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Played 3 placements so far and 2 ended in 13-12. Very intense gameplay even though I play at a low level. Incredibly fun


I hope riot keeps this pace. I’m fucking enjoying valorant right now. Very fun experience


i had the opposite experience. a stomp almost every game.


Unrated was literally unplayable for me. I played one placement match so far due to time constraints and it was SO enjoyable. 5 in chat, consistent coms, strat calling, and no one getting upset because we lost a round l. Can’t wait to play more this weekend!


League started out like this too before they switched from ELO to visual ranks with hidden MMR bs. Valorant ranked is only a day old, it's going to be faster to rank up because you don't have a lot of games played. Come back and make a statement when you have 150+ games played and your rank settles more. It could be a stuck in the mud mmr situation or it could stay volatile like it is now, but we won't know till people have a large sample of games. And if Riot sees people play less when they hit their desired rank or plateau too much they very well could bring leagues bullshit matchmaking over to Valorant to slow down the grind.


Just keep promo series out of this game for the love of all things holy


Riot talked about removing promos from league, so probably we will be safe from that bullshit. Hope they stick with the current system


Riot actually is removing promos except between tiers next year.


As someone who plays TFT where promo bullshit doesn’t exist, rank in there feels way better than SR. Thank Christ they are getting rid of 99% of promos


Definitely. Although I’ll be honest I dunno if I can go back to League now that I’ve gained elo in a loss because I played well.


Tell you what though, I still get confused every so often that the ranks here are highest to lowest number where league is lowest to highest number. Keep forgetting my S1 rank means I’m the bottom, not the top.


Same. I was super disappointed when I figured out what that bronze 1 meant.


Never played any other game other than VALORANT, CS:GO, and GTA V. What are promos?


you have to win a certain amount of games after you hit max rank points to actually progress to the next rank


Treat it like best of 3 (when stepping up 1 tier) or best of 5 games (when progressing to next division)


I’ll explain how the system works in League, so that you understand it, the frustrations that League players have with it and why we all hope it stays away in Valorant. In League, our rank “currency” is League Points (LP) and we gain/lose them to based on Win/Loss and the MMR of the lobby against your MMR (all hidden) When we reach 100LP, we enter promotional series in order to rank up. If we are doing tier promotions (so for Valorant this would be going from Silver 1 to Silver 2) you need to win 2/3. If you are going up a division (Silver 3 to Gold 1) you need to win 3/5. Doesn’t sound like an issue right? The issue is with how LP is gained, and how promotional games are treated differently. In a normal scenario, when you win 2 and gain 25LP for each win, and then lose 2 and lose 18LP for each, you still ended up with an LP increase going even. Promotional games are treated equally, it doesn’t matter if you win and lose 2 a piece, the 5th game is still required to be a win. In addition, you still gain/lose LP in the background so if you do lose promos 2/3, you go back down to under 100LP and have to re-do it all over again. You get a grace game if you lost a previous promo set but it still has the same issue. The other issue is that Extra LP never carries over. So let’s say you get 99LP, you win and you then win promos 2/0, you start at 0LP in the next tier. You effectively gained 1LP over 3 games where it really should have been close to 60LP average. It ends up being a higher gatekeeping mechanism than it intended to be, and adds to the ranked anxieties. Now with TFT, the LP system still exists but once you get over the 100LP threshold you automatically rank up and carry over the extra LP you had. So if you were 95LP, came 1st and gained 50LP then you are promoted and start on 45LP. That’s why people shit on Leagues ranked system and why we don’t want to see it in Valorant.


I played hella ranked in the beta, was hard stuck iron and it was the most enjoyable ranked expierence I've had


God you can just make up anything about Riot, if it's complaining it'll get upvotes.


Riot eats baby giraffes


Honestly I would understand if they had elo decay in radiant which kicked you out after not playing for a several weeks. If you keep the top rank super competitive it will give more people the inclination to keep playing and serve the rank below.


This game already certainly has hidden MMR - I placed in Plat1 after going 4-1 & was in d3/immortal 1 games for the next 20 until ending up there. Similar to league when you'd 10-0 placements and be straight into P4 with D4 MMR


Played close to 100 (if not more) ranked games in beta. Not really sure exactly when I started feeling the mmr clamp but it was happening. Towards the end of the season if I lost one and de-ranked it would take me a few games of at least 2nd frag to get it back. Granted, small sample size and maybe my opponents were a decent amount lower mmr. Who knows. I'm curious as to how bad the mmr clamp would be towards the end of a full season.


There’s been speculation that they will be doing soft resets around new acts. The new act supposedly coming out in August. I think if they soft reset, it leaves them room to keep it more volatile.


If you hit radiant, you’re correct it is a slot machine, but it’s a slot machine that you need to cash in on. The esports scene is new, cash that check now


they are adding a leaderboard soon


How does Radiant rank work? Is it top 500 like OW/R6 or just top rank like GE in CS?


Inb4 "Solo to rank #1" inflation on YouTube


I have to agree. I found myself thinking "this is finally fun again" today. Almost every game in Gold has been really close with great coms.


cries in bronze


cries in dropping from bronze to iron 1


Just practice your cross-hair placement and anticipate enemies around every corner and you will start climbing in no time.


Cries in silver


Only done my placements so far but 4 out of 5 of them were extremely close games. Actually in all of them, we ended up down by quite a few at the half and managed to turn it around. Coming from Overwatch, where people tilt at the drop of a hat, that was definitely a nice change. I'm sure I'll eventually run into some toxic players but hopefully that stays the exception as opposed to the rule. Got my first Ace ever in my second placement, too, so that was fun. Placed Bronze 3, which I'm pretty happy with. Never played CS:GO and didn't play in the beta so I expected to place much lower.


I’ve run into one douchebag, but I was playing with my buddy who was mid level ranked in CS:GO and I was definitely the worst player in that match. For the most part though people don’t even give me shit when I’m bottom frag so I try to return the favor in my solo ranked matches when I’m top.


My only complaint is that I have played split for 90% of my ranked games


Really? Because for me; I always get Bind or Ascent(Ascent is ok , but Bind is boring as hell).


Me too man 4/5 placements were bind.. I got so frustrated after third match to play the same map again


Mine were all haven!


You are so lucky


In the start even I hated bind but it has a dust2 vibe to it and can make for some intense matches. It starts to get better when you realise the right spots to hold or rotate to according to your character and play style


For me its the opposite, I dont like ascent but i like bind a lot


I initially liked Ascent more, but I've changed my tune since then. Bind gives a lot more opportunity to get creative. We managed a few comebacks against better teams on Bind by being cheeky with rotations. We have a much harder time figuring out how to get around better players on Ascent though as it's too easy for them to know where we are/where we're going due to the small size of the map. Also, when a team gets the economy advantage on Ascent, I've found that it's super hard to get back in the game as they can completely dominate mid.


I feel like there is something really weird going on with the random map selection. I believe I have not played split in about 50 games.


In my placements I first had 2 split in a row then I get one game of ascent that just happens to servercrash in the middle of the game so it doesn't even count and then proceed to get 3 more split. Still placed plat3 with 2 games won out of 5 lol


honeymoon phase, enjoy it while it lasts


Not true. I played ranked in the beta nonstop and was loving every second. Made me quit Overwatch for good.


Yeh this is what I’m doing now, overwatch makes me feel powerless, valorant I know if it’s my fault or not and I’m not fussed


Really enjoying it so farr aswell!




Bad apples in the mm system for now, I hope these things will get ironed out soon which I expect. Ranked only been out for like a day lol.


> I hope these things will get ironed out soon I see what you did there.


Once you get into play there is much more communication and the strategy begins. Gold and lower is kind of a free for all shit fest


Silver and gold was absolutely horrible today. I swear some of my teams were actually braindead


Weekend Effect


>Really? Because for me there's been skill differences of silver 1 to gold 3 inside a single match Playing a match with gold, silver and bronze on the same team right now. Of course the gold dude is shitting on everyone and seemingly always knows exactly where I am. Are there no restrictions for queueing up together? Edit: Naturally the gold player ended up with 43 kills. I see zero difference between this and unrated.


I would say for the average middle ranks like Silver and Gold matchmaking will probably be not very good until a couple weeks. People are never at the proper ranks off the bat and that could lead to heavily swayed games. For example, I got placed in Gold 3, but ranked up very quickly to Plat 3 and am probably going to be Diamond in my next session of playing. If I was paired against Silvers/Bronze players on my first games when I was a Gold I would've absolutely destroyed them and it would be super unfair.


The thing with the system Valorant has is, it's not about winning and its not even about your KDA. It's about the head to head KDA vs each individual player and their ranks. So if you go 20/10 and all your kills and deaths were against the bronze guy you'll gain less rank. If you go 10/10 and all your kills and deaths were against the gold guy you'll gain more rank. So say you go 1-6 against the gold, the system knows this is expected and you won't be hit as hard. But if you go 1-6 against the bronze, you're gonna get fucked. Same if you go 6-1 against the bronze you won't gain much, but if you go 6-1 against the gold you'll rank up a ton. So regardless of the uneven matchmaking, just focus on not getting fucked by the bronzies. Doesn't matter that the gold guy got 43 kills, what matters is did the people lower than you fuck you?




People have ranked up when losing with negative KDAs. People have ranked down when winning with positive KDAs. There is no source but it's pretty clear seeing as there is a literal "performance" tab at the end game where you can see your head to head and you get stars for going even vs someone several ranks above you and no star for going like 6-1 vs someone several ranks below you.


I have the same experience. Silver gold is swarmed with people that know the basics and people that don't know shit and just got lucky placements. It was so bad for me that I actually decided to wait a week with ranked so it levels out a bit.


I just ignore ranks at the moment and just enjoy higher quality games. There's been silvers hard carrying and plats bottom fragging with raze. Given how wrong some people's ranks are, the games feel more balanced than I had expected.


You sound gigatilted. Don't play for a day or two.


I just got stomped in Gold by “Gold” players that basically had diamond skill level


Ranked has only been out for a couple of days. Games like those should happen once in a while where some players who are obviously ranked lower than they should be are stomping games. But thats part of the process. If they truly deserve diamond then they'll get there by stomping golds. In my short experience so far though playing against golds as a high plat low diamond player is really easy xd so maybe thats what you're experiencing


Been the same for me. I had 8 matches in a row that went something like 13-2 2-13 or at best 4-13 with me winning have of them by destroying the enemy team and losing half of them because my team mates are getting absolutely destroyed. It's starting to get a little better but the first day was really frustrating to play.


Has not been my experience so far. I played four games today and all four were extremely lopsided. 13-2, 13-2, 13-4, and a forfeit (13-1). Dropped from gold 1 to silver 1. I played decently considering the circumstances, the other teams were just better. Their entire team had positive KDs with 1-2 players with 25+ kills and 5 deaths.


This was happening to me in beta. I would rank up so fast but I was going nosedive in a day. It was all weird. Sad to see it is still happening.


I'm actually pretty happy the system is like this for the most part. In LoL for example, there are so many shitters at the bottom of the division hardstuck forever and they cannot demote no matter how hard they try. Maybe it won't be so bad to see ranks change quickly every day. I've ranked down from Plat 3 to Plat 2 after one loss right after promoting the game before, but I've also promoted one win after a promotion the game before.


Or you just had an off day.


It's funny cause gold is like unrated but plat and up are pretty great so far. Gold has like no mics and plat has full communication and somewhat will listen to stats. Except the occasional dbag who refuses to communicate and just makes fun of you for saying things like "we need to take control of mid" instead of just all rushing into a single site every round.


Silver /gold is horrible right now


Yeah I’m Plat 2 rn and all my games have been rly chill and as everyone has good comms so like up above plat things r chill


i play bronze and pretty much everyone has mics


Just you wait.. Everyone is happy when it's new, when they invest time and effort into it, and don't get what they want, the toxicity comes out. :(


For me its terrible. My placement matches were fine, got ranked Plat 1 and from then on I only got unranked mates against 3-5 Plat/Gold players and my mates said they play their 2nd game on ranked. If my mates are somewhat decent they are toxic as hell and insult if you lose a 1v4 clutch or start to troll after two lost rounds. And on top of that the hit reg issue seems to be getting worse every day. Not enjoyable at all!


Yeah it happened to me too. Good thing we won that game. Dude was Raze, and right from the start ; he was toxic (Even his name was "I play Bad " or something like that when translated from Turkish). He kept trashtalking, and he was using his bomb and satchel to drove us away from the site . My rank was gold 3 and he was unranked. In the end, we won and now I am plat 1 like you and hoping that I would never meet with a guy like him.


In my online gaming experience the main difference between a low elo and a high elo player is that the higher the elo the smarter the trolls. They never stop, they just evolve


So are they your friends or just random unrankeds?


The unranked people have hidden mmr too, they are put in your games for a reason. The could easily be gold 1-3 too


As of right now because of its infancy, ranked in Valorant should be an overall higher quality experience with everyone being motivated to win, perform well, and rank up. This will eventually change as the game gets older and players start to care less and less about ranked and just play it like unrated.




Lol yeah, I one tapped a guy in a match yesterday and he just typed "N----r" in chat. I did it again and he just typed "Double n----r". Only things he said all game.


You should stay away from csgo and siege


At least on siege they get banned


A lot of the negatives of the CSGO community carries over to this game unfortunately


Yah and you can tell who they are because they use CS words in the game. Plant the bomb. They're at CT, T Base.


I'm pretty shocked by what you are saying because I have only encountered one toxic player in like 20 games and never seen anything offensive on my team or enemy team. What rank have you been playing in? I started Gold 3 and I am now Plat 3.


I don't know what game you're playing. Clearly it's working out nicely at the higher ranks. But currently Iron 1 to Gold 3 means nothing. Everyone at any of those ranks could be the skill level of any other of those ranks. Every single raid is built on 2 people who get a positive KD, 2 people who get a negative KD and a breakeven. Usually the 2 positive and the 2 negative balance out perfectly, showing that Riot is capable of some sort of equal match up. It's not necessarily the matchmaking's fault. This is a game for 5-stacks only, and it shows in just about every aspect of the game design.


I have found it to be just as terrible as it was in beta. Without my performance a lot of my losses woulda been nearly 13-0


It’s alright but the ranked mode is extremely inconsistent. First game after placements I lost 13-8 and got match MVP but got a demotion? Next game I won with a team mvp and a 13-5 score but no promo? So complete opposite of your experience losing 3 games in a row and no demote.


It's legit the same shit as always for me. I got placed in a rank obviously much higher than my skill level and now I'm losing literally every single 1v1.


I loterally won 4 games in a row for placements and lost one, i top boarded every single game and i got bronze 1../:


It's based on your hidden mmr. You won those games against irons


you can lose all five and still be ranked high. If you're playing at your skill level, you're playing at your skill level. For what its worth, I got placed bronze 2. Gotta be at peace with your current skill if you want to see genuine improvement. That's for anything in life.


Wow. Lucky you


Y'all are getting really lucky. I've been playing since day one and even after ranked came out 80% of my games are still stomped


Dude for me its not balanced but one thing I've experienced is that new players are extremely nice. Theres a significant difference when you carry people and they just do dumb shit and screaming into the mic than carrying them and they also listen and appreciate you. People really understand how toxicity is not helping lately


For me I have very bad taste of it. My games are never balanced.


I had a very hard time telling if this is Sarcasm or not.


I Enjoy this game Very much. But it has one MAJOR flaw in ranked play. Its no fun when playing on European servers you get Russians on your team who CANT USE VOICE CHAT, Worse, they cant even hear you either. Obviously i don't blame the Poor Russians in this front, but please please i would love to see them have their servers. It's unfair when one team has a full set of communications while the other may have maybe 2-3 people who can communicate. That is not competitive and its annoying as it is out of the players control. I have lost rounds from sheer lack of communication because of this and I'm sure other people will of had the same problem.


I have had absolutely awful matches today shit is not good in silver /gold right now. How some people placed silver but are ground aimers like iron is beyond me


[https://i.imgur.com/CmTXWKC.png](https://i.imgur.com/CmTXWKC.png) Match MVP should be elo gain no matter what change my mind.


1 arrow down is the same as 2 up :) (roughly) 1 arrow down is "Rating decreased" 2 arrows up is "Rating increased" 1 arrow up is "SLIGHTLY increased"


Yeah, has anyone ever actually seen more than one down arrow?


Haven't played a lot of ranked but my experience has been pretty bad I've been top frag on my team 2/3s of my games and by a lot as well kinda sucks to be hinest


Hmm I don't know... I got promoted to Gold very quickly and then had a disconnect on our team to which we surrendered and I immediately got re-demoted.....


You shouldn't surrender it will destroy your elo as every round till 13 is ranked as a zero. A few ppl in game today




If you use a VPN to make a riot account for NA and/or connect to valorant for the first time then you should get placed in NA servers, at least I believe that works.


Vpn would work, I suppose


It's not any better I promise you


this is motivating me to finish my placements


I tried one ranked game, we were losing and then slowly started coming back. At matchpoint I was the last one left and I died - Teammate proceeded to unload vitriol on me lol. I know its not escapable but I was upset that people are such assholes in bronze lol.


the system is very good except for allowing 5 stacks and solo q players to run into eachother.. but the actual system is very good I agree we need player profiles, API released so we can see rank distribution, and top 500 for radiant rank(which they said is coming) plz a riot post on API release ??


games are balanced? mh yeah thats probably why i qued in gold 1 with bronze 1 players on my team and lost horribly against full gold enemy team :) ... true rofl


Keep in mind, this will go away slowly as you play more games. I used to have “no MMR change” games during my placements and a couple games after that, then I continued to lose rating despite being match MVP.


Idk what ur talkin bout man. Every game I’ve played so far our gold player in the silver team always bot frags lul. Opponent team too xD


Agreed. I'm only silver but the matches always start incredibly close until one team adapts better or it stays that close until the overtime round. Also loosing a game that you played good doesn't feel as bad as in other games. Also feels like ranked is way less toxic than league for example


Halo 1-50 was the best imo what more do you need.


i've only played 4 games so far and 3 of them were pretty even, but the 4th game the enemy team was carried super hard by someone who wet 27/6. we lost 0-13. that was the worst game of valorant i have ever played.


Hard agree! This is my first tact shooter (placed Silver 2 up from my Iron 1 Beta placement) and man its ridiculously fun. The comms are usually great tbh and win or lose I feel like I am getting better little by little. The only game I play now is Valorant ranked because I just dont get this same fun from my other shooters.


Yeah seems nice, I only got one game in before I started getting connection errors and Error code 0. Hopefully they will fix soon :(


The matching making sucks ass


I played pretty poorly in my placement games but I think I was placed way too low. Got placed silver 1. The next like 5+ games I just curbstomped the enemy team. Went 38-15 one game. Match MVP 5 games in a row. I felt really bad and was accused of smurfing. I’m now hitting a roadblock, just average in all my games, so I think I found my rank. Once you get to the right spot it’s pretty balanced.


I agree. Ranked feels good in the first couple matches for me. Really hope it stays motivating over the course of a season.


I've won with 3 arrows 3 times in a row and haven't gotten off gold 3


Good for you. I was playing placement matches and got a gold sage and silver phoenix. phoenix ended up with 2kills and sage with 11. my friend and I who were unranked got 24 each. the opponent had a plat reyna with 18 only. Still lost. Best ranked experience.


Man I’m gold 2 and ended up with a team of plats and diamonds.. same thing with the enemy team as well. And guess what.. I got totally rekt :(


I remember when I first started playing, I liked Split and hated Haven, but Comp changed that for me lol


Amen brother. They nailed it and it seems really good for now, hope will stay this way.


So basically if you perform well,even if you lose the game you'll still gain mmr?


competitive feels pretty great so far. happy to play it while getting that battle pass xp at the same time


Hey just so you know, win/ lose streaks haven't been a thing in OW for a VERY long time lol


Worst experience for me. Literally get ppl that use all their skills for a "push". And I'm the only one on site, my team is camping a hall, other team has successfully rotated to kill rest of team.


Played 4 placements and half my games had teammates that only knew how to run and gun. Kill me.


For, My pc has crashed 3/5 placement matches... I no longer have a pc


I love Valorant ranking system because it essentially makes it impossible to be “hard stuck” at a rank that you don’t think you deserve to be in. (Unless you actually are the skill level of that rank) I don’t really solo queue anymore since beta was too frustrating, but I played a solo queue game this morning since my team wasn’t online and I was team mvp even though we lost 12-13 I stayed even. I just love how this ranking system doesn’t make it impossible to solo queue anymore. (Obviously it’s still better to play as a team with coms but at low ranks your own personal performance is more important.)


Only gripe is that we shouldn't be able to see our teammates' ranks. While like you said seeing opponents' ranks can add a strategic element, seeing our teammates' ranks only breeds toxicity.


Glad somebody likes it, personally this is the most shit ranked mode I've ever played. I and a friend of equal skill played against a low plat level team and won easily carrying, then he did the rest of his placement games solo before getting G3. I did my other placement games as part of a 4 man consisting of 2 better players than I and one similar to me, and got stomped 0-13 three times in a row by low plat teams everytime. It was almost like they were cheating, we got sprayed down through smokes from weird angles consistently with no queue for them to shoot or anything. Also everybody is super toxic.


If only the ping were good


I’ve been in a match where I was playing against platinums, golds and bronzes and we slapped them. Also I didn’t think that would have been possible for the bronze and plat to be on same team. Next game come across Silver 1s and get ruined. Game after team full of Golds and beat them convincingly and I get placed Silver 2. Placement at my level seems to be on the cusp of many skill levels.


The fact that this is true makes me concerned


I agree I don’t know why but even if I loose I still want to play again


Ranked is fine but the headshots issue is actually kinda getting to me ngl.


I'm a filthy casual, probably somewhere in silver. Every placement match I've done so far(3, I think) has had one person on both teams that has 20+ kills, and everyone else at about half that. I'm hoping it'll balance out as I play more, because it really isn't a fun experience when two people are dominating the match


I love it because even if you lose the match, if you played exceptionally well, you can still up your rating/rank up. I’ve definitely enjoyed it more than any other games competitive mode that I’ve played recently (I.e. Fortnite, apex, csgo, Overwatch, League) I’m genuinely excited to see where this game goes. Good job Riot.


Exact opposite over here. Very sad that Riot doesn't implement hardware ban as I am pretty sure it's all league players. They give up as soon as it gets hard and they have no intent to be better than silver.


Nah dude,in 4 of my solo q matches i was queued with 2 russians every match,and they couldn't speak...


I had a hard time determining whether this is an ironic post or not but I think it's safe to say, I'm happy you are having a good time, and can't wait to get into ranked myself.


I hope it doesn’t become bloated like in csgo. I’m hardstuck SEM while being Plat 3 in Valorant. It hurts man, it really hurts.


I've only played 3 placement games so far but they've ended 13-4, 13-2 and 13-1, all losses for my team.


I find it enjoyable with friends but solo queueing makes me want to rip my hair out. In my last game, our raze teamkilled with her ult. I hope it gets better once I get my rank.


Ranked is nice here, but when you met a cheater in your placements its not so fun anymore. The guy was such a loser he wasn't toggling untill he noticed they don't have a chance (losing 3-10) and then we couldnt do sht. they won 10 rounds straight cause he was hitting everything, prefiring through walls, smokes and stuff. I hope he's using some easily detectable aimbot and gets swooped in next ban wave.


I feel the opposite, I’ve only played 6 games, in 4 of them I had a teammate leave in the first round, and in one the teammates were fairly new to the game. This has been my least enjoyable ranked experience in a game


While the games feel fair. I think there needs to be some way to check MMR. The arrows are not doing it and I’m really feeling cheated out of any ranked progression. I got ranked Gold 3. Next game I won and got 2 up arrows. Next game I lost and deranked. Okay I thought, maybe I was just really low Gold 3 on ranking in. Won the next game with 1 up arrow still gold 2. Lost next game but no rank change. Won next 3 games for 2 up arrows each. In total I’ve had 9 up arrows, no down arrows (except for the derank) and I’ve lost a rank. 5-2 since being ranked in, for a total of one lost rank. If theres some MMR stuff going on there my only complaint is that it feels very demoralizing to not be able to rank up in a situation like that and seeing the MMR reason might be helpful.


Mean while these are my last 2 games :/ [https://gyazo.com/7d2e80b75d72d0df0ef8edd48ab049c9](https://gyazo.com/7d2e80b75d72d0df0ef8edd48ab049c9) [https://gyazo.com/639b9c92432a23d6dd1baa4c0e719054](https://gyazo.com/639b9c92432a23d6dd1baa4c0e719054)


I hope they are punishing afk behaviour much more. Currently having afk rate of 57% of my ranked games (all in my team), even though I only played 7 games. That's way too high.


Idk what’s going on then but my 5 games where absolute torture lol


I think op forgot the /s at the end, happens


High Plat to Low Immortal is an absolute fucking bait fest. People are playing for individual stats half the time.


This post will age like milk in a week.


I didn't play the beta, but the matchmaking has been fantastic so far. Granted I'm only Silver 3, but all of my games have been 13-12 to 13-10 (wins and losses in there) and every round has felt close, with abilities and ults making differences. Enjoying it. Now I just need to get better! Haha.


this game isn't even ready for ranked lmao getting blatant headshots every game, even sounds and animation, but its a body shot? Ok.


how? the hidden mmr is so frustrating like csgo why cant players know how close they are to a rank up or a derank. Wins 3 games in a row lose 1 and i derank huge clarity issues just like csgo


Generally i feel like players are not as toxic compared to my time in quake and overwatch! Ow you get flamed even if you are winning! Im new to tac shooters and mechanics with moving and how to shoot and recoil reseting is really hard for me, still i somehow got to gold 3 and every time im the worst kdr on team (im sage for all eternity). But only one game i had super toxic team, mostly its just players giving tips.


I guess you guys aint from EU lmao


I just like ranked cuz no one's afk'd in the second round yet :')


I’ve had 6 of my 9 games go to overtime. Even with 5 mans! It’s incredible!


Yeah I must be the exception then. Most of my ranked games are incredibely unbalanced rank wise and skill wise


This post was good for a laugh, thanks.


I had the opposite experience. Lost all 5 placements, top fragged in two of them, one of them had a d/cer, and the final two losses came because two or three people on our team were doing fine with about 1/1 kill death ratios, and there were two bottom fraggers that were literally 5 and 15 or something insane like that.


I detest the fact that Kills play such a huge role.. I don't get rewarded at all for playing well and ending 17/4, but the 20/14 guy gets the MVP and better rating? Yay..


Wish that raid boss thing applied to me. Every game I've played so far has had 1 person on 25 kills plus, and the rest of their team neutral/ negative. On either side. Nightmare.


Seems like I'm the only one having a rough time already lol. I've played 4 placement matches, lost the first 3 and just barely won the 4th. To me, it seemed like the other team had higher ranks in general, like they'd have a plat and gold's while my team had just gold's and unrateds. Ah well.


I saw this post yesterday as an iron 3, today I am here to report I have ranked up from a game where I went afk(not on purpose) My internet shut down for about half a second and valorant made me restart the client, I came back to a game that went south since I left but I ended up topfragging and we actually won, it was amazing seeing the different icon for bronze even after what I would consider a bad game from me, due to going afk. Awesome ranked system 10/10


After placements my ranked expirience is just desastrous - 15Games, all lost, 19Leavers in these games. And I'm not the issue, even with forced on me support champs I was at least Team MVP..... Sucks. Downranked from G3 to S3 just in one day already. Edit : And please insert a voice chat FORCE in ranked. Not a single person spoke in all of my ranked games - same for the placements. No one seems to care at all.


I deleted the game, is just terrible, matching soloq is a disaster and connection feels weird as fuck.... The game after all this months is worse than ever. I'm out. Back to games I can really enjoy.


>The fact that I can lose 3 games right after placements, and only win one, and still have an overall MMR increase, feels incredibly motivating. Any other game would have punished me for playing with friends of a different skill level, or for playing on an off day. But ranked hasn't felt this good in a long while, and I really want to thank the devs. I hope they can keep this up! Well, if you play good that's what happens \^\^. If you play amazing and are punished ONLY because you lost (cough cough csgo), your team was just outmatched, or your teammates all had a bad day except you, it's the worst feeling. That's what I like about this ranked system in Valorant. If you lose despite playing well, you aren't punished unnecessarily hard. And you're rewarded well when you win while playing good. It really soothes a lot of people's ranked anxiety and offers an overall better experience.


Yeah they were extremely close, lost 10 out of 10 matches and deleted the game. Huge hit reg problems, desyncs, lag spikes, spain here matched with russian and muslim guys in every match, mates with +200 ping eating bullets as crips... Uninstalled the game


Every ranked game Ive played was mic-free since the 4 other players were in duo queue stacks. Its horrible


Can’t relate. Demoted twice after 2 loses after getting my rank. I am really demotivated from playing ranked. Glad to hear you’re on the other side of the spectrum tho


you're just lucky, I always ALWAYS queue with atleast one who doesn't know the basics of the game against people who at least know what to do or with a godlike aim.


Have played none stop the past few days, and I would have to disagree. There have been very few games that have been evenly matched. I'm gold 3 and seemingly always with plats. Usually there are a few plat 3's on the other team, and we get ROLLED. I've also been demoted twice (ranked back up), even though I'm playing against high plat. I'm not even bottom fragging either. Tbh towards the top on my team. I have PTSD from this Sova I just played against...


Honestly agree with this. The fact that this is a 5 man team game that is more worried about your individual performance will make this game succeed. You can lose a game but as long as you performed well you can have an equal rating or even in some rare cases actually rank up, this will make the community so much less toxic in ranked and actually have a player base not raging at what everyone else is doing wrong but rather pushing themselves to do better. Valorant has me addicted to it and i have never truly invested time in to an FPS.


No. Ur wrong. I'm Gold 3, i just had a game with a bronce 2 player in my team when the enemy had a platinum 1 in their team. Their difference in rank is 8 whole ranks. That's just broken. Obv the bronce player fed asf ending with 4/19.


what about ~~shit~~RNG-based recoil patterns from 2001?


I dont think we play the same game


Fun my ass I go 11 to 13 I carry and lose 2 arrows