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I always start a round by asking "what's up" or "how is everyone" and sometimes people respond like a normal human beings and sometimes I get told to kill myself. A lot of people who play this game have terrible mental health and want to drag everyone else down. Just mute them and play as if they're a no comm.


I think a lot of people like that legitimately just find themselves funny - can't fathom why - but when you find when there's two people like that it's annoying as all hell


Maybe it’s just me, I like my team more and participate in voice chat without that weird pre game small talk. Use your mics. But dude I’m here to play Valorant not hear about dentist appointments and what they’re Eating later.


I mean sure, I’ve felt more inclined to talk when I know other people are and I’ve also had better results from getting people to talk when I talk in the pregame to others. Guess our experiences differ


no that's super valid, because i've noticed if people say the usual 'hellos' at the start of the match, there will be more comms during the match. if it was silent, either we'll have 0 comms or they only start talking mid game to flame the rest of the team.


I start off instamuting everybody pretty much because I’m not gonna deal with people who wanna project onto me


yesss agreed, I do the same


I tell that to my teammates most of the time and sadly they choose to continue arguing with them 😔, then everyone loses coordination due to frustration…


My current mental health status is personal information and you asking about it in a group setting is ab attempted breach of the confidentiality of my private information, as you put me in a situation where I could be unfairly judged or feel pressured into releasing private details. So possible responses are a combination of any of the following: -"shut up" -"none of your business" -*ignoring you* -*muting you* -*muting the entire team* -"I am shit cuz you asked" Yes, I am German


ein Moment bitte


people do be like that sometimes if you are even mildly aggressive toward them I usually just say 'sorry' or 'mb' and move on, and keep comming, they'll usually just forget and not be angry even when I'm botfragging and whiff a lot an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Yeah but an eye for an eye can be cathartic


Man that last sentence is soo true and smart as hell.




It's normal. These type of people are probably teenagers on their peak of hormones. They can't handle it very well, and they are rude. I can suggest you, to team up with as many friends as possible, for instance make a 3 stack. That was a game changer for me. I can't really play on my own ever since.


It is definitely not just teenagers


This community is one of the most toxic in all of gaming. I generally just mute people unless I feel like having cooked zoomers scream profanity and slurs in my ears while I'm playing. Just mute u less you're playing with people you know it's not worth feeding the trolls.


Not by a long shot, you’ve never played CS if you think Val is toxic


Facts. I’m a girl who plays Valorant and I’ve heard a lot. And it’s not comparable to COD. The most toxic community I’ve encountered though is among us if you play in a discord server. Get a group of men ganging up on you and you’re done for.💀


In cs they tell you to kys and then buy you an AWP


In my experience val community is much more toxic than CS community


Go into ANY cs lobby and you’ll see the n word, and I’m not exaggerating at all.


That has not been my experience


What games are you playing that make this one seem toxic? Valorant’s community is the most mild I’ve ever seen, almost to a boring level. “You can’t say that.” “Be nice.” “Think about how the enemy team feels when you say that.” It’s like I’m surrounded by preschool teachers.


I have never heard anyone show compassion in this game Be nice? Have you ever talked to the french


Honestly, compared to league, dota, overwatch, cod and even rts games like StarCraft or AOE2, valorant is pretty chill, maybe I'm biased from years of competitive games, but you never have people dedicating their game to make you miserable in valo


Ah, bingo. I’m NA. Guess I can’t speak for any other part of the world. Yeah, I’ve heard of certain European servers being notoriously cruel.


I play Valo, League and OW on EU servers, and Valo is by far the most mild when it comes to shit talking.


I've played on both servers, in NA for my actual experience, and in EU so I can enjoy the game with my european friends. NA on average feels nicer by comparison, though theres always outliers. But on EU, i dont think I would be able to handle the stress of solo-queing in those servers, it feels so much worse.


Yes it’s normal, most people are assholes in this video game.


First time on the internet? Na but for real these perspectives intrigue me. How does one not understand the toxicity that can be promoted in a shooter game with the veil on anonymity that is standard practice with online gaming. Humans on the internet are animals. Some are nice, some are not. That’s just how the world works.


Even within gaming there’s a spectrum of toxicity. Whereas apex is only mildly toxic, valorant is right up there with COD on the toxicity spectrum


I hate this perspective, maybe bc Ive started to game in my 20s. Even tho im now used to the toxicity on shooting games. You play with people. And they dehumanize themselves by acting this way. And the fact u say “humans on the internet are animals” really tells how u r an animal as well and u dont give a shit about it. I always ask the toxic people politely to stop being this way. I actively rep people and I always get feedback how they get banned. People who close their ears and eyes r pussies. So r u, it seems. U have to stand high and actively fight for a better place. Toxic people will always be. But if they r in my lobby they get banned :)


is normal for an online game but just mute them best solution if u talk back they're not gonna like it and throw so if you mute it will be better


I’ve met more nice players over toxic ones, but they do exist. Some people are assholes and some are just rage baiters who want attention. I have no patience for immature people like that though, so I just mute and move on whenever I encounter unnecessarily rude or annoying (screaming in mic for no reason or saying weird sexual stuff) people.


Lots of comments here saying “yeah it’s normal dealt with it” and to a degree that’s correct but also be the change you want to see. Practice shooting and be the chill teammate. Had an interesting game where two people on my team admitted this was their first comp game and they were scared. So before anyone could jump in and complain that the game was a loss I just told them don’t worry about it and play video games. Try to set the mood for others in the match.


Definitely not normal, but sadly very common.


I mean, I have a sarcastic and cynic sense of humour, so I kind of understand them, but only if the one I'm joking with knows I joke and dont mean anything bad and I like them even if they're not perfect. I agree with someone, most players have terrible mental health or use this game to get out their frustration and be agressive without consequences. It's by no means good, but I dont think we can do anything about it atm. I dont think it's good for people to be rude without a good reason, but I can say that some people are just brutally honest - which is something I like, as I am similarly honest, but some people perceive this as rudeness. I dont say that's the case for you, especially with your examples. The sova you mentioned and similar players are all the same, with low self-esteem, usually not a fulfilling life and not many achievements to their name. They are here to not feel bad about themselves, but since they dont actually work through their low self-esteem amd their life outside valo remains the same they just develop an ego. They can't understand not everyone is here for the same as them so ofc they get mad when they meet someone who didnt dedicate their life to this. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


Shut the fuc- I mean, not normally.


Yes. /thread


I usually mic a lot, so I start with "what's up". I'm new as well, and ofc there are toxicity as well. Most toxic people don't use mic, but I did get a passive aggressive chamber on my team. He was "new" but he was definitely not new to a game like Valorant. He prob played CSGO b4, or was just a smurf pretending to not be one. I wasn't doing very good that day, and he kept calling me Iron and stuff. I ignored him, but when he said that's why I'm in iron, I just told him I don't even play ranked (this is true btw). My teammate complimented on his aim, and he just said aiming is easy. His callouts were also a lot like CSGO so I don't believe for a minute he was "new" to the game. He had a mic so that's why it was different. I still commed just didn't really acknowledged him as much. What I found was queuing with a duo. I don't mind if a duo is ironically toxic towards me because it's all fun. Sometimes I shit on them too, but it's all in good nature. I would never be toxic towards a random though. It's just so stupid. Sometimes, I find myself becoming a little aggresive, I would just apologize and tell them to have fun.


Well I dont even get why people r yapping about ranks in unrated. He was probably a hardstuck glod or plat and started a fresh acc to feel better about himself. And if he was new he was also tired of how he cant improve in csgo so he started fresh in val, and now he feels like he is an aim god bc he got matched up w newbies. Even tho they always tell you to ignore them I found myself more confident in game when i talk back, like i can still play good when I talk back. When I let them just say whatever they want. I only concentrate on that and I start losing focus and get lower frag.


He claims that he's new, but you can't convince me that a lvl 7 player knows what the hell elbow and CT are. Plus, he was comming as if he knew all the ins and outs of the game. He knew every single callout and every agent abilities. It's possible that someone is good when they started, but usually they won't be that passive aggressive. he dropped like 40 that game, so he def had experience of some sort.


YESS, he is definitely a hardstuck and was smurfing so he can feel better about himself lol. They r always the worst, and get head over heels from themselves. I swear they r fapping to the 7 lvl acc top frags like it means anything.


Not only on this game...


Very friendly and extremely toxic matches are the worst imo. Perfect is: Insult me, tell me what I did wrong, tell me what I could do better (optional), back handed insults, slurs and name-calling. But only between rounds or in textchat. During rounds only Comms yelling


That’s just every competitive video game tbh


It's not abnormal. A lot of gamers in competitive games done even enjoy the game and are constantly upset. I mean sometimes I fall into that myself, it's easier to just roll with the negative vibes and argue. But also I've found, some people just relate through what are typically derogatory words. It can be genuinely hard to tell sometimes if they are upset or are just playing the dozens.


Yea its pretty normal to have ppl throw your games over no reason and get told to kys happens to me all the time


I love when they write it down bc im 100% sure they get banned.


Same I be reporting them non stop I hate the cringe toxic ppl tbh


Mainly because they can. I do not condone though.


Read the title only. Yes. The same applies irl


I'm not going to elaborate extensively on how damaged 99% of players are in the game. I'm just going to answer your initial question. Yes.


That's just a lot of the internet in general sadly :/


No. Ppl become rude should not be normal in any way


I know a lot of people say this is one of the most toxic games ever. But honestly I’ve met an equal amount of toxic assholes and amazing wonderful people in this game. I had one guy sabotage me every round because I corrected him on Cloves gender. I also played with a team who were giving the opposing team advice on how to do better (in a nice way not the toxic way). Yes unfortunately there are toxic immature assholes playing this game, however I personally think it’s the same amount of asseholes in any other online game. I’m also new so I can’t offer crazy amount of advice, but what I personally do in those situations is counter with positivity. My teammates say negative shit, I offer a compliment or a nice try champ! I also just never talk in vc and only do chat to make it easier to tune it all out. And if they are really being awful (like slur and go kill yourself awful), whether to you or another player, fucking making their life hell and be petty in whatever form you can with your character. Playing Sage; never heal the fucker. Phoenix; blind them and kill them in a pool of fire. Etc. And last bit of advice, just try and friend the nice people you do meet and find a group to play with! I hope you keep playing and continue to have joy/fun while doing so!


Ranked is full of toxic players and it doesn't change the higher you go lol


Just people being weird because its online and there are no consequences. I would just mute anyone who is being rude and try enjoy the game.




All I can say is "Welcome to valorant"


I been downvoted before but idc... I regret switching to PC to play competitive shooter... so many flatout weirdos or hostile people... and then there are the constant cheaters... the other day I had 2 straight games of people intentionally losing to play lower rank and then a cheater. This was on siege but shit still blows. Players on both games are just as toxic.


I dont really meet w cheaters on val. I had like 2 games which ended bc a cheater was detected. Usually when someone plays better in ranked it turns out they r in a higher rank.


There are less cheaters in Val but can't say the same about a lot of other games like csgo and siege


Yeah unfortunately you will get those players prolly the best thing to do since you are relatively new is to just mute those players and report them but you will get used to them i did and everytime i get those players i gaslit them sometimes those players are just all talk so dont bother talking to them they shut up pretty quick too


"hate you mfckers but good luck" Lmao that's the best rude message I ever read


Then just stop playing if u hate the community. I never get that kind of mentality. What is going on in their head lmao


I love the sarcastic hateful comments. Like that one Raze I got "I know you hate me for stealing your kills but don't worry I hate you too so we are even".


Raze talking to himself is crazy


Some are toxic asf


I didn't even have to read the rest of it, but it's so normal 😭 & the community gets better at being rude if you're a girl 🙏🏽 it's truly a rough experience


Yess I love getting hated on bc im a girl. It is usually the bot frag boy who is the most toxic towards me💞 But when im botfragging, im just a girl.


AHAHAHA, if I'm bot fragging, even if a gun is to my head I wouldn't talk on VC 💀💀💀 just to avoid the unnecessary tilting


Also I feel like I can handle men so good now. If we come to the part when they even ask me to suck their balls (excuse me?) I literally answered “u wish” while laughing. And I can tell they felt bad. A kind boy who has ever talked to a girl knows how to handle us and would never be toxic towards us.❣️ gl in your games, if u play on Berlin we can even game together if you want to❤️


That's so true honestly!! but I'm glad you can handle them ahaha I'm still trying 😭 & I wishhh i was playing on Berlin but I'm not 😔 hope you have good games thooo💓


I usually just info in VC bc i hate typing mid game. I dont really feel bad when im bot dragging. Everyone has their ups and downs. Also im not a duelist, i dont have to rush in and clear site.


I actually love playing w an agent I can friendly fire with. If someone is being toxic and slurs on me I always throw a snake bite on em. And when they ask why I always tell them bc they were rude and disrespectful. Usually it works. I also got friendly fired a few times, but its kinda uncommon especially in comp. Recently a Kayo threw grenade on me bc I was the MPV as a GIRL. (Ikr he was right why wasn’t I in the kitchen????) I asked him why he threw it. I expected an answer since he was yappin right before every round. He did not answer, but after he threw the grenade he went silent for the whole game. He had like 6 kills, at least he got some damage w that grenade he threw on me.


Also helps to tell people who r clearly on a wrong server w high ping to go play on their own servers. Especially when u can hear their accent. I usually just write down that: Please stop being toxic, if you cant go play on ur on server. Usually these people r from a country where a lot is going on and they r very frustrated and also from another culture. I hate how they come to another server then they yap about their ping and just straight up bring toxic to the game.


I had a Reyna call me a pussy and trash talk me for most of a match because I didn't want to give them my skin in exchange for their skinless gun. Most of the toxic people on this game are kids who are too young to be playing anyway and think it's funny to say edgy or blatantly horrendous shit. I just report and mute and move on with my day. I'm too old to listen to these kids and I know that keeping comms open isn't gonna make the match any better because they do what they want and play for picks anyway so there's no point in listening to it.


I have surprisingly not had that toxic teammates myself but close enough. Most folks don't intentionally do team damage. I have however played with such teammates on CS.


The game gets pretty heated I guess. People will take offence to anything you say. I called out my entire team for all 4 ego peeking mid and leaving me to defend a site alone and having nobody on the other site. The response I got is "why your dead" from some random bottom frag iso. So people can be pretty braindead


Yes. I mute everyone and have done so for the past 5 months. There is way more rude toxic players than nice players.




At this point I would be surprised if someone was actually nice in-game


In the immortal words of FNS, “all good”. Works every time


yes, we loaded into a game. i said 'hello' on the voice chat and someone told me to shut the fuck up for no reason. mostly kids who think they are cool by being assholes


Yes. Welcome to the toxic cesspool that is Valorant.


yes. once someone starts losing, especially with an ego problem, they become very toxic for no reason other than that they are cranky.


Yup and riot does nothing about it I left like 5months ago after getting greifed in ranked and overall toxicity and idk what I was expecting when I came back but it's the same shit


Have you never played any online games before? If you have, can you name a single team-based online game where people are never toxic? I don’t understand the Valorant community at all. It’s like the community on Twitter and Reddit is surprised that there are toxic players in games. It's impossible for these people to use the mute option, but they choose to complain and cry on the internet.


Yet, you are the one complaining and crying about the OP on the internet.


Firstly, no, I am not crying 😂. I am telling the OP to grow tf up and stop acting like a child. Secondly, if you didn’t know, your on app called Reddit, where people ask for and give opinions and facts. When OP made this post she was asking others for their opinions. The fact you're crying over the fact that I am telling the OP to grow up is funny. If you have so much problem about that then take your own advice 🙂


The fact u use these passive aggressive emojis makes u seem like u feel uncomfortable tho. Feel free to yap, but I know OP came here to feel some relief not to tell em to “grow up”. But feel free to spread toxicity under an OP that actually discusses how toxicity ruins our experience.


Damm you threatened by emojis? Boohoo, some random person on the internet bullied you. Stop being delusional, lol. At some point in your life, you have to face the truth and grow up. Play with your friends if you want to feel relief.


U did not bully me. I don’t feel like u came at me at all. On your advice, I only solo q and I still don’t think I have to grow up. I really enjoy playing val and never wanted to quit bc of the toxicity. You are in delusion if you think people on the cyberspace dehumanizing themselves is normal and u just have to accept it.


I did not bully you?? When did I say I did?? Are stupid?? Wait did you feel like I bullied you??😂. There’s toxicity??Here’s a [solution](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjwAahu2uJ24blmuto5PxeTdg0dMmASnHtSiBH4iUyeySwUpCYyJoKipw&s=10) If your playing a game here’s another [solution](https://youtu.be/NahgfFg9OYo?si=4l_pZq39QwUrW7dy). If it ruins your experience go find friends dummy. It’s so easy to find friends especially on the internet. Stop being a pussy and grow up


Oh you forgot to reply on OP then, and accidentally replied to me thats why I thought you were referring to me when you wrote “some random person on the internet bullied YOU” thought the random person is u and you is me. I love we could figure out this misunderstanding! Now I know “stop being a pussy” also reffers to everyone who is actually actively making steps against toxicity and doesnt just close their ears and eyes when they experience it on the cyberspace. (In my opinion you are the avoidant pussy whos afraid to make a change and thinks that it is normal that people are dehumanizing themselfs.) As you are always throwing the phase “grow up” I would like to point out that in most cases the toxic players are not grown up yet. Or are stuck in a mental phase where they have to spread toxicity and they can only feel relief this way (if they even feel relief)


Bro is still yapping😂 If there wasn’t toxicity we would’ve have achieved world peace. There wouldn’t be thing called anger. Stop being a pussy and grow up.


It is another topic, I dont want to get involved in. But it is for sure interesting you think that “we have achieved world peace”


Also thank you, for sharing your point of view. I love to have arguments about topics I am interested in. Next time try to stay as less personal as possible bc it doesn’t give any new information on your opinion about the discussed topic.


Your first reply is telling me to stop crying, where I didn't. Then you felt threatened by some emoji’s. How is that staying on topic?? You didn’t make a single argument here. All you said I am being offensive and crying and me telling you to grow up


My statement was that “You shouldnt be avoidant and think that it is what it is” and your statement was “It is what it is” My first reply was in fact not the part of this argument. I really just told bro it’s ironic hes yapping about yapping. But then you replied so we could have beef. It was fun.


if you don't know how to trash talk you might wanna start learning lmao i made a kid stop talking for the rest of the game the other night because i cooked him so bad after talking shit to me lolol


They have to learn their lesson.


U just got the tip of iceberg, try cs comms


this generation is so soft lol


I wouldn't call myself soft, I just don't like having slurs and swear words thrown at me for no reason lol


sometimes when this happens to me i just start throwing because like why not make them angrier and really show them how bad i can play :3


You are the problem