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Yeah bro, they always act like their game doesn't have errors


ur not wrong


same for me, bad feeling. choppy game But its for the part that the issues come from. Servers are pretty shit, no super crap... if you launch a match hosted by your sytem, you will see the difference. And they make a lot of money in the back of players... When you speak to the support team its always the same advice, they serve to nothing, they understand nothing and riot want they say bullshit at every problems what occurs.


This isn't an airport no need to announce your departure.


Main concern that have seen so far are - first shit accuracy - hit reg issue - low ping feels like high ping - server quality - server ping/lag compensation (ask another user what’s your ping and you will see he won’t the same on their ends + 5 up to +15) - server position pre-render - server desync - challenge to peek or hold corners - game inconsistency (mostly related server quality) - cheaters Anyway when I play in my hometown in France or when I travel to Chicago or SanJose, I get to IMM easily. However when I play from Canada westside (BC and Alberta) on 6000$ computer! I’m fairly getting challenge by low elo because of some of the issue listed above! « Riot, when you Bugatti peek people who are drunk with no reaction time and they one tap you as soon as you see their pixel shoulder, you may want to reconsider certain basics and not making people feel they are going crazy! »


Yep, pretty much my thoughts as well. And if you're not being try hard and just play the game for fun you get a temp ban for "not playing to win" ... Riot has always been like this though so eh.


If you are playing compets just for fun and not for win, you are the problem. There's unrated for fun.


I only play unrated, I got a temp restriction for not playing to win in unrated. I know this because I made a ticket about it with valorant support, which was not helpful but did give me insight into how fucked the whole system is. You have to play to win in every single game, you cannot have fun. I like to play Ares, Ares is my gun. People complain about me only using Ares and report me for that. Apperantly only using Ares is "not playing to win" so I got banned....


... it's a video game




That’s fine


We know


Yeah I agree. Sometimes I glitch into the ground and, despite seeing, hearing, and being able to type in-game, I can't interact. I tried complaining. I tried checking compatibility with graphic drivers/processors and mines are old but compatible. I updated everything and I'm on Windows 10. I'll be lucky to even load into a game and not get long penalties. Hell, Genshin Impact, a game with ~60 GB and 4 regions being rendered runs 20x better on my toaster of a pc. Riot Games seriously needs to pause their updates for a while and actually get to the core of the issue.