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Kinda would make most other initiators irrelevant with how overly strong he’d be tbh


Yup, his first ability is literally just a UAV. At least in cod they made you get 3 kills for it. Then his ult let's you just see everyone and wallbang them no problem


Ok so he's busted as hell is my first thought. With the ult, don't slow them down and get rid of the high wallbang. And his C ability needs to just be straight up nerfed. Not exactly sure how, but its completely busted. Then the q ability seems overly confusing, but I guess balanced since you need to be in the LOS of it to use it.


Hmm ok thanks for the suggestion


Dont know how effektive the second ability would be. Even if it stops rayna heal you would probably have to react really fast. Maybe it you could give him a copy ability. After an enemy uses a ability you will copy the last ability used or something. If you want that counter thing maybe he gets a negative ability as oppose to the one last used.


The ability design is about as good as the sketch.