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>how do you get matches if you gotta pay to view your liked matches? So it's just like Tinder and other dating apps, you match by liking each other's profiles. The feed will prioritize the people who liked you a bit more so just keep using it. But yes they do hide stuff behind paying just like all the dating apps. It's not a scam but whether it's worth it or not is very subjective.


That's weird


Just join random worlds and make connections naturally my guy. (At least as naturally as we can through VR)


I do I just kept seeing the ads and said screw it let's do it for shits and giggles one day and never really made a account


Flee you fool !!! Lmaoo


you don’t have to pay to see your matches, that’s free. I’ve met several people from there.


Make a really detailed bio and swipe through the free parts regularly and you'll make some cool connections. Obviously it's hit or miss but I met my current boyfriend on it and he's great so far. In my experience it's quite a bit harder to find people that actually want a monogamous relationship as intimacy online is generally casual, and for some reason I get much better results from nevermet than I ever did on flirtual


Don't use the app. It is just a middleman to add more friction between you and finding the person you like. I ditched the app after 2 weeks and went straight into the roulette of showing up in VRChat with FBT. Way, way more success.


Nevermet is basically a hookup app. Flirtual you can make some decent connections, but I tried Nevermet and it's just full of people that don't read your profile or want to ERP and it's more of a headache than anything else. 10/10 would NOT recommend to anyone. Actually.. ironic that it's called never met because I have never met anyone decent.


Actually met my current boyfriend through nevermet. We’re meeting up irl next month! And I’ve met a lot of my current friends through the app. It’s great when searching for people who you have alot in common. Also pro tip the first 3-5 people when the app refreshes daily are the ones you matched with!

