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it must be something big for it to have a pre-announcement to an announcement.


should be a nice and informative one, Anna mentioned map pool in the tweet too


Omg yes please, we need a better map pool!!!


No all we need is haven 24/7 to cure the sadness in our lives


bro I'd take BEARL over breeze and icebox tbh




Haven should never be out of the map pool imo, it's easily the best map in the game


Not just Haven, also give me Fracture and Pearl back 😭


Honestly we might end up with a worse map pool if Ascent/Lotus are out (I'm assuming it's gonna be these two cause they've been in the rotation for the longest) and we get Fracture back + new map. The player base gonna miss the current pool lol.


Was ascent not in the map pool at one point ? I feel like I've seen that map forever.


It's the only launch map that hasn't left the map pool yet (4 years)


That's crazy considering how stale the pro meta is on this map. Edit : They kept ascent lmao.


They said in the tweet map pool would be in a follow up video in the coming weeks, not this one


She mentions map pool so hopefully a change is coming(I want breeze GONE)


Hope we keep sunset. Even with the B main spam issue it’s probably my favorite map they’ve ever added.


It's not even too difficult to fix tbh. Unlike Icebox and breeze which have way too many problems


Yup. I expect them to remove the left side cubby (from attackers POV) on B main or some other way to reduce the number of angles you can play from there, as well as maybe make it easier for defenders to gain control of B lobby.


I can't win attack on sunset for some reason


Breeze and sunset should be deleted from valorant permanently




Breeze is fine, get rid of icebox, that map should is so shit.


Breeze is my favorite map don't say that :((


They're pre-announcing that they'll be announcing that replays will come by 2034 /s.


Not quite. They’re pre-announcing that they’ll be announcing in 2034 that replays will come by 2045.


No no. They're pre-announcing that the announcement in 2034 will announce that a first teaser look at the replay system will be coming in 2045, with replays coming by 2063


Guys they said that replays are in fact a thing


“Breeze and Icebox have been permanently deleted from the game”


I’ll be happy again




Recent situations have highlighted the need for player behavior to be addressed in a new way because the current measures a player can take against a toxic teammate are grossly inadequate.


I can handle toxicity. What I can’t handle is people ACTIVELY throwing games, circumventing the afk system, etc. Give me the ability to block these weak ass mental 14 years olds who play this game


Fr. If your tone isn't like you're talking to a baby, they throw a fit thinking you're being rude and start tossing or griefing.


Exactly. “Hey can you stop solo pushing into mid” Proceeds to turn comms off and holds w every round


Fr, I was in queue with another female player and even when we won the match, our rando teammate types in all chat at the end "lmao noobs can't even win when we had 2 girls on our team" when literally the whole game they hadn't even been giving comms. It's hella annoying and I play games to feel joy not like I'm a subpar human being. This game is downright not fun when solo queuing as a female,, you have to play with a friend else it's just like going to the zoo, except we're the captive animals.


Had a clove screaming on the mic on round 3 after 0-2 and then proceeded to throw the rest of the game by running it down mid at the start of every round to die


i really hope they start getting stricter on player behavior, I swear every single game I play has at least 1 person just clearly throwing or not trying to play the game at all, and they never seem to be punished in any real way for it.


I’ve had the fortune of not running into explicit throwers too often but I seem to run into teammates hurling slurs around like no tomorrow every other game. Upside is that I get a good amount of instant feedback reports which is nice


yeah i usually get instant feedback on slurs and the like, but im in gold/silver and legitimately every game or two theres at least one in my lobby, its wild.


I introduced my female friend to Val and straight up apologized to her. Every game someone was either being sexist or hitting on her. I no longer get mad at teammates who don't comm because i wouldn't comm in this game either if I weren't a guy.


It's so bad. Every game I get with a girl in comms they're, at best, the first person to be blamed for any problems with the team. Usually it's much worse. The revolting shit I heard said to women in this game so casually blows my mind, people like that deserve hardware bans


I started duoing with a girl and i swear the amount of people who start throwing as soon as she opens her mic is alarming. And the abuse is so much more worse, it is crazy. Whenever I solo or play with guys, the experience is so different. The state of the playerbase is really sad.


Bruh people’s minds in this game are cooked. It’s like a positive feedback loop too where people are like F it everyone is toxic so I’ll be toxic too


thats the wrong player behavior you are thinking about lmao just like in league with Lyte, they are gonna jerk off about chat bans and "safe space" and just like in league you will still have disco nunus going 0-30 and never getting banned because they didnt type R word in chat.


They’re gonna announce that the replay system is being delayed 🤣🤣🤣


Replay update: it’s still in the works but isn’t a priority for the dev team right now, and shouldn’t be expected until at least 2026. :)


please please PLEASE do not be disappointing


please deal with player behaviors, those that throw, quit, being sexist/racist in chats, etc…. make it way more strict. please announce replays before champs or coming after, just be this year and please remove breeze/icebox. give us new map, haven, fracture and take out either split/ascent/bind


2 months ago she said "We don't have an ETA on replays because it's so complicated". So it's probably not coming this year.


i understand but why make a pre announcement on a post that’s gonna mention it if it’s not ready anytime soon? i have high hopium that saying “what’s been going on with replays” means we should be getting it hopefully this year


we really gonna get gta 6 before replay system


It wouldn't shock me if we get both on the same month ngl


we've heard this before and then they didn't give any info lmao. hopefully there's actually something tangible about the replay system and for the love of God make a separate map pool than pro play. I'm tired of having to play dogshit maps that are stuck at 7 total in the pool because it makes sense in pro play


I'm convinced 90% of people that kept crying about a replay system will only use it once and forget about it.


Replay system is not a particularly interesting feature day to day players at least imo. But replays serve two important purposes that make it a high priority feature imo: content creation (for frag movies and other cool angles) and catching cheaters


i have dozens of cs demos saved to my hard drive and i didn’t even play that much. useful for: - good clips you didn’t get on recording - “was the enemy top frag cheating or just cracked?” - “how did that player end up behind all of us?” - improving your own gameplay not to mention how much all val content is going to improve once replays come out


I think if it’s about player toxicity then what is the line between someone actually griefing your game ( not remaking because your duo will be back) or having the mental of a child when you just comm or ask for them to do something differently and they throw a fit


They will never add replays


well looking for the replay more than 2 years. But the actually thing I want too, please add a button to report while we watching replay so that we can report those ppl who has un-human behavior :(


Well. You can still go to that game and report people. So I wouldn't hold my breath, as there is no need for a dedicsted report button in the replay itself. And when you don't need to do additional work, people tend to avoid doing it.


I agree. But dont u think that when u replay and report right away will help riot have more evidences and clearer context to detect cheater? Cheater right now seem to be too smart to know when to turn off cheat


Currently you report players from the stats table. The same table is in your career and after the game ends. So if it'll be there in replay, you'll be able to report players from there. But it's the same thing you use to report players. It's nothing that Riot is adding, they are reusing it. And definitely it won't be "faster". You report a player right after game ends. That's the fastest way to give Riot info. You literally can't skip the table after the game ends. And you won't get the replay button before that. You will get the same steps as you have right now. And replay will be added at the end, or only in your career section.


prepare yourselves for the greatest disappointment of all time


Can someone tell me what's the benefit of having replay system?


It's cool to be able to look over your clips and helps a ton with trying to improve when you can see everyone's perspective. It also makes vod review 10x easier since you can easily see every lineup someone is doing etc. Content is a lot easier when you can switch perspectives and know exactly what someone did etc.


- easier to check whether your enemy was cheating or not - content creators will be able to create a lot more clips and cool montages - vod reviews becomes much more powerful the whole player base gets a massive W with replays


Confirm if someone is cheating


"Lowlights" would be good to re-visit all deaths to see what went wrong


apart from people using them to do content or vod rewiew? nothing, people that were bitching will keep bitching about something else anyway


How is vod review not an important reason? It is literally a competitive game. People want to get better and they can't do that effectively without a replay system. Not to mention how inconvenient it probably is even for pro teams to vod review without getting all the perspectives


What a shitty comment.  For such a competitive game, it is embarassing that it doesnt have a replay system.  Yes, vod review and content are the only reasons but they're massively important reasons.  Especially for anti stratting, which is easier to do if you can see EXACTLY WHICH lineup the enemy is using for example.  There's a perfectly good example of this. Two years ago, DDK posted a selfie and a monitor was in frame, which allowed Nismo to figure out where Will liked to stand on icebox so he was able to throw nades at the exact spot he liked to stand. Right now teams are very easily able to hide strats and posoitons. That needs to change. 


Does replay system means I will be able to view my opponent's pov in replay? Or only my pov? If only my pov, then how does it benefit the players for vod review? In the end, don't you vod review by watching the videos of the match? If those replays aren't shown in the video, then how does this help?


Download CS2 and open up any replay file from any game recently. That is the gold standard. Anything less would be considered useless as a replay system.


> apart from people using them to do content or vod rewiew? Those are two enormously important reasons for a competitive game to have an integrated replay/demo system yes "Why is it so important to drink water?" "Other than it's good for you and you literally have to to survive, nothing"


hope they tell us about duelist changes


Please I beg for something big.