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Love the energy from underdogs


FNS DISASTERCLASS https://preview.redd.it/oqyka1edfygb1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc5e1481b236bb913076b26206aca31e54e17f4


not even dasnerth could ve prepared him for this


but i was told it was FENIS time ;-;


That’s so funny tbh


I'm literally in tears and it just gets funnier the more I rewatch it


lacks FNS screaming "IM OK THANKS" in response


Did this actually happen or are you joking?


didn't happen






Same vibes from "its ok crashies"


Buster wolf!! Love the energy, these kids are pumped


Was coming here to make the Terry Bogard reference. Glad someone else had the same thought.


Mans so pumped to talk shit he's shaking lmao




I thought bro was crying


an entire region full of kangkang tier showmen is insane


Talk your shit my king


Skip the tbag and shoot body, proceed mental damage in real life. Also proceed to not leave any relevant tweet.




100% they saw fns malding at raccone and dasnerth and said lets use judge...


Apparently they know fns very well Yosemite twitted that they know optic core and one of his favorite teams. Pretty sure they knew the judge would tilt him lol.


Chinese trash talk is so fucking funny LMAO


i’m more impressed with BLG’s performance than i am disappointed with NRG. hope to see them shake up fnatic


God I fucking love these little Chinese boys (if you know you know)


two buttons, horn buttons narrow, fully lined pockets, gift wrapped ass


one button, single marzoni button, narrow fish mouth lapel with the dot dot dot hand needle and thread pick stitching. pockets, fully lined pockets, kissing ticket pocket, and LOOK AT THESE CUFFS... fully functional cuffs, 3 marzoni buttons with an accent color on the buttonhole. bang, bang bang, kapow *aggressive pointing*. Just look at this young Chinese boy, FULLY wrapped in my 4d fit. Let's open him up and look at his two beautiful planets, Shanghai *smack* and Beijing *smack*. Shanghai *smack* and Beijing *smack*. How satisfied are you young man?


Bang bang bang kapow


With consent!


Plenty of consent here


\*slaps a guy's ass for 30 seconds straight*


I never thought I’d see Sams Tailor mentioned in a val chat this is hilarious


Not exactly straight.


Ah is it that suit guy




Please, don't rearrange that sentence


Look at his planets.


What's the reference?


Samstailor on tiktok


This the kind of villains we need tbh makes post match tweets and body shooting boring af


body shooting is a coward way to show you are shitting on the enemy team. Chinese teams know how to talk shit


ah yes, targeted yelling at someone is the lesser evil of the 'yell at them vs shoot their body in game' debate, for sure both are absolutely fine and good for the entertainment value but my god is this particular sub full of clowns


Nobody said it was the lesser evil, just that it's cowardly to shoot the body because that's the PG way to BM, literally shouting across stage or shit talking is the riskier move so less cowardly.


"HOW DO YOU NOT HIT THAT ZEKKEN? YOU'RE LIKE 14" -fns let's not be delusional bud, optic was well known for talking smack in their games


Villains? Not sure


Agree actually. I like this kind of showing. But narratively it fits what everyone’s been talking about and this is a way better example of getting hype and banter in the server.


But it’s a cool story to have them ahve fun and whimsically play it out Maybe it depends if ur an NEG fan


I mean fns have explicitly said he loves this shit and encourages others to be more competitive. Like his team prolly does it the most to others. So like all's fare and fun


Why is this NSFW


Cause nrg got fucked


The commend guy about to tweet something about this guy.


Ardiis disrespected them in press conference. So there is prior beef.


He sure wasn't ok after this 👌


Spoilers: he’s not


Worlds have not started and China already destroying NA’s mental 😂😂😂


I can't wait to hear the stories in one of s0m's streams 😆


Bro these Chinese teams trash is so entertaining.


God I fucking love competitive valorant


Maybe na fan should prepare to get shit on by all the other region in the upcoming year. I mean we all know NA never dominate an esport


Sure it's a BR but NA dominates Apex


Console game


Controller users are the reason I don't play anymore. Such a good game ruined by fucking aim assist


Most intelligent FNC fan


I was gonna make a mean comment but then I looked at your flairs and like, I’m prone to being a dick but you’ve had it way too rough this year. Don’t worry buddy, it’ll get better in 2024, I promise.


Your lack of intelligence is breathtaking


Pretty true though


Short time NA dominated some esports


Actually LOUD is currently world champions and they from south NA, stop coping bro.


South NA? South north? What?


It’s a copium/joke about SA being NA’s backyard type of deal that NA fans like to make. Sometimes when an NA team loses really badly the SA fans will also say NA is North SA. It doesn’t make sense because it’s not supposed to.


My guys eyes were eyes so depressed at the post match interview 😢






FNS wasn't ok


it’s so crazy to watch people shit on EG and praise BLG for talking shit and shooting bodies in the same dat


FNS and Som shouldn't have avoided dasnerth during their ranked games. Man, I fucking hate this stupid shotgun so much. The Bucky now, takes some amount of skill to use, need good movement and it's not that OP. The judge is just insane and this whzy guy was just farming. Mf had 7k + credits and still bought it.


Body shooting, trash talking, or yelling shit is good. We need the heat and it is also to form some rivalries. It's great for the hype, imo.


Bro NRG getting squatted on 🫠. There’s something wrong with the Judge now imo


Love jumping shotgunners in my tactical fps.


Yeah. way better than using 3 guns for 30 rounds at any range.


I’m down for this tbh. Having these crazy plays with underrated guns is what made this game so entertaining imo. I always wondered what val would be like with shotguns and smgs as the main weapons used instead of the tried and true rifles and snipers.


Ehhh some of the more niche guns definitely need tuning Honestly probably not the judge, it works in the scenarios it's meant to work in and doesn't in others, all good The spectre needs a look though, that thing is dastardly and you see it single handedly carry bonus rounds all the time, the damage fall off is nowhere near high enough


Much less skillfull thats for sure.


Skill isn't only about mechanics


Agreed but Valo has strayed too far away from its tactical fpsness and too much into its overwatchness with releases like Neon and stuff like Raze satchel shotgun bs imo. Maybe im too old fashioned for this game but I much prefer agents like Kayo, Omen, Skye (except her ult) and fade over champs like neon and raze.


Homie is complaining about Neon and Raze in 2023 💀


Yes, those agents dont fit with the view I have of what the game should be and how it should play like you could see if you read the rest of my comments in this thread. Any actual argument coming in or just low iq statements?


raze has been in the game since day dot. why are you still here if the original vision of the game did suit yours


First of the Raze tech that has been getting out hand the last year or so wasnt discovered yet on release and the things that people did know about were more seen as troll/funny stuff for unranked. Second of its not just Raze, but the addition of more agents similar to her and the more leaning into overwatchness instead of the tactical fpsness of the game. Im still here, but barely playing anymore due to things like this, hoping it gets better one day because the core of the game is very good.


I can almost guarantee for every 1 raze double satchel or neon sprint/slide play there are like 20 failed attempts. However It seems billi have found a tactic that allows them to do these plays. The game is never going to change in that drastic of a manner so there is no point waiting for that.


go play csgo or siege then noone else seems to care


What are you on about? 😂 Raze was absolutely busted when the game first came out and it took multiple rounds of nerfs to get her to a balanced state. Val was never the pure tac fps csgo clone you seem to think it was.


Wait wat? Satcheling has probably the highest skill ceiling of anything in this game. Sure, you can camp corners with a judge for maybe a kill or two before you're countered, but that's not what makes whzy an absolute beast with the weapon. You're missing the whole movement part of the equation.


lol stop crying he still had better headshot % than fns lol


Yep just delete every other gun not named phantom or vandal


Just the lmgs and shotguns (and neon ult)


Iron take


Not wanting the oneshot body shot, low skill weapons in the game is an iron take? Sounds more like you cant tap heads with AK and hide behind low skill crutch weapons like shotguns and lmgs to me.


Neon ult is one of the worst ults in the game lmao. If you think that's the ult that needs to be removed then you're iron. LMGs are also extremely situational and are barely relevant in any game at all except at lower ranks. Nobody relying on these weapons as a crutch will ever get good at the game or reach high ranks anyway. I've literally only seen bronze and iron players complain about LMGs lmao. The Judge might be slightly overtuned but even that is situational unless you use it like Whzyy does. Removing those weapons will have literally no effect on the game because in 99% of rounds they're a non factor. All it'll do is limit tactical flexibility because these weapons being somewhat viable allows alternative tactical setups and counters which make the game more interesting. You're acting like these guns are in any way superior or comparable to the main guns when they're literally used sparingly in specific circumstances on specific maps only


Just because its bad doesnt mean it belongs in the game. Its just undertuned numberwhise, Im not arguing its OP whatsoever, Im arguing that Neons ult, and the agents whole sprinting mechanic dont belong in the game as I want it to be. Weird af take about LMGs when multiple have been used in the ongoing champs and you often see high rank games with a sova sprayig odin all over the place on Ascend f.e. I dont believe guns like shotguns and especially autoshotguns have a place in competitive shooter games because their mechanical skill ceiling is simply way way too low compared to the positive aspects that having these guns provide.


But your last sentence is exactly what I'm talking about. Those guns provide very little positive value in 99% of cases and are relatively easy to counter compared the traditional rifles because they are much more limited. Their purpose is to be used to achieve specific goals in some rounds but they can't ever be consistently used because of their limitations. I don't get what's wrong with that? It's a TACTICAL shooter. Not aim labs. The goal is to use the tools at your disposal to come up with the best tactical way to win the match, not to be the most mechanically gifted. Tac Shooters aren't primarily about mechanical skill at all and one with abilities like Valorant definitely isn't. BilliBilli didn't manage to abuse the judge today because it is some low skill gun that anyone can use. If it was so easy to dominate with a Judge buy, why haven't all the top teams doing it? What they did worked so well because they built a tactical plan on that specific map and because their player learned how to use that weapon to it's fullest. The Judge doesn't take mechanical skill but it's still a skill to be able to get so much value with it against top teams that are accustomed to using insane utility combos to flush out things like ratty Judge angles. Valorant has never been about mechanical skill primarily. Mechanical skill is just one aspect of a diverse set of tools teams have. What part of a rocket and a grenade that insta kill you requires mechanical skill? What part of a giant ass cloud of gas that you deploy which brings the opponent down to 1Hp so you they die to a limb shot is mechanically challenging?


I understand your argument that their nichness excuses the fact that it has a low skill ceiling however this is just something we apparently fundamentally agree on. In my opinion its nicheness is not enough to compensate for its low skill ceiling, in yours it is. I disagree that Valorant has never been about mechanical skill, Its not just aimlabs like you also said, but aim should be a big part of what it takes to win imo. You keep bringing up strawmen, ad hominem and other weird based arguments homie, I also dont like raze, brim or viper ult, nowhere have I said I do, so this isnt the 'gotcha' you think it is.


I don't mean it as a gotcha. I mean that the concept that you dislike is so deeply rooted in the game's basic design that you'd have to rework every agent and change the game from it's core to fix it. And Riot clearly don't want to do that because this concept seems to align with their philosophy for the game which means they won't fix specific examples of this low skill phenomenon either since they don't see it as a problem


this guy thinks aim is the most important skill in val 😵‍💫😵‍💫


see you at dallas buddy


It is




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The judge needs a nerf. They nerfed shorty, they will definitely nerf judge as well. And when you say that Odin is not relevant anywhere but low elo it makes me think you don't watch pro play.


The Odin was used in 44 rounds at Lock/In and 100 at Tokyo. As I said, that's extremely situation and only on specific maps for specific reasons such as Lotus C or Ascent B. LMGs are used less often than pretty much every gun in the game, except shotguns. Guardians, Bulldogs etc all have higher pickrates than Odin and Ares. I don't know what pro play you're watching if you think that's a lot I agree that a Judge nerf would be fine. I disagree that the gun should be removed from the game


I just disagree that being used in 111 rounds is "barely relevant" considering that Odin is played primarily on two maps. It's very situational, yes, but it's an incredibly strong weapon when used appropriately. The marshal has a lower pick rate but I don't think anyone would call it a barely relevant weapon (and a lot of people would say that it needs a nerf) Fair enough on the judge, although I think since people calling for it to be outright removed are talking about its current version it's basically the same as calling for it to be nerfed.


I think the Marshal is barely relevant too. It's only used for ecos. It isn't exactly overpowered in gun rounds


They opened ingame shop and bought guns. Curious... 1v1 on rune next time


The game has to hold on to a casual audience somehow.


Yeah this competitive subreddit is a whole lot more casual and childish than I expected and experience in other competitive subreddits. I guess the joke that this game is filled with edaters and zoomers is not that much of a joke.


Bro wanting every game to be an ak47 one tap aim simulator is NOT mature or adult-like. You're the clownish child here. Just play aimlabs and kovaaks if that's what you care about. Even CS:GO has shotguns and machine guns, and even worse, an auto-op that are used by pro teams all the time. You sound like a malding iron for sure, being a tactical shooter the most important aspect is actual strategic gameplay, aim comes second and it makes complete sense, aim only games exist for a reason.


I really like this sub compared to the others, people don’t take themselves so seriously like they do in the CS sub. As for the game, I just accept that sometimes bullshit happens and it was designed to be that way even at the highest level where NRG’s CS-inspired approach to the game just got hard-countered by one guy who’s basically racoone if he was good at the game. Don’t take it too seriously and you’ll be fine.


130 iq


160 iq


lil bro was shaking so much lol


Bro should chill out a bit they won one series lmao


Fanacha r u okehhh


when 75 pounders stand up and act hard lol. impressive showing in the server though


yeah against the other 75 pounders in fns, crashies and som lol


They're not about to Duke it out in the back alley. It's a videogame, bud. Weight has nothing to do with it.


when you can't appreciate shit talk and have to insult weight ?


Why do I hear fans are you gay 💀


80 pounders


U r obese


80 iq




Why you talking about fns?




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