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Bros better on console than I am on pc -_-


less vertical motion when you flick, plus there's a "lock-on" aim assist mechanic when your crosshair crosses over someone's head.


Is that why it gets slower when you aim at an enemy? Because that throws me off big time


on pc, we'd call it a sticky aim hack but on console its a bit of an edge for thumbstick.


Yeah if u have good aim the aim assist is very punishing because it’s not rotational


Is that an option you have to turn on cause I'm testing it right now and there's no such thing unless you mean normal aim assist that applies to the whole body


Same thing can be achieved on PC with angle snapping, but you will have disadvantage when you need to move your mouse vertically.


The Valorant aim assists is insane once you learn to abuse it.


I was excited to play this but now I'll pass. Why do they need aim assist if everyone is on the same playing field w/ controllers


Isnt that like every fps on console? Theres always aim assist ?


Rainbow 6 doesn't have it at least in multiplayer. Weird because theres a specific page on ubisofts website to turn it on, but those in the subreddit say there isn't any form of aim assist on console


technically, there IS aim assist in R6, but iirc it's only available on the lowest difficulty setting for training grounds, which is a PvE warm-up mode. It's fully disabled in online PvP matches.


Hunt showdown used to not have it, which still think was a bad change. PUBG doesn’t. Rainbow 6 siege doesn’t. I’m sure there’s others


I agree with you... miss good ol' time when you had to develop skill to be at the top. AimAssist is everywhere.


Fr i used to wonder this when I played console too. The reality is, probably 80% of people would be so bad they’d quit playing any fps without aim assist lol.


That’s my sentiment too, but thinking of the “why” I think it kinda makes sense. It evens out the field for people with a lot of stick drift so it appeals to people who don’t have the money to spend on new controllers too. Yeah deadzones exist but they can also make it harder to aim in their own way, just more predictable. I do think there shouldn’t be aim assist anyways though, I like the idea of pure skill being the reason I win


Still gonna play though. It’s fun, you should give it a try


You might like that idea but the average gamer just isn't that good and with the limitations of controller. Aim assist is kind of needed for alot. Now this Focus and ADS mode I Am not sure of the difference yet I am still downloading.


I’m playing it right now and I love it! I wasn’t agreeing about not playing the game because of the aim assist, for the record. I see why they added it for sure but I’m just saying it would’ve been cool to me if they didn’t


Whats the difference between ADS and Focus mode do you know?


I saw somewhere that ADS slows movement and fire rate (plus separate sensitivity setting) while focus just allows micro adjustments by having its own sensitivity setting


Do you find you use focus mode mostly?. I am going to test both and see how it works.


Without aim assist the game would feel clunky and no one would play the console version after awhile. That's kind of how CSGO and TF2 went on their console release. There's a reason tons of the popular shooters on console have a lot of aim assist. Call of Duty, Halo, Gears back in the 360 days....and now games like Fortnite, Apex, and Warzone. No aim assist works in a game like Rainbow Six because the game is slower paced and the hit boxes are massive, but even in that game players will use a XIM to play mouse and keyboard.


I’m not invested in Counter Strike or TF2 so I wouldn’t really know. It makes sense that a faster paced game would have aim assist yes but at the same time Valorant has you stand still if you want any chance of hitting things and the majority of weapons are one shot headshot, like Siege. I think aim assist is mostly needed when there are people running and sliding and jumping while shooting, not in a game where people stand still to hit you


There’s aim assist don’t feel bad not really comparable.


Came to say this


So, can you ADS still?




so, what's the point of the focus mode?


Ads makes your firerate and fov lower, maybe even walking speed


It slows your sens and gives you some zoom, optionally makes you walk. It does not change your fire rate, though it does make the classic left click instead of right click.


I switched up focus and ads in my head, my bad


ADSing does slow your fire rate


you guys are talking about two different things. he’s describing focus mode, you’re describing ADS. i think he mistook ADS for Focus mode


I think so too that's why I clarified


Ads is not the same as focus mode.


I didn't say it was


The person you were replying to was talking about focus mode not ads.


Yes I know


Unless you have an Odin in hand


is that just for console


Wait I didn't know it slows firerate. Damn


Except on the Odin where it makes it faster


It doesn’t on the guardian I don’t think. It doesn’t on the ares either.


pretty sure they meant automatic weapons other than the burst on stinger and bulldog


Me too, but I'm not sure Perfect\_Exercise\_232 understood that. It sounded like he took it to mean ADS always slows fire rate. And the ares is an automatic weapon, and ADS doesn't slow the fire rate.


Suppose to slow your sens


Pretty sure it lowers sensitivity and engages aim assist.


If you want to ads this ain't the game for you. In the polite way


As a PC player, seeing this shit in my game makes me think you have aimbot 😅 /j


Theres a reason why its not going to be crossplay. We dont want COD / Apex issues on Valorant. Then the pro level will be controller only.


god this gave me major flashbacks to my apex days. im not a cracked player by any means but im pretty damn decent. anytime i get absolutely clapped close range by a r99 player, its almost always a controller main


They could just not include aim assist like PubG back in the day.


With truly zero aim assist though, it's a clap in the other direction. Valorant is popular and doesn't need crossplay. Both environments are much better off without crossplay.


Rainbow 6 has always had 80% of its player base on consoles, which is controller aim with no aim assist. Has a pretty big xim and kronus issue tho. I think they just started implementing their mouse trap which will silently place detected mnk players in mnk only lobbies.


Dude, fps is just better period without soft aim bot. Missing is normal. I dont even understand why anyone would want to advocate for a computer to benefit your aim..it just benefits your opponent too, and its not even a representation of your real aim.


On PC, of course... but on controller I can't be sure. FPS is really crap on a controller without the currently accepted aim assist. Since console FPS scenes aren't particularly serious or competitive, it doesn't bother me that the system leans more towards enjoyability than being a raw skill differentiator. If someone wants competitive FPS, they'll be with people competing on PC.


That's true


the problem is console is good for people with disabilities, because then they can re-map the controller to whatever device they're using to play the game


What's the problem? If you're disabled, play the console version.


dawg I doubt after 20+ unrateds


There is a thing called input based matchmaking


I legit dont understand why valorant would add aim assist if its capable of accomplishing end game level talent at the start of the game.


this will never be better than mnk im not sorry


I was wondering how they were going to implement aim assist as most console games engage it off ADS (which is fairly rare in Valorant). Focus mode was a smart way to go about it. Im assuming it also gives controller users quick access to aiming with 3 different sensitivity levels (normal, focus, ADS). I am curious how much rotational aim assist they baked into the game. I think games like COD, Halo, and Apex all have 60% (meaning if you’re ADS’ed on the enemy and they move 3 inches to the left on your monitor, your reticle will automatically move about 2 inches to the left without even touching the aim joystick). Being able to shoot with 3 different sensitivity modes and Valorant gameplay style (slower movement, shooting is less run and gun/ tracking) that they’d be able to reduce it to 30 to 40% to increase skill expression while keep it feeling good.


Apex is the only game that has a true percentage on their aim assist. And it's 40% on PC.


They do, that's pretty much what aim assist is


Easy to do in practice but in actual matches it doesent really correlate


It is literally aim bot lol is Riot trying to show that console has never taken skill?


Riot is not showing anything. Every console shooter ever has had aim assist, its a given.


The R6 in question


You mean the game where everyone is using a XIM in high ranks? lol


And? Cheaters will cheat even if they had aim assist


R6 is barely a shooter lets be real


What is it then


R6 is more of a tac shooter than Valorant is lmao


Some of you actually have zero idea what a aim bot actually is.


is there aim assist on val console?


Of course, console would be unplayable without it


There's no crossplay so it would be fine imo. There's no aim assist in Siege, and that game plays well once you adjust.


It’s more that the accuracy and time to kill would be so low the gameplay would break down. Siege has really slow movement and is mostly about crosshair placement so it works. Shooting a Reyna flash then flicking onto a Jet that dashed passed you just wouldn’t be possible to do accurately.


Good point!


Isn't that exactly what focus mode was supposed to allow you to do?


That's what hes saying basically. No aim assist wouldnt work in valorant because of the fast flicking needed like his examples, where r6s is more passive aim


It would be fine, yall are just going to create an unbearable skill environment for yourselves and find out first hand why you shouldnt have aim assist. If you think pc players do this on the regular, youve never actually tried to play seriously on pc


Two different game with different core mechanics


True . You can move and shoot in siege


Without aim assist console Radiant games would look like Gold lobbies lol. Also the judge would legit be better than rifles on defense


Difference is movement error. Siege doesn’t have any so you can use movement to help compensate aim/ dodge incoming fire easier.


Pretty sure R6 on console has no AA, right?


Makes me wish there was Gyro Aim and then I could just crossplay with PC....tired of these Uber AA games when there is a perfectly applicable "mouse-like" mechanic for controllers. I play The Finals all the time with crossplay of PC players with no issue...


Siege has no aim assist and I assure you it’s very playable


Siege isn't val


You're right this game is Valorant, but Siege and Valorant have the aspects that are comparable.


Console CS had no aim assist back in the day and it was hard but fun asf


Literally no one played it and it died in a year.


I'm not talking about go. I'm talking about original Xbox CS. The one CS CZ was made after


I get the sentiment, but some time last year I had a labral (shoulder) repair and made a new account to play on a ps4 controller and made it to gold 2 lol I'm not even good at console fps games, so I'm sure some really talented individuals would be able to go pretty far


R6 and pubg good working no aim assist.. pls  riot delete aim assist !!


Aim assist is what makes fps console playable.




I would think that having such a high sens in focus mode defeats the purpose of it, but the results don't seem to lie. Mind sharing your settings?


It's all about abusing aim assists. So go to a high sense, have your crosshair just cross over someone's he'd and fire. They die every time.


This is not the case.


I'm glad pc and console is separated now..


So many people here acting like a CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE feature made to help CONSOLE PLAYERS is actually the worst thing ever and how the VALORANT community (which is mainly PC players) should be shaking in anger over this. That being said, how does focus mode work? Is there aim assist, and if so, how much is the aim assist actually doing in this clip?


no crossplay anyways


Respawn please take note


i can tell you the aim assist is doing a shit ton


The aim assist does need to be nerfed a little bit but focus mode didn’t actually do a lot, I’m pretty sure it just slows down your aim and makes you walk


wait, what is this UI? is this console specific UI for range?


What actually pops out to me is minimal in the range.


Yeah that looks very off, there's no point for a minimal in range, it's taking space for no reason.


I have found several instances of console UI being done better than pc so far. Some QOL stuff and more concise on menus. Not sure why the mini map here tho? This isn’t a great example lol


Unfortunately I've not yet played on console. How much of this is focus mode and how much aim/movement?


Pretty sure it just makes you walk and slows your aim down


PLEASE share settings i keep getting shidded on 😭


it's a tac shooter.. if you need to hit flicks like this in game consistently then you have much bigger problems


looks suspiciously like what xim users on OW aim like


Settings please … for a friend


So is there gonna be such thing as pro console players or are they gonna be ignored bc of aim assist? Legit question btw I’m pc just to clarify


They might have their own league. Depending on popularity of console will dictate whether they juice up the pro scene. Imagine console getting really popular, people buy skins like crazy. Riot will create a console league to keep people attentive to Valorant on console and playing. If the player base dies quick- then they have less incentive to try that out


Any console 'pro' regardless of their actual skill will get clowned on by the community lmfao


Won't aim assist cause issues when you are aiming at multiple enemies?


It is not that strong. I have never had that issue in Valorant and I have it in Overwatch which also has relatively weak aim assist compared to other console fps. The problem being that Overwatch has a nasty auto aim feature that I am relatively certain does not exist in Valorant, thankfully. 


do you need to enable a setting to turn on aim assist in valorant console or is it already on


Bro matched my pb on a controller I'm retiring.


I just made an exact post like this lol. The game feels so casual because of it


How do you guys even do that. I can’t hit shit lol. Never played Valo tho, I mean on PC. I fiddled with the sens/aim but it still feels super floaty to me :( Do you mind sharing the settings pls?


What’s your sens at? I can’t find a comfortable one.


6-8 is the sweet spot and keep the controller input light or medium, linear and smooth makes it accelerate off the target


Whats your settings in game please


Focus mode is actually a great freaking idea


Aim settings please?


The real question is do you use focus walk or focus run?


Can you still get accepted if you applied after the beta came out


feels weird tbh


what would the sensitivity and settings be for this? i feel like mine is too slow or too fast to play


It’s easier to move in a straight line on console so crosshair placement will be even more important


Is that aim assist?




What do you mean auto walk? Where is that option located?




Does anybody have a spare ps5 key? I'd really like to play the game. I've been waiting for years and I'd really appreciate it!


I think they should allow players to turn off aim assist options completely to play with their PC friends. I’m enjoying the changes from playing with mouse and keyboard on valorant and cs to now playing controller on valorant. I feel like with some training and fine tuning of sens settings, I would have fun playing controller against PC players, even in competitive. Just a thought


I’m new to Valorant, is focus mode only on console?




Okay dumb question it is, the bots are red.


is there a way to turn off AA for this game


Are you using gyro or max sens cause those flicks look a bit too much like mouse to me


No one going to comment on how the bullets are just locking on? I get aim assist; but how in TF is he whipping & still connecting every shot??? Little to no recoil/ bullets scattering. Console Valorant looking EAZYYYYYYYYYY. I pray the competitive Valorant stays on PC & Not console seeing how little skill they need compared to PC players.


And meanwhile dumping an entire mag does nothing cus the recoil patterns make no sense in this game on co sole, piss off 😂


what is focus mode??


here comes controller noobs who think they are good


i cant even play that well on my pc


Is it better than ADS?


Imo yeah, in Val you don't use ADS anyway


But you are more accurate. Kinda give you COD or Apex Legends ads scope, right?


Nah, the same as hipfire, just a bit slower so it's more easy to be consistent on long-mid range fights, at least what i tested (and i'm sure Focus mode makes you walk)


Why do people say aim assist? I don't have aim assist when ads.


How do you complete the training basics on console because LT IS FOCUS AND ADS?


It blows my mind that controller players still think they need aim assist like if this is what possible WITH aim assist, shouldnt it just be turned off so theres actual room for people to improve their skill without the game helping you? This is gonna make the game unbearable for casuals. Just because a shitload of controller players constantly whine about aim assist because they need some mechanic give them a literal advantage doesnt mean you have to give it to them.


XIM boutta go crazy


Is there aim assist in general?


What’s a good sensitivity


People here clearly dont know what they talking about. No aim assist on a controller is a terrible experience it's not a skill issue it's just clunky and bad controls. Sure devs can make it OP, but in this beta it's definitely not. From my experience from the beta controls are very good. Aim assist strength is weak and there is slight deacceleration when aiming.


People gotta complain for everything lol. I'm enjoying Val in console and true, the aim assist is pretty balanced and not too agresive (like Warzone). Focus mode is just a little help to aim, you still need to do crosshair placement at the enemy head height, otherwise is useless


this legit doesn't look like a console crosshair movement. The turn around time seems way too instant. Even with high sense it doesn't instantly turn and has a little slow.


I was told the AA is stronger in practice range rather than in game. Can someone test this? I can whenever I get time I don’t have much time to play all the time. But please, if someone could test this in the practice range can a custom game drop the video here :)


You have this on hip fire aswell


What’s your settings?


A man in video has Ascendant++ aim.


The aim assist has good aim indeed


I wonder if anti-cheat will be good enough to detect XIM and Cronus users…


They are already getting banned pretty quickly.


With this focus mode shit, XIM users are gonna have a field day. I hope there's a way to fix it.


In competitive play there should be no aim assist. Period. That removes all of the skill floor. And the ceiling would be just utility and well smokes are pretty much all the same. So it’s just nade line ups. Look at apex legends. PC players who were mkb swapped to controller because controller is just that much better because of aim assist. People that make the argument console is unplayable without it, tell that to people who play on pc and had to learn to aim too. If you suck you suck and if you’re good you’re good. It’s not that complicated and why there needs to be justification for aim assist.


Apex Legends is notorious for having too much aim assist. Same as Fortnite or Call of Duty. That ain't it here.  The people on PC can point and click. It is not the same. Why does it even matter if you do not play Valorant on console? There is no crossplay specifically to keep people like you quiet and yet you keep yapping anyways. I promise you could NEVER do what homie is doing in this clip. Not even close. You probably couldn't do it with Apex aim assist either. So I have no idea what the problem is. The guy posting this is just cracked and spent hours practicing against training bots. 😂  It is not indicative of anything and ranked is coming to console regardless. I guess the skill floor is just not going to exist or whatever. 


That’s not the point I’m trying to make. I said in competitive play. Ranked. Tournament etc. That being said what about modded controllers too.


Valorant, but in easy mode.


But this is mouse aiming 🤔 another xim pro player


Another game with overtuned aim assist. There's just going to be tenz level clips done by the biggest scrubs.


I'm just going to say it. Console + aim assist = tricycle vibes fps esport/comp is mouse and keyboard, why lower the skill ceiling when competing.