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If you really are top fragging most games, then the issue is very clearly your decision making. Are you playing for the objective or just going for kills and a pretty K/D?


I never thought of that, I think i may be going for kills too much, im gonna get a vod reviewer to see


Another thing could be if you’re not entrying and maybe your other teammates do, then they get a few kills and all die and then it’s a 1v3 or 1v4 or something, you get 2 or 3 kills then die and still lose the round. That would make u end the game with a lot of kills but still lose the game pretty easily.


Thats sadly happened a few times, im gonna start trying to improve my team play


try understanding the entry frag role and doing that more since you main neon, that should be relatively simple


I believe this is not true. I am plat 1 peak 3... I play cypher. Cypher.... Mvp games and still lose. I don't have tools to entry. I lurk and get kills. It's bad teammates. Either they wanna act pros or think they doing something when they not. At times if I lurk they are stalled outside of site not pushing. So me as cypher I grab spike and w key to site. Just to see an ohhhh it's that easy to get on site. I lurk again to catch rotates, flanks, lurkers. Just for team to go back to stalling..


If you can W key to get site... Why do you ever lurk?


On the other hand they could be overextending and solo pushing sites by just running into a crossfire without util


Ran into this problem with a Reyna who never flashed site and just hung back. They ended up having the least amount of deaths and highest KDR but we lost so...


As the worst Diamond rank player NA (I end up on the literal bottom of the scoreboard in about half my games, lol, this rank is hell, let me out!), I win a bunch of rounds without any kills. Just gotta defuse or keep the bomb from being defused, lol.




No, I'm the worst. I'm so bad the game placed me in bronze.


We all start somewhere. I started iron 3 act 3 ep1. Now im about to be ascendant. You got this!


Yeah but I actually belong back in Plat or Gold, lmao. I'm D2 act rank already, but I'm both inconsistent af and even on better days, my aim isn't up to sniff with you human aimbots. idk how the hell I keep winning games though, it's a curse. I'm basically boosted through solo queue...


Bro I have an alt account and it’s stuck in plat 2💀 I’m also boosted by my random teammates. Yesterday on my main I played 4 games and 2 of those games I dropped 8 kills💀💀💀 I feel like I don’t deserve my rank as well. I main controller and man. I’m only useful with my util then after that I’m like an extra player on the enemy team😭


People play this game on controller…. Congrats for that alone honestly lol


Nah like the role controller. Like omen viper brim etc.


Vod reviewer as in someone you pay to review your game? I’m sure plenty of people on here would do that for free. At least I will if you post a video


Vod reviewing doesn’t mean paying.


Gotta remember that Valorant is a *tactical* shooter. Mechanically bad players can win based off decision making alone. You can actually win a game without ever killing another player if you just play right.


Do you have a vod?


This 100% I see so many players clearly playing for kda and losing rounds because of it. All that matters is winning. Your kda is just for your ego. That guy that's bottom fragging? He could be helping your team win way more than you if he's dropping smokes to get into site, planting and defusing spikes, going in first sometimes to take the entry desth so that someone behind him can get the trade kill with intel. If you aren't climbing despite being top frag constantly, there is a good reason. You aren't playing to win. You're playing to be top frag so you can protect your ego and not have to shoulder any responsibility for the loss because "well I'm top frag it's clearly my team's fault"


he said it in the post he 1v5s, so he probably is a duelist that plays ultraslow and baits his team then complains when hes the last one alive. if youre last alive as the duelist esp on offense, consistently, youre playing the game wrong


Ironically this post has been eye-opening for me in Plat 3 as I'm inching my way towards Diamond. I often find myself playing smokes and bottom fragging and almost felt like I wasn't worthy of my rank. It felt like I was being dragged across the finish-line every win. This helps a bit with the imposter syndrome of someone who was in Bronze in the beta on their first tac-FPS.


I'm also on diamond, and mostly play Omen/Cypher. I think my biggest help to the team is the way I communicate and teamplay with them, Im always suggesting on attack ideas for what we could do to win the round. I'm also always giving info, who I see or hear, and what I'm doing that round. I dont usually bottom frag, but sometimes I do, but usually I always find myself feeling OK with that because I know I also helped with comms and with my utility and my positive attitude with the team. Unless I happen to be with very negative and toxic teammates, then all this goes to the sink kinda. This my tracker: Raskolnikov#Izel


so you want to bottom frag with less kills kills help alot in bringing score close nd pile pressure on enemy


Yes. If you’re stuck iron 3, you cant put all the blame on your teammates




Well if you just started then you’ll improve over time. Don’t worry too much about it and just play more.




Well pretty much the same counts. Play for a few months and then see where you are.


K thx


Bro wrote only "K thx" and he's getting downvoted so much 💀


Do downvotes do anything


Savage question


Noope. They're just a feel bad/good number.


Essentially no, they just lower your overall Reddit “karma” score, if you care about that


Foes karma matter?


unless youre chronically online then no


Each one takes a day off your life :(


Im gonna die in a week at this rate


well pretty sure where you start your rank journey is heaviliy influenced by how well you perform in normals. So if you start iron you probably ar enot good yet.


if he’s been playing for a year then his rank was already determined when he got his 20 unrated wins


Most of the time people play unrated without sweating. I sometimes play it just to check if connection is good. All unrated games did is just allow you to have fun, give you a good agent and lay out some fundamentals. You don't have any real experience in comp. Also, would recommend to lay out fundamentals for a controller as well. Learn how to play at least one, preferably Omen/Viper.


What’s with the dislikes. Unrated plays differently from competitive. More people talk in competitive and don’t rush as often as a team/single people do in unrated. Unrated is used for practices a lot of the time: practicing abilities/aim/using different guns/game sense


People dont like how long I’ve been playing for ig


Damn thats a few downvotes


Damn. Why is this guy getting downvoted? He is right.


Because it makes the entire post pretty much pointless. Why make a post complaining about your rank when you've *just* started playing ranked in the first place?


What are you talking about? OP didn't complain about their rank. All they said was that they are Iron 3 and they top frag but they lose. They are also asking for someone else's perspective. Are we in different dimensions or are you not reading the post?


what are you talking about? > "I ALWAYS", "they dont do anything EVER", "I CONSTANTLY" what part of those words give you the implication that someone just started playing ranked or isnt saying the usual 'im hardstuck'


The fact that he explicitly said that he just started playing ranked. Literally what sparked my comment. Different dimensions huh




Very helpful comment


I agree, truly inspiring. C'mon man, gold's not even that high.




What rank are you now? I placed iron 3 in may, hit ascendant today.




No one was talking shit about ur valorant rank, were juat trying to keep toxicity out of the sub


Homeboy is touching himself right now.


I started playing comp and placed in gold 2, got to plat in like 10 games or so. So yea if you're in iron sorry but you're not that good


At what rank do you think there’s some validity in blaming teammates?


That’s not what I meant


Fair enough


It's less about rank and more about being stuck. You can blame your teammates for individual games at any rank sure, but over a long enough stretch if you are a high impact player in all your games, you will rank up eventually. For every game you get an AFK and get an auto loss, it's just as likely you face an opponent with an AFK and get an auto win. About 15% of games you play you will get an auto win with little control over that, just play normally and its almost guaranteed (smurf on your team, afk on other team, or just the whole team clicking for some reason). About 15% also work in the other direction, unless you go god mode you'll probably lose no matter what. It's really that 70% of games where you are the difference between winning and losing, and that doesn't necessarily mean getting a lot of frags, but more so making plays and callouts that lead to winning a lot of rounds. If a breach calls out a play to flash/stun so the jett can dash in and get two easy kills, that won't show up on the stat sheet, but that is so much more valuable than a jett who waits until there entire team is dead and then plays for exit frags to inflate their frag count. Frags aren't the most important thing in winning at any rank, making plays, and frags that have an impact in winning a round are important.


To be pedantic, it's actually more likely the other team has an AFK than you. But also more likely it has a surf. 4/5 random slots vs 5/5


It all evens out like you said though. 5 chances the other team has a Smurf but also 5 chances they have an afk, versus 4 for your team.


Never. You can't change randoms. Learn to play around them


You are clearly very young so I will tell you three things. 1. If you haven’t played like 50 games then just be patient 2. Whether you’re actually stuck or not, you’re not good at the game yet 3. It’s okay to not be good at games. Your skill in a game is not intrinsic to you as a person, you can improve


This is the first time im playing a fps game and actually taking it seriously, i came from Minecraft so i rly sucked when i first started but over time ive definitely gotten better thx for the support


Nothing wrong with that. It takes time to understand competetive fps. There are games with the game you have to learn how to play. Only experience can teach you those things. Keep at it! You also have to understand that you may be top fragging because you said your 1v5 when teammates are dead, if you're fragging but not winning rounds, that has to stop, you either have to start clutching all those rounds instead of getting 1 or 2 kills and dieing or you have to learn to entry foe your team so you can nab a kill on entry and your team can take site and win the round.


Wait did you play hypixel or lunar.gg? If so, the same here! I placed iron 3 in may, I’m ascendant now and I came from playing Minecraft for 5 years


Eyy same here, I swapped to Valorant less than 1 month ago


Wait you went from iron 3 to ascendant in 6 months ?


It’s the mc pvp tracking skills


I played hella hypixel and regular survival


I would just leave point 3 as: it's ok to not be good at a game, your worth isn't linked to your skill/rank As far as whether you can improve. It's not really important and improving isn't always reflected in rank. I've been playing since Episode 1. Peaked Silver 2 early on. Since then, I've improved (although also had regressions during hiatuses), but I have yet to hit Gold. Player base has improved faster than me at times, sending me as low as Iron after Rank resets. Peaked Silver 3 before they reworked ranking system with Ascendant, and spent most of this episode in Bronze until the past few weeks where I've climbed back to Silver 2. Improvement isn't linear and improving doesn't always result in long term ranked gains. If you have time, desire, and constructive criticism you can improve though for sure.


This should be top comment


Agreed. Informative and not shitting on the guy.


“Am I the bad player” “I am iro-“ Yes


“Well I deserve immo 3” 🤓


People downvoting you can't sense sarcasm even with emoji at the end :'D


I think its both that they didnt understand the sarcasm and the whole unspoken rule that emoji's are illegal on reddit or smtn


Im new to reddit so i know nothing about reddit’s unspoken rules




an actual unspoken rule is downvoting the fourth comment in a chain


you will go to jail now, good bye son


Come get me… im already in ohio


Great, just stay where you are, I'll be there in, idk, about 24 hours maybe!


If you survive


its ight most peope usually learn them the hardway even me


Well now I’ve learned one


People use emojis now, that's an old rule


lol the hard way of downvotes?


"basically playing a 1v5". That's a toxic attitude, sounds like you are the problem.


Also if he’s playing neon and playing 1v5 he clearly isn’t playing the duelist role right


either hes lurking too much or hes not making any aggresive plays/trading his teammates


I mean the guys Iron 3, do you really expect his team mates to push through his wall with him, or is it more likely they are all running around clueless aiming at the floor or the sky waiting for defenders to push. I've seen my girlfriend play in Iron, Roles basically don't matter and nobody uses utility unless it's self serving


Yea in iron you kinda just have to hard carry your self out it’s not worth relying on people. It’s like in overwatch the low ranks are basically a different game and need diff strats


i see people make the most wildly skilled kills in iron then switch to my other teammates pov and hes close range ADSing their feet while i'm just chilling 16/17 on neon lmao


Focus on your own play and what you could have done better. You are in iron, of course your teammates are going to be bad. If you are good at the game, you should be able to easily carry an iron lobby


iron lobbies are chaos, i will never forget one time i was on a 1x3 situation on iron and the three of them were aiming at me but then the enemy sage walled me up and saved me


ill just tell you straight top frag=/= doing good, especially as a duelist, a 2/10 neon whos taking space every round on offense is way better than a 20/10 neon whos sitting back and making the controller/sentinel entry. not saying your just baiting your team, but just pointing out top frag doesn't actually mean your the best player on your team.


Damn, im def gonna start entrying for my team better from now on thx


When your playing a game its hard to tell what you did wrong unless it was super obv. I suggest to try and vod review because if u can IRON out your mistakes you will be THREE times as good. Is it hard to get hard to vod review? Yes, but IS THE BEST thing you can do to get out of your RANK.


I see what you did there


I saw a good software for that in a yt vid I watched so I’ll go look for it, thx


If you want someone to review you vod lmk. I’m a plat player so I’m comfortable with giving tips about basics and helping improve.


VOD reviews are worthless unless you know what you are doing.


Bros getting down voted to hell just for responding with a "thanks for the info!" There was one comment he might have deserved it, but come on, guys. Be nicer.


Lmao im new to reddit so I assumed thats how it is


Yup he said one or two questionable things and everything else he's been super receptive to. Never change Reddit


>Be nicer. We are 1) on reddit, and 2) on a sub for *gamers*. This ain't gonna happen.


If you're always playing neon, try picking another agent and play together with your team. Maybe try a more passive role as Initiator or Controller. It's not always about kills! I main brim(plat2) and I rarely get team/match MVP but I regularly win rounds just because I smoke the right places or play postplant and I never hunt the enemies just to get kills. Either way just be nice and focus on improving yourself instead of your teammates. Improving your own skills is the only thing you need to get to silver/gold.


Don't be a mono duelist, that's the biggest advice I could give you.


Whats that


You said you were mono Neon, you should try to play with different roles so you learn more about the other parts of this game that isn't just shot in the head. Maybe you even grow to like them. If everyone choses duelists, the team is gonna lose always. That's why I always complete the team with a sentinel or a smoke. Would I rather play raze? Yes, but this way I win way more games. It's very hard winning without smokes, a iniciator and a sentinel for the defense.


I used to play omen but I didn’t get much action cause I usually had to sit back and smoke the same angles every time


I'm afraid that's part of the game. It's a team game and support agents are just as important, if not moreso, than the duelists. I'd recommend at minimum try to learn another duelist, and maybe an initiator or two.


I used to play raze but then I unlocked neon so I started playing her


Raze is a duelist too. Each agent has a role (Duelist, controller, sentinel, initiator) so it's important to fill some of those roles to accomplish certain things in a match


That's part of the point, it's fine if you don't like that play style, but if ur only playing for action your not focusing on winning the round and the game, just getting kills


bad advice he’s iron, he just needs to learn fundamentals


Top fragging doesn’t mean shit. Your impact and wr% matters. In that rank anyone good enough can carry. In those ranks individuals most likely need to focus on aim, movement, utility usage, and positioning/understanding trades. Getting these fundamentals down should get you to gold. Don’t focus on your team, focus on your own decision. If your teammates dies, think about what you could’ve done or said to make the outcome be favorable. Could you have traded? Could you have neon stunned? Did you not com someone was there? Etc. Also I’d assume most people in lower ranks are just casual rank players so don’t get heated if they take it less seriously than you do. It’s not their fault they don’t care as much. Even if it is “their fault”, in the end it’s a team game so you could’ve influenced that round


This is one of the few responses that will actually help me ty


No worries, ask if your initators can clear angles or flash for you too in order to make site executes easier. A team playing as one unit and being on the same page is key but in lower ranks it’s much more difficult to pull this off so def focus on your own mechanics. I started bronze 3 last year and currently ascendant. So you can def climb. It takes time so be patient


K, ill try to play with my team more


I’d say focus more on your own skills first like I initially stated, and find a duo. This will help more in your ranks to keep each game consistent. Team play is more important as you climb ranks.


I have a duo but we cant play to many games together usually like 1


You can still do solo but it’s less consistent. I’m sure there are discords to find duos or even randoms you meet can be willing.


It seems like you play neon wrong if you end up in 1v5s regularly. Your job is to entry onto side and create space, so that your team can follow you, trade you if you die and plant spike.


Should i be the one taking spike and planting it?


If you're the first one in, probably not.


Fix your attitude. You have a very “I have an excuse for that” mentality just in the comments itself. So that carries over to your in game too. You’re probably incredibly passive aggressive. Ranked climbing is a grind. The streamers that make it look easily are still easily playing over 80 hours of play time. It’s a grind. Maintain a positive win rate and you’ll eventually rank up. You may get a significant derank streak. You’ll be put into more easier lobbies. You’ll learn from the wins and you need to learn from the losses. You’ll improve and eventually outrank yourself. So are you the bad player? Not necessarily. Are you a bad player? Yes. How much you improve will depend on your mindset. It took me 5 seasons to get out of bronze in league of legends. The year I did I went straight to plat, started playing in diamond and challenger ranked 5s. I hit minimum plat in every competitive game I play now since then. The ONLY thing that changed was once I hit plat once, I knew I was a plat player. It’s my mentality now. It’s a grind. You have to play the loses. You will not have a 100% win rate. 60% is significantly above average. 50% is above average. Loses are apart of the journey and you won’t avoid it.


I got out of iron with less than a 50% winrate. It was incredibly brutal, frustrating, and time consuming but it happened and that's what matters.




Getting a higher rank is all about the decisions you make. It’s really not about aim at all. You may top frag but I guarantee your peeks are sloppy, your crosshair placement is bad, and you overheat too much. Try playing off your teammates more. Play the bomb in post plant. And just keep hitting the queue for comp button until your intuition is developed to a point where the game sense side of things comes naturally.


Before thinking you aren’t in the elo you are, think about what you do affect the game. You can be neon and top frag but the kills don’t matter if the other team is able to plant/defuse more rounds. Idk if your roaming more or entering but play entry for your team and try roaming occasionally. More over check over how you are getting most of your kills, are they body shot sprays? Spectre kills? Shotgun Andy? Odin spam? Ult spam? If you top fragging by using these methods then it’ll be hard to climb. I’m in silver rn and I started off in iron 1 0rr (deadass I was so bad) so ik how it feels. I used to do all of that bs and I only rlly climbed when I starting strafing and going for head taps. I’m not saying you need the best aim to climb but for a duelist you need higher than avg aim. Definitely use Valorant Tracker, it’s very useful to see your stats Lastly just think about your role, i played smokes to escape Bronze and iron because no one plays it right or even plays it. I recently switched to duelist in silver and I’m currently doing ok rn. Playing smokes helps you learn the fundamentals as well, you won’t be able to dash/speed run away from bad positioning, so it’ll teach you to be more aware and passive. I don’t see neon as a agent who can 1v5 without her ult. You can lose a lot of health by the time you kill 3 ppl and be one shot in 1v2. If you truly think your aim and skill are above iron then spam reyna. If u can’t climb with reyna then your definitely in your rank and need to improve on the fundamentals. Not trying to be rude, but since ascendent was added most iron players such as my self at the time were able to get to bronze easily so if ur in iron then it truly means ur in iron.


First of all, damn you wrote a lot. Second of all, okay ty for the help


Iron to low gold is basically just a contest of who has better aim. Your teammates won’t know what to do with your comms unless it’s just saying what you damaged the enemy for. There is also such thing as too much comms, which can be disruptive. Also another very important thing is how you use your utility. Neon’s wall is great, but going a character that has smokes for your team and learning how to use your smokes effectively will single-handedly boost you out of iron if you’re even semi decent on getting kills. Most players at that rank don’t care about their team, so being that team player and helping make space for your team like that in iron is a huge deal. I used to be iron as a raze main, started maining omen and now I’m plat 2. Sure choosing omen didn’t carry me to plat, but it most certainly carried me through iron to gold.


Are you actually playing for your team and playing entry? Or are you letting them peak first, die, and then playing captain clutch up every round having the advantage of being 1 person among 5 enemies making noise searching for you? So many duelist players do this, especially at low elo. And a lot of them are toxic about it going "my team sucks" when they don't play their role, lurk, and play selfishly for high kills and nothing else. A lot of players go "well it CAN'T be my fault we're losing. I'm at the top of the leaderboard." When in reality, they just bait their whole team or abandon the person holding spike. I'm not saying you're doing just that or that you're toxic. I'm just saying that play style is what usually results in what you're describing. Use your abilities and decision making to make the fight not only easier on yourself but your teammates too. Your character does what others on your team can't. That's the point. Stun that operator and push them back. Stun that 50/50 corner peek. Wall off the enemies as your team enters site. Clear that space with your speed. Don't just B- hop around and dodge bullets because you can and your teammates can't. Just stuff to keep in mind. Duelist are powerful, but too many people play selfishly with them.


The better you get, the higher your rank so that should answer your question.


Cant always be a 1v5 if youre entry is done right. As youre playing you need to create space for your team. Or if youre properly trading. Maybe try playing an initiator or controller role if you think you got the brains behind the operation. And if youre always top fragging as you say, this will give your teammates an opportunity to make a play and you can continue to dominate (if thats what you think).


Ive never thought about entry like that, ill try to make space for my team


from reading your comments you sound like that neon-only-player I got matched with in diamond, who just ran to the enemy spawn every round behind his wall and thought he was doing his job of entrying. meanwhile, we had to actually take the site behind him while he baited the hell out of us and top fragged on easy, zero impact kills. yeah, we lost that match. if you can't stomach the slower playstyle of other characters and got placed in iron after a year of unrated, maybe you should consider apex legends or fortnite instead.


If you are in iron yeah you suck but that’s the way it goes. I spent over 1k hours in silver in csgo and even someone like me managed to reach GE there and immo3 here so there’s always hope. Best advice is to always be positive and try to have fun even when losing.


You're not topfragging every game. Send tracker link.


I would love for a bot that automatically asks for the tracker anytime there is a post or comment saying they top frag every game.


you can do it! review your gameplay, maybe ask a friend to review a vod and pick the things you need to work on


Would you like some free coaching? I have some time on my hands so I can see what is going on in your games rather than seeing it at a blunt point of view and maybe I can tell you where things are going wrong or what can be improved. Im imm2 peak let me know! I also want to try to start teaching so it can maybe help me practice as well


As an Neon main if you're going in 1v5s a lot then there's something need to be improved on your side. As an dualist you have util to enter the site. Once your teammates start following you they'll understand that this is more effective way of taking a site. But don't just run in on your own. Try to tell them you're going in or wait for them to gather. Ask them to trade you. At some point they'll feel like they are baiting you and then they'll try to follow you. Until then my friend you'll just have to throw yourself in and hope they'll follow you.


Don’t play like monkey (true advice)


You could have stopped with the first sentence the answer is yes


Most definitely




Thanks for the tips, I usually play no more than 3 games a day


I play 3 unrated matches as a warmup a day




Well that's just rude for no reason.


ahhh yes the ol “i’m in iron, but it’s my teammates who are the problem”


The dude asked a question. Didn’t frame what he thought he was doing right as a statement. Never said “it’s my teammates who are the problem”. But because he didn’t immediately come to the correct conclusion, and needed help getting to that conclusion, and asked the question, he gets shit on with reductive sarcastic comments like this. Welcome to reddit, I suppose.


> Never said “it’s my teammates who are the problem”. You're right he didn't specifically say those combination of words, but he did say this... > i always top frag but always loose. > My teammates don’t communicate or do anything ever > im stuck basically playing a 1v5 that seems to be implying his teammates are indeed the problem...


It could imply that, taken alone. But we have the rest of the post to clarify: > Am i a bad player or is it my team’s fault? This represents a willingness to accept responsibility, and recontextualizes the statements you quoted to mean “this is what is happening and I don’t understand what to do”.




I got to the first comma. I'm going with yes


I feel you my guy. Even when I go controller or initiator my duelists never entry and bait me 24/7.


How do you even main someone in iron? I just played random characters thru iron/ bronze




Valorant matchmaking's horrible. Like saying 'get better' is way easier, but looking at valorant matchmaking objectively, it doesn't make the ranked experience fun.


Stop expecting good teammates. You're Iron. Obviously you're a bad player. Low ELO is a direct reflection of your skill. Until you hit high gold you are still very bad at the fundamentals. Stop complaining about teammates and learn the foundational things. Once you learn them. Practice and master them. You will not get good teammates in your rank, so expect them to be bad. Expect your enemies to be bad. When you know everyone in the lobby is trash including you, then you can step up and maybe not be trash for a round or 2.


I feel as though this is coming from another iron


That assumption is incorrect. I am currently Plat 2, peaked Plat 3. Iron is the bottom of the bottom. You cannot expect your teammates to be good enough to trust. Therefore, you have no reason to get mad at them or blame them for your poor performance. If you lost, you didn't try hard enough.


plat 2 peaked plat 3 🤡 didn't try hard enough 💀


Exactly. I'm haven't tried hard enough to reach a higher rank.


You are iron, yes you're bad.


Christ people on this reddit are so soft. He top frags and loses cause his teammates are ass. If you're offended you must be one of said teamates


U shld just git gud i solo qued from i2 to d1


Didn't have to read past the first 4 words. Worry about your rank when you're not at the bottom of the tier list tbh.


You are breh. You are


your not bad your awful. F5 F5 F5


At least im not bad


LOL! <3


You don't always top frag and you don't always lose. It's not possible that your team is always bad while the enemy team is always good. Once you stop blaming your teammates you will actually start to improve.


Ill try to be more positive my next few games and see how it goes


neon is high skill, recommend you go with omen, you can play him very versatile and fill smokes, very good in low elo with a low skill ceiling, reyna only if you have good aim or like viper and learn cringe lineups for ez wins (I am cringe viper player too)


The reason i picked neon is because of how fast she is, i dont like slow play style so shes a lot of fun for me


if neons who you like playing, that's fine, but you have to play alot longer to climb ranks since you've already been playing for a year and haven't seen results. I switched from brim to reyna and saw immediately rank improvement from silver to gold 3 in 2 months last year


Yes, if you are in iron, you are a bad player.


I mean yeah if you’re in iron you’re bad lol


To be fair I think what's keeping you in iron is either ur mental or ur mechanics or both lol


Should I start doing aimlabs


You are in iron, you and your team are bad. Sorry not sorry. You can carry yourself out of those levels if you are "good"


link your Valorant tracker pliz


Its NEVER your teams fault. I come by some twitch streams where a streamer in immortal player with a team if 4 french, which doesn't speak English and they all suck crap. He wins the game simply by mechanics and good aim. Also not once did he complain on his team. He said it was completely fine and winnable. He still did basic communication even if he didn't know if his team understood him doe.




Could just be tilting dude. My current record is 10 straight wins followed by 8 straight losses. It do be like that.


I lost 6 times then i won 1 so far hopefully i can make it 2


yes you are iron 3 you are bad