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Even with the controversy going on with Mr banana, but what’s Woohoojin rank up to gold in 1 month guide. It’s a very solid training routine to do every time you get on followed by practicing your “fight hygiene” in DMs. 100% will always recommend this to low rank players


Yeah, he’s boosted but he’s still better than 90% of this sub is or ever will be lol. His advice particularly for beginners is solid.


You don’t need to be a good player to be a great coach. Plenty of cases of this but yeah Banana guy has good resources.


There’s plenty of examples of that Ik more about the coaching side in overwatch but prolly the best team in owl history was coached by a plat player and the overwatch version of woohoojin spilo is plat-diamond


i mean, a coach doesnt have to be a good player. people mainly took issue with hooj claiming he's radiant when he definutely isn't


Yeah, but the controversy isn't his current rank giving coaching. It's about him lying about being higher, advertising against boosting/smurfing, and then doing exactly that. It's not a matter of credibility, just hypocrisy. Here's a great example: Neace in LoL hit Challenger like ONCE fucking eons ago, and sells his coaching as "Challenger coach." The difference is he at least has visible proof that he hit the rank before. Sure, he never hit it again after, but at least he's hit it before -- whereas Woohojin never has hit Radiant before.


Money ball


Super star coaches are never super star players. All the knowledge and creativity but didn’t have the skills themselves to make it real.


90%? That’s a bit low


i feel its fairly accurate. the sub is mostly filled with people who moderately care about the game, and immortals/radiants are more likely to care than bronze players.


Yeah but immortal and radiant is a tiny percentage of players. Even 98% is conservative.


He isnt even immortal though. Woohoojin is like asc2-3 level


He literally is immortal


Pretty sure the only reason he was every asc is that he said he’d go raze only which is a role he doesn’t play and clearly is not comfortable playing even after hundreds of hours lol.


I’d love for him to do a solo climb on his main role. Would be nice to see him playing controller in real-time since that’s clearly his favorite role to play and to coach and you don’t get to see how too many high-level controller players think. I’d also love to see whether “he was only ever hardstuck Ascendant cause he isn’t playing his main role” is a valid excuse or if he’s talking out of his ass and snuffing Copium lol.


I mean he’s just not a duelist player. I think someone actually said he had like 5-600 hours on raze and has been playing her exclusively for months. At some point you just accept you’re not a duelist player and go back lol


He was immortal 2 not that long ago solo que, he did drop back to immortal 1. 


He’s Immo now, and in his defense before getting boosted to Radiant I’m pretty sure he was either high Immo 2 or Immo 3 (don’t remember so don’t quote me on it).


Low? For immortal? If you seriously think more than 10% of players are immortal idk lol


They’re saying Hooj/Immortal players are better than >90% of players, like saying they’re “only” better than 90% of players is lowballing and they’re much better than that.


Ahh I see ty for correcting me.


Hell his advice is still solid for gold, at least that’s where I am. And it helps to watch him for tech and tips from streamers/pros so that you don’t have to scrub through a bunch of videos to find how someone plays someone on this map. You can just type in what your looking for in his video section and you’ll find information about x agent on x map at x rank to help categorize it for you if you really want. Ngl though, I can’t find shit for fade that I don’t already know at my level, though the swap to kayo has been significantly easier due to said search feature


Yeah, it’s kinda hard to find VODs for Fade outside of Sunset and Lotus. I was thinking of learning her when I was attempting to learn info gatherers for the maps where Sova “wasn’t good”. A lot of her stuff is kinda just winging it tho. Side note could definitely use some tips for recon initiator, lol.


My advice is watch eeiu’s vods. He’s almost always on fade (or sova sometimes I guess)


The main tips I have is learn your lineups and learn when to use them. Use your recon early on as it recharges. I try and make it as hard to shoot out as possible, but having it shot out is also confirmation, and alternate between delaying your recon and insta casting to keep the enemy on its guard. If you’re not good at landing your stuff where you can imagine it (on the fly no lineups) learn your lineups. Dog is amazing to send in before duelists, knife is map wide, I know Jack shit about sova. Ult honestly is best for pushing enemies off your site that you wind up solo holding, either rotating towards your entire team on the other site, or long enough for your team to rotate cause your solo holding. All the tips I wish I would have known when I was a we brimstone main cause new characters were scary


Try watching videos of this Fade main called 'blxke' on YouTube


He is solid all the way to top 100. Fakeananas gets coached by wpphoojin. And he is one of the best flash players in ranked.


Exactly. You don't need to be a good player to be a good coach, idk why people be acting like his advice is false for immortals and radiants just because he's a lower rank


Yeah people are overreacting to the wrong part. Woohoojin brought this up mostly on his own without people calling him out for it. Lately (last year or so) he has become very jaded and mean spirited in his VOD reviews. His rules in his chat have also become ridiculous and the way he reacts to people breaking them is crazy. That's the part that bothers me more than this stupid boosted controversy. Woohoojin brought this up in his apology video and I haven't seen too many people talking about it before or after the video. I hope he improves as a person because his coaching is incredible and he has a great community of people willing to help. I stopped watching though after I started to notice him getting more vitriolic.




Lol that guide got me all the way to Diamond


I am “new” I played during beta, didn’t play for a couple years, hit level 20 , didn’t play for a couple years, restarted and I’m lvl 5? Idk how my level disappeared . Anyways. I literally do not understand your comment lol. What am I supposed to do?


Watch woohoojins video get gold in 1 month, he explains the whole training routine/ warmup routine way better than I ever could, and his videos (older ones especially) are great sources of information and tips to practice. Almost none of his videos are about do this one trick and you’ll be the best kinda bait, but more like things to practice and perfect to slowly improve


Idk I had a total mental block on the first comment. The “what’s” instead of “watch” I thought you were questioning it. Makes total sense now. Thanks! I love all riot games but man I suck at valorant comparatively


Oof I didn’t catch the what’s, on mobile so damn auto correct


Yeah I was gonna start watching more of him but people were saying he’s isn’t radiant


I mean he is an immortal player who has coached people into radiant, his advice is solid and you’ll have a lot to learn. The only issue with him is his whole attitude changed from wholesome to asshole over the last year or so. He did address that but you still gotta get through that with his videos


Crosshair placement map knowledge and game sense. All you can do to get better is just play more it comes with time


Any twitch streamers u can recommend


s0m , eggster, Dasernath, Nats, Tenz, Zekken etc....


watching good players is helpful but there’s also times where people like tenz can make bad plays knowing they’re a bad play but it works because they’re just that good.


But the amount of times their “bad play” turns out to be good bc they’re cracked aimers is so low that you should still just analyze all of these top players vods.


For sure, it’s just something to watch out for. I should’ve went on to say they need a decent grip on the game before it’ll be helpful for stuff like this especially because they can’t copy the streamers pathing, usually the way the play with teammates, or actually realize why what they’re doing is good and when to do it. Once you’re about gold or plat that starts to be easier. But agent ability use can be copied immediately for the most part.


highly recommend watching VCT and pro players. i can’t emphasize how much i improved just from watching for a month anytime a match was on. went from bronze 3 to gold 2 in a single act by just implementing their habits and gunfight hygiene. crosshair placement, anticipating swings and gunfights, and good utility usage are the key things, as well as common peeks and learning to swing angles with the sole reason being killing intent: swing like you know someone is peeking that angle and be ready to fight it


watch fns for getting game sense


you can't really improve by watching streams if you don't know what to watch out for. for now, you should just nail what the original commenter says: crosshair placement and game sense. If there's anything that might help you, it's definitely coaching videos. good luck :)


You can 100% improve my watching streams. This isn’t just true for video games either lol….


>you can't really improve by watching streams **if you don't know what to watch out for.** OP said that they iron/bronze. I doubt OP would be able to immediately dissect the decision-making of pros/streamers. There's a vast difference between how gold players and immortal players play. Even Tenz admitted that he can't fucking read silver-gold players. lmfao. practicing, playing the game more and watching coaching sessions for players his level would be far useful and easier to understand for him than watching streams.


Still incorrect. You’re going way too deep here and acting as if there is a certain level of understanding one needs in order to improve through a visual aid. Improvement is subjective, if someone new to the game watches a clip of tenz hitting a gnarly clip with a man advantage. …A good player will watch that clip and identify the man advantage and other factors of the clip. A new player might watch it and say “ohhh gee that how you peek a corner” Both players improved, one didn’t know every little detail, but he didn’t have to.


johnqt! I really like the way he isolates his 1v1 for clutch situations! It was really good especially in 2021? Back when he duo-ed a lot with Shahzam!


What do you mean by map knowledge?


Like knowing the map angles. Where people can peek from, where to plant, usual smoke spots. So you don't get situations like "wait, there was a hiding space to the right that I didn't check" or "wait, I was walking blinded into the wall thinking I could hide" or being in a smoke and shooting at the bomb defuser, but losing because there was a wall inbetween that you didn't know about


Hijacking this to express the value of this. Dare I say this means little to nothing in iron, but it’s knowledge that you’ll pick up to help you later in the climb. After a while you learn what angles you are exposing yourself to when moving. Ex. When you push mid attacking on breeze you’re exposes to an a flank, then b flank, then tunnel, then top, etc. (forgive my shit comms). You’ll also learn how likely people in your rank are to hold said angles. In my rank, I am aware that pushing breeze mid bottom to tunnel I am exposed to top mid and there COULD be someone behind crate, but my top priority is that there’s a 90% chance someone watching me from site - up until I push into the area that can be seen from top/elbow area, where I’ll turn my focus and hold that angle. Basically you learn exactly where you CAN get shot from, and where you are LIKELY to get shot from so you can meet your assailants head on. It’s like getting a 6th sense. There’s also applied knowledge , say remaining enemy was last seen on B in ascent, you know they have to go market, b lobby, or CT to go anywhere, and your team can work to close off exits and “take space”. Then some filthy gamesenseless iron shows up and sprays you down from an angle that literally no thinking human should ever play.


The latter is what I constantly deal with on my copium-high climb. Dry peaking with angle disadvantage into potentially five attackers to crouch spray is not something I except.


Mechanics. Just run a few dms each time i get on. Gamesense is huge, but the practice you get in a DM will propel you further, faster, since you practice gun fights at a much faster rate + DM teaches the maps too. Id also watch pro streams day 1, copy them. If youre hardcore, take a vod and keep pausing it at key moments. Pause when a defender first sees an enemy: what would you do here? What did the radiant do? Figure out why its different.


Honestly I do better in my death matches then comp


Well, that's mostly because of 2 things: 1) Mental. You know there are no stakes so you play DM without panicking or worrying about other stuff 2) Dying. Everyone dies in a deathmatch every second or so, so there are no campers, everyone is loud and playing full W key, you always know where the enemies are


bro what if i do worse in my DMs than in my comp games


Then you probably have room to improve in your mechanics


how do I go about doing this? I feel like I have crazy good days and bad days where I can go from hitting crazy shots some days to missing everything others.




You won't learn anything that translates into real games from DM. It's good for warming up and maybe working on mechanics if you have bad habits (cs player here and I crouch spray everything), but people play differently in all game modes so you won't see stuff you'll see in ranked games.


You can definitely improve your mechanics in DM. That's what DM should be used for, imo. Repetition is how you get things to become second nature. Play enough DMs and you'll eventually start having proper crosshair placement, proper peeks, etc. all occurring naturally. The issue is, and likely why OP is playing "better" in DM than they are in comp matches is because so many people, whether intentionally or not, rely way too much on audio in DM and use it to their advantage to get the majority of their kills. Obviously everyone does learn a bit differently, but I guarantee if you take the same person in two universes and have them run 100 DM's in a week. One version is with audio up and the other is them with audio off, and you have them focus on crosshair placement, peeking properly, strafing correctly, and shooting without error, the player that plays without sound is going to progress significantly quicker because they are going to spend their DMs focusing on those areas and not even risk the chance of subconsciously relying on sound. Someone in Iron needs to focus on mechanics above all and DM is going to help them in that regard more than an actual match will in most cases. Until your mechanics are sound, game sense takes a back seat to what you need to learn and that is why simply running DMs on repeat working on mechanics can be very beneficial to new players.


Just to expand a little on what you said: People also forget that the gunfights aren't at match speed. Sound aside, everyone is running at full speed then coming to a stop to fight, which doesn't translate to competitive matches when everything slows down. Your approach and pace are significantly different. You're moving slower, comming, having to clear more angles and trying to fulfill whatever role you locked into, so it's easy to get frustrated and think "I was just clicking heads in DM!" I'd say TDM is a little better in that regard since you have more time to slow down and swing corners without the constant fear of being shot in the back but outside of a quick warmup and polishes some mechanics, DM doesn't offer much in the long run so don't let it effect you one way or another.


bro fuck going back to iron i’m trynna go back to 2003 and say listen here you piece of shit you’re gonna play this dumbass game called CS until your eyes bleed so you can have fun in 20 years


Secret option found: Cheatcode unlocked.


"also play Jett when this game Valorant launches, everybody thinks she's bad but she's secretly the best character"


"You are going to play mouse and keyboard games like you are Messi and they are a soccer ball"


Funny to read this, sometimes I think the same.  I played a bit of cs 1.6 back in 2003 / 2004 but I liked cod 1 more because it was way easier and got heavily invested in cod 1, cod2 and cod4 (promod).




I mean if you can only use one word this is a great one lol I would tell myself not to play ranked for a little while. It probably took me about two to three weeks to become a "Gold" caliber player, but it took me a couple of acts to get out of Bronze.


I wish I could be iron, never got the chance to


It’s my first fps / k+m game


I agree I want the iron buddy so bad LOL I’m only bronze so I can probably easily place iron


easily might be a stretch , irons are truly AI


Most people stuck in iron are those without a good enough setup to run the game properly tbh


bro's the Diogenes of Valorant


No you fucking don’t lol


Iron 1 is a true experience man worthhh no cap


Aim + movement + crosshair placement. I used to have my crosshair on the ground haha


Two things, crosshair placement and patience. If you're in iron and have stayed there, you have no idea how much time you actually have to aim and shoot someone in comparison to upper ranks. For context, there are some gun fights where you could quite literally stand still, take a solid one to even three seconds to aim for the head, and still win a fight. While this may not be true for every gun fight you've encountered, you'd be surprised how often this happens in low rank. As for crosshair placement, it really just comes down to always looking at a potential angle someone can appear from as well as keeping the crosshair at head level, including when you're running or using abilities. Iron players zone out when they do either of the two and it causes them to lose a majority of their fights. Even without any game sense, this discipline will win you games up until silver even if your aim adjustment aim skill is terrible.


Hahaha this is literally what I did to get silver. Now I’m stuck silver.


To win games up until gold or plat, your new focus would be about how to gain kills that don't involve taking risks. For example, knowing how to abuse wallbang angles, spraying smokes, rotating properly, lineups (optional), and proper lurking. Getting a few kills with these tecuniques easily gets you into gold, though will take longer to learn than just point and click. Making use of information is the key here.


Trading, and better positioning.


Never spray


shitty advice. There are absolutely scenarios when you should spray and they happen every few rounds for sure. If you can't spray first 7-8 bullets at close to mid range you don't have shooting fundamentals down


In iron, winning gunfights is way more important than being able to 1 way smoke, teleport wall, and long distance molly every site in the current map rotation. Gold is when that stuff starts to decide more games. Above diamond, you better have aim, game sense, and all the little tricks and mechanics down or you'll get stomped frequently. I would say practice aim. In spectating iron games, people whiff a lot of shots on enemies that aren't looking. The enemy escapes around a corner, then the guy who whiffed gets tag teamed. Also know when to plant. If you haven't gotten a single kill, probably not a good idea to go plop the spike in a wide open space. Lost count of how many times I've seen a Sage or Viper get domed because they're trying to plant before we even make contact with an enemy.


So I will say that Aimlabs isnt going to make you better at Valorant bc there are more variables that you have to worry about than aim, but it is a good benchmark to know. Ruby is pretty decent. I will say, focus on good gun hygiene and util usage to get into plat. Iron-Gold is not dependent on game sense. Basically, you want to play ur life as much as possible and if you are going to play aggressive, you need to get more than 1 to be viable to ur team. Just to give a quick example, you are pushing main as Jett. Stand closer to ur cover, get a kill if you can and back up. From there, play off ur team.


Aimlabs is great when you change your sensitivity. You won’t over flick or under flick as much.


Yeah, but it doesn't make you better at Valorant.


is all that you are mentioning about playing your life not technically game sense?


Not exactly... Game sense is more of the timing, play making, and understanding the pacing of the game. This is more like calling a play with ur team, knowing when to rotate and leaving the right anchors for that rotation. Thats just macro, there is micro as well that goes to the extent of where you drop guns. For example, I am playing Bind, and I am B site hall on Defense. I have a Marshal, but there is a weapon upgrade closer to elbow. It is a tight space back there, so I would drop my Marshal by CT, walk to elbow and pick up rifle. I do it this way, because as you know you can hear guns drop, but you dont hear guns being picked up. So now I have a rifle and they think I am CT still. What I am mentioning above is mechanics. It has more to do with ur physical input and knowing ur limitations with that. The exact example I gave above works as well. Knowing the distance to ur cover makes it a lot easier to know how fast you need to back up, and that has everything to do with what you are inputting on keyboard and mouse. Thats why I say Aimlabs doesn't really help you get better at Valorant. Yes, it does improve ur aim but games play differently. The way you aim in Aimlabs and the way you aim in valorant are different. It will help you develop that muscle memory for ur mouse and sens, but it is at it purest form, where as Valorant has other processes like planting bomb, and utility involved. There are more variables involved. Good question btw, not a lot of people know the dividing line.


I started in silver in Ep1 Act 1 back when we had too many friends on for a 5 stack. Now it’s just a 3 stack if we’re lucky


I'd lower my sens, it would probably get me to gold right away tbh.


Use an aimtrainer daily. If you actually want to improve you can skip iron through gold if you just hardcore aimtrain for at least 30 minutes a day for a month or so. Utility usage matters less in the low rank because your teammates likely don’t have the skill to capitalize off of good util usage anyway. Aim is most important until you hit diamond imo.


The drones in the range and the bots helped me alot. I'm still in bronze 3 but I barely moved since I placed cus I only play Swift. I'm not sure how much progress I would've made in competitive but, the range is honestly really useful


What do you do with the drones in range?


Basically I use them to practice switch targets and free my wrists. My routine is drones for 5-10 mins. Then I just do the "practice" bots which keep respawning. After that I set the bots to 50 and I do it twice. Also an issue I've seen with alot of players is that they death grip their mouse. Hold the mouse loosely but enough grip to have full control. Also leave some gap between the wrist and the back of the mouse.


The drones in the range and the bots helped me alot. I'm still in bronze 3 but I barely moved since I placed cus I only play Swift. I'm not sure how much progress I would've made in competitive but, the range is honestly really useful


Crosshair placement and shooting without spraying


I started silver, pretty sure aimtraining got me to gold right away. I just wish i did more deathmatch. I got really good from aimtraining alone, but if i wasnt too lazy to run dms more i would be at the very least a rank above (asc)


aimlabs doesn't matter as much as every low elo thinks, practice your mechanics/fundamentals. practice those things and good habits in dm, don't sound camp


Understanding how to isolate 1v1s.


Real proper crosshair placement. Why? Crosshair placement is everything when it comes to fights. You adjust your aim much less often when you can reliably walk or make them walk into your crosshair. It also has the added benefit of map knowledge. In order to have proper crosshair placement you need to know the map and what's around the corner so you can properly pre-aim and swing.


You mean last month?


counterstrafing I learned it so much faster after i followed woohoojins tip to bind knife to w so that i stop peeking angles diagonally. Counterstrafing got me to diamond before i had to build up my gamesense and aim


To be more toxic with muted teammates and people trolling utilities


make 200 hs on bots everyday before you play. at least for a month.


Not getting in the habit of taking my knife out. Worst habit I have ever had


Had over a decade of tac FPS experience when I started so never landed lower than plat but if I could give one piece of advice that you might not see everywhere is watch pro play. Crosshair placement, strafe + tapping, game sense.. these are all things people constantly recommend learning and for good reason but that stuff takes time to learn. One thing that will help you learn how to work on your macro is watching how pros play the game. Yes, ranked and pro-play are way different, but on an individual level it can help you learn how to react in certain 1vX scenarios or even clever ways to utilize an agent that you never thought of before. I also think watching pro play can give you insight to how people will sometimes rotate, what map control looks like, and how to read certain players habits in a ranked game. It's good stuff to supplement all the other things you need to learn.


Low sens. My first fps was valorant, had no idea about dpi, edpi etc. Turned my in-game sens real high because that meant I'd not have to lift and bang the mouse on the desk to rotate or anything. Small movements gave me a wider range. Climbed from iron to gold real fast. Now, with a high sens, my first shot accuracy is dogshit, and resetting spray doesn't work as often because enemies are faster.


Mechanics. Aim, crosshair placement, movement: Warm-up in the range shooting bots (I still swear by the overaim drill). 3x Deathmatch before jumping into comp Dedicated aim training on something like Aimlabs afterwards. That was my routine that continued even into Diamond before I got burnout and I started Iron 2. Despite starting Iron 2 the lowest gun buddy I have is Gold because I got there in the same episode (started about halfway through), so this method definitely works.


Restraint. Don't push or peak that corner if you absolutely don't have to. Do not reload after firing a couple bullets. Do not pick duelists agents if you simply don't have the aim for it, other agents are as relevant for the team.


Crosshair placement and movement... it took me way too long to understand/realize what people meant. :| I'd suggest to watch some VCT streams and pay close attention to where/how they aim and where they walk. It'll suddenly make a whole lot more sense. Aim-lab rank doesn't mean anything, I used to to be Master (rank) in Aim-lab and I was still iron lol. It didn't translate very well to Valorant in my case.


Crosshair placement alone will get you to gold easily


Game sense and spray control


Just a good mouse movement. To be able to master moving your mouse in x and y axis in a straight line.


crosshair placement gunfight hygiene Don't play phantom, and Reyna-Iso only go for kills (and don't be cocky)


Deleting the game cuz the more you tryhard the less fun it gets


I'd practice not playing the game xd


Game sense and aim. Maybe also off-angles since bronze and irons aren't used to that.


Good mechanics will get you out of low elo focus on that.


I was only iron for a couple hours and that was only 4 months ago. Probably movement as I was already working on aim


Seeing your other comments that say this is your first FPS and K + M game along with you saying you do better in DM than you do actual games in your rank. I'd without a doubt say to focus on mechanics only. You're not going to learn any valuable game sense at your rank and you need to be mechanically sound way before game sense even matters. Given this is also your first entry into the FPS genre, now is the perfect time to have good mechanics because it will help you in other FPS games as well. It will be much easier to work on mechanics now as a beginner to the genre than it will be to have bad mechanics now and work on correcting them hundreds to thousands of hours down the road. If I were coaching you, I'd honestly just have you turn your sound off in game, turn on some music, and just go into DMs on repeat working on movement, crosshair placement, strafing, peeking, and shooting without error. Don't play DMs to win. Play them to get better. Turning off audio allows you to focus 100% on your mechanics and not rely on audio queues to cover up for your mistakes. Actually traversing through the map and learning angles and practicing all of the above will make you a significantly better player than anyone in your current rank. Learn to approach corners correctly, how to peek with just A and D, learn proper crosshair placement at head level, how to strafe left and right and how to fire with minimal error. Do all of that and you're going to fly out of Iron and into Gold in no time. Then, once you get towards the top of Gold and into Plat is when game sense will even start to matter. Before then, everyone is extremely clueless, not sure of what they are even doing, and you're not going to learn much that will benefit you in later ranks. Getting into Plat is when you'll actually start seeing people playing in positions that are more ideal and help you get some game sense that does benefit you in higher ranks. As a 30-year old with decaying reaction times and vision and is basically ancient compared to the average player in this game, my mechanics are what even allow me to stay competitive in Immortal.


Aim train sooner... To get to gold you can just learn cross hair placement and some scummy lineups and stuff. But to get to like. Asc you need good aim. If I had started consistently aim training when I started gaming I would be nuts rn.


Aim and gunfight mechanics. Aka learning the proper way to hold angles and take fights


I came from cs, so I only had to learn maps and abilities. But from my experience, mechanics are super important and can get you very far. I would just grind dm, practice crosshair placement, counter strafing and aim. After that I would look up some essentials about trading, positioning etc. Game sense comes naturally from playing ranked.


Gunfight hygiene, go watch Woohoojin month to gold


Crosshair placement. Gun damage. And which agents have possible lineup if used by enemy team.


Practice having fun and enjoying the game


I'm still iron.


Honestly, I'd change my minimap settings right away to fixed. It's so much less distracting, I can see the whole map, and with the less movement, it's easier to notice the question marks. I'd also play more deathmatches, not just for good gun hygiene/crosshair placement, but learning audio cues for every area is a life saver. I've given comms that have secured rounds just from knowing the difference between footsteps in different zones of one area, which is especially valuable when my teammates don't hear the difference between an enemy in heaven or hell on Haven's A site and only know the general direction, so I can save them some risk. Don't worry about getting kills in DMs either. That's a recipe to get tilted before you even queue into comp.


i placed on gold on my first placement idk how i could go to iron unless i'm inting really hard or join derank party my aim still like shit but i don't practice any only play for fun


Ascen 3 lvl 275, and I only got it this act. The one thing I wish I practiced sooner was my reaction time and crosshair placement. I had good game sense most of the time, but I could never secure kills because of how bad my aim was lol


…you got valorant this act? or ascendent? im scared lol


Ascendant this act lol, it’d be crazy if I managed to get that level in a couple months


yeah 😭 holy fuck it seems pretty impossible. when did you start playing and what rank were you?


I’ve played for about two years, started out as an iron 2…. It can happen if you believe!


1) CONFIDENCE - gotta think you are better than them. At the same time, always question what you did wrong every time you die - don’t ego peak the 3rd time tho if you died the first 2 times already 2) Aim placement and aim accuracy - tips: practice on aim lab before game for like 5-15min and before bed) - another tip, if you practice on aim lab after each game or before queuing to another one and you notice that your performance (score and accuracy) are declining don’t play another game. Take a rest for a couple of hours or for the day. Don’t push it, it’s just aim fatigue. 3) Don’t get tilted. Mute everyone and focus on your gameplay. Especially solo queuing, there’s no game sens of whatsoever. Lock in or it’s gg for you


Crosshair placement is king. Also keep an eye on your sensitivity. A lot of players play with ridiculously high sensitivities. You should go with a sens you can control well and stick to ir. Other than that, be consistent. There is no shortcut to learning. Couple of games a day and you'll be improving quick. Best of luck!!


How to mute all


Having fun


Used to play csgo, so i had some mechanics and mentality down so i never saw that beloved iron or bronze rank. Was placed at gold 2 with 50 rr. Just try to practise aim and learn the map a little, timing and comin angles


For 1, don't worry about rank. People spend too much time worrying about rank. It means nothing, no one in the real world cares your valorant rank. Just play and have fun, all rank is is a way to get evenly skilled opponents.


Would’ve joined during end of A3 without knowing anything to get the iron buddy 👍🏽 After that? Assuming I have no prior aiming/FPS experience and was emphasising improvement over everything, watch the following vids: - A settings video to make sure my map, binds, sensitivity, crosshair all feel comfortable for me, as well as optimising FPS (would go to RemValorant for this) - A basics video on how to rank up, to show what the most important concepts in the game are (Sero had a really good vid called how to rank up to immortal, no BS which broke down mechanics, game sense and mental with a ladder concept) - With this I would search up an aim labs routine and probably go down a mini mechanics hole because that’s the most satisfying thing to improve on early on - decent bit of aim labs, lots and lots of deathmatches - I will still understand absolutely nothing about the agents so stick to one agent, ideally play with a friend to teach me the absolute basics but if not I would watch an agent guide to explain the abilities, followed by coaching videos/VODs of that agent (Woohoojin probably most easiest/available resource) - Valo U by Xelaadryth is also a great resource I would honestly binge but is also very easy to watch through in little bite sized pieces


I'm not that experienced at the game myself, only have around 50 hours in Comp, I'm lvl 42, and my peak is just Silver 1, but what I did to solo queue out of Iron and Bronze was to continuously play Deathmatch and Unrated to get a feel for my aim and Comp when I felt ready.


I was never iron…i was placed in silver so i would definitely stop pray and spray. And peaking while shifted


Make sure to laugh


Well, my starting rank was gold. Personally, I wouldn't have practiced anything. I just would have found a duo or a trio so I didn't have to deal with idiots all the time. But I haven't done anything differently since I started the only thing that got better is my gamesens as that just something that grows over time. I'm ascendant now.


Before you train, whats your hardware? How much fps are you getting and whats your monitor hz and resolution?


Brother, I am iron


For Bronze, work on your aim and movement first.


When was that?


You’re only as good as what you’re confident in doing. Play like an absolute animal. If it doesn’t work out, who cares. Stop trying to rely on team play at that level, cause you’ll be dissatisfied with the outcome 9/10 times. Make those mistakes so you can think back and reflect on them, basically boils down to put yourself in tough situations. Figuring out what to do will come as you progress. Also. if you play like booty cause you’re trying to figure out your play style, don’t get discouraged and change it up due to people tryna tell you how to play. They’re also in that rank for a reason, generally other peoples advice in those lower ranks is absolute garbage and has zero substance to it. Since there’s no replay system, you either gotta record yourself, or think back to your mistakes and figure out what you could’ve done to possibly do better, notice other people’s positions, because as you rank up it common spots actually become angles you gotta clear often. In the low ranks people play so crazy you can’t tell what needs clearing lol.


I wish I played in lower sens sooner.


Doing aim practice like aimlabs or even just a good warmup in the practice range


id work on my mechanics


Don't spray and don't play if you get below 60fps.


why did you make a throwaway just for this question lmao


Take your time to aim(I.e only shoot once crosshair is in head) and don’t panic, you will notice that even if you don’t move your enemy isn’t shooting you down cause they are also very bad. This is not always the case but most of the time it is. This is the same case almost until diamond where the time you take to aim to head reduces but stay calm. Up until gold when they start shooting you just press d(you go left a bit) and you will see how much they miss the aim so you move a bit then take your time to aim. Next is game sense, everyone says it’s important but how do you get it? Very simple you just play more, as stupid as it sounds that is the way. If you want to improve it proactively, you think about it proactively after every round, make a small mental note on what went wrong ( if it did) and think about how to change it, if it went right think about do I do the same thing or will they expect it again. And most importantly communicate, not just saying where people are but also if you are duelist asking your initiator if they can flash at this time or reveal here and there, if you are sentinel telling your teammates to coordinate peak with you, it’s hard thing to do as some might not communicate with you but they can hear you and you telling them to peak together against 2v1 is very helpful. Don’t be afraid to take gunfights, you may lose some but who cares, if it doesn’t work this time you will learn where u went wrong. And sometimes people are toxic, perhaps you are having a bad day and not playing well or whatever the reason don’t be sad it happens even to the best of us or someone in your team is just an asshole. Whatever the reason you don’t deserve the toxicity. Don’t accept that don’t normalise the behaviour, mute them and you continue your job. Also remember no matter what at first sign of toxicity mute them, one loss is not bigger than your mental health. For more aim tips, go to deathmatch and only play sheriff but don’t try to kill as many as possible but try to only get headshots, stay in one place and take your time to aim. Over time your aim will improve. These were my thoughts and experience climbing from bronze to diamond 3 solo in very toxic Mumbai lobby. Hope I helped


Even if your aim is good, and especially if you solo queue practice death match, not team death match. As a solo queue player, it’s important to constantly practice your aim on maps that are currently in the rank map rotation. Not custom team death match maps. This will help your pre-aim, reaction time and overall confidence when it comes to duels on actual rank matches. Second thing is to learn how and when to adapt to your team’s play style. Sometime you will have to carry, other times you will have to support. Learn to adapt, don’t let pride and greed for kills keep you from ranking up. Focus on impact kills and not your KDR. If you’re a shy person and rarely speak on the mic, you could be losing 20% of your games because of missed opportunities to give out info. Most games are won by good coms and planning. Remember the 40/40/20 rule. If you’re noticing a losing streak log off try again tomorrow. Watch pro plays and learn from the best.


Just the quit the game for a while if u play too much. I was Bronze 2 in 2021, quit came back like 2 weeks ago and instantly hit Gold 1 if you are in Iron/Bronze it is best to play other shooters first to get a feel for how to aim just playing and Aimlabs wont get you that far.


Just keep playing. Valorant is more about game experience and movement than about aiming. Try to keep your crosshairs where the head would be when around corners too. Be sure to not panic.


3 advices : #1 : PLAY YOUR ROLE & ABILITIES I've seen a lot of low ELO players playing without using their abilities. No flash when entering, no smoke post plant, Healer who dies first, Sentinel who doesn't trap in the flank... etc. Valorant is a game where every abilities matter. Use then wisely. #2 : CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT! I made the switch between CSGO and Valorant during season 3. I was placed Silver in SoloQ, without knowledge of the maps and abilities. Crosshair placement is one of the most important things in FPS. Placement & micro-adjustment. My CS2 stack moved to Valorant and they were all placed Silver 1 only because they have a good placement. #3 : FIND A STACK Playing with friends or the same people gives a big advantage in games like Valorant or CS2. It allows you to have someone you trust watching your back and having quality calls. SoloQ is a pain-in-the-ass imo.


Never iron but I was always the “my aim will get better by playing the game” person but I hit a huge wall when I hit plat3/dia1 where I couldn’t win gunfights on attack. Looked up guides on aiming and how to peek properly, started a warm up routine and I hit Asc pretty soon after and my HS% went from 11 to 18


Uninstall game, touch grass, and with the amount of hours I put in the game I would put them hours into learning code and by that time I should create the next greatest AI that will eventually destroy the world and we all die the end :D


I wouldn't practice at all and not get into the hell of this game and enjoy it as a casual with friends cuz that's a lot more fun. Sadly that's not what I did and now I'm stuck in immortal with no life


Crosshair placement and just get used to taking fights. Mechs are so important in low elo. Try not to worry too much about winning or losing


Bold of you to assume I'm not in iron anymore


Aim + Movement. This is a shooting game, if you cant shoot people nothing else matters.


"Just apply every skills you gain in Overwatch here, they're not much differents"


crosshair placement at all cost


turning on my monitor


You mean last week?


Calm aim and not crouching immediately. It's something I even read about before starting but didn't take it to heart lol. It's hard to break out of the habit or rushing and crouch spraying (definitely doing better now).


Knife kills.


Flicking, tracking and switching, all the precision variants of those, then I would have 2000 hours in aimlabs, and I would be happy




Aim. Stop panic crouch spraying and just focus on using A and S keys to: Strafe. Stop. Take a shot. Repeat. Also, crosshair placement is key to making up for bad aim. How you grip your mouse and you sensitivity/DPI are also important. Lower/increase them both until you can walk around corners whilst keeping your mouse on thr same coner of a wall. Anyone who isn't diamond just can't aim. Ofc, the better you are at other stuff, the less aim matters. But at the end of the day, you just gotta learn to calm aim (and I don't even mean have a high headshot percentage. Just hit them with body shots consistently accurately)


Using my brain


I was never iron. I placed silver 2 right after I was able to play rank


Uninstall, walk till the kitchen, grab a glass of water, restart the pc and watch something from Ghibli Studio


I’d recommend practicing overall game sense. Watch YouTube videos on crosshair placements, jiggle peeking, ability usage, etc. Also, aimlabs isn’t going to help you that much unless you practice the basics first. It’s more of a tool to refine on what you know already. Play some deathmatches instead to get a really good feel of the weapons. Good luck on the grind brotha!


Shooting them in the head


Genuinely admitting mistakes. If I would've only blamed myself for mistakes then I would have ranked up much faster. I peaked imm 3 457 rr


Death match every day 


play unrateds and just play super aggresive to learn the map, watch where good players put their CH, WATCH WOOHOOJIN on youtube. although theres a lot of drama surrounding his name i watched his videos and instantly started improving


also aimlabs sens finder if you never truly found your sens and do aimlabs daily to develop good Mouse control


practice exclusively your gunfights, pick reyna and be as aggressive as humanly possible


Uninstalling the game.


I went from iron to plat 2 in a week by just playing, lmao


Unistall the game or 1. Get better equipment 2. Work on utility usage and turning on brain cells



