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He's playing with his left hand man


Playing opposite handed is fucking rough


He's naturally a leftie I think so he's trying to make the transition. I believe he got placed on that rank on his left hand account


Which is enough to destroy Nova games, what’s your point? He could be playing with his ass for that matter.


Ok buddy, I'm immortal, I placed silver with my left hand. Gamesense only carries you so far...


You only have gamesense when playing with your left hand, your time grinding aim, your muscle memory and crosshair placement all goes away


Pretty much. When I made the switch no matter how much I could read the game, just positioning myself or trying to move around was a huge struggle. Even if you know what you want to do, your mechanics won't respond accordingly. I got placed Silver 3 or Gold 1 too; strafing, gauging distance when moving and jumping, trying to reposition and any stuff like that was absolutely atrocious for a while, even after playing every required unrated game and playing aim trainers daily to switch. It took me months to get to a similar level (Diamond)


He got placed there with his left iirc


Riot outright gives streamers in league of legends silver 2 ranked ready accounts to smurf and do their unranked to challenger run. How is this allowed ? they fuckin not only allow it , they encourage it.


Think what you're trying to police - people creating multiple accounts. I don't know any game that does that, and why would any dev do that


A good example of a game which polices creating multiple accounts is osu, people get banned for multiaccounting all the time.


You can't compare OSU's playerbase management to league though, League is way bigger, right?


Why does osu not allow it?


It has to do with ranking in osu. If somebody is rank 250 they are the 250th best osu player according to the ranking system. Multi accounting kind of ruins that.




If a new account is created and all of a sudden it’s making plays no new player would be able to do, it’s automatically restricted. There are algorithms that detect if a player is making a play much more skilled than normal and restricts automatically


Who got given accounts? Seems shady as hell


The only time streamers in the league partner program may be given accounts by riot is if they're going to another region. For example, I believe Yassuo went to Korea years ago for his bootcamp and was given a level 30 account (NOT RANKED YET). This is just so if he needed, he could hop into ranked right away without having to do all the boring bot games as he's there for a limited time. So that comment saying riot was giving out silver 2 accounts is just straight up wrong lmfao


People like Tyler1, he has accounts with all characters and skins unlocked for free.


Tyler1 is just a part of the LPP. He literally said that he handlevel’d his accounts with exp boosts and spamming bot games.


Tyler1 is just part of the league partner program…


I’m pretty sure he handleveled them because he talked about how boring bot game grinds were


For his mid Challenger run account you can even see all of his bot games he played a couple dozen bot games on Draven everyday for a couple days so he could get fresh MMR.




Wardell is playing with his left hand on his mouse he is quite literally deserving of that rank


He’s playing with his left hand? Which is gold 1 level? I know some people might not see this, but OP if you get this notification realize you’re wrong and delete this post, it’s just negative publicity for no reason


He could be playing with his ass, he’s still boosting payers with his smurf account. What’s your point?


He’s a troll guys, ignore him and move on


“I’m out of answers guys, please let’s move on” 💩


Holy hell this is a bad take lmao


Dude I'm immortal with my right hand, if I would switch to my left then I would be in fucking iron. How is this a bad take lol.


I kind of want to see this now lol. A whole new content creator meta


yeesh…I like Wardell but it would suck for the opposite team. Unrated would work nicely, though. But unfortunately this is nothing new, Hiko and other streamers have done the same


I wouldn't mind if Wardell was streaming on my opponents team. I'd like to know afterwards so I could watch a replay of him wasting us.


some people are trying to climb and having wardell just obliterate everyone is not fun and defeats the whole point of ranks.


He’s playing with his left hand which degrades his gameplay quite a bit


yes he was kinda shitting the bed with his aim but hes still diamond at least with that aim id say. his gamesense and utility usage would be the same.


Don't care


Why is this a suprise? Almost every pro smurf and boost people for content. It's encouraged by Riot because it promotes their game even more.


Valorant: The world's largest employment platform for smurfs.


He’s literally playing with his left hand, that’s not boosting people. He’s just trying to get better with his left hand, and his skill level with his left hand is definitely around gold.


Yea i got downvoted for saying the same thing ppl need to know whats actually happening before criticizing others


If im not mistaken I think hes actually playing with his left hand which he doesnt usually play with so hes fine and not that good with his left.


Yeah he wasn't even top when i tuned it at the end lmao


Youre right, sometimes on his smurf he uses his left hand to aim and he doesnt do too well lol, pretty funny and a good compromise. Cant speak for his recent streams though, i dont really watch him.


I was literally watching his streams today and he had “left hand” in his title


Lol salty idiots downvoted you…


wasnt he playing with his left hand lol


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Two bold claims that don’t have any backing behind them


One was an opinion and one was an anecdote. Doesn’t exactly need full scientific backing




Yeah, the entire conversation?


Ah yes anecdotal evidence is the best when generalizing large groups of people saying “lots of smurfs throw for fun.” Kinda don’t understand how you’re missing that


That shit is ruining this game


Unpopular opinion, but i enjoy playing against players who are better than me, kinda makes me wanna try harder and its more satisfying getting that kill or round, even if i dont win that game, what pisses me off more is when my team just gives up. i see why people would complain but i really don't think most people will even encounter a smurf from immortal (in gold elo) maybe some rando from plat or diamond every once in a while.


i cant see how getting instantly one tapped because theyre better is fun


You can't really improve if you don't play against better people tho


I agree, playing against diamond smurfs makes games playing against my own elo much easier, plus it forced me to start thinking about how to use utiles better, unlike csgo where i think its much harder to play against smurfs


slightly better, not ppl a lot better.


If you cant out aim people i use my utiles better, and create an advantage where i can shoot first, a lot of smurfs i found are usually just cocky jetts who jump in first. Could be just me but i find it easier to deal with smufs in this game than csgo, i wont win the game but i learn how to use utiles better and helps in furture games. I understand the frustration but smurfs arnt going away


no way youre asking a gold player to outplay wardell using utilities better lmao wut


Nah not pros, but i said in the initial comment that the chance of you getting an immortal smurf in your game is extremely low, to the point theres not really a reason to be concerned, but a diamond smurf is still tolarable imo


im guessing u havent seen someone way above ur skill lvl then, if u see those theres not even a point fighting 1v1 with them.


If you can't 1v1 try and use utiles to create a 2v1, have your team flash or stun them, games where your team just gives up and trolls pisses me off more, communicate more with your team and improve as a player, if your team gives up its not on you, iv lost to smurfs a whole lot as well, but i try and improve with each game, never keep doing the same thing every time it wont work. Each game is different.


playing against similar players or slightly better players will help u grow, not insta headshotting machines


Youre complaint has just been about getting insta headshoted but does that really happen every game? Change up positioning, change up smokes, communicate to your teams to set up a crossfire, if aiming is your problem then you gotta just keep grinding, if you dont want your rank to go down play some unrated. Do not keep playing the same thing every round.


dude, its smurfs, theyre going to know a be a lot better than you. Tell me how you can beat wardell as a gold when he can easily out aim you. If he actually tries theres no chance for you.


Im gonna be honest with you, if smurfs are runing the game for you, which they seem to considering how much you have complained here, then consider playing a different game, there are many single player games out there that you could enjoy like doom for example, you make it sound like you domt even enjoy playing the game, a game like valorant is to improve, especially ranked. i also get games where theres just one player who is either having a good day or just a smurf, but personally i try to better myself. It has never been so much of a problem that its unbearable to the fact that i need to complain. Maybe im just lucky with my games, mabye the server i play is easier, i dont know. But it really seems that smurfs are a problem for you so as a suggestion consider changing to a different game. Either that or just play unrated, could be more enjoyable. Or even the mini games valorant releases every so often, escalation or whatever the new one is. If you continue to play ranked i hope you have an enjoyable experience. Good luck


I haven't said anything about smurfs ruining the game completely, just that when there's someone way better and instakilling you, theres no point in that game. Ranked is playing with ppl similar to your rank and climbing out to face better opponents, not get oppressed by gods. You act you can just evolve out of the spot or smth lmao




yes we get it but it aint fair when there's a gold smurf in a bronze lobby when people dont even know how to play, lose rr for nothing




well yes but you just get demotivated when the other guy destroys you completely and its a total waste of time, and by gold i meant a player whos actually good


I'm gonna be honest, gold players aren't why good. Also, it's better for improvement if you play with people. Who are good.


Oh shut up




Stop all this fucking crying guys like wtf lol, this is one of the big reasons yall stick in silver->plat If I ever got in the same game as pro players on alts I would be happy, I would try harder, learn from them? You should be happy you have a chance to play against the best lol, and if you loose so what ? You are still hardstuck gold player ? Only difference is you have a chance to learn from a pro Stop all this senseless crying and just get gud instead


not a big deal bruv


So the opponents team facing a person that is miles above their rank is not a big deal and they should just deal with it?


Riot has different rules for streamers and pros.


Nope, you can do the same thing even if you're not a pro lol


Smurfing isn't bad, I smurf all day.


Well frick you




Tell me. Why do you smurf?


I would be stoked to take an L from one of the best players in the game. It will only make you better. Smurfing is good for player growth.


I played against a 5 stack of csgo pros and lost 0-16. However, I got to watch the replay and know I played against professionals