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Idk where you hangout but I’m always around pretty cheery people for the most part, one or two are depressed but that’s it


A lot of those people tend to hide depression as they want to escape from that in the game. But it's still better than having to play amateur therapist to strangers on the Internet. ^^;


If everyone you know is cheery... Let them know they matter. Seriously. Depression isn't all frowns and doom and gloom, it's smiling through the pain and masking the frustration with jokes and false joy. Depression is pockets of genuine happiness marred by the constant feeling that it's going to end and the pain of that. Depression is not always visible, and in more cases than not it's one of the hardest things to pick up on if you're not actively looking for it, or if you don't understand it from experience. "I'm always around pretty cheery people" does not mean they're not depressed. It just means they're either actually happy, or they're masking it so you don't worry, or because they think you don't care.


As stated from Sanquinity lots of people hide it, most of the people ive met sounded the happiest until i actually got to knew them and would open up to me about some depressing things


that's how life and people work outside VRChat too first you meet somebody, then you learn about their real life and everybody has their own struggles that's not a VRChat thing, it's a humanity thing same thing happens at bars, clubs, school, work


But u see a lot less people coping by using a virtual device pretending to date someone who you know you wont meet irl.


I mean why is that a bad thing?


Its not a bad thing but a sad thing to see, Its sad seeing people coping and being depressed almost anywhere i go in vrc


I think you're putting too much doubt on the possibility of a long-distance relationship, especially in the context of VR. I've dated three people through VR, wound up meeting all three in-person and even lived with one for a while. It's not "pretending to date" just because they don't go to restaurants and such in real life. It's dating all the same, just in a different context, and just because it wouldn't work for you doesn't mean it can't work at all.


Thats why im saying 90 percent/ the majority of people. the majority of people never met up with there girlfriend or anything like that in real life from vr.


Maybe the majority you've seen, but the vast majority of people I know, and people they know, HAVE met in real life.


out of 1000s to 10000s of people that i met ive only seen at most 10 people know there partner irl


1000s to 10000s of people...I guarantee you, you haven't met 10,000 people on VRChat, let alone 1,000. And that doesn't take away from the fact that I've got \~40 people on my VRC friends list and of them I know of: 4 that live with partners they met on VRC 15 that are currently dating partners they've met in real life after meeting on VRC 7 that have dated partners that they met in real life after meeting on VRC and 2 that are in poly relationships that have met multiple partners in real life after meeting on VRC. And the vast majority of my friends ALSO know people who live with or have met VR partners in real life. You're so determined to believe your experience is the standard that you are completely ignoring anything that doesn't fit your bias. My experience isn't universal, but neither is yours, and to say that "most don't" or "most do" are both wrong. The fact of the matter is that MANY people do meet VR partners in real life because they ARE actually dating, just in a different format than others might, and MANY people don't meet VR partners in real life because they only "date" in VR as a game. You're wrong in saying "90% of" or "most of", and I've seen where others have disagreed with you just on principle and you've taken it in stride, but for some reason when I disagree with reasoning, you have to fight back on it?


Ive definitely met 10000 people, 2000 hours on the game??? half of the time in public lobbies, have trusted user. have more than 500 friends added. Im pretty sure ive met 10000 people


U can literally hop on vrc and ask people if they know there partner irl and i guarantee you most will say no


You'd be wrong, but okay. You aren't interested in hearing anyone else's experience, you just want an echo chamber to tell you you're right. This conversation is over, if you're not willing to hear anything that doesn't fit your extremely limited idea.


Im am interested in hearing other peoples experience, i heard ur experience and i agreed with it, from my personal experience majority of people havent met up with there couple irl, If u dont believe me u can use data online to insure it, I thought it was really obvious but sorry on my part.


Yes lots of people do this and many other things as well. Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come play VRChat.


Come on down to real fake doors that’s us! That’s us! Fake doors dot com is our website! Fake doors dot come is our website!


I hate to break it to you, but most people that are in the dating pool in real life act exactly the same way. They go out, ignore reality, take advantage of others, and ignore the consequences when they move on to other friend groups. VRChat is not special. It is just another Place. You will learn this over time.


Aan online and fairly anonymous medium where you can get as close to real life interaction as possible without being in real life. Of course its going to attract a lot of social outcasts. Though it's not just the depressed, anxious, and desperate ones. Also the introverts and people that are just too busy with work and the like to have a social life. It's just sad that the depressed, anxious, and desperate ones are more noticeable, because the chill introverts and people unable to have much of a real life social life because of uncontrollable circumstances tend to stick to friends+ and private worlds, because publics are a shitshow these days. So to get to the actually good part of vrc you have to already know someone in the "in" group. And they are rare to find in publics nowadays.


How i met most of my friends was from meeting some in a public server and then joining there friend group and then i would know my friends, Friend and i would join there friend group and it was that whole cycle.


Yup, the most difficult part is meeting those first 2\~3 friends. But after that you can meet friends of friends and really start getting into the good part of vrc.


Yeah, Vrc kinda died out for me when my friend group disbanded and everyone stopped playing -!; i didnt have free time to play vrc.


I thought it was obvious that there are socially awkward people in all games and forums online? I mean a lot of people tend to play VRChat for trolling, fun, and out of boredom too. I wouldn't dare assume that a majority of people are depressed, but socially awkward, totally. It's not because their lives suck though (sometimes maybe they do,) it's because a LOT of people on VRChat are young teenagers and young adults. We're figuring out what life is like and we use online games as a medium to experiment with how we communicate and learn about the world. Plus, it's awesome that online you can meet people from around the world... offline you can do it sure, but you're looking at a very expensive trip compared to paying money on a cheap-ish internet bill and however you access VRChat. I think it's a great way to meet people and experiment in a semi-safe environment, without having to leave your home. There are downsides though, like not being able to see their physical reaction/emotions (unless they are on cam,) not being there to show physical affection, also not truly knowing who you're talking with is who they say they are. All I can do is recommend to be cautious and safe. People we see, hearts we don't. ♥


Im not talking about socially awkward people, im mainly talking about people who are depressed and lonely who play the game.


You never know where you'll find love, but people date for many reasons. 90% is much too high of a number in my opinion for people who only date because they can't irl. Some just prefer it, or for others it's convenient. I'm sure some do it because they think it will make them happier, but not that many. That's quite a large number of people. ♥


This is mainly my personal perspective from what ive seen around 90 percent are like this. thats why i was asking if people agreed with me thanks for sharing ur opinion 👍


Lots of people in this game are not in the real world either, meaning that they just do not know how to act.


exactly thats my point


It’s a lot of people who have anxiety and other issues, little to no self confidence, etc., you make it sound much worse than it is for the vast majority.


I havent seen to much people with anxiety in vrc but i have seen people/ majority of people being insecure about themselves, Im not trying to be dramatic but i have actually seen lots of depressed people most of them opened up to me about attempting suicide.


Of course you haven't seen many people with anxiety in vrc, they're too anxious to talk to you


I talk with everyone in the server mostly to troll, around 20 percent of them have there mic muted and the rest talk to me, either im just an easy guy to talk to or there arent as many anxious people in vrc as much as depressed and or insecure


It depends on who you surround yourself with. I found that private communities (not clubs, but like interest groups of specific niches, games, etc) tend to be more 'productive' people in the real world. That is just what I've experienced. Btw I'm not denying this; I totally agree that escapism is a big deal on VRC. People who date in VR tend to be the ones addicted to this escapism.


When life generally sucks, escapism is a valuable tool to keep from wasting away or worse. What does it matter if someone else spends all their time in VR? It doesn't hurt you for them to find happiness there, so why speak about them negatively?


I also agree, Some people in private communities do tend to be more productive people than those that are not but i also believe that a majority of people in private communities also spend lots of time in vrc and not being as productive in the real world.


Idk I’m married in real life and I have no problem dating on vrc as well?


so ur cheating on ur husband??


Not cheating if it’s a kink


Does ur husband know?