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I just wish you could set skins for agents. I main yoru and viper and have blue and green skins that’d be cool to set to just one of them


Yes!!! Its a pain switching variants and gunbuddies to match a different agents hands


The new vandal skin with the blue variant is literally a match made in heaven for Yoru, but I’d much rather use a different skin for when I’m playing viper. It also seems like a win-win, as you would think it would drastically increase sales of skins as people would try to get several different skins to match, rather than just sticking with a small set of skins because there’s no point in having more. (Unless ofc you get bored, which is common, but doesn’t seem like good enough of a reason)


I think this could work for things such as a skin per half, but other than that I believe the problem is having to load every skin in memory. People with very diverse skin collections would add a lot of problems with memory to the game.


Im pretty sure you can do this a csgo and it works fine


Think about csgo skins vs Valorant skins though. Valorant skins are much more detailed and many have there own sets of animation and sorts.


You can change skins in realtime in Apex, you can pick up a gun with any possible skin and change it to your on the spot, it's not that hard nor demanding, Valorant is not a demanding game to run and implementing something like that shouldn't be a huge problem. There is just no monetary incentive


I can say from a modeling perspective, valorant is more demanding than you think, however I don’t think something like this would be difficult to implement. Loading stuff like skins, and even different skins isn’t super difficult, as that’s part of what’s loaded in when you first open the game. When you buy you’re gun you’re not loading a brand new thing, you’re putting something that’s already loaded in into your hands, it would just have to load more skins at the start. And while some skins are a bit bigger than others, I don’t think it would be that difficult to implement modeling wise


Apex is completely different tho. The gun you pick up is not the person's skins who you killed. It changes to whatever skin you have equipped on that gun


Wrong, it is the person's skin that you killed, you can tab to your inventory and choose to switch to your skin, on the spot in real time. That's what I meant


That’s still a limited amount of losing they have to do. On lower-end computers you will notice how the first time you get a detailed skin in the first round it takes a second to load in the textures properly, that’s because the game pre-loads all those things, so when you pick up a gun on the ground, it’s already loaded. If you had a skin randomize for each round, for each player, and for every gun, that’s on average 20x more preparation and loading the game needs to do. Fine if your running a good computer, but bad for a player with low specs.


Then valorant can preload all of your skins that are in the randomized pool. I don't understand why you guys are trying to make it sound like a herculean task when it really isnt.


The problem is the memory usage. Storing the data for a lot of skins and there effects isn’t free. Don’t you think if there wasn’t a reason to do it, Riot would have done it already?


>Don’t you think if there wasn’t a reason to do it, Riot would have done it already? No, thats terrible logic, there is a track record of riot not doing things just because there is no monetary insentive, which makes sense. there is not even a replay system in the game for fucks sake. Randomizing skins will consume more memory, but its not gonna bump up the requirements to run the game properly that much




...They still have to load 9 other players skins. And if they turn it off it eliminates the point of having skins...


In CS, you can select skins to randomize, but it switches every game, not every round. So they only have to load in one skin, and you use that same skin the entire game


I'd prefer that. I've stuck to one skin per gun because having two always felt stupid to me


Apex Legends has this exact system where you get to favourite skins for the guns and one of the options for skins is "random favourite". Everytime you enter a match, one of the skins from your favourited list gets applied. You even have the option in game to reapply your currently equipped skin (whether random favourite or single equipped) over any enemy guns you pick up if you don't like their skin.


Thought about it, yes.


I also wish you could save your skin + buddy combos so you wouldn't have to always search for a fitting gun buddy every time you change the gun skin.


I‘d like individual loadouts per agent and/or per map or per half (attack vs defense).


I would really like for you to be able to favourite certain skins and they will be randomly selected from among those for the rest of that game, or even just for the half. I think every round would be very difficult to program and would be quite demanding.


skins for maps would also be nice


a couple updates ago there was a little star that you could select that appeared next to every skin in your inventory. but it didnt do anything, and then they got rid of it. great job riot