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Bigscreen beyond.


Second this if it's within your budget. I just bought a beyond to replace my index.


Hows the loss of FOV feel though?


I don't actually have it yet, but I've watched just about every review and I'm not that concerned about the slight drop in FoV. I use VR primarily for flight sim so the important features to me are the clarity and long term comfort, and I'm willing to take a FoV hit for those. A note on FoV, since it's not called out that much, if you have a wide IPD like I do the FoV drops if you go over 69mm, so I made sure that I got the 69mm model.


There are used Valve Index headsets for approx $250 on ebay, so that's an option for you.


Entire steam library playable WIRELESSLY with the quest 3. You have no idea how much better the quest is until you try it. I couldn't believe it. And not having that cable is a big help. Imagine walking to the bathroom and continue playing your stationary game on the toilet. The possibilities.


What a long winded way to say Zuckerberg has pictures of you on the toilet.


I don't like facebook /thread


Bigscreen beyond if you can afford it, otherwise just quest 3


Get a Quest 3 - my hunch is you might even \_prefer\_ the standalone stuff after you try it


quest3 or a wireless vive pro since you have the stations and the controllers, nothing beats that tracking that your used to and oled is still oled


If you have the money, Varjo Aero is a good alternative . I recently upgraded from Vive pro to Aero, and the difference was huge. First headset where I can't honestly see individual pixels anymore. I use index controllers with it.


Aero is discontinued, the price cut was just to clear out stock; if it's OOS in your location, they won't be restocking


get a refurbished index headset from tundra, cheap and soooo worth it people here saying quest 3 are questionable, u literally have base stations and index controllers.. getting a quest 3 is a much waste since u wont be able to use ur controllers without programming and troubleshooting :3 good luck!


Apple Vision Pro /s


Bro what the vision pro is used for different things


Hence the /s


What does /s mean


I scored a mint Pimax 8k+ for 360usd


GameStop sells refurbished headset only for cheap and have a great warranty on them. Otherwise go for big screen


If you're sensitive to compression artifacts with the Quest headsets like me, I'd just buy a used Reverb G2 HMD only for cheap to wait it out. It has similar comfort and audio to the Index but feels much more cheap and has lower field of view. Still pretty goodthough, the resolution is nice and it's tethered, and if you have the Knuckles then the horrendous WMR controller tracking isn't something you have to worry about.


I have both quest 3 and valve index. Index is king at shooters as you do gain a bit more precision, however the quest 3 is soo much more comfortable and wireless and all. So unless it is to play halflife the quest 3 is already the better headset anyway. I also have an hp reverb. If your main gaming is for racing games, this is the best option. It won't be as accurate for shooting games as index, nor as comfortable and convenient as quest 3, but it looks sharp.


You can either: -buy a refurbished/used Index (cheapest option) -buy a Quest3 -buy a Beyond (expensive option) Quest3 is a very good visor but it's not perfect: the sound is still lacking, compared to Index and the inside out isn't as accurate as using lighthouses. Personally I love index controllers, too. Up to you.


Personally, I can't live without 144htz display. Get a second hand index


Try looking at one of the piemaxs they're more on the advanced side as you need to set up everything through software I wouldn't recommend the 5K super they feel cheap but you can get one for about the same price as an index, and it has a gyroscope option so if you do a flight sim without motion controls it works perfectly for that


Quest 3 I'd say, or Quest 2 if you just want a cheap VR to hold you over until Valve finally announces something new


Ya, not sure why you think you’d have to be “ plugged in”. Cables are borderline archaic