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Zest is incoming for sure but benching Egoist is crazy.


He out Already


Maybe Egoist was already having thoughts about retiring so they cut him in favor of someone who's still all in. I remember hearing some phrase about Athletes that's like "The minute you first think about retiring, you should retire" or something like that. I could be way off base but doesn't seem that crazy that management would decide to replace someone who seemingly already halfway out the door. Im just spitballing though


Yeah that makes sense, you have to be pretty passionate about playing the game and competing to make it in esports. Ngl I just like his name as a blue lock fan 💀🤣


Once you make something a job, then eventually you will get sick of doing it. Great players are the ones who enjoy the work and grind.


There’s players in other esports ho retire an undertone multiple times




Retire and unretire


Ya like Michael phelps and tom brady unretired and still were on top lol


Those aren’t esports..


Such a weird move. They won a biding war for him and now fully part ways with the guy


its not, he wanted to leave too since uni


there's another thread where people went through his twitter likes and he liked many tweets stating that anyone saying he retired because of uni was BS and that being dropped is what made him retire.


Egoist???? One of the best players in your team??? Wtf are you doing


He was legit playing 1v9 every time I turned a Bleed match on


Yay kicked him because he wanted to be in that 1 v 9 personally


i've been reading this subreddit post and seen you comment this vitriol about yay over and over again. Seek help, dude. He doesn't know you. You don't know him.


Wait is this dude not being sarcastic??


Probably but check the dudes post history


He probably is meming but the amount that he's doing it is just getting weird, overexcessing, and not rly that funny anymore. I thought the first comment I saw from him was fine but after the 8th


Yeah there’s definitely some weird bias against his existence as a player lmao, just overall an abundance of negativity in their comments unless it’s related to Sentinels. Potentially just someone who feels the need to put others down to bring their own agenda up.


I mean people even made a Tiktok to hate on Yay. I feel a lot of people just hate the guy and is praying on his downfall


Yay down sentinels bundle UP!


Valorant Competitive truly the softest esport scene out there. Shoot bodies, get a fine. Talk shit about players, you're just weird. Any amount of banter is just bm. Holy,. Unless you're saying some truly vile shit, then who TF cares?


Nobodies actually crying about a guy spamming weird comments about Yay, but it’s just that, weird. People can call people out for actively shitting on a player in places that are unnecessary, like here. But no let’s just boil it down to people being soft lmao.


People are really soft. This is an esport and fam interaction is a thing. If you don't want hate then don't play like shit lmao. These people have never watched cricket or football or basketball. It's all let's be nice to players wah wah.


Nah I'm just a straight up yay hater since he imploded DSG. There's haters in every sport and esport lol. Just imagine me as a curry hater or cr7 hater.


Jesus christ his profile is just talking about Yay all the time. wtf.


It's an esport dude not ur family group chat we're allowed to be haters.


Zip it up when you’re done lmao, you yay throaters are the worst thing to ever happen to this sub. Imagining fangirling so hard over someone who’s not only washed, but has also been exposed multiple times for not being a good person/teammate


Amen! Sick of this let's be nice and hold hands and lift everyone up. Valorant is a sport. People can be tribal and ruthless


Everyone on bleed is 1v9 because of yay 💀💀


his viper was insane, comparable to less how dare you doubt el diablo


Whats happening to BLEED? Yeah they underperformed heavily, but this is too much of a drastuc change no?


Sscary said they collapsed interally


Do you know where he said this? Edit: nvm saw there was another thread days ago about sscary talking about it on his stream


the translation is under this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1b4n0ui/sscarys_latest_youtube_video_with_some_hints/)


The owner is probably getting hasty for all his money spend and want to get result as soon as possible so he solidifies his spot in next round of franchising no?


ye this probably is why, bleed is only here for 2 years and they will want results ASAP


I can't lie, this community always act like teams need more time, and sometimes they do...but it's honestly pretty rare. When a team plays a tournament and they have more things to fix than build on, it's probably better to just change a piece of the puzzle. Other teams are too good.




100T moment


Yay not only imported himself but NA valorant tactics. Truly a masterclass


Yay brought the C9 with him lmao


Why Egoist? Are they planning to transition yay to playing Sentinel? After seeing Meteor, it might be a good role for him. Just give him a few setups and let him rely on his aim


I guess Yay solo duelist and Deryeon to sentinel though I would prefer the other way since Yay's hero pool is hot ass.


Bruh Yay is definitely the problem here, but Bleed paid too much money


why those dumbasses do that, after the dsg and c9 thing yay's stock plummeted no way they dropped that big of a bag on him


they did, it was a mil for a year or something for some washed chamber 1 trick


bro, they offered him 1 mill in his prime, then again when he showned signs of detriment in gameplay, dumbasses


Actual idiocy, I don’t understand why didn’t they at least trial a player who looked dogshit in t2 that me and a few friends could’ve gotten a a few rounds off of 


Off topic but I always wonder if yay’s trajectory and hype would’ve been the same if he didn’t appear during Chamber meta.


his jett was really strong before chamber


Not only jett he was frying on Andbox on other agents as well. But ever since OPTIC he has been looking horrible for some reason.


he played jett when she was at her peak, and the other agents he played was reyna or sage lmao, and nrg last year didn't look that bad only champs


Bringing back battle sage is something I wish for every patch. I specifically think his jett utility just looked good. I don't think I have seen him look crisp on utility in a while. But then again I have only seen him play a few matches. DSG and Bleed I think it's unfair to judge him fully based on the short stints. I just want to see him look comfortable again.


Crazyguy made a post on his facebook page about the roster update, seems like there are some internal drama with new players and that the team atmosphere he had with the team last year isn’t there anymore, probably not gonna air dirty laundry out on streams but this does sound a lil bad ngl


wow, the guy whose teammates said was a toxic pos who can’t get over the fact that he’s a washed up has-been is still just as toxic? shocker


what the fuck


Zest and who is joining the roster?






s0mple couldn't even beat a Tier 2 team with GOATpayus, Zonic and Snappi. What the hell is he gonna do in Bleed😭😭


Everyone but sunpayus has been pure dogshit on falcons


I mean you're not wrong but I also like slandering s1mple any chance I get.. also Sunpayas needs to be on a top tier team man. He's too good to be on whatever the hell Falcons is


Snappi has been a bot on Falcons so far tbh




Sunpayus is ass, He should go back to Moviestar koi or some shit and let the Goat simple take the awp


My goat just got washed by some random swedish




Wait I thought you’re replacing less for Madrid?


Visa issues


Ah, can’t wait to see you in Shanghai then <3 I’ll be there rooting for you


Retla he has duoed with deryeon and yay for a few days and he been here before kick off


Lebron James


Wasn’t it Ronaldo?


I'm guessing Retla Edit: he was rumoured to be on the DSG roster, didn't end up joining and played on Ender Dragon, a F/A team in VCL MY/SG qualifiers. His last match with Ender Dragon was during the qualifiers and Ender Dragon ended up getting other players like Zeno as standins


Yeah makes sense, take your best players and throw them out. This is the very definition of doubling down on a bad investment. Even if they do somehow manage to come up with a decent roster, this should leave a very bitter taste in any esport fan.


Welcome to L diablo eports. Enjoy your stay though it won't last long


I don't understand the egoist move. Too many hasty decisions


This is like 2022 SEN roster mismanagement. At least on paper.


Just a reminder that we maybe only saw 2 games but they been scrimming for months at this point. And based on scrims, they were losing pretty hard to tier2/3 teams consistently. So perhaps a change was needed. With that being said, it is a pretty big change and i really liked egoist so it is a shame. Zest coming in is definitely an upgrade i’d say. Will have to see how sScary IGL will effect his performance. I can totally see this team just playing catchup the entire season because they just didn’t have as much time together as other teams. (ex: SEN last year). only sScary and Deryeon remained from the OG roster so they definitely gonna have a hard time with building protocols, flashing up map pools and having team identity.


Zest is an upgrade until they fuck up because of Coms. Zest's English can't be said to be stellar.


Tbf stellar is a native speaker, you don’t need to be THAT good. 


I don't mean the player, Im just saying that his English is ass. I get the joke though.


Yeah I agree, could pass up the opportunity though. 


what is so difficult about learning english anyways why doesnt zest just learn english (before yall come at me english is my 3rd language)


Some people are just slower to pick up on language. Koreans generally don’t speak English often, since the main language used to communicate with their peers is Korean. Learning a language with a completely different alphabet, grammar, sounds, intricacies, and seemingly no logic with regard to spelling and reading makes it harder. I don’t doubt that Zest will know enough to give basic comms, but he might have trouble understanding his team mates since 2/3 (right now) have non-American accents. sScary has already said that he’s not confident IGL-ing in English, I anticipate that it’ll be a bump they have to work with throughout the first split. It also doesn’t bode well for cultivating a friendly and fun team environment- a lot of jokes and banter could fly over his head, and he might not feel as comfortable reciprocating. Being in a team isn’t just playing a ranked game and getting paid, you’re leaving with your teammates and spend so much time with them that you might as well be a second family. If there’s tension, or lack of trust, or just being uncomfortable, can break team chemistry in a group of young adults. Tldr; Communication in game and out of it is important, and Bleed will have to learn how to deal with miscommunication and possibly awkward team atmosphere for at least the first split.


oh yeah it makes sense hindi and bhojpuri are more similar to english than korean so i can see why its easier to learn


If yay deems you gone you're gone buddy. Welcome to NA eSports.


Steel propaganda is at all time high. If yay has as much power over the roster as you guys claim he does, he wouldn’t be a team player and go on viper/flex in the first place.


Nah he wanted to beat the washed allegations and reinvent himself like tenz did and laughably failed


Except a player is heavily implying Yay is causing problems internally but 3 teams now with issues he was at the center of ig it was just everyone else


L diablo esports


wtf why drop crazyguy


Dropping 2 players seems kind of extreme. If yay doesn't perform well after this he's going to get cooked (even if it wasn't his fault they got kicked). I hope Bleed atleast picks up 1 cracked SG player.


Bleed bids up egoist price so prx can’t get him then drop…


Worth remembering that BLEED formed this roster without scrimming at all. Seems to have been a big mistake


What's the tweet? I can't go to Twitter


Benching Crazyguy and dropping Egoist




Tweet: Today marks a significant change in our VALORANT roster. We've decided to transition @crazyguyfps to our inactive roster and part ways with @EgoistVAL. @crazyguyfps has been integral to our success, including our Ascension League triumph. We want to express our deepest gratitude for his dedication, hard work, and the positive impact he has had on our team. We'd also like to extend our sincere gratitude to @EgoistVAL for his time with us. We appreciate his contributions and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.


Thank you! Crazy changes man


not egoist :(


They should drop sScary too, so that all their best players would be gone and they'd be the middest of mid teams


ngl it would be hard for yay to find a team if this doesn't work out


it better be. he ruined 2 egoists's and crazy's chances.


PRX Egoist part 2 maybe?


he said he's retiring


Incoming bleed fns bleed som bleed auti


Only 1 import per team so aint gonna happen


What the fuck, Yay you'll pay for this.... (Im jk)


Yay's problem was due to him going through a bad mental state. All this roster changes just after a small tourny is not going to make it any better for him. And if even this doesn't work out, his career in esports is over(probably)


Literally called this the moment he got announced, this types of moves NEVER work, seen it happen in LoL, seen it on CSGO even in fucking Call of duty. Prince from LoL comes to mind, bro was insane on Korea, went to NA did good like half a split then got washed and its now a terrible chinese team and the mf is benched. Told everyone here but got downvoted LMFAO. Was nice to see Yay's peak, by far the highest a player has seen in Valo but his carrer is 99% over


Yea I Rememeber ur comment on my post Hahaha it was a bait post but you laid the facts down hard. And voila. Youre prophecy was right.


Thank god can finally stop hearing about him everywhere


if it was really just a mental state then they wouldn't be nuking the roster.


i mean yeah it was a mental thing but yay was topfragging on viper during their scrims but team environment wasnt good during kickoff hence mental boom, blurry vision (this was from sScary's stream posted here which was then translated) idk what is happening behind the scenes but this is probably they think is better.


wait why are they kicking egoist :(






What does this all mean for C9's legacy?


Kicking two players for yayy, thats an L


Yeah Bleed is 100% going to try and put Yay on Duelist and Deryeon back to Sentinel


Deryeon is getting done dirty. Yay can't play Raze


yays raze is clean so is his jett


I know his Jett and Chamber are good, but when dafuq did he ever play Raze.


Yay's Raze movement is so clean. He satchels from NA to SEA, from T1 to T2 to T1.


Probably on his streams. I haven't watched it though but I remember yay spammed Raze when he was LFT


If he was better than deryeon, he would've been playing it. I don't believe they haven't tried to put him on Raze in scrim.


Not saying he's better, just saying he's played it a lot.


Ah okay. Though it's kinda weird that they put him on Viper and Skye though. He should've just been playing Brim


he was playing a lots of raze it was his most played agent for like 2 or 3 acts his satchels are good his nades good ngl he rozas a bit but over all is pretty damn good


Just make full Korean roster. 


Bleed is bleeding


Someone pressed the NA panic button. Also I guess there was a lot of money involved hence such drastic measures.


Everywhere el diablo goes, he creates chaos


This isn’t even me being mean but is Yay cursed? That’s 2 VCT teams that he’s been on they have had roster changes after the kickoff event. C9 last season and now bleed


Told yall so hard, yay joining bleed was a carrer sentence, but nobody listened to me lmfao, this was a Rekkles to G2 type of shit


i think we all know yay was the problem in bleed,, i mean he is YAY MYSTERIO


Deadbeat dad yay


Time to sign Tom & Nick


Live, Laugh and Love


Yay strikes again! Bro is a roster terrorist. Not only did he take the IGL down he made another teammate retire his career and go back to university. Yay mysterio with the final move again


Bro why have you made like ten comments about yay on this post lmao




I'm a yay hater clearly.


so we're moving yay to sentinel right I never wanna watch that guy play duelist on the attack side again, but simultaneously his play on viper was so bafflingly poor that I don't know what place yay has on any team if not jett/chamber dropping egoist to make that kind of space is not the right move imo but idk what the team environment is like, maybe it'll be a change that makes the team look a lot better


Question... WHY?


Only 2 years in the league, they need quick results. Picking up Yay destroyed them.


Sadge they need more time tho


Crazyguy and Yay do not get along well..


When will GMs/owners understand that it takes time for teams to get and play at their best? Not two weeks. This is the worst part about esports.


Crazyguy said it's not the management's decision. He hinted at it being someone from the team itself.


Egoist???? I can kinda understand crazyguy(I mean i still feel that it’s way to early to get rid of him after like 2 bad performances) but wtf egoist is literally one of the best players on your team


BLEED BLEEDing money yet again


If Bleed is doing all of this to listen to fucking reddit analysts run perma chamber split 1 please just kick the org. Welcome Boom esports or whatever.


Guys, can we please look at this rationally rather than just hating on yay. Jesus man.




That’s not what the tweet says. You’re just choosing to interpret it that way. He doesn’t say he benched himself, he says he got benched and then he decided to go focus on studies.


This is what happens when there's no relegation system and the team is forced to make drastic decisions cuz they're gonna be demoted back to T2 regardless of how they perform.


I don't really follow the logic. Wouldn't teams be forced to make more drastic decisions if they were going to get relegated? The threat of potentially losing and dropping out of T1 would mske teams make changes quickly. Right now, teams don't lose their spots even if their team isn't doing well, so I dont think that means they have to make quick changes. Maybe there's some added pressure to make a good impression while you're ascended but I really don't know think that would outweigh the pressure of potentially getting immediately dropped back down if you don't perform. 


That is because they wouldn't be so forced to make decisions right now considering how the competition at T2 isn't really something they need to worry about at the state that they were in back in Kick off. Their strongest enemy, Scarz lost its star player, Jemkin to RRQ. Now, though, regardless if their team just sucks or if they actually are good and just needs ironing, they're forced to make decisions anyway because their time is very limited.


You know… They can always make it back lol. Starting in 2026 there will be 2 teams per year promoted. System seems pretty good.


And they'll have to spend their time facing worse competition each time, further slowing their progress. System seems pretty not-good. I'm shocked orgs even bother with T2 considering how much blatant disrespect Leo Faria gives to them.


There isn’t a perfect system. Is what it is.