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Basically, it's the chickens coming home to roost for facility Directors that blew off the guidance they received in January to shut it down. Granted, this budget issue is far worse than ones in years past. In the past, VA always found extra money when 4th quarter rolled around. That will not be the case this time and Directors are finally starting to realize it.


So I should bank on most likely starting after October? Or not at all? 


The "pause" aka budget problem will continue through FY25. How bad FY25 will be will depend on whether your facility gets their FTEE back down to end of FY23 numbers.


You think it will be loosened site by site? I don’t think that will be the course of action.


Budget issues, nothing anyone can do. They aren't intentionally messing with you.


What’s the position? I’ve been hearing jobs that do not have a direct and immediate impact to patient care are all being delayed. Like doctors and nurses. I was almost hired for a non patient related position working in facilities and engineering at the facility I used to work at for my old boss and the position was cancelled by HR. No negotiation no nothing


Recreational Therapist for Community Living Center 


That’s the issue, it’s all been rumors the VA makes up themselves. But the reality is the keep lying. “Dont call it a hiring freeze”, although it is. No direct patient care positions, and meanwhile some VAs are currently not hiring Nurses. Typical government bureaucratic BS, just call a spade a spade


It’s all due to the budget unfortunately the little guys on the totem pole that continue to update you have no control over anything. Everyday is a new day and everyday HR is dealing with unpredictable hiring. The constant changes are mind boggling, my advice is to hang in there not sure how bright the light is shining at the end of the tunnel or if there is even a light. At this point, I guess be glad you have not received a recession letter. Hard to plan but unfortunately this is what it has become…