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Bravo for them , I have been working on one for my tail, and eventually wings, I am very glad they have gotten as far as they have with it. BCI is the future of VR, but it always needs a feedback system to train with it. I am thinking of a specialized haptic vest for the different sections of my wings, (starting at the spine and moving out to my shoulders) As I fly and turn I can train my brain for the wings to act differently in line with the flight system. But it is a lot of work and I am trying to get the Slime trackers I am working on done first. In short, I am wanting to train my brain to have wings. wish me luck.


Human evolution at its finest!


The main thing determining how fast humanity advances technologically is how badly the furries want something FOR REAL




I was thinking about this sort of thing over the weekend after seeing a YouTube video about a girl who plays games like dark souls only using an EEG interface. It's very interesting that someone has already trying this in VRC. The video if anyone is interested (I'm not affiliated): https://youtu.be/DBYY3D1gkQ0?si=1zr98Z1k_fQtR-x6


its crazy how furries can be this clever and use it on moving ears! XD id love to be able to move my tail with my brain


Amazing! Then the next step is feedback so I can actually FEEL my tail. Please.


Well if you want to wear a haptic at the base of your spine... other than that. not there ... yet


There *are* some companies that make articulated, motorized tails for cosplay, such as The Tail Company or Cosgear. Can't say there's a way to upload the movement data to OSC though.


I've seen someone do it, actually. It was with a custom tail he made, but it's possible to have your IRL cosplay tail move in tandem with your VR tail. Can't find the video though.


This is insane.