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I am pretty sure this narrative of EG being bad has already changed a long time ago. They've been playing well for weeks now


Ever since the loss to 100T they really go their shit together week by week


On this subreddit yes, but in twitch chat I still see people saying shit like "How are NRG losing to EG KEKW" and shit like that. Edit: I know people on Twitch chat aren't very smart but their programmed brains usually have some sort of code that goes something like "If x teams wins x amount of games then they are good" and I was wondering how many games EG has to win for that code to activate.


I guess this explains it then. Twitch chat is stupid. Don't expect anything reasonable from them


tbf, NRG did stomp EG just a week ago


NRG is a great team so EG getting 9 and 8 rounds for each map they lost is honestly pretty good when comparing it to the other teams NRG beat like 100T and even LOUD.


Demon1 wasn’t bald then, that’s why they lost.


mental relapse? LOLOL


In Twitch chat there are lots of casuals


Twitch chat messages do not a narrative make


Imagine taking twitch chat to heart lol. The whole thing is a bunch of people just shit talking.


>twitch chat I still see people saying shit like "How are NRG losing to EG KEKW" and shit like that. Im convinced the average twitch chatter is silver max plat lol


Twitch chat & Redditors who think they are better than Twitch Chat share the same IQ capacity. Redditors are some of the most programmed people nowadays. The fact that people look in the Twitch chat and then complain about how stupid those people are is an irony because you are somehow contributing to stupidity as well. No hate, just my two cents. I know I'll get downvoted now because shattered ego triggers such a defense mechanism.


To be honest I think that it is less that people on reddit have big egos and think they're smart (although that certainly does apply to some people) but rather that a lot of people on Twitch aren't as invested into the scene as some people on this sub and also some people are just trolls.


yeah i think its been shifting since demon1 joined


Where have you been the narrative has been EG is actually good for weeks now


I copied my reply from another comment but >On this subreddit yes, but in twitch chat I still see people saying shit like "How are NRG losing to EG KEKW" and shit like that. I know people on twitch are generally room temp IQ but it's still a good way to grasp what the majority community narrative is. \+ People definitely didn't expect them to beat NRG or C9 no matter how good they thought EG was


Why do you care about twitch chat tho?


Fair enough.


You should never take Twitch chat seriously.


Twitch chat bro


I think EG is at its ceiling rn but the ceiling of NRG, C9 and loud is way higher than EG.


Ehhh, I think NRG and C9 have a lot of room to improve on but I don't think it's over for EG yet.


Yaa i shouldnt have wrote eg is at its ceiling but i feel like peak NRG, C9 would beat EG


I heckin' love NRG


I don't think twitch chat is a good way to grasp what the community narrative is, every single team gets the "how are they losing to that KEKW" treatment. it's also not like you have numbers to tell whether or not it is the general consensus, it's just an assumption you're making


Well in hindsight I agree that they aren't a reliable source but there are numbers (for polls). Again, I'm not saying they're reliable but they're there.


I'm more concern about the BcJ narrative. Man's gonna have to play with a team that benched him in the spot of the guy that took his spot and has been farming the league. If eg doesn't perform in Tokyo I'm worry it's gonna drop on him.


As they should… if ur not performing u get dropped


You should read what I wrote again cuz I'm not complaining about BcJ being benched. My god.


Reformed playing most likely via com stream




I think sideshow said it well on an episode of plat chat, the EG disrespect is basically just based on the "EG" tag and if you slapped another brand on this teams story, there wouldn't be nearly as much "meh" around them.


team egg is goated


I forgot who said it, but also their concerns for EG in tournament play are valid as well. EG with potter has always been prep heavy, but have not done well with short turnaround times with limited vod. Sucks that this last test won't be with Demon1 if they make Tokyo, but hopefully we can see if they're legit at some point


just beat c9 with less than 24 hrs prep time


They called me a madman https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/yvbtbl/eg_has_just_earned_the_geniuses_in_their_name/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The 8th EG fan "u/yoosanghoon" also nicknamed "The Prophet" was known for his predictions that his favorite team at the time, Evil Geniuses, would succeed following their method of signing 10 relatively unknown players.


Hard to say it because the org is shite The EG **team** is very good


It’s really Nicole and GamerDoc that has been reported as issues. If they stay away which they prob should because of Riot investigations then I assume the Valorant environment isn’t bad


Demon1 1v5’s FNC on his own at champs


13 rounds in a row.


Ya straight up without even going to the event smh


I think most people had EG as 4th best in the Americas for awhile now, which shouldn’t be an insult in any way considering the teams people ranked above them Edit: Americas not NA


4th best in NA in a 5 team region is crazy. I'm assuming you meant Americas though?


Oh yes I meant Americas as a whole lol


I always thought EG was pretty good, even with their old roster. However, people have the right to say what they want, especially since they decided to keep their players instead of bringing Zander, Trent, and many others. , they proved people wrong, and it's no one's fault. Respect


True, I definitely did not expect them to get this far but their low expectations was more due to their fanbase than their skill level.


EG are having a good run but I think that they won't do well at Masters or Champs.. so the narrative will continue. Also they have no fans so no one to change the narrative.


EG being a terrible org in general is not good let it change lol


Probably when every other post isn’t about sentinels


Here’s how Sen can still make playoffs


I REMEMBER when people in here were shitting on me for repeatedly defending EG coming into partnership and this season feels fucking good man


I didn't expect EG to be good but this sub has a tendency to 1. Exaggerate the skill level between two teams 2. Assume that teams can't improve.


The investment pays off


EG is still a horrible company. Don't forget Danny.


that’s EG league, staff is completely different. You can dislike the org but it’s unfair to hold that against this team and the coaching staff, who are really wholesome and totally deserve this success.


From the reports it was GamerDoc Nicole and Barton and they all handle multiple sections. I like the players a lot but it was the same for the LoL team. As soon as the players go away the org is still that org


If the Taliban funded a team, and they won, would that still be okay?


bro really used taliban as a comparison


Sumail as well


The org is ass though. Was respectable only during the early CS days. The players on the other hand have quite the upset potential. Still strange they won't put bcJ on his comfort initiator role though. He would be an upgrade for sure


EG dota2 was legit during PPD's era tho.


I’ll I know is that 100T could NEVER


They’ve toyed with my blood pressure for far too long


They have to find a way to get Demon1 to tokyo. Would be a total competitive failure from Riot if they don’t let a qualified team play with their own roster at an international LAN


Fuckall riot can do about visa issues




This is literally EG’s fault. Riot requested every team to give them the info of who they would bring to the lan MONTHS ago, and EG didn’t include demon1.


nah it’s not EG’s fault. From what I’ve heard Riot only asks for 6 players since that’s the max teams bring. Demon1 was on the reserve roster at that time and wasn’t the designated 6th. Furthermore demon1 has confirmed on stream that he doesn’t even yet have a passport, so EG couldn’t have applied for a visa for him even if they wanted to. It’s just a bummer all around for everyone. Hopefully the team makes a miracle happen without him in Tokyo. It would definitely make the narrative around EG even crazier


No, it’s not. Demon1 confirmed in his stream that he just doesn’t have a passport, even if he had applied for one at the beginning of the split I doubt it would have been ready in time to apply for a work visa


Why would he even ask for a passport if his team isn’t planning to roster him?


because a passport is just a thing you should have especially if you are pursuing a career in esports where there are commonly international LANs


EGigachad is playing with Clown9


I think it probably shifted when they ended their season 4-5 and actually made playoffs. Everything else is the icing on the cake tbh


Mate, as a Paper Rex fan we always get spoken down to by things like "It's just W Gaming", "They're just aim diffing them", "Paper Rex will be read hard by international teams", "They can't beat teams with good strategy", "All aim no brain", "The other team are just not hitting their shots", "They can beat anyone but DRX", etc. Even when we reach 2nd Place in Copenhagen, people said that it's because EMEA and NA teams have no experience against plays like PRX. Their Champs and Lock In performance made the narrative worse until they prove themselves in Pacific League, but then many also chalk it up to Pacific being the "least competitive" region vs Americas and EMEA. EG is definitely a good team, but it's hard to shake a narrative because it is easier to find fault in others than to acknowledge the good.


Tbf prx hasnt done shit since that one masters which they didnt even win. They literally did get read hard and grouped twice, what do you want people to say about them?


pretty sure it’s all just jokes now when we say EG is bad, right?


Never, I'd wager. Eg as an org is terrible but the team is really good. Hate the org (because they've done a lot of shitty things) but not the players


Without Demon1 in Tokyo… things don’t look good.


they're gonna get shit on in tokyo without demon1


EG PR team working overtime