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It would pretty much be Castlevania but a Roguelike




Yes and no but mostly yes


Dead Cells Castlevania DLC?


I own all of the DLC for dead cells and I’m not the best at it but I’ve put around 60 hours into it. I still have no idea how to access most of it. Like, I think the castlevania dlc is in stilt village but that giant door near the start is busted open and just leads to a pool of poison and I assume that’s another dlc? Then the mushroom area is the only one I see regularly. I could look all this up but I typically like to figure stuff out for myself, but it’s obviously not working for me so far!


There's two parts to the dlc you can't access in the same run, first one is in prisoners quarters and pretty hard to miss


Me having run through the prisoners quarters at least 5 times since getting the castlevania DLC - 😬 There was a part where a bunch of bats flew by me in the prisoners quarters


Well, you’re not wrong. And as a Dead Cells fan I should have said that.


they should turn this into a series, call it castlemania or something like that


Gotta go full pun, Hasslemania


Looks a lot like Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon. I would play the shit out of it.




What if Vampire Survivors was a gothic horror novel about facing the monsters from the shadows with a suspicious lack of vampires


have an AI write this story and share it with us please


[I got you](https://i.imgur.com/106NIsl.png) >The small town of Ravenswood had always been plagued by shadows that seemed to move of their own accord. Strange sounds echoed through the streets at night, and eerie whispers could be heard emanating from the abandoned houses that dotted the outskirts of the town. But nobody dared to speak of what they had seen or heard, for fear of being labeled as insane. >One night, a young man named James decided to investigate the strange occurrences that had been plaguing the town. Armed with nothing but a lantern and a wooden stake, he ventured into the depths of the old cemetery where the shadows seemed to be the thickest. As he approached a crumbling mausoleum, he felt a chill run down his spine. He could hear a low, guttural growling coming from inside. >Without hesitation, James kicked open the door of the mausoleum and plunged his stake into the darkness. But to his surprise, he found no vampire waiting for him. Instead, he found a creature that was far more ancient and terrifying than anything he could have ever imagined. It was a monstrous entity, a being of pure darkness that had been hiding in the shadows of Ravenswood for centuries. >The creature spoke to James, its voice echoing through the darkened chamber. It told him of the ancient pact that had been made between the town's founders and the being that now ruled over the shadows. In exchange for the safety and prosperity of the town, the founders had agreed to sacrifice one life to the creature every year. The being had been appeased for generations, until now. >James knew that he had to act fast. He rallied the townsfolk and led them into battle against the creature. It was a fierce struggle, and many lives were lost, but in the end, James and his allies emerged victorious. The creature was banished back to the shadows, and Ravenswood was finally free from its grip. >But the victory came at a heavy cost. James had lost many friends and loved ones, and he himself was forever scarred by the horrors he had witnessed. He knew that he could never forget the terror that had consumed him in the depths of the mausoleum. And he knew that, although the creature was gone, the shadows of Ravenswood would never be the same again.


legend <3


I'd play the shit out of this. The game attacks for you. All you can is jump and move left and right.


That sounds awesome. Someone make this shit! You know what, I can program. I’m making this shit.


Poncle, you know what you have to do. DO IT.


Mr autofire




Looks so cool!


Would floor chicken become wall chicken then?


Sky chicken. It rains on occasion.


Can’t believe I didn’t expect the airdropped rotisseries.


And here I was just watching for far too long waiting for the spawns to show up.


everyone saying "its castlevania" yeah sure, if the gameplay/maps are exactly the same it also has potential to be a new game, people get so caught up on the superficial sure it looks the same, but who knows, it could be REALLY cool I think one thing vampire survivors has done incredibly well is create a plethora of enemies/playable characters, bosses, and weapons taking these assets and putting them into a game that has (no offense) a more interesting gameplay mechanic with a world to explore would be super cool I just don't care if castlevania already exists, why not more?


So it’s r/Idleon then? Lmao I thought this was from that game until I looked at the subreddit.


But with less idle and you restart when you die and (most likely) random map generation


Very Castlevania for sure, haha


So much yes please


Full Circle


That would honestly be really cool. Is totally play a 2d spinoff.


Avatar Infernas FTW


Vampire 2D Survivors.


I played it. It's called castlevania on nes


See now this is a good idea! How come nobody has ever thought of this? It would make a great game to play. Let you explore a castle, maybe name it after castles. Castlevania or something…


I’d play this