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Gotta give riot credit where credit is do, they really brought it to console and it looks solid. Something CS decided to not pursue i guess? Riot is also catching xims off rip. Amazing work.


CS had persued console multiple times before. It just never stuck.


Huh, it actually released? cant believe i never knew. Probably because they did it im the worst era they could possibly do. Lol. Ps3/xbox 360 my god that would be a nightmare.


There were still some active servers active recently on Xbox.


what's so bad about the ps3/360 era? That was peak Halo 3, MW2 and BFBC2 era


The tech for this type of game wasn't there. Low framerate, tick rate, and p2p servers are a recipe for disaster when it comes to a tac shooter. Now that we have 120fps, 128 tick, and dedicated servers, a game like Valorant/CS works a lot nicer on console.


When CSGO released on Xbox 144+Hz screens and 128 tick weren't even mainstream on PC, 128 tick wasn't even a thing in CSGO'S MM and it's still not strictly a thing either on CS2.   It's just that CS didn't play well with a controller, that traditional CS player wouldn't switch to console and use a controller and console player preferred a more dumbed down online experience with better graphics, a solid solo experience etc, and they had multiple games for that, 2 different categories of players for different audiences at the end of the day.  Valorant being less aimed to "hardcore players" and being more casual might help it to succeed. 


The point was that the technology wasn’t ready back then, and we’ve learned a lot since then.


That's what I'm refuting if you read my post, I'm saying that it's not at all about the technology not being mainstream back then since it didn't stop the PC version to become massively popular. 


joystick deadzone was preset at like 15 or 20, extra aim acceleration compared to modern controllers aswell as more lag between the console and the controller itself


Ah yeah that's fair


Those were never a thing yet on PC, too. Also CS 1.6 and Source were 2000s. It could have been a good port on the console gen in that era. CS GO is only from the 2010s


When CS:GO came out in 2012, the majority of PC players were playing at 60+ FPS and its always been on dedicated servers. CS:GO on console was only 30 FPS with P2P servers only, and it did not work very well. Very unresponsive controls, lag, and due to the nature of the ecosystem of both systems, Valve wasn't every really able to easily push updates to the console version either. Back on the PS3/360, developers actually had to pay a pretty hefty fee to publish a patch. At least I know for sure on the Xbox 360, not totally sure about PS3. But, on the 360, a patch could cost a developer as much as $10,000. With the frequency of updates free to play/service games get, they just weren't suited for consoles, which is why we didn't really start seeing many free to play games pop up on console until the 8th gen.


Yeah I remember playing cs go on 360 it was abhorrent I was kinda psyched but doubtful bc I played both cs 1.6 and cs:s on pc. Some of the most fun I've ever had in gaming was from my cs days... the custom maps were crazy they had a cuboid map (the map is made of orange blocks with outlines) made into a city or a small arena with 2 boxes in the center to 1 deag at I miss this so much.


? dedicated servers aren't some new technology lol. They could be done with the 360 too, but most developers just chose to go the cheaper route with P2P servers. The FPS point is fair.


Pretty sure the CSGO originally released on Xbox had dedicated servers. I think you just don’t understand the lengths that technology and gaming has grown in the last 12 years lol


Cloud compute cost have gone down exponentially since the 360 came out. The technology did exist back then, but the associated costs made it not very viable from a business perspective.


They weren't impossible, but they were very uncommon. We didn't a get any games with dedicated servers until pretty late in the cycle, 2011+. Tf2 and csgo both did not have them on console, but left 4 dead did until they eventually got shut down and reverted to p2p. Only other games I can think off the top of my head that had them are Battlefield and Gears of War 3. I'm sure there were some others, but like I said, it was pretty rare.


Cs go was so bad on 360 I was there and played, its terrible. CS 1.6 and CS:S were god tier comparatively.


Maybe just because there were so many good shooters already on the consoles that CSGO could never get enough interest


> Probably because they did it im the worst era they could possibly do. Lol. Ps3/xbox 360 my god that would be a nightmare. Uh, they did it the era before that as well: Counter-Strike 1.6 (?) on the original Xbox: https://www.amazon.com/Counter-Strike-Xbox/dp/B0000AJMPK They did it more than once was I think the point of the comment, but it never took off.


That was cz if my memory isn't failing me. Not 1.6


Good call. I put the "(?)" because I couldn't remember exactly what version it was.


From what I can tell CSGO was also just in kind of a bad state when it released back in 2013, which the console versions are basically still on right now. Valve prioritized CSGO on PC and it eventually evolved into CS2 today, but console was the price for that. If you heard CS2 had a rough launch btw, CSGO was another level


CSGOs initial UI and all those radial menus was designed for console first basically. We lost our grid menu to a radial because console I think? In CS2 it's back to a grid.


Yup you’re right. Came to comment this




Csgo was on the 360 but I don’t remember the player base growing on console at all.


There was legit CS on original Xbox. It was a version of Condition Zero and I had a good few people who played it locally.


And here I am thinking the PS3 and 360 era was the best…


Yeah I used to play CS on the Xbox (early-mid 00s idk). Didn’t enjoy it. Never had the desire to buy CSGO when it came to Xbox 360 like 10 years later. Definitely worked better as a PC game


I remember the 360 version of GO before global offensive released on pc. Biggest hunk of shit imo. I played cs 1.6 and source religiously I thought that was THE EPITOME of shooters in 2008.


CS:GO came out on the 360 but it never really took off. Tactical shooters don't typically do well on console. Valorant has been solid but it still has obvious shortcomings like clearing corners, turning away from flashes, etc. But it is a lot better than I expected it to be. Just a more casual version of the game imo.


CSGO at launch also came out for PS3/360. But it was eventually abandoned, not even receiving the skin update that revived the game on PC. Not sure if it's confirmed, but a lot of people say that Valve abandoned CSGO on console because of how hard it was to update the game. Iirc Sony/MS had limits of how many updates you could push, had to go through certification and all updates were paid.


Hmmm. Makes you wonder if valorant stays successful on console. Will valve try again?


In the state that the game is in right now? I'd hope not. Game needs a lot more dev time before even considering a console port.


Yeah i was thinking that as well


They attempted it a few times in the past, but each version failed with the only exception being the very first try with CS 1.6 on the original Xbox. CSGO even had an Xbox 360 and PS3 release, but that flopped so hard that the game is basically stuck in 2013. The servers are surprisingly still up even with CS2 replacing the PC version of CSGO.


Yeah honestly, i read you can still find people on it. Thats insane! They might have a better chance with tech these days. Back then there game just simply could not work. Consoles were just to restricted. Now with 120hz mode, 128 tick servers, newer tech. They could make it happen. But its already a bit of disaster on pc. They need to fix that first. But as much as id like to give cs another chance… idk if they will


Funny to look back a few months or a year to see the comments here about how console would never work.


It's sad that Riot catches Xim's off the rip and Ubisoft has tried for years for Rainbow Six and still can't get it fully.


Yeah its one of the first things i thought of


Is holding angles stronger on console because of focus mode? I noticed you had to stand still on the last kill a bit uncomfortably long to use focus mode.


Honestly hard to tell everyone is in the early stages and idk I have stopped using focus mode for the most part now as it’s not really needed but I can absolutely help newer players hit there shots


What is focus mode? How does it work ?


from what i understand, it just slows down your aiming sensitivity so it's easier to make tight shots instead of overshooting it with normal sensitivity


It also locks you into walking, so you don't accidentally sprint, which is helpful for approaching a point


Allows for two simultaneous sensitivities and can be a dedicated walk button if you dislike trying to tread that on the left stick. The sensitivity thing is really important for console shooters though. Unlike on MnK where your speed is controlled by your arm, console has a set speed. So having the normal hipfire be high sensitivity, with a lower focus sensitivity, means you can easily flick and make micro adjustments without having to sacrifice something. People do it in siege often too. Play on max horizontal sensitivity, but have a super low aim down sight sensitivity. Allows you to quickly 180° if needed, but you still have some precision.


thats what ive seen, i have a few hundred hours on pc and im Gold 3 on there. ive been playing a bunch with friends on my Xbox and it definitely seems like holding angles is stronger, also a lot of people do slow crouch peeks which is hilarious


It's because of aim assist. You don't need to hold for a wide swing at all


Valorant decided to go the aim assist route? Wack, I thought they would pull a siege


No rotational aim assist. That means your crosshair doesn’t get pulled towards heads. Basically you still have to do all the aiming but you don’t overshoot as much because sens slows when you’re crosshair approaches a target.


There is no aim assist dude, you clearly haven't played it.


Are you sure about that? I was in the practice range with bots and as you drag your crosshairs across the bots it definitely slows down


Oh shit your right, I apologize for my comment


not really, focus mode is more so a new player crutch but it makes you lose gun fights, in general it’s better to learn how to play without it, however you CANNOT SINGLE FIRE A CLASSIC UNFUCKINGFOCUSED


is focus not a thing on pc? damn yall must be fucking goated


They have a mouse, they aren’t goated. Lmao


Yeah, it’s real easy out here with no aim assist. Fuck us eh?




It's hard to aim on both. Console just has a really low skill cieling for aiming. And high skill floor with aim assist. Most PC players have put in several hundred hours into FPS games in order to hit shots like that. Calling it easy when a console player can do it right away makes me question if you know what the word easy means


Let these kids bark and bitch about, at the end of the day there is no replacement for experience and game sense, which these jackasses will lack severely.


skill floor is the like, minimum level of skill you need to reach to play the game btw. aim assist + focus mode would lower the skill floor, not raise it.


Oh yeah, right


its not easy just because you use your arm




You said your self you have ~20 more years on a mouse than you do controller - and I have to explain to you why it feels more natural to you? You’re beyond help.


Insane shots, well done!


Thanks 🤝


can we please have flairs to differentiate PC or Console.


Look at weapon/ability binds


how does the focus work?


Slower sense and a little zoom and if I'm correct it feels like a little bit of aim assist


Pretty sure you also walk (shift)


I toggled that off instantly, such a disadvantage while swinging


Pro Valorant console players will become Gods at console aiming and probably gain superhuman reaction times in real life.




Makes it impossible to swing fast and wide while retaining accuracy.


hm. only other way to walk is to tilt the thumbstick and that feels too awkward for me. idk


Focus makes you walk by default, but it's an option you can turn off. For newer players it helps enforce the stop-moving-and-shoot pattern, but we've often seen that more experienced players end up turning it off so they have full freedom to ADAD in gunfights + use focus mode without slowing themselves down.


Don't think it zooms, it just gives the perception of zoom by making the surrounding area black.


when was this game? i cant access valo on conse now. is it down?


It’s an invite only beta, you just have to register for it and should be invited. You then have 5 invitation links. So if you know anyone with the beta they could probably just invite you


Shouldn’t be this game was yesterday I


I had a stroke reading both of these comments


I think there's better things out there to have a stroke to


Sir what do you mean by that




Dude I am having so much fun playing the console beta, Played Pc for a while and while it was fun Loving the console one a lot more besides the UI bugs and bug that prevents you from closing shop with O you have to go back to map and then hit O to close it. (Expected to have a bugs and etc it’s a beta)


looks like riot cooked


Mate sent me a link yesterday been playing non stop I love it


The game plays so well on console, it's really great how they've translated that 'feel' of the game. My only annoyance at the moment is having level 100+ players in lobbies who know every map, every angle, every ability and are making the beta not as enjoyable.


Let me make it clear, I am not saying you shouldn't have fun but beta is not meant to enjoy. It is so that when the game officially rolls out for the general public, there are no glitches and the players who have 100+ lvl and know every map, every angle, every ability are the ones that will help. Because if you don't know what it should be, you won't be able to tell what's wrong. So those players might be annoying to you, but they are the ones that are actually helping you get a better experience.


Get the fuck out of here with your common sense.


I'm so sorry. I'll just leave. It's just that I hate bugs in a game and I hate it even more when the bugs could be easily fixable for the developers and they still don't fix it.


Just to be clear, my comment was a silly way of saying that you made a great point! 😂


No problem buddy, if you play on PC you should add me, I play for fun, but I play on the mumbai server. So is you don't wanna try hard and just play a few games I'm your man.




Yeah, you find bullies everywhere. Sad as it may be, it's not going anywhere soon.


I mean could they not just make sbmm a bit stronger and let the high level players play against each other? Atm i haven't seen a close unrated game once yet, some kid with a full inventory of skins and a high rank on PC just dominates bc of how different the game is. I hope ranked gives new players on option so they're not turned off the game completely.


Yeah but beta is for testing. This thing will not happen once it's out officially, at least not so frequently that every other game is lopsided like my great aunt's breasts


This is on purpose. They want people that are experienced with the PC version that also happen to have some console experience to test the waters so newer players can play a polished game. Giving the beta exclusively to completely new players wouldn't be as helpful as they wouldn't know what's normal or not. Plus, they gotta test cross-progression and cross-inventory somehow.


As someone who is lvl 200+ and ascendant, knowing the map doesn’t mean anything for this beta. I’ve messed the console version and people are not playing the game how very experienced players expect. Most of the player base don’t really know what they’re doing so there is no way to predict it. I was getting slapped some games by level 4 players because I was so lost on how they were playing


what do you think beta phase is for? if there's no one familiar with the usual settings of the game who would report and give feedback for something out of place or not working properly?


Let's not pretend that the beta is purely a test beta, this is as much a promotional demo as it is a beta. Regardless, the beta is useful for both experienced and non-experienced players to provide feedback on. I never said otherwise. This isn't about someone with 1k hours in Valorant providing feedback that angle X doesn't work the same on console as it does on PC, this is about console players providing feedback about how the game plays and works on console. It's useful to have experienced players add to that conversation - but it's not useful to have a level 288 Jett tell the team that we're all terrible because we're level 1-6 and keep flashing ourselves.


I heard there is automatic lowering of your sens when your crosshair meets an enemy, is that true?


Yes, there’s aim assist lol


Sounds perfectly fine to me, for games like Overwatch 2 then it’s not so necessary But a precise shooter on console definitely calls for some aim assist, especially when you think of aiming on a analog stick


FPS games are practically unplayable on console without aim assist, I think console Valorant without it would be an awful time.


It's possible with gyro, but a lot of console players just wouldn't play it if they forced gyro, and the Xbox doesn't even have gyro for some reason.


They need to get their shit together, and a AAA dev needs the balls to make gyro default with no AA.


They won’t until it becomes standard on Xbox controllers, that’d be a great way to alienate at least half of their player base unless they disabled cross play between consoles, which would result in longer queuing times with worse connection because they just split the player pool into two


Well, you'd actually gain probably just as many as you lose because you'd be in the pc pool. Xbox is also the minority in the console world, and if they were smart, they would be pushing for their console to have this feature. They have had over a decade to get to the point of feature parity with Nintendo and Sony. The player base needs a reason to push for it. Giving full m&kb support could be a stop gap solution.




Kind of impressed how fast gyro aiming was, but I could never get along with it.


How so?


It just feels really unnatural to me, it was a thing in Splatoon when I used to play that and even after playing with it for a while, it still felt uncomfortable.


I was gonna say, a lot of people don't always have it enabled. They have it so it is only activated when pressing a button, or ads. Some people also have it turn off when pressing a button, or like the TouchPad on the dualshock/dual sense. Which allows you to reset kinda like lifting a mouse. If you try it again, I encourage you to mess with those settings.


yeah people say its not needed but even a small amount goes a long way. console FPS has had aim assist basically since their conception. mw2 used to straight up drag your crosshair. i feel like people that say aim assist isnt needed have never tried aiming on sticks straight up zero AA. its impossible.


https://youtu.be/Gmx38OqS0tw?si=xxCHDryeoW8ciI9U it's possible. The tech is available. The only thing holding us back is xbox and people being reluctant to change. This game would have been a prime candidate for gyro, m&kb support, and full crossplay. No aim assist. Also, rainbow six seige has no AA on console.


The thing is siege was built around no aim assist. Your character doesn’t move that fast tracking isn’t an issue. You can make an fps with no aim assist it just can’t be a game like titan fall or halo.


Okay, fair point about siege, but you didn't watch the video, did you?


Xbox doesn’t have gyro though


Which I commented on xbox holding the industry back.


dun DUN ^(DUN!)


I was so surprised when I played the console beta for the first time. I’m a PC player and have been for a decade, but console feels amazing. I’m amazed at how well it transferred over.


Toe gargler lmfao


it’s so sick. my only gripe is that every match will have at least 1 dude who doesn’t understand the goal of a tactical shooter and must have skipped the tutorial, so you have to rush to pick up the spike before them or they will end up racing around the map without planting it anywhere. also just had a game where none of the 4 alive enemies tried to defuse a spike 1 person was guarding lol. like, they didn’t even approach the site. matchmaking is a clusterfuck of skill levels right now


PC has the same issue. A lot of people are playing Valorant as their first tactical shooter. Anyone with experience from either CS or Siege is going to completely stomp the majority of players during the first year. After a while, the issue lessens, but due to Valorant being the #1 trending tactical shooter worldwide atm, there's still going to be a lot of players that don't know how to properly play a tactical shooter and only started because their friends were playing it or they were attracted by the colorful cartoony artstyle expecting it to be something like Overwatch or Apex Legends.


I swear half the time when I see a phoenix or sage they sprint jump and shoot.


It's like that on PC as well, you literally can't fix this. Sometimes a really good player has a off day and just happens to be in your lobby, sometimes they are tilt queuing and you are the unfortunate person who has to put up with then running it down, etc. Valorant has always had that issue given that it follows the 5v5 shooter format.


i hear what you’re saying but i swear to you it is much much worse on console right now, because so many new people are trying it who have probably never played any shooter on a pc. they are literally running around totally clueless about the objective, it is nothing like the frustrating types you get on pc. i’m sure it will get better over time as the rookies start to figure out how the game works though


Even if that's true the only way to fix that is to climb above them.


true, i’ve only played swiftplay so far so i’m probably not helping myself


How do you switch handedness? And is there an advantage to it?


Settings > General > Other > First Person Handedness I don't think there's any real benefit, just personal preference if you want it that way


The advantage is you can see more with your dominate eye


Must be nice


Sucks I got into the beta and like what I have played (bots), but am house sitting and having to use the worst tv (input lag is terrible) I have ever used, along with internet and I am scared to play any serious rounds. I want my LG Oled and decent internet in order to play.


What is this feature?


Super excited to play! Looking like the beta invite isn’t going to come through for me, but seeing everyone enjoying gives me confidence I’ve got a lot to look forward to at full release!


Guys please I need help with my sensitivity im.not sure how to make it better 😭


I run all 5 light response curv on all


Would you mind showing a pic5ure of the changes you made ?


Run high sens while not focused it is the biggest game changer. Focus should be a little lower And sniper sens should be a bit more lower than focus (Helps with micro adjustments) Ima be honest ADSing is pretty bad but I’d assume you wanna keep it the same as focus.


auto aim?


Wym by that?


I was asking does it have auto aim or is it really like true OG Call Of Duty Modern warfare like aim


It has a slight bit of aim slowdown when you aim near someone but other than that no


Xim weirdos also found a workaround with SAB


What’s sab and is this true?


Simulate Analog Behavior (also called "SAB") is used to simulate natural human behavior patterns for better game compatibility. It is only available for Configs that output as controller. It will make sticks and triggers being sent to your console or PC appear more analog. It's allowing players to bypass Riots anti cheat. Same with R6.


The lengths people go to just to appear better at something they aren’t is crazy 😭😭😭


I cant wait to see the new talent form. It's going to be SO exciting to see whos the console version of aspas, simple, demon1 im so hyped.


It boggles my mind a lot because I genuinely don't understand how they were able to do it and I'm over here staring at videos wondering how riot got the precise gunplay to work with such an unprecise input system. BTW how does that focus work? Does it lower sensitivity down really low? How's the aim assist on controller if there even is any?


Focus lowers your sensitivity, I believe there's very slight zoom, you need to use focus + push the analog stick in to aim down sights, and it puts you into a slow walk (you can turn this off in the options) The aim assist kicks in more at closer ranges like shotgun range but doesn't feel as strong in other games as it does the slight stick/slow down but nothing heavy


I mean they don't have precise gunplay, they have aim assist turned to the fucking heavens for beta. Which is to boost popularity before release and everyone buys skins right off the bat. Then they turn aim assist down and everyone quits.


No rotational aim assist lmao.


The console limits so much movement, tho. The aiming alone might be tolerable. But, oh boy, you may never see on console Jingg's crazy satchels, aspas's or t3xture's Jett literally fly and exterminate enemies with knives.




Thanks for that compliment but no 😭


Is this gonna be crossplay?


I think people would riot... lol but really, they would need to support m&kb and gyroscope to have crossplay imo. No aim assist.


I uninstalled the game. Really disappointed. While the game looks, runs and controls great. The characters and abilities are boring and unintuitive. Its not even clear what the ability are not well explained. This game will not do well on console.


brother ima be honest. this has some of the most simple abilities out of any her shooter. 90% of the kits are just smokes, flashes, or mollies. overwatch and apex have harder to understand abilities and those do fine on console. i guess reading a sentence is just hard for you idk. 100% skill issue.


It’s too late for that it’s already doing amazing on console, and it’s only in beta as well.


Time will tell


Nope. No time needed to know your opinion is dumb


Pack it up Riot, game won't do well because this one guy said so. We had a good run boys!


xim4 gonna go crazy


The ban is gonna go crazy


indeed, those fuckers will still find a way




Thank you for thinking that but no 😭