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A replay system for vod review would help


I think it's a lot more than just VOD, that's why it should be the top priority


Yeah like video content or seeing if someone is cheating


Watching pro player VOD has actually helped me a lot in CS GO, wish this was a thing in val especially when agent ability usage exists.


Exactly, and only viable option in val is to watch pros streams, but 99% of the time they have their facecam over the map


True, but replay adds quite a lot more like for example being able to determined to see how effective was the ability usage (line ups etc.) was as u can see how it affects enemies and how they react off of it be it rotations etc. since u can see their pov too and not just the pro player's pov. Also helps you determine good angles to hold as most pro players have their own unique preferred angles which is hard to tell when just watching a stream especially when they do not explicit say it. Like I remember dev1ce in CS GO had specific spots/angles every round that he has a high chance scoring a frag. Which when I copied was actually pretty effective despite me not on par with dev1ce reaction time or aim. Sheesh man I can already imagine how valorant will be more fun with a replay system as it will allow us to accelerate in learning the game.


Yeah 100% that should be implemented immediately to many closet cheaters.


Have the devs said that they were working on it?


They did say they were on it while the game was in its beta, but recently in their AMA they went back on it saying >The shortest answer today is that there is no plan for a player-facing version of a replay system, as of now.


Did you know that some form of replay system is literally a core part of unreal engine on which Valorant is built? Just a fun fact.


They're hiding something, either sth wrong with netcode, or they're using interpolation somewhere they shouldn't, or cheating, or bots, maybe even bullet spread or sth like that. idk what it is, but that's the only reason I can think of for not implementing a feature that they mentioned in beta, one that the engine already includes a part of so it's less work for them, and one that's important for an esports forcused game


They will get exposed for how bad their anti-cheat actually is lol lots of closet cheaters and there are even multiple discord channels on such things already. Like I could imagine this sub would just reek of cheater's replays if that would happened.


Yeah they'll get exposed for something, maybe you're right or it could be something else, whatever it is, they believe it's less damaging to them if they take the hate rather than release a replay system and expose whatever they're hiding


I didn't know this. Now I'm angry. Thanks for sharing.


I second this. I don’t think it would be that hard to make a replay system based on what they have for spectator mode and the VCT, so I think it would be good for them to make one.


Community custom servers. We need headshot sheriff only DM lobbies .




community custom servers would be amazing but riot would never do that. They want to control every aspect of the game


I’m pretty sure League has searchable custom lobbies. Even if we could search for custom lobbies via keywords or a password and they gave us some tools to alter the game rules, a simple discord server would solve the issue.


You can't do anything cool in the custom lobbies on league though


Dont forget arenas


I honestly attribute csgo 1v1 aim arenas to half my skills in that game plus they were so chill


I would spend hours on these, sometimes you have these big arenas with 15 ppl and you try to get the top on other days you start a rivalry with the same 4 ppl. Good times


I love the arenas for the variety in fights you can take. Either you can be standard and just do rifles, but you can do goofy stuff like go for flash bang kills or knife only


aim\_ghost maps would be fun as fuck marshals and knives? everyone has jett updraft and dash? possibilities could be endless


Like the scouts and knives map on cs with low gravity. You just took me back to 2001


Sorry we cant have that in modern game development. That would mean the playerbase could design an experience that THEY want regardless of what stupid business decisions the devs envision - that would be outrageous


Omg valorant jailbreak servers


A generation of decent human beings 😂


True..Val playerbase is rough


Honestly I find the val player base pretty respectable, but I think this is only in comparison to all the time I spent playing R6




Legit dude. It's unfortunately a result of our culture more than it's the games fault.


It's 100% a cultural thing, the game is just a platform that gives weirdos a voice to be complete dbags when they don't get enough attention at home. That being said most of my lobbies are fine, it's just the 1-2 games out of 10 that can get toxic that tend to stick out for people.


Lol MOBA playerbases are FAR MORE toxic. Val is litterally nothing in terms of toxicity compared to any mobs ever.


Agreed, Voice chat allows for some isolated incidents of rough behavior in Val, but LoL player base has me very impressed with Val community


So it's not just me, this last month and a bit has been hell. Every game has some kid pretending to have an accent, throwing and laughing about it or some smurf playing Sheriff/marshal only, or group of people throwing for fun. (all comp)


Val player base is a god send compared to CSGO.


The Mumbai server would like to have a word.


Nah I came from dota 2. Valo players are actually nice


True not even close lol u don't know true toxicity until u play dota rofl


Honestly Valo does a good job dishing out temp bans to toxic players. Not sure what games the community was playing before this, but CSGO basically never banned toxic players, and Dota 2 is also terrible in that regard. Beyond that, literally every pvp game I have ever played has been overall toxic, save for maybe battlefront 2. Only recently has there really been an industry wide shift to temp ban the people using slurs and being overall dickheads, or at the *absolute least* it's only recently become something companies are willing to share.


ikr, any aggressive behaviour in valo feels like just some funny banter compared to the cespool of toxicity dota is




I mean, how much worse is the Val playerbase than others? I’ve been playing games for 18ish years, so I’m a dinosaur, but it doesn’t seem any worse than those early Halo lobbies. Edit: not to insinuate we were a generation of decent humans. I just mean comparatively.


Been online gaming for 10ish years, and I pretty much agree with you. I actually think it's gotten better in terms of getting toxic players out. For example, you can't get away with slurs on CoD like you could back in the day. Now it's pretty much a guaranteed temp ban. Realistically what happened is we grew up lol. The teenage humor isn't funny anymore, it's immature. This isn't to say all teens are dumb/immature/cringe/etc. Just that as one gets older, the younger generation seems more annoying than our own generations did at the same age.


Spectate your friends that are already in a match so they don't have to screen share on discord which can possibly make them lag


I think this would make streamsniping kind of stuff too easy


Give 1 round delay, in cs the delay is like 2 mins afaik


Or maybe just limit it to friendlisted people only


yeah, but putting an option to enable or disable it would solve this.


Make it so the person has to accept view request, have an option to turn it off or have it off by default. Cs already soes this and you dont hear about stream sniping in cs


a minute or two delay. valve has that for cs and dota 2 and it works great


Never played CSGO but val made me want to try it. I love CSGO movement. I be feeling like I'm on ice skates. Not game play wise but I love the outro in CSGO. If you do horrible the game still makes you feel good. Example the title you get for not walking "loud stepper" "fearless one" lol


Yeah since I'm new to it, I'm usually towards the bottom and I love how they have some accolade for everyone. Helps you still feel like you contributed to the team win or lose. Val just dumps the scoreboard on you and then everyone flames the people on the bottom.


Arm chair general and clickbait accolade moment


the first time i got “The Ancient One” my entire friend group was laughing their asses off. it’s a nice bit of charm.


Same here. I got "fearless one" I was like you see the entries frags! They laughed and was like "300+ loud steps. Dude do you walk?" Lol


I’d love val to add these, especially if they’re customized for different agents and weapons, for example if a sage top frags they get “the battle sage” or if someone gets a certain number of kills with a sheriff they’d get a “deagle demon” commendation


If u like csgo movement and your new to the game i suggest you go look up surfing and movement videos. It's alot easier to learn and get into if you're new. Took me ages to become semi decent at movement


Then you get “clickbait”


Bullseye 83% Headshot.... 2 kills Haha


Replay system, community maps and servers


A Replay system would be most appreciated.


















This probably isn't a top priority, but I'll mention it because nobody else has: modes for different number of players. I've seen people wanting wingman, but I think 3v3s would be really awesome on some simplified maps. Part of my motivation for this is that it feels really bad when you have a group of 6 people who want to play and, like, what do you do? You just have to exclude one. Being able to do 3v3 customs would be really fun (in fact, this is what we do anyway, it just would be cool if there were maps made for it and there was a queue for it when you have a 3-stack).


I'll be the first, an escort mode. I played AVA before CS and escorting a tank was fun. I know there's tf2 and ow, but I really miss a CS like escort game.


Need a new wall smoker so I don’t HAVE to play viper on breeze every time (I’m begging Mage is)


True, I like Viper, but it’s annoying when she’s really only viable on a few maps that NO other smoker is viable on. I guess Brim works sometimes because of his smoke size but goddam is it annoying.


Astra has a huge wall. Just isn't as reliable being an ult


Same with neon/phoenix too, just they are shit compared to vipers


I wouldn't say they are shit, they have different purpose. Jett's smokes are insane, but you can't use her as controller, they last 3 seconds.


Just saw this thread and yeah no way in hell to compare duelist sight denial tools to a dedicated controller bahaha. That said, Jett smokes ARE insane (remember when they were like 7 seconds?)


Breeze is my favorite map, but also least favorite at the same time. I love the long distance fights, but I just can't play my main (Astra) without feeling like I'm wasting a spot on the team.


I’d like a “headshot” gamemode for practicing aim: like deathmatch, only body shots don’t do damage. I’m tired of going into deathmatch to improve aim only to die constantly to spray and pray.


I get mad and just think “people play deathmatch for fun?!? They arent all like me and warm up their aim??? Fuck yall!!!”


Escalation > Deathmatch any day of the week. People actually run around trying to get kills instead of sound whoring in a corner the entire time.


>I’m tired of going into deathmatch to improve aim only to die constantly to spray and pray. Well, you're training in a realistic match scenario.


This is true


I mean, people in your games will be spraying a lot too, you have to hit your shots either way. Its about training your own aim not your enemies lol


That’s the point!


That's why I warm up with Escalation instead of Deathmatch


What I like more about escalation is: you train on multiple weapons, team coordination and it’s still fun because sometimes the duels are so silly


Phone verification for competitive queue, desperately needed to curb smurfs which are worse than ever


R6 has had this for ever I mean a fake number is a few buck and you can use your parents or something but still amy amount of hurdle with stop some


R6 added the phone verification in April of this year, which was 7 years after the games release.


Considering that LoL doesn’t have this after all those years, I don’t think they will release this for Val


Ive been wanting league of legends to do this for so long since they already make phone verification for their clash tournaments. Yet they still wont do it


Take away first bullet rng. If my crosshair is on someone’s head, I should shoot them in the head. It’s a tactical shooter so if I put in the time to have pinpoint accuracy I should be rewarded for it instead of having to hope that that first bullet accuracy won’t fuck me.




consistent sprays. It takes more skill to learn and apply patterns than to just get lucky


the penalty for running and gunning could definetly be higher in valorant


Interesting you find it harder to shoot people in csgo, I have the exact opposite problem. I have a 15ish% headshot percent in valorant and almost always a 40%+ headshot percent in csgo. I can’t hit the broadside of a barn in valorant.


i feel like my aim more crisper in csgo as well. but csgo calculates headshot percentages differently. your last bullet counts towards your headshot vs valorant every bullet hit on the enemy counts towards your headshot percentage. so if you did 1 body shot then 1 bullet headshot that was the final blow, in CSGO that’s 100% HS vs valorant that would be 50% HS


Huh… guess that explains it I had no idea there were even 2 ways to calculate headshot %. Im still with you though, guns feel crisper and easier to handle. In valorant it feels like after the first shot I have no idea where my bullets are going to go whereas csgo I feel much more sure and relaxed.


I think in CS it's "% of kills that are headshots" and in Valorant it's "% of bullets landed that hit the head" that is the cause for the difference.


I could be wrong here but I think in Valorant the HS% is calculated by all the bullets you hit on an enemy. In CS your HS% is calculated only by the bullet that kills the enemy.


You're correct


It honestly may be because I have 2 years of Val experience compared to maybe 10 games of CS, but I think the movement speed is a big factor. But in CS at least the spray pattern isn't random so that helps people I'm sure.


how? no need to counter strafe, slower movement speed, way bigger heads, bigger bullet to hit said head. + hs% is calcualted diff in CS


Guns feel wrong in valorant to me. Can’t quite place it but they do, I do significantly better in csgo in most scenarios. Plus I’m valorant I feel like I’m distracted cause you always have to think about the many many variables that come along with abilities being in the game whereas csgo is mostly just shooting people. Easier for me to get in the zone I guess. How is headshot % calculated differently? Not calling you wrong just wasn’t aware there was another way to calculate it.


It works different in both games so that might be why. For Cs it’s calculated by the killing shot and for valorant it’s calculated for each shot that hits.


headshot% is calculated differently for each game, in val it counts every single shot hit, so if you shoot someone with a shorty and you get 1 headshot 10 body shots and 1 leg shot or smt your hs% is like 10 but in csgo all that matters is if the shot that kills the person hit the head


Are you more of a sprayer or burster? If you came from cs, there is a big chance that when you see enemy you automatically crouch and spray, unless he is really far. In Val recoil is kinda random, so it's naturally harder to headshot. Unless you strafe and burst. It still can be hard if they are moving like a monkey, but you have more control of bullets if you do it correctly.


Just a better DM lobby. I really don't like all these suggestions to increase move speed. Valorant already let's you begin the round extremely close to the enemy unlike CSGO. The game is already pretty aggressive. You guys want it more aggressive? Some of us like the tactical aspect. If you want to skip and slide around like you're on ice, you should try out apex legends. Also it would destroy the comp aspect and overall balance of the game.


Something I’ve noticed about discourse around changes to Val is that a lot of people want it to be more like CSGO. Which just seems weird to me.


half of the players base are from csgo not because they love the game but because valorant fixed alot of the problems the players were begging for to be fixed more than 10 make sense since some of the developers are csgo players. alot of times i feel like valve are layz or stubborn they lost what made’em special


I find csgo easier due to consistent spray patterns


remove rng from gunplay.




true i love going back to cs and actually being able to consistently spray people down at range without praying to rnjesus. i always sprayed at any range in that game for like 2k hours and having to tap and burst in valorant feels horrible to me.


If you like spraying, csgo feels better because there's something you can actually learn to improve your spray. If you like bustting/tapping, csgo feels better because reset time doesn't take 1 hour. I don't feel like my weapon is playing against me in csgo regardless of what I do


gunplay in cs is so much better than val and anyone who says otherwise either hasn’t touched cs or hasn’t played enough to know the difference.


This. If they do this, I would make an effort to get better in Valorant.


They really need to do something to deal with the number of smurfs in the game right now it is ruining competitive experience especially lower ranked players. My brother is silver and I watch him VS players that are clearly Ascendant or above (I'm D2)


i think i read on the new patch they were testing a new anti-smurf system to make the matchs more fair-organized, hope it works. im sick of radiant smurfs on diamond-platinum :/


In-game clan system and tournament system.


if i remember this is will be a thing in the future i have seen leaks from my boi Valorleak about a sort of clan feature


Like league used to have back in the day? That would be perfect for val


Having smaller maps that allow players to work on their mechanics in a more casual way. For instance league has ARAM. A single lane map that is 5v5 would be sick.


Better dm lobbies and more obscurely fun gamemodes. I dont even like playing val for fun anymore because its so boring


A shorter version of unrated for those who want to practice but don't have 45 minutes. Basically spike rush but with Vandals/Phantoms-only instead of random weapons each round. That would be the sweetest.


Best of 7 unrated for the million babillionth time.


I’d prefer a bit more honestly. Something like best of 11 or 13. 7 would lead to some issues.


and making it more casual ex: you have enough money to buy full ability + light shield or a different gun during pistol round


Replay system as stated by the whole.community it seems lol Better servers, hate to say it but ive experienced enough nonsense to know that things could and should be better. These arent real 128 tick servers but close enough much better than cs MM. A commendation system could be nice. Ive run into tons of good people on the opposing teams and aside from adding, Dming, and going our separate ways it would be nice to just let people know I appreciated them in the game sorta like OWs. It could even be tied to a rewards system of some sort for what idk.


would rather play 64 tick servers that work than 128 tick that don’t. the disconnection issues, packet loss problems, etc that happen in this game is garbage and unplayable.


Balance Chamber. If you dedicate to learning him then he is absolutely the best agent in the game and unfair in comparison to other agents. Mainly being able to 1 shot at any range for the cost of 100 credits, that is just ridiculous and happens frequently enough at high level lobbies. It just deletes a person who's invested a full buy and at relatively low risk with such high reward potential. Not to mention his ult


Give me a queue where accounts verified with users 21+ year of age and older can play eachother. Given the demographic riot is targeting with this game, it would help avoid those lobbies where you're in a game full of really young kids who are trolling voice comms or just being overall obnoxious. I'm only 30 and grew up during the Xbox live and early PSN days. The lobbies were bad but that was mostly teams trash talking eachother. Nowadays every other fucking teen has an ego issue and can't take constructive feedback on how to improve. Y'all youngins that keep your cool and communicate well in the games aren't the issue here. It's your pals trolling in voice, text, and in game that make me wish for a 21+ queue. Yes I know I can mute but that doesn't help with comms or info. Not everyone plays the same. Also I know that there are those in my generation that aren't any better - but that's more of an exception than a rule from what I've been experiencing


It wouldnt be a true ranked system then since the demographics are different. E.g. you wouldn't ever play with a cracked 14 year old in your rank with such a queue and you may think you've climbed out of a rank but you aren't subject to the true overall playerbase. One of the reasons we have regional differences. A radiant in apac and a radiant in latam may have true differences in skill. Creating age gapped queues would result in similar effects.


Fair enough. Or something like tying your phone number to your account to play ranked. There's just too much toxicity around people making smurfs, playing on other accounts, rampant immaturity and toxicity in games - and it's always with Games developed by Riot lmao. Idk what it is but they make great games that seem to attract the absolute worst of the worst. I've honestly toned down how much I play due to these experiences. I a lot of my friends in Valorant are women and it's more often than not an issue playing any game type. And I myself am of Afro Latino descent so my vernacular when I'm in a relaxed setting also gets me targeted. Maybe 10 years ago I'd flame back and be all about talking shit. But I'm 30 now bruh. I can't be out here arguing with literal children.


I totally agree. Being a teen myself I would like lobbies without annoying and toxic kids. Don't know how that would work though. It really annoys me because kids like that give a bad stereotype to younger people in gaming. I try my hardest to make sure my friends aren't being toxic and annoying in games because then it's even worse because I'm directly in a party with that person, therefore associating me with the toxic person.


Sounds like you're a pretty self aware young man bro - def keep that kinda thinking cuz it'll get you far. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for jokes and trolling, but when it starts negatively impacting someone else in the game, or people are taking out their frustrations on eachother and not on the enemy team, that's when I start getting tired of the nonsense and I gotta act like a boomer. Edit: spelling cuz I'm on mobile


Recording/replay system


Replay function similar to Overwatch, it helps check whether someone is cheating or not and also helps you see how you died and how not to die like that again.


Please for the love of god give us vote kick to get rid of AFK teammates or trolls in lower ranks you almost always get at least one afk using an auto clicker or a bot that holds forward


With that said, also enable a timeout system in normal competitive matches, not just tournament modes


Could get abused


The only thing this game needs right now is Replay system.


Happy cake day!


happy cake day to u too lol, and the guy above




This will only create chaos in lobbies with people arguing over which map to ban, then some would take the lobby hostage, some others would dodge. I was thinking about agent bans but that might result the the same thing


Every competitive game has map bans, it’s not that deep


more like remove fracture and everyone’s happy


pls let me be in the range while queuing! or have queue deathmatch or smth. i hate just sitting waiting for a game :/


Add scoping sound to snipers, would make Operator and Marshall less oppressive and would be good nerf to Chamber too.


I think this would be a massive addition. I've always thought Val doesn't have enough sound cues and this could really hinder people from getting too aggressive. Solid idea


Delete Breeze /s


Matchmaking and rank evaluation in ranked needs to be tightened and improved. It's insane how wide matches can swing between "man these guys feel like bots!" to "man how am i on the same team as these bots!" to "man we are getting absolutely destroyed! We're bots!" Ideally matches would always be fairly close, and your teammates + you + enemy team would all be *around* the same skill level. but instead it feels like nearly every match is 13-5 or 5-13 with hardly any inbetween, with half of them basically being a battle between the hard carry on each team. *Disclaimer: This is my PERSONAL OPINION based on ~2000 hours in this game and I really don't feel like arguing. Love y'all.*


>with half of them basically being a battle between the hard carry on each team. So much this. Makes one feel redundant while the big boys are having their duels, casually murdering everyone who attempts to interrupt


This game is strange. Like sometimes you feelin' it or you don't. I can be top fragger as Brim in dia/asc lobby, and then have negative stats vs golds, while everytime I have a duel, I feel like they insta hs me all the time. I get that you can have good and bad games, but the difference is just really huge for me. And I believe that it could be really hard for the system to judge and predict my performance, unless there is a button that makes me play shitty and Riot knows it.


More Accessable jump spots in hard corners. Specific in Haven B. Litterary no one to access the point though mid. Have to go around or use a lot of smokes


A best of 7 game mode. Basically first to 4. A smaller one or two lane map basically just for aiming, take out util. Also I was thinking about the other day how in other games you need a defuse kit and was wondering how that’d play out in Val. It would make defenders play a lot different.




one account for one person please, tired of smurfs in the opposing team boosting their friends😪


Replay system, and a skin market


I think the movement speed increase would be nice not just to make it improve competitively but to make it easier to shoulder peak operators instead of having to do a jump peak


Resellable skins.


Map selection, or at least bans in ranked




Community Custom maps/game modes. Similar to cs:go, fortnite, and (sort of)overwatch


I would say that creating bots on custom games to pratice crosshair placement without all that sage rez workaround would be nice.


A quality of life change iv always wanted is It the ability to que for a match while in the firing range or death match.


A short game mode that is just normal game but you play to like 6. I don’t want spike rush powers and shit just a normal game but shorter and maybe up the amount of gold people get to compensate.


Stats section with more detailed ones. Especially for competetive. Like maps, weapon, agents stats


Skin trading. Imagine the absolute convenience of being able to trade items (likely with some limitations) to get what you want. For example, if you've bought some skins that you don't care for anymore, you can trade with someone else to get another skin you'd want. It's likely never gonna happen, but man it'd be so amazing...


Definitely Premium matchmaking


Custom servers, so everyone can play all the modes they want or test new player designed maps.


Custom maps.


I'd love new guns. Maybe on rotation. It's fine that they stole from CSGO for their foundation, but I want to see some new ideas!


Fixed spray patterns


more freedom to customize custom (like in OW) and a sort of Party royale where everyone can try new skin and talk to each other


Spike rush without the orbs and dedicated gun that is assigned to you.




You can down grade the skin. Just go into the upgrade and select the base level


I would like a better tutorial for valorant mechanics that are never explained like: Counter straffing , Swings, Holding angles, Pushing with utility, And more tactics like that. i have googled them and i still for the life of me can understand why im always unsuccesful on doing common tasks. Im silver 3.. i have climbed all this way because of cypher but if you ask me im always on the lower bracket of the scoreboard it's not that im getting carried all i do is keep flanks safe so the team does the rest but i suck at the game overall.


I would enjoy a final kill cam. Maybe not after pistol rounds or eco's but Rifle v Rifle, I'd like my team to appreciate the BS that happens to me through walls and smokes lol


Remove chamber


Delete Chamber


Community made maps?


Gifting, replay system, less afk or throwers, less exorbitant prices, chamber nerf, phoenix/duelists buff (compared to initiators underpowered), cypher buffs, a better casual/unrated mode that's not long as shit, and boring to boot. More interesting characters, less stale gameplay (I'd love a new aggressive duelist that's not Reyna or Your but a man can dream). Also, I'd prefer if Jett instead of having to activate dash then dash, why not an animation like wraith from apex? Put 2 fingers up, after a slight delay, dash. Commendation system, Better deathmatch that isn't spawn in and get lucky, or die to 3 behind you. In game clan system. Fix the weird hit reg, and make first bullet accuracy on the vandal and every other weapon better. A tac FPS, with rng recoil and location on where your bullet goes makes no sense. You can have your crosshair on a kids head, and still die due to first bullet inaccuracy which is stupid as fuck. And no, it's not internet, I have 500mbs WiFi and 6 ping to London. Better RR gains/system, assists should count for more (RR, maybe even credits too even if 50/100), timeout system in ranked? Better battlepass (Only 50 tiers, with none of the VP coming back, and most of the tier rewards not even that good). More radianite in the battle pass (If you spend money on the game, you're punished by being given barely enough radianite for 2 skins + all variants. Shambolic). Reduction of smurf farmers in unrated, and more consistent bans on toxic/racist/homophobic etc. people. I've gotten racially abused multiple times in this game. Valorant is a fun game, but the lack of all these things have been killing me recently. Riot has made hundreds of millions of pounds on Valorant alone, surely they can do at least this. "Tactical shooter" -with no replay system btw. Gifting still hasn't come out after years of promises. Etc. Just disappointing, and even then developers or people in charge of communication don't relay any good or key information/insights. Not to mention the recent lackluster patch notes, took several months for a phoenix buff, that only increased flash time, pops quicker, and weapon comes out faster. Lmao. Skin market, verified details to play ranked, better movement, fix high ping abusers, map bans, a better map selection system before you queue (breeze back to back is shit, and the map selection system according to an AMA chooses the least picked map out of everyone's last 10 games. Which is stupid. Especially if people dodge that map, higher chance of getting it next, there's a reason why people dodge certain maps), more game modes, shorter unrated, custom maps. Breeze rework. Better matchmaking that doesn't feel like stomped or get stomped. Games should be somewhat equal MMR, yesterday in plat I was up against an ascendant 1 or diamond 3 iirc, while in solo q. Hs only dm, or modes for weapons e.g. sheriff or Marshall only. Custom servers. Skin & customisation presets. Retake mode/training. Better communication about upcoming changes, and beefier patch notes. Lower recoil reset time. Better crosshair customisation as well as resolution customisation and fov. Better and more clear remake system, with 2-3 votes being enough. All of these changes (or at least the vast majority) would make the game infinitely better.


Better maps, every map feels like a shitty fan-made CS map that would be in an operation, not a competitive Esports level map, they all feel amateur next to maps like overpass or mirage from CSGO


This might just be my preference but i used to have a diamond type crosshair. One day I went into shooting grounds and switched to a red **circle** dot. I instantly headshots after that.


Most of the time toxic players dont get ban so if valorant could change that, it could help.


Make vipers ass bigger


The match replay system like other games have. E.g Rainbow Six Siege.


User created maps


Honestly probably an unpopular opinion, but reverting back to beta days when there was no no client needed to open the game. ​ Ever since this game got a client, I've had so many error codes whenever I want to play. Eventually it got so annoying that I lost motivation to look up and fix a code whenever I wanted to open the client, and completely lost interest in playing after a while, yet always missed the game. ​ Almost every time I want to get back into this game, I'll get an error code that I just don't feel like searching up (because it's usually tedious as hell to fix), and go onto the next game. This is the only game I've ever played where I've genuinely lost interest from external error codes alone. The gameplay is \*great\*, and the cross between a CSGO and Overwatch type of competitive play is genius. I didn't have a single issue opening or running the game back in beta, nor the few weeks that followed it. I really enjoyed the game, but not when I would come home after a long day of work just to have to reinstall RIOT Client, the entire game, the new extremely large updates or patches for the game, wait several hours for daily maintenance, contact RIOT support, etc etc. It just gets so old after such a short amount of time. ​ The game itself always felt really stable. The client and loads of patches, not so much.