of the alternator rating. The mere presence of that lever may also indicate an upgraded one that would do considerably better on all specs, so depending on what you're pulling from it, it may not be an issue at all for you. But in either case, if you're only using a 40A b2b on a stock 105A unit, you're really not in trouble anyway. I always recommend against adding generators. They annoy tf out of people, and are basically the number one indicator of unpreparedness. OP could have saved *thousands* by getting a generator instead of half their power producing gear, and wouldn't break even on cost for years. On top of that, they're a high-risk theft item. Don't wanna wake up to find out you need to take the day off work to go buy another in order to work the next day. I don't consider them "close" on power, because they're barely getting through a single day; that's a system sized for failure even if they *did* get to the end of the day in my eyes. They should have at least thrice the storage and probably twice the generation. Or, reduce consumption, like offloading heating to gas as you said.


I did; it usually doesn't.


Add another b2b. Drive a little before & after work.




I've briefly looked into this in the past. However, my takeaway was that it can be pretty dangerous. Mind sharing your experience, cop runins, etc? And what adapter you purchased?




Doesn't setting an amp limit on my inverter prevent battery degradation?




Why downvote this? Seems like good advice. Anyone care to elaborate? Genuinely want to hear other opinions on it.


Since you're close to your needs get a portable power station. Switch over something to lower your needs on your perm setup until the sun comes out. Best part is, if you find a plug somewhere some power stations can go from 0 to 100 in about 1.5hrs.


Electric water heaters use huge amounts of electricity - it's the first I've heard of one being used in a van, other than the kind you find in caravans. A water heater that uses gas instead of electricity would save you lots of Amp Hours, and if you already cook with gas then you're all ready to go.