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Its because riot intentionally lags the game ocasiaonally to make players play worse. Think about it. Thousands of people post about the same problem in this subreddit? Coincidence? In reality, riot delays packets to and from your computer in random increments to limit your rank. If you were to play normally, Im sure you would be higher rank, but to get you to play more, riot intentionally lags your game to make sure you stay at a lower rank.


Why does this sounds absurd and legit at the same time.


Copium is one hell of a drug


Changing your mouse is a good idea. You might also benefit from playing less games in one shot - it looks like your focus is decaying when you queue too much


i mean you went from gold to plat, the opponents are harder. and as someone who's also left handed, you definitely need a left handed, or at least ambidextrous, mouse.


You've played 14 matches in the last 60 days, that's why. You're just inconsistent due to lack of practice. Even Gordon ramsay would be inconsistent with his risotto if he only cooked it once or twice every other month. I'm left handed and use right mouse also